GetHealthColor() public static method

public static GetHealthColor ( double percentage ) : Color
percentage double
return Color
Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

            float thickness = (float)SettingsManager.getSettingDouble("CurvedBarsFontSize");

            Rectangle rect = this.DisplayRectangle;

            rect.Y     -= (rect.Width - rect.Height) / 2;
            rect.Height = rect.Width;
            rect.Width -= (int)(thickness + 2);
            rect.X     += (int)(thickness / 2 + 1);

            using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black)) {
                pen.Width = thickness + 2;
                e.Graphics.DrawArc(pen, rect, 135, 90);
                e.Graphics.DrawArc(pen, rect, 45, -90);

                pen.Width = thickness;

                health = health.ClampPercentage();
                mana   = mana.ClampPercentage();

                pen.Color = StyleManager.GetHealthColor(health);
                e.Graphics.DrawArc(pen, rect, 135, 90 * health);

                pen.Color = StyleManager.ManaColor;
                e.Graphics.DrawArc(pen, rect, 45, -90 * mana);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void RefreshHUD(long min, long max, double percentage)
     if (displayText)
         if (statusType == StatusType.Experience)
             healthBarLabel.Text = String.Format("Lvl {0}: {1}%", MemoryReader.Level, (int)(percentage * 100));
             healthBarLabel.Text = String.Format("{0}/{1}", min, max);
         healthBarLabel.Text = "";
     healthBarLabel.percentage = percentage;
     if (statusType == StatusType.Health)
         healthBarLabel.BackColor = StyleManager.GetHealthColor(percentage);
     else if (statusType == StatusType.Mana)
         healthBarLabel.BackColor = StyleManager.ManaColor;
     else if (statusType == StatusType.Experience)
         healthBarLabel.BackColor = StyleManager.ExperienceColor;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void RefreshHUD(long value, long max)
            double percentage = ((double)value) / ((double)max);

            if (displayText)
                healthBarLabel.Text = String.Format("{0}/{1}", value, max);
                healthBarLabel.Text = "";

            healthBarLabel.percentage = percentage;
            healthBarLabel.Size       = this.Size;
            healthBarLabel.BackColor  = StyleManager.GetHealthColor(percentage);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void RefreshHUD()
            lock (players) {
                int playerIndex = 0;
                for (int index = 0; index < players.Count; index++)
                    PlayerEntry player = players[index];
                    if (player.playerid < 0)
                        player.playerid = MemoryReader.GetPlayerID(;
                    if (player.playerid >= 0)
                        if (player.healthBar == null)
                            int basePositionX = 0;
                            int basePositionY = playerIndex * playerBarHeight;
                            if (displayNames)
                                player.playerNameLabel           = new Label();
                                player.playerNameLabel.Text      =;
                                player.playerNameLabel.Location  = new Point(basePositionX, basePositionY);
                                player.playerNameLabel.Size      = new Size(this.Size.Width, healthBarHeight * 2 / 3);
                                player.playerNameLabel.ForeColor = StyleManager.MainFormButtonForeColor;
                                player.playerNameLabel.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
                                player.playerNameLabel.Font      = baseFont;
                                basePositionY += healthBarHeight * 2 / 3;
                            if (displayIcons && player.playerImage != null)
                                player.playerIconLabel           = new PictureBox();
                                player.playerIconLabel.Size      = new Size(healthBarHeight, healthBarHeight);
                                player.playerIconLabel.Location  = new Point(basePositionX, basePositionY);
                                player.playerIconLabel.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
                                player.playerIconLabel.SizeMode  = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
                                player.playerIconLabel.Image     = player.playerImage;
                                basePositionX += healthBarHeight;
                            player.healthBar            = new ProgressBarLabel();
                            player.healthBar.Location   = new Point(basePositionX, basePositionY);
                            player.healthBar.Size       = new Size(this.Size.Width - basePositionX, healthBarHeight);
                            player.healthBar.percentage = 100;
                            player.healthBar.Font       = baseFont;
                            player.healthBar.Text       = "";

                            for (int j = index + 1; j < players.Count; j++)
                                if (players[j].healthBar != null)
                                    players[j].healthBar.Location = new Point(players[j].healthBar.Location.X, players[j].healthBar.Location.Y + playerBarHeight);
                                if (players[j].playerIconLabel != null)
                                    players[j].playerIconLabel.Location = new Point(players[j].playerIconLabel.Location.X, players[j].playerIconLabel.Location.Y + playerBarHeight);
                                if (players[j].playerNameLabel != null)
                                    players[j].playerNameLabel.Location = new Point(players[j].playerNameLabel.Location.X, players[j].playerNameLabel.Location.Y + playerBarHeight);
                            this.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width, playerBarHeight * players.Count);
                        int percentage = MemoryReader.GetHealthPercentage(player.playerid, ref player.battlelistentry);
                        if (displayText)
                            player.healthBar.Text = String.Format("{0}%", percentage);
                        if (percentage <= 0)
                            player.playerid = -1;
                            if (player.healthBar != null)
                                player.healthBar = null;
                            if (player.playerNameLabel != null)
                                player.playerNameLabel = null;
                            if (player.playerIconLabel != null)
                                player.playerIconLabel = null;
                            for (int j = index + 1; j < players.Count; j++)
                                if (players[j].healthBar != null)
                                    players[j].healthBar.Location = new Point(players[j].healthBar.Location.X, players[j].healthBar.Location.Y - playerBarHeight);
                                if (players[j].playerIconLabel != null)
                                    players[j].playerIconLabel.Location = new Point(players[j].playerIconLabel.Location.X, players[j].playerIconLabel.Location.Y - playerBarHeight);
                                if (players[j].playerNameLabel != null)
                                    players[j].playerNameLabel.Location = new Point(players[j].playerNameLabel.Location.X, players[j].playerNameLabel.Location.Y - playerBarHeight);
                            player.healthBar.percentage = percentage / 100.0;
                            player.healthBar.BackColor  = StyleManager.GetHealthColor(percentage / 100.0);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void RefreshHUD(double lifePercentage, double manaPercentage)
            lifePercentage = lifePercentage.ClampPercentage();
            manaPercentage = manaPercentage.ClampPercentage();
            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(pictureBox.Size.Width, pictureBox.Size.Height);

            int width  = bitmap.Width;
            int height = bitmap.Height;

            using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) {
                // we set the interpolation mode to nearest neighbor because other interpolation modes modify the colors
                // which causes the transparency key to appear around the edges of the object

                Rectangle lifeRectangle = new Rectangle();
                lifeRectangle.X      = (int)(height * 0.7);
                lifeRectangle.Y      = (int)(height * 0.15) - 2;
                lifeRectangle.Width  = width - lifeRectangle.X;
                lifeRectangle.Height = (int)(height * 0.2) + 4;

                gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, lifeRectangle);
                lifeRectangle.Y      += 2;
                lifeRectangle.Height -= 4;
                lifeRectangle.Width   = (int)(lifeRectangle.Width * lifePercentage) - 2;
                using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(StyleManager.GetHealthColor(lifePercentage))) {
                    gr.FillRectangle(brush, lifeRectangle);

                Rectangle manaRectangle = new Rectangle();
                manaRectangle.X      = (int)(height * 0.7);
                manaRectangle.Y      = (int)(height * 0.15) - 2 + lifeRectangle.Height + 2;
                manaRectangle.Width  = (int)((width - lifeRectangle.X) * 0.95);
                manaRectangle.Height = (int)(height * 0.2) + 4;

                gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, manaRectangle);
                manaRectangle.Y      += 2;
                manaRectangle.Height -= 4;
                manaRectangle.Width   = (int)(manaRectangle.Width * manaPercentage) - 2;
                using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(StyleManager.ManaColor)) {
                    gr.FillRectangle(brush, manaRectangle);

                int backgroundSize       = (int)(height * backgroundScale / 100.0);
                int backgroundBaseOffset = (height - backgroundSize) / 2;
                int centerSize           = (int)(height * centerScale / 100.0);
                int centerBaseOffset     = (height - centerSize) / 2;

                SummaryForm.RenderImageResized(gr, backgroundImage, new Rectangle(backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.X, backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.Y, backgroundSize, backgroundSize));
                SummaryForm.RenderImageResized(gr, centerImage, new Rectangle(centerBaseOffset + centerOffset.X, centerBaseOffset + centerOffset.Y, centerSize, centerSize));

                Rectangle levelRect = new Rectangle((int)(height * 0.7), (int)(height * 0.6), (int)(height * 0.35), (int)(height * 0.35));
                using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(StyleManager.MainFormButtonColor)) {
                    gr.FillEllipse(brush, levelRect);
                using (Pen pen = new Pen(StyleManager.MainFormButtonForeColor, 2)) {
                    gr.DrawEllipse(pen, levelRect);
                using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(StyleManager.MainFormButtonForeColor)) {
                    string level = MemoryReader.Level.ToString();
                    gr.DrawString(level, StyleManager.MainFormLabelFont, brush, new PointF(height * (0.725f + (3 - level.Length) * 0.0375f), height * 0.7f));
            Image oldImage = pictureBox.Image;

            pictureBox.Image = bitmap;
            if (oldImage != null)
                lock (oldImage) {
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void RefreshHUD()
            float  life   = lifePercentage.ClampPercentage();
            float  mana   = manaPercentage.ClampPercentage();
            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(pictureBox.Size.Width, pictureBox.Size.Height);

            int width  = bitmap.Width;
            int height = bitmap.Height;

            using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) {
                // we set the interpolation mode to nearest neighbor because other interpolation modes modify the colors
                // which causes the transparency key to appear around the edges of the object

                Rectangle lifeRectangle = new Rectangle();
                lifeRectangle.X      = (int)(height * 0.7);
                lifeRectangle.Y      = (int)(height * 0.15) - 2;
                lifeRectangle.Width  = width - lifeRectangle.X;
                lifeRectangle.Height = (int)(height * 0.2) + 4;

                gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, lifeRectangle);
                lifeRectangle.Y      += 2;
                lifeRectangle.Height -= 4;
                lifeRectangle.Width   = (int)(lifeRectangle.Width * life) - 2;
                using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(StyleManager.GetHealthColor(life))) {
                    gr.FillRectangle(brush, lifeRectangle);

                Rectangle manaRectangle = new Rectangle();
                manaRectangle.X      = (int)(height * 0.7);
                manaRectangle.Y      = (int)(height * 0.15) - 2 + lifeRectangle.Height + 2;
                manaRectangle.Width  = (int)((width - lifeRectangle.X) * 0.95);
                manaRectangle.Height = (int)(height * 0.2) + 4;

                gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, manaRectangle);
                manaRectangle.Y      += 2;
                manaRectangle.Height -= 4;
                manaRectangle.Width   = (int)(manaRectangle.Width * mana) - 2;
                using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(StyleManager.ManaColor)) {
                    gr.FillRectangle(brush, manaRectangle);

                int backgroundSize       = (int)(height * backgroundScale / 100.0);
                int backgroundBaseOffset = (height - backgroundSize) / 2;
                int centerSize           = (int)(height * centerScale / 100.0);
                int centerBaseOffset     = (height - centerSize) / 2;

                using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(this.TransparencyKey)) {
                    gr.FillEllipse(brush, new Rectangle(backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.X, backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.Y, backgroundSize, backgroundSize));
                using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 5)) {
                    gr.DrawEllipse(pen, new Rectangle(backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.X, backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.Y, backgroundSize, backgroundSize));

                //SummaryForm.RenderImageResized(gr, backgroundImage, new Rectangle(backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.X, backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.Y, backgroundSize, backgroundSize));
                SummaryForm.RenderImageResized(gr, centerImage, new Rectangle(centerBaseOffset + centerOffset.X, centerBaseOffset + centerOffset.Y, centerSize, centerSize));
            Image oldImage = pictureBox.Image;

            pictureBox.Image = bitmap;
            if (oldImage != null)
                lock (oldImage) {