Exemplo n.º 1
        private bool SelfCheckIndexNode(byte[] buffer, int offset, Bitmap bitmap, IndexRoot root, string fileName, string indexName)
            bool ok = true;

            IndexHeader header = new IndexHeader(buffer, offset);

            IndexEntry lastEntry = null;

            IComparer <byte[]> collator = root.GetCollator(_context.UpperCase);

            int pos = (int)header.OffsetToFirstEntry;

            while (pos < header.TotalSizeOfEntries)
                IndexEntry entry = new IndexEntry(indexName == "$I30");
                entry.Read(buffer, offset + pos);
                pos += entry.Size;

                if ((entry.Flags & IndexEntryFlags.Node) != 0)
                    long bitmapIdx = entry.ChildrenVirtualCluster / Utilities.Ceil(root.IndexAllocationSize, _context.BiosParameterBlock.SectorsPerCluster * _context.BiosParameterBlock.BytesPerSector);
                    if (!bitmap.IsPresent(bitmapIdx))
                        ReportError("Index entry {0} is non-leaf, but child vcn {1} is not in bitmap at index {2}", Index.EntryAsString(entry, fileName, indexName), entry.ChildrenVirtualCluster, bitmapIdx);

                if ((entry.Flags & IndexEntryFlags.End) != 0)
                    if (pos != header.TotalSizeOfEntries)
                        ReportError("Found END index entry {0}, but not at end of node", Index.EntryAsString(entry, fileName, indexName));
                        ok = false;

                if (lastEntry != null && collator.Compare(lastEntry.KeyBuffer, entry.KeyBuffer) >= 0)
                    ReportError("Found entries out of order {0} was before {1}", Index.EntryAsString(lastEntry, fileName, indexName), Index.EntryAsString(entry, fileName, indexName));
                    ok = false;

                lastEntry = entry;
