Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <RssEpisode> FinishedEpisodeAsync(RssEpisode episode)
            RssEpisode returnEpisode = null;

                //get episode to update
                var playerEpisode = PodcastPlayer.Instance.Episode;
                if (playerEpisode == null)
                    playerEpisode = episode;
                //update icon on item - updates screen
                if (playerEpisode.IsPlaying != IsPlayingEnum.Finished) //episode is already updated, skip this step
                    SetEpisodeToFinished(ref playerEpisode);
                    //save episode - updates db
                    var result = await DataStore.SaveEpisodeItemAsync(playerEpisode);

                    if (result == 0)
                        Debug.WriteLine("RssEpisodeListViewModel.FinishedEpisodeAsync Could Not update RssEpisode with Finished");
                returnEpisode = playerEpisode;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //could not delete item
                Debug.WriteLine("RssEpisodeListViewModel.FinishedEpisodeAsync Could not Finish Podcast File " + ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <RssEpisode> PauseEpisodeAsync(RssEpisode episode)
            RssEpisode returnEpisode = null;

                if (PodcastPlayer.Instance.IsPlaying)
                    //player pause
                    //get episode to update
                    episode = PodcastPlayer.Instance.Episode;
                    //update icon on item - updates screen
                    SetEpisodeToPause(ref episode);
                    //broadcast to other viewmodels
                    var pauseMessage = new UpdateEpisodeMessage {
                        RssEpisode = episode
                    MessagingCenter.Send(pauseMessage, "StopEpisodePlaying");
                    //update current position
                    episode.CurrentPosition = PodcastPlayer.Instance.CurrentPosition;
                    //save episode - updates db
                    var result = await DataStore.SaveEpisodeItemAsync(episode);

                    if (result == 0)
                        Debug.WriteLine("RssEpisodeListViewModel.ExecutePauseCommandAsync Could Not update RssEpisode with start playing");
                    returnEpisode = episode;
                    Debug.WriteLine("RssEpisodeListViewModel.ExecutePauseCommandAsync player is not playing ");
                    //get episode to update
                    var playerEpisode = PodcastPlayer.Instance.Episode;
                    if (playerEpisode == null)
                        playerEpisode = episode;
                    //update icon on item - updates screen
                    SetEpisodeToPause(ref playerEpisode);
                    //save episode - updates db
                    var result = await DataStore.SaveEpisodeItemAsync(playerEpisode);

                    if (result == 0)
                        Debug.WriteLine("RssEpisodeListViewModel.ExecutePauseCommandAsync Could Not update RssEpisode with start playing");
                    returnEpisode = playerEpisode;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //could not delete item
                Debug.WriteLine("RssEpisodeListViewModel.ExecutePauseCommandAsync Could not Pause Podcast File " + ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void UpdateRssEpisodeWithFileInfo(ref RssEpisode episode)
            episode.PodcastFileName = Path.GetFileName(episode.EnclosureLink);
            var filePath = FileHelper.GetPodcastPath(episode.PodcastFileName);

            System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(filePath);
            if (fileInfo != null)
                episode.PodcastFileSize = fileInfo.Length;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <RssEpisode> PlayEpisodeAsync(RssEpisode episode)
                if (episode != null && episode.Id != null)
                    if (PodcastPlayer.Instance.IsPlaying)
                    {                                                       //save the current play position of the other episode then start playing this episode
                        //pause other episode
                        var playerEpisode = PodcastPlayer.Instance.Episode; //if player is playing this should never be null
                        await PauseEpisodeAsync(playerEpisode);             //pause the other episode

                        //play this episode
                        await PlayEpisodeAsync(episode);
                        //update icon on item - updates screen
                        SetEpisodeToPlaying(ref episode);
                        //broadcast to other viewmodels
                        var startMessage = new UpdateEpisodeMessage {
                            RssEpisode = episode
                        MessagingCenter.Send(startMessage, "StartEpisodePlaying");
                        //save episode - updates db
                        var result = await DataStore.SaveEpisodeItemAsync(episode);

                        if (result == 0)
                            Debug.WriteLine("RssEpisodeListViewModel.ExecutePlayCommandAsync Could Not update RssEpisode with start playing");
                        //player load episode
                        PodcastPlayer.Instance.Episode = episode;
                        //update current position
                        if (episode.CurrentPosition > 0)
                            PodcastPlayer.Instance.CurrentPosition = episode.CurrentPosition;
                        //player play
                    Debug.WriteLine("RssEpisodeListViewModel.ExecutePlayCommandAsync episode or episode id was null ");
            catch (Exception ex)
                //could not delete item
                Debug.WriteLine("RssEpisodeListViewModel.ExecutePlayCommandAsync Could not Play Podcast File " + ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 5
        //******************************** Static Functions **************************************
        public static List <RssEpisode> GetRssEpisodesFromXDoc(XDocument doc, int feedItemId)
        {   //used in AddFeedItem and RefreshEpisodes
            var episodes = new List <RssEpisode>();

                foreach (var channel in doc.Descendants("channel"))
                    foreach (var item in channel.Descendants("item"))
                        var imageLink       = RssFeedHelper.GetITunesImageUriFromXElement(item);
                        var imageFileName   = Path.GetFileName(imageLink);
                        var podcastLink     = RssFeedHelper.GetEnclosureUriFromXElement(item.Element("enclosure"));
                        var podcastFileName = Path.GetFileName(podcastLink);
                        var episode         = new RssEpisode
                            FeedItemId            = feedItemId,
                            Author                = RssFeedHelper.ConvertXElementToString(item.Element("author")),
                            Description           = RssFeedHelper.ConvertXElementToString(item.Element("description")),
                            PubDate               = RssFeedHelper.ConvertXElementToDateTime(item.Element("pubDate")),
                            Title                 = RssFeedHelper.ConvertXElementToString(item.Element("title")),
                            LinkUrl               = RssFeedHelper.ConvertXElementToString(item.Element("link")),
                            ImageLink             = imageLink,
                            ImageFileName         = imageFileName,
                            EnclosureLink         = podcastLink,
                            PodcastFileName       = podcastFileName,
                            IsDownloaded          = IsDownloadedEnum.NotDownloaded,
                            CurrentPosition       = 0,
                            Duration              = 0, //reset to correct size when downloaded
                            PodcastFileSize       = 0, //reset to correct size when downloaded
                            IsPlaying             = IsPlayingEnum.NotStarted,
                            PlayPauseDownloadIcon = IconFont.FileDownload
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("GetRssEpisodesFromXDoc Error " + ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 6
        //******************************** Regular Functions **************************************
        public async Task <RssEpisode> DeletePodcastFile(RssEpisode episode, bool doPublish = false)
        {   //Takes in and episode, modifies it, saves it, and returns the episode
            var returnEpisode = episode;

                if (episode.IsDownloaded == IsDownloadedEnum.Downloaded)
                    //delete podcast file
                    var podcastFilePath = FileHelper.GetPodcastPath(episode.PodcastFileName);
                    var result          = FileHelper.DeletePodcastFile(podcastFilePath);
                    if (result)
                        episode.IsDownloaded          = IsDownloadedEnum.NotDownloaded;
                        episode.PlayPauseDownloadIcon = IconFont.FileDownload;
                        episode.PodcastFileSize       = 0;
                        episode.Duration        = 0;
                        episode.CurrentPosition = 0;
                        //save download status to the database
                        var resultSave = await DataStore.SaveEpisodeItemAsync(episode, doPublish); //returns the number of items changed

                        if (resultSave == 0)
                            Debug.WriteLine("RssEpisodeManager.DeletePodcastFile Could not Update episode");
                        Debug.WriteLine("RssEpisodeManager.DeletePodcastFile Could not Delete Podcast File");
                    returnEpisode = episode;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //could not delete item
                Debug.WriteLine("RssEpisodeManager.DeletePodcastFile Could not Delete Podcast File " + ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static void SetEpisodeToFinished(ref RssEpisode episode)
     episode.PlayPauseDownloadIcon = IconFont.Checked;
     episode.IsPlaying             = IsPlayingEnum.Finished;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static void SetEpisodeToPause(ref RssEpisode episode)
     episode.PlayPauseDownloadIcon = IconFont.PlayArrow;
     episode.IsPlaying             = IsPlayingEnum.Started;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static void SetEpisodeToPlaying(ref RssEpisode episode)
     episode.PlayPauseDownloadIcon = IconFont.Pause;
     episode.IsPlaying             = IsPlayingEnum.IsPlaying;