GenerateDamageInformation() public static method

public static GenerateDamageInformation ( DamageResult>.Dictionary dps, string filter, string target = null ) : Tuple,List>
dps DamageResult>.Dictionary
filter string
target string
return Tuple,List>
Exemplo n.º 1
        public void UpdateDamageForm()
            Hunt hunt = HuntManager.activeHunt;

            int minheight, maxheight;

            ClearControlList(damageControls, out minheight, out maxheight);
            int y = minheight;

            y = 30;
            foreach (Control c in lootControls.Count > 0 ? lootControls : summaryControls)
                y = Math.Max(c.Location.Y + c.Height, y);

            int maxDamage = SettingsManager.getSettingInt("SummaryMaxDamagePlayers");

            if (maxDamage < 0)
                maxDamage = 5;
            if (maxDamage > 0 && ScanningManager.lastResults != null)
                CreateHeaderLabel("Damage Dealt", x, ref y, damageControls);
                var dps         = ScanningManager.lastResults.DamagePerSecond;
                var damageDealt = DamageChart.GenerateDamageInformation(dps, "").Item2;
                for (int i = 0; i < damageDealt.Count; i++)
                    damageDealt[i].color = Constants.DamageChartColors[i % Constants.DamageChartColors.Count];
                int counter = 0;
                foreach (DamageObject obj in damageDealt)
                    CreateSummaryLabel(, String.Format("{0:0.0}%", obj.percentage), x, ref y, obj.color, damageControls);
                    if (++counter >= maxDamage)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static bool ExecuteCommand(string command, ParseMemoryResults parseMemoryResults = null)
            try {
                if (parseMemoryResults == null)
                    parseMemoryResults = ScanningManager.lastResults;
                string comp = command.Trim().ToLower();
                if (comp.StartsWith("creature" + Constants.CommandSymbol))   //creature@
                    string[] split     = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol);
                    string   parameter = split[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    Creature cr        = StorageManager.getCreature(parameter);
                    if (cr != null)
                        NotificationManager.ShowCreatureDrops(cr, command);
                        List <TibiaObject> creatures = StorageManager.searchCreature(parameter);
                        if (creatures.Count == 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowCreatureDrops(creatures[0].AsCreature(), command);
                        else if (creatures.Count > 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(creatures, "Creature List", command);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("look" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //look@
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    if (parameter == "on")
                        SettingsManager.setSetting("LookMode", "True");
                    else if (parameter == "off")
                        SettingsManager.setSetting("LookMode", "False");
                        List <string>      times = TimestampManager.getLatestTimes(5);
                        List <TibiaObject> items = new List <TibiaObject>();
                        foreach (string message in GlobalDataManager.GetLookInformation(times))
                            string itemName = Parser.parseLookItem(message).ToLower();
                            Item   item     = StorageManager.getItem(itemName);

                            if (item != null)
                                Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(itemName);
                                if (cr != null)
                        if (items.Count == 1)
                            if (items[0] is Item)
                                NotificationManager.ShowItemNotification("item" + Constants.CommandSymbol + items[0].GetName().ToLower());
                            else if (items[0] is Creature)
                                NotificationManager.ShowCreatureDrops(items[0].AsCreature(), command);
                        else if (items.Count > 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(items, "Looked At Items", command);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("stats" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //stats@
                    string   name = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    Creature cr   = StorageManager.getCreature(name);
                    if (cr != null)
                        NotificationManager.ShowCreatureStats(cr, command);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("close" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //close@
                                                                                 // close all notifications
                else if (comp.StartsWith("delete" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //delete@
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    int    killCount;
                    if (int.TryParse(parameter, out killCount))
                        Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(parameter);
                        if (cr != null)
                else if (comp.StartsWith("skin" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //skin@
                    string[] split     = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol);
                    string   parameter = split[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    int      count     = 1;
                    Creature cr        = StorageManager.getCreature(parameter);
                    if (cr != null)
                        if (split.Length > 2)
                            int.TryParse(split[2], out count);
                        HuntManager.InsertSkin(cr, count);
                        int.TryParse(parameter, out count);
                        // find creature with highest killcount with a skin and skin that
                        cr = HuntManager.GetHighestKillCreature(HuntManager.activeHunt);
                        if (cr != null)
                            HuntManager.InsertSkin(cr, count);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("city" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //city@
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    if (StorageManager.cityNameMap.ContainsKey(parameter))
                        City city = StorageManager.cityNameMap[parameter];
                        NotificationManager.ShowCityDisplayForm(city, command);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("damage" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //damage@
                    if (parseMemoryResults != null)
                        string[] splits          = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol);
                        string   screenshot_path = "";
                        string   parameter       = splits[1].Trim().ToLower();
                        if (parameter == "screenshot" && splits.Length > 2)
                            parameter       = "";
                            screenshot_path = splits[2];
                        NotificationManager.ShowDamageMeter(parseMemoryResults.damagePerSecond, command, parameter, screenshot_path);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("experience" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //experience@
                    if (parseMemoryResults != null)
                else if (comp.StartsWith("remindme" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //remindme@
                    string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol);
                    string   time = splits[1].ToLower().Replace(" ", "").Replace("\t", "").Replace("\n", "") + 's'; //remove all whitespace
                    int      timeInSeconds = 0;
                    int      startIndex = 0, endIndex = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < time.Length; i++)
                        if (time[i].isDigit())
                            endIndex = i + 1;
                        else if (endIndex > startIndex)
                            int value = int.Parse(time.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex));
                            if (time[i] == 'm')
                                value *= 60;
                            else if (time[i] == 'h')
                                value *= 3600;
                            timeInSeconds += value;
                            startIndex     = i + 1;
                            endIndex       = startIndex;
                            startIndex = i + 1;
                    if (timeInSeconds > 0)
                        Image iconImage = null;
                        if (splits.Length > 4)
                            string        icon    = splits[4];
                            TibiaObject[] objects = new TibiaObject[] { StorageManager.getItem(icon), StorageManager.getCreature(icon), StorageManager.getNPC(icon), StorageManager.getMount(icon), StorageManager.getSpell(icon), StorageManager.getOutfit(icon) };
                            foreach (var obj in objects)
                                if (obj != null)
                                    iconImage = obj.GetImage();
                                    if (iconImage != null)
                        string title   = splits.Length > 2 ? splits[2] : "Reminder!";
                        string message = splits.Length > 3 ? splits[3] : String.Format("Reminder from {0} seconds ago!", timeInSeconds);

                        const int notificationWarningTime = 5;

                        if (timeInSeconds <= notificationWarningTime)
                            PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(new SimpleTimerNotification(iconImage, title, message, timeInSeconds));
                            System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000 * (timeInSeconds - notificationWarningTime));
                            timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => {
                                timer.Enabled = false;

                                MainForm.mainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate {
                                    PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(new SimpleTimerNotification(iconImage, title, message, notificationWarningTime));
                            timer.Enabled = true;
                else if (comp.StartsWith("exp" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //exp@
                    string title = "Experience";
                    string text  = "Currently gaining " + (parseMemoryResults == null ? "unknown" : ((int)parseMemoryResults.expPerHour).ToString()) + " experience an hour.";
                    Image  image = StyleManager.GetImage("tibia.png");
                    if (!SettingsManager.getSettingBool("UseRichNotificationType"))
                        PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(title, text, image);
                        PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(new SimpleTextNotification(null, title, text));
                else if (comp.StartsWith("waste" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //waste@
                    NotificationManager.ShowWasteForm(HuntManager.activeHunt, command);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("summary" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //summary@
                else if (comp.StartsWith("loot" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //loot@
                    string[] splits          = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol);
                    string   screenshot_path = "";
                    string   parameter       = splits[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    if (parameter == "screenshot" && splits.Length > 2)
                        parameter       = "";
                        screenshot_path = splits[2];

                    Hunt currentHunt = HuntManager.activeHunt;
                    if (splits.Length >= 2 && splits[1] != "")
                        Hunt h = HuntManager.GetHunt(splits[1]);
                        if (h != null)
                            currentHunt = h;
                    // display loot notification
                    NotificationManager.ShowLootDrops(currentHunt, command, screenshot_path);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("clipboard" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //clipboard@
                // Copy loot message to the clipboard
                // clipboard@damage copies the damage information to the clipboard
                // clipboard@<creature> copies the loot of a specific creature to the clipboard
                // clipboard@ copies all loot to the clipboard
                    string   creatureName = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    Creature lootCreature = null;
                    if (creatureName == "damage" && parseMemoryResults != null)
                        var    damageInformation = DamageChart.GenerateDamageInformation(parseMemoryResults.damagePerSecond, "");
                        string damageString      = "Damage Dealt: ";
                        foreach (var damage in damageInformation)
                            damageString += String.Format("{0}: {1:N1}%; ",, damage.percentage);
                        Clipboard.SetText(damageString.Substring(0, damageString.Length - 2));
                    else if (creatureName != "")
                        lootCreature = StorageManager.getCreature(creatureName);

                    var tpl           = LootDropForm.GenerateLootInformation(HuntManager.activeHunt, "", lootCreature);
                    var creatureKills = tpl.Item1;
                    var itemDrops     = tpl.Item2;

                    string lootString = "";
                    if (creatureKills.Count == 1)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <Creature, int> kvp in creatureKills)
                            lootString = "Total Loot of " + kvp.Value.ToString() + " " + kvp.Key.GetName() + (kvp.Value > 1 ? "s" : "") + ": ";
                        int totalKills = 0;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <Creature, int> kvp in creatureKills)
                            totalKills += kvp.Value;
                        lootString = "Total Loot of " + totalKills + " Kills: ";
                    foreach (Tuple <Item, int> kvp in itemDrops)
                        lootString += kvp.Item2 + " " + kvp.Item1.displayname + (kvp.Item2 > 1 ? "s" : "") + ", ";
                    lootString = lootString.Substring(0, lootString.Length - 2) + ".";
                else if (comp.StartsWith("reset" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //reset@
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    int    time      = 0;
                    if (parameter == "old")
                    else if (int.TryParse(parameter, out time) && time > 0)
                        HuntManager.clearOldLog(HuntManager.activeHunt, time);
                        // reset@<hunt> resets the specified hunt
                        if (parameter.Length > 0 && HuntManager.resetHunt(parameter))
                            //reset@ deletes all loot from the currently active hunt
                    ReadMemoryManager.ignoreStamp = TimestampManager.createStamp();
                else if (comp.StartsWith("refresh" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //refresh@
                                                                                   // refresh: refresh duration on current form, or if no current form, repeat last command without removing it from stack

                /*if (tooltipForm != null && !tooltipForm.IsDisposed) {
                 *  try {
                 *      (tooltipForm as NotificationForm).ResetTimer();
                 *  } catch {
                 *  }
                 * } else if (command_stack.Count > 0) {*/
                else if (comp.StartsWith("switch" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //switch@
                                                                                  // switch: switch to hunt
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                else if (comp.StartsWith("item" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //item@
                                                                                //show the item with all the NPCs that sell it
                else if (comp.StartsWith("task" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //task@
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    if (StorageManager.taskList.Keys.Contains(parameter))
                        NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(StorageManager.taskList[parameter].ToList <TibiaObject>(), StorageManager.taskList[parameter][0].groupname, command);
                        int id = -1;
                        int.TryParse(parameter, out id);
                        List <TibiaObject> tasks = new List <TibiaObject>();
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Task> > kvp in StorageManager.taskList)
                            foreach (Task t in kvp.Value)
                                if (id >= 0 && == id)
                                    NotificationManager.ShowTaskNotification(t, command);
                                    if (t.GetName().Contains(parameter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        if (tasks.Count == 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowTaskNotification(tasks[0] as Task, command);
                            NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(tasks, String.Format("Tasks Containing \"{0}\"", parameter), command);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("category" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //category@
                                                                                    // list all items with the specified category
                    string             parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    List <TibiaObject> items     = StorageManager.getItemsByCategory(parameter);
                    if (items.Count == 1)
                        NotificationManager.ShowItemNotification("item" + Constants.CommandSymbol + items[0].GetName().ToLower());
                    else if (items.Count > 1)
                        NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(items, "Category: " + parameter, command, true);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("hunt" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //hunt@
                    string[] splits    = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol);
                    string   parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    int      page      = 0;
                    if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out page))
                    if (Constants.cities.Contains(parameter))
                        List <HuntingPlace> huntingPlaces = StorageManager.getHuntsInCity(parameter);
                        NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntingPlaces.ToList <TibiaObject>(), "Hunts in " + parameter, command);
                    HuntingPlace h = StorageManager.getHunt(parameter);
                    if (h != null)
                        NotificationManager.ShowHuntingPlace(h, command);
                    Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(parameter);
                    if (cr != null)
                        List <HuntingPlace> huntingPlaces = StorageManager.getHuntsForCreature(;
                        NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntingPlaces.ToList <TibiaObject>(), "Hunts containing creature " + parameter.ToTitle(), command);
                    int minlevel = -1, maxlevel = -1;
                    int level;
                    if (int.TryParse(parameter, out level))
                        minlevel = (int)(level * 0.8);
                        maxlevel = (int)(level * 1.2);
                    else if (parameter.Contains('-'))
                        string[] split = parameter.Split('-');
                        int.TryParse(split[0].Trim(), out minlevel);
                        int.TryParse(split[1].Trim(), out maxlevel);
                    if (minlevel >= 0 && maxlevel >= 0)
                        List <HuntingPlace> huntingPlaces = StorageManager.getHuntsForLevels(minlevel, maxlevel);
                        huntingPlaces = huntingPlaces.OrderBy(o => o.level).ToList();
                        NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntingPlaces.ToList <TibiaObject>(), "Hunts between levels " + minlevel.ToString() + "-" + maxlevel.ToString(), command);
                        string title;
                        List <HuntingPlace> huntList = StorageManager.searchHunt(parameter);
                        title = "Hunts Containing \"" + parameter + "\"";
                        if (huntList.Count == 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowHuntingPlace(huntList[0], command);
                        else if (huntList.Count > 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntList.ToList <TibiaObject>(), title, command);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("npc" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     //npc@
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    NPC    npc       = StorageManager.getNPC(parameter);
                    if (npc != null)
                        NotificationManager.ShowNPCForm(npc, command);
                    else if (Constants.cities.Contains(parameter))
                        NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(StorageManager.getNPCWithCity(parameter), "NPC List", command);
                        NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(StorageManager.searchNPC(parameter), "NPC List", command);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("savelog" + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                    HuntManager.SaveLog(HuntManager.activeHunt, command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().Replace("'", "\\'"));
                else if (comp.StartsWith("loadlog" + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                    HuntManager.LoadLog(HuntManager.activeHunt, command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().Replace("'", "\\'"));
                else if (comp.StartsWith("setdiscardgoldratio" + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                    double val;
                    if (double.TryParse(command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim(), out val))
                else if (comp.StartsWith("wiki" + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim();
                    string response  = "";
                    using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) {
                        response = client.DownloadString(String.Format("{0}&limit=1&minArticleQuality=10&batch=1&namespaces=0", parameter));
                    Regex regex = new Regex("\"url\":\"([^\"]+)\"");
                    Match m     = regex.Match(response);
                    var   gr    = m.Groups[1];
                    MainForm.OpenUrl(gr.Value.Replace("\\/", "/"));
                else if (comp.StartsWith("char" + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim();
                    MainForm.OpenUrl("" + parameter);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("setconvertgoldratio" + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                    string   parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim();
                    string[] split     = parameter.Split('-');
                    if (split.Length < 2)
                    int stackable = 0;
                    if (split[0] == "1")
                        stackable = 1;
                    double val;
                    if (double.TryParse(split[1], out val))
                        StorageManager.setConvertRatio(val, stackable == 1);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("recent" + Constants.CommandSymbol) || comp.StartsWith("url" + Constants.CommandSymbol) || comp.StartsWith("last" + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                    bool   url       = comp.StartsWith("url" + Constants.CommandSymbol);
                    int    type      = url ? 1 : 0;
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    if (comp.StartsWith("last" + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                        parameter = "1";
                    List <Command> command_list = GlobalDataManager.GetRecentCommands(type).Select(o => new Command()
                        player = o.Item1, command = o.Item2
                    int number;
                    //recent@<number> opens the last <number> command, so recent@1 opens the last command
                    if (int.TryParse(parameter, out number))
                        if (number > 0 && number <= command_list.Count)
                            ListNotification.OpenCommand(command_list[number - 1].command, type);;
                        //recent@<player> opens the last
                        bool found = false;
                        foreach (Command comm in command_list)
                            if (comm.player.ToLower() == parameter)
                                ListNotification.OpenCommand(command_list[number].command, type);
                                found = true;
                        if (found)
                    NotificationManager.ShowListNotification(command_list, type, command);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("spell" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     // spell@
                    string[] splits          = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol);
                    string   parameter       = splits[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    int      initialVocation = -1;
                    if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out initialVocation))
                    Spell spell = StorageManager.getSpell(parameter);
                    if (spell != null)
                        NotificationManager.ShowSpellNotification(spell, initialVocation, command);
                        List <TibiaObject> spellList = new List <TibiaObject>();
                        string             title;
                        if (Constants.vocations.Contains(parameter))
                            spellList = StorageManager.getSpellsForVocation(parameter);
                            title     = parameter.ToTitle() + " Spells";
                            spellList = StorageManager.searchSpell(parameter);
                            if (spellList.Count == 0)
                                spellList = StorageManager.searchSpellWords(parameter);
                            title = "Spells Containing \"" + parameter + "\"";
                        if (spellList.Count == 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowSpellNotification(spellList[0].AsSpell(), initialVocation, command);
                        else if (spellList.Count > 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(spellList, title, command);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("outfit" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     // outfit@
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    Outfit outfit    = StorageManager.getOutfit(parameter);
                    if (outfit != null)
                        NotificationManager.ShowOutfitNotification(outfit, command);
                        string             title;
                        List <TibiaObject> outfitList = StorageManager.searchOutfit(parameter);
                        title = "Outfits Containing \"" + parameter + "\"";
                        if (outfitList.Count == 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowOutfitNotification(outfitList[0].AsOutfit(), command);
                        else if (outfitList.Count > 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(outfitList, title, command);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("quest" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     // quest@
                    string[] splits    = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol);
                    string   parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    int      page      = 0;
                    if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out page))
                    List <Quest> questList = new List <Quest>();
                    if (StorageManager.questNameMap.ContainsKey(parameter))
                        NotificationManager.ShowQuestNotification(StorageManager.questNameMap[parameter], command);
                        string title;
                        if (Constants.cities.Contains(parameter))
                            title = "Quests In " + parameter;
                            foreach (Quest q in StorageManager.questIdMap.Values)
                                if ( == parameter)
                            title = "Quests Containing \"" + parameter + "\"";
                            string[] splitStrings = parameter.Split(' ');
                            foreach (Quest quest in StorageManager.questIdMap.Values)
                                bool found = true;
                                foreach (string str in splitStrings)
                                    if (!, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                        found = false;
                                if (found)
                        if (questList.Count == 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowQuestNotification(questList[0], command);
                        else if (questList.Count > 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(questList.ToList <TibiaObject>(), title, command);
                            //ShowQuestList(questList, title, command, page);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("guide" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     // guide@
                    string[] splits    = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol);
                    string   parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    int      page      = 0;
                    string   mission   = "";
                    if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out page))
                    if (splits.Length > 3)
                        mission = splits[3];
                    List <Quest> questList = new List <Quest>();
                    if (StorageManager.questNameMap.ContainsKey(parameter))
                        NotificationManager.ShowQuestGuideNotification(StorageManager.questNameMap[parameter], command, page, mission);
                        string title;
                        foreach (Quest quest in StorageManager.questIdMap.Values)
                            if (, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        title = "Quests Containing \"" + parameter + "\"";
                        if (questList.Count == 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowQuestGuideNotification(questList[0], command, page, mission);
                        else if (questList.Count > 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(questList.ToList <TibiaObject>(), title, command);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("direction" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     // direction@
                    string[] splits    = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol);
                    string   parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    int      page      = 0;
                    if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out page))
                    List <HuntingPlace> huntList = new List <HuntingPlace>();
                    HuntingPlace        h        = StorageManager.getHunt(parameter);
                    if (h != null)
                        NotificationManager.ShowHuntGuideNotification(h, command, page);
                        string title;
                        huntList = StorageManager.searchHunt(parameter);
                        title    = "Hunts Containing \"" + parameter + "\"";
                        if (huntList.Count == 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowHuntGuideNotification(huntList[0], command, page);
                        else if (huntList.Count > 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntList.ToList <TibiaObject>(), title, command);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("mount" + Constants.CommandSymbol))     // mount@
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    Mount  m         = StorageManager.getMount(parameter);
                    if (m != null)
                        NotificationManager.ShowMountNotification(m, command);
                        string             title;
                        List <TibiaObject> mountList = StorageManager.searchMount(parameter);
                        title = "Mounts Containing \"" + parameter + "\"";
                        if (mountList.Count == 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowMountNotification(mountList[0].AsMount(), command);
                        else if (mountList.Count > 1)
                            NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(mountList, title, command);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("pickup" + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    Item   item      = StorageManager.getItem(parameter);
                    if (item != null)
                        StorageManager.setItemDiscard(item, false);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("nopickup" + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    Item   item      = StorageManager.getItem(parameter);
                    if (item != null)
                        StorageManager.setItemDiscard(item, true);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("convert" + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    Item   item      = StorageManager.getItem(parameter);
                    if (item != null)
                        StorageManager.setItemConvert(item, true);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("noconvert" + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                    Item   item      = StorageManager.getItem(parameter);
                    if (item != null)
                        StorageManager.setItemConvert(item, false);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("setval" + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                    string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim();
                    if (!parameter.Contains('='))
                    string[] split = parameter.Split('=');
                    string   item  = split[0].Trim().ToLower().Replace("'", "\\'");
                    long     value = 0;
                    if (long.TryParse(split[1].Trim(), out value))
                        Item it = StorageManager.getItem(split[0]);
                        if (it != null)
                            StorageManager.setItemValue(it, value);
                else if (comp.StartsWith("screenshot" + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                    ScreenshotManager.saveScreenshot("Screenshot", ScreenshotManager.takeScreenshot());
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (string city in Constants.cities)
                        if (comp.StartsWith(city + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                            string itemName = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower();
                            Item   item     = StorageManager.getItem(itemName);
                            if (item != null)
                                NPC npc = StorageManager.getNPCSellingItemInCity(, city);
                                if (npc != null)
                                    NotificationManager.ShowNPCForm(npc, command);
                                Spell spell = StorageManager.getSpell(itemName);
                                if (spell != null)
                                    NPC npc = StorageManager.getNPCTeachingSpellInCity(, city);
                                    if (npc != null)
                                        NotificationManager.ShowNPCForm(npc, command);

                            found = true;
                    // else try custom commands
                    foreach (SystemCommand c in MainForm.mainForm.GetCustomCommands())
                        if (c.tibialyzer_command.Trim().Length > 0 && comp.StartsWith(c.tibialyzer_command + Constants.CommandSymbol))
                            string[] parameters           = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol);
                            string   systemCallParameters = c.parameters;
                            int      i = 0;
                            while (true)
                                if (systemCallParameters.Contains("{" + i.ToString() + "}"))
                                    systemCallParameters = systemCallParameters.Replace("{" + i.ToString() + "}", parameters.Length > i + 1 ? parameters[i + 1].Trim() : "");
                            ProcessStartInfo procStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(c.command, systemCallParameters);

                            procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;

                            // Do not show the cmd window to the user.
                            procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
                            procStartInfo.WindowStyle    = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
                    if (found)
                    //if we get here we didn't find any command
            } catch (Exception e) {
                MainForm.mainForm.DisplayWarning(String.Format("Tibialyzer Exception While Processing Command \"{0}\".\nMessage: {1} ", command, e.Message));