private static GraphicalMazePixel FindStartPixel(GraphicalMaze maze)
            var startingY = 0;
            var endingY   = maze.Height;
            var startingX = 0;
            var endingX   = maze.Width;

            // Spiral iterate, since the start point is most likely on the outside of the maze
            while (startingY < endingY && startingX < endingX)
                // Iterate over the first row from the remaining rows
                for (var x = startingX; x < endingX; x++)
                    if (maze.GetPixel(x, startingY).IsColor(maze.StartColor))
                        return(maze.GetPixel(x, startingY));

                // Iterate over the last column from the remaining columns
                for (var y = startingY; y < endingY; y++)
                    if (maze.GetPixel(endingX - 1, y).IsColor(maze.StartColor))
                        return(maze.GetPixel(endingX - 1, y));

                // Iterate over the last row from the remaining rows
                for (var x = startingX; x < endingX; x++)
                    if (maze.GetPixel(x, endingY - 1).IsColor(maze.StartColor))
                        return(maze.GetPixel(x, endingY - 1));

                // Iterate over the first column from the remaining columns
                for (var y = startingY; y < endingY; y++)
                    if (maze.GetPixel(startingX, y).IsColor(maze.StartColor))
                        return(maze.GetPixel(startingX, y));

        public Image GenerateSolution(GraphicalMaze maze)
            // Find start and end pixels
            Point startPoint = null;
            Point endPoint   = null;

            for (var y = 0; y < maze.Height; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < maze.Width; x++)
                    var pixel = maze.GetPixel(x, y);
                    if (pixel.IsColor(maze.StartColor))
                        startPoint = pixel;
                    else if (pixel.IsColor(maze.FinishColor))
                        endPoint = pixel;

            if (startPoint == null || endPoint == null)
                return(null); // No start or end points found

            // Run best first search
            var path = BestFirstSearch(maze, startPoint, endPoint);

            if (path == null)
                return(null);              // No solution found
            var solutionImage = new Bitmap(maze.MazeImage);

            foreach (var point in path)
                solutionImage.SetPixel(point.X, point.Y, maze.SolutionColor);

            solutionImage.SetPixel(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, maze.StartColor); // Reapply start pixel color
        private static Tuple <GraphicalMazePixel, Direction, Direction> FollowWall(GraphicalMaze maze,
                                                                                   Point currentPoint, Direction travelDirection, Direction wallDirection)
            // Left-hand rule conditions only
            while (maze.GetPixel(currentPoint, travelDirection).IsColor(maze.WallColor))
                // Turn at interior corners
                switch (wallDirection)
                case Direction.Up:
                    travelDirection = Direction.Down;
                    wallDirection   = Direction.Right;

                case Direction.Right:
                    travelDirection = Direction.Left;
                    wallDirection   = Direction.Down;

                case Direction.Down:
                    travelDirection = Direction.Up;
                    wallDirection   = Direction.Left;

                case Direction.Left:
                    travelDirection = Direction.Right;
                    wallDirection   = Direction.Up;

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(wallDirection), wallDirection, null);

            var nextPixel = maze.GetPixel(currentPoint, travelDirection);

            // Wrap-around if moving away from a wall
            switch (travelDirection)
            case Direction.Up:
                if (!maze.GetPixel(nextPixel, Direction.Left).IsColor(maze.WallColor))
                    travelDirection = Direction.Left;
                    wallDirection   = Direction.Down;

            case Direction.Right:
                if (!maze.GetPixel(nextPixel, Direction.Up).IsColor(maze.WallColor))
                    travelDirection = Direction.Up;
                    wallDirection   = Direction.Left;

            case Direction.Down:
                if (!maze.GetPixel(nextPixel, Direction.Right).IsColor(maze.WallColor))
                    travelDirection = Direction.Right;
                    wallDirection   = Direction.Up;

            case Direction.Left:
                if (!maze.GetPixel(nextPixel, Direction.Down).IsColor(maze.WallColor))
                    travelDirection = Direction.Down;
                    wallDirection   = Direction.Right;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(travelDirection), travelDirection, null);

            return(new Tuple <GraphicalMazePixel, Direction, Direction>(nextPixel, travelDirection, wallDirection));