Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override string GetPageHtml(HttpProcessor p, Session s)
            ItemTable <Configuration.User> tbl = new ItemTable <Configuration.User>("Users", "user", "name", TimelapseWrapper.cfg.users, TimelapseWrapper.cfg, ItemTableMode.Add, new ItemTableColumnDefinition <Configuration.User>[]
                new ItemTableColumnDefinition <Configuration.User>("Name", u => { return("<a href=\"javascript:EditItem('" + u.name + "')\">" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(u.name) + "</a>"); }),
                new ItemTableColumnDefinition <Configuration.User>("Permission", u => { return(u.permission.ToString()); }),
                new ItemTableColumnDefinition <Configuration.User>("Session Length (Minutes)", u => { return(u.sessionLengthMinutes.ToString()); })

Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override string GetPageHtml(HttpProcessor p, Session s)
            ItemTable <CameraSpec> tbl = new ItemTable <CameraSpec>("Cameras", "camera", "id", TimelapseWrapper.cfg.cameras, TimelapseWrapper.cfg, ItemTableMode.Add, new ItemTableColumnDefinition <CameraSpec>[]
                //new ItemTableColumnDefinition<CameraSpec>(" ", c => { return "<a href=\"../image/" + c.id + ".cam\"><img src=\"../image/" + c.id + ".jpg?maxwidth=40&maxheight=40&nocache=" + DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString() + "\" alt=\"[img]\" /></a>"; }),
                new ItemTableColumnDefinition <CameraSpec>("Link", c => { return(c.type == CameraType.ThirdPartyHosted
                                        ? (c.showOnAllPage ? "<a href=\"../all\">All</a>" : "<span style=\"color:Red\" title=\"This camera is not hosted by the Timelapse application and is not configured to appear on the all page.\">N/A</span>")
                                        : ("<a href=\"../../" + c.id + "\">Link</a>")); }),
                new ItemTableColumnDefinition <CameraSpec>("Name", c => { return("<a href=\"javascript:EditItem('" + c.id + "')\">" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(c.name) + "</a>"); }),
                new ItemTableColumnDefinition <CameraSpec>("ID", c => { return(c.id); }),
                new ItemTableColumnDefinition <CameraSpec>("Enabled", c => { return(c.enabled ? ("<span style=\"color:Green;\">Enabled</span>") : "<span style=\"color:Red;\">Disabled</span>"); }),
                new ItemTableColumnDefinition <CameraSpec>("<span title=\"Appears on 'all' page\">All</span>", c => { return(c.showOnAllPage ? ("<span style=\"color:Green;\">Yes</span>") : "<span style=\"color:Red;\">No</span>"); }),
                new ItemTableColumnDefinition <CameraSpec>("Type", c => { return(c.type.ToString()); }),
                new ItemTableColumnDefinition <CameraSpec>("FTP Directory", c => { return(c.type == CameraType.FTP ? c.path_imgdump : "N/A"); }),
                new ItemTableColumnDefinition <CameraSpec>("Order", c => { return("<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"$.post('reordercam', { dir: 'up', id: '" + c.id + "' }).done(function(){location.href=location.href;});\">Up</a><br/><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"$.post('reordercam', { dir: 'down', id: '" + c.id + "' }).done(function(){location.href=location.href;});\">Down</a>"); })
