public override string getFunctionBody(BaseNode.NodeInput nodeInput)
            var         node    = nodeInput.inputNode;
            RecolorNode recolor = (RecolorNode)node;

            string shaderStr =
                "   float3 inC = input1.rgb;\n" +
                "   float numSlices = 62.0;\n" +
                "       float slicePixels = 64.0;\n" +
                "       float sliceSize = 1.0 / numSlices;              // space of 1 slice\n" +
                "       float slicePixelSize = sliceSize / slicePixels; // space of 1 pixel\n" +
                "       float sliceInnerSize = slicePixelSize * (slicePixels - 1.0); //space of size pixels\n" +
                "       float zSlice0 = min(floor(inC.b * numSlices), numSlices - 1.0);\n" +
                "       float xOffset = slicePixelSize * 0.5 + inC.r * sliceInnerSize;\n" +
                "       float s0 = xOffset + (zSlice0 * sliceSize);\n" +

                "   float2 mapUV;\n" +
                "   mapUV.x = s0;\n" +
                "   mapUV.y = inC.g;// (inC.g * (62.0/64.0)) + (1.0/64.0);\n" +

                "   float4 col1 = tex2D(mapTexture" + node.getNodeID() + ", mapUV);\n";

            if (recolor.InterpolateSliceSamples)
                shaderStr +=
                    "   float zSlice1 = min(zSlice0 + 1.0, numSlices - 1.0);\n" +
                    "   float s1 = xOffset + (zSlice1 * sliceSize);\n" +
                    "   float fr = frac(inC.b * numSlices);\n" +

                    "   mapUV.x = s1;\n" +
                    "   float4 col2 = tex2D(mapTexture" + node.getNodeID() + ", mapUV);\n" +
                    "   float4 c = lerp(col1, col2, fr);\n" +
                    "   return c;\n";
                shaderStr += "   return col1;\n";

Exemplo n.º 2
        public override List <string> generateAssets(BaseNode node)
            RecolorNode recolor = (RecolorNode)node;

            int   dim3D      = 62;
            int   dim2D      = dim3D + 2;
            float oneOverDim = 1.0f / (float)(dim3D - 1);

            //when unrolling to the 2d array we will pad 1 pixel around each 3d dim3D*dim3D "layer"
            // .. so the 2d texture is (dim3D+2)*((dim3D+2)*(dim3D+2))

            var colorArray3D = new Color[dim3D, dim3D, dim3D];

            //precalculate the x,y,z position of each input color
            List <Vector3> mapColorPositions = new List <Vector3>();

            foreach (var mapping in recolor.colorRemapping)
                var inC = mapping.InColor;
                var pos = new Vector3();
                pos.x = inC.r / oneOverDim;
                pos.y = inC.g / oneOverDim;
                pos.z = inC.b / oneOverDim;

            for (int x = 0; x < dim3D; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < dim3D; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < dim3D; z++)
                        Vector3 pixelPos = new Vector3(x, y, z);

                        //calculate RGB at this position
                        //use Vector3 so we can interpolate without Color clamping us to 0..255 or anything
                        Vector3 cVec = new Vector3(
                            x * oneOverDim,
                            y * oneOverDim,
                            z * oneOverDim

                        //calculate alpha value at this position for each color mapping
                        for (int mapIndex = 0; mapIndex < recolor.colorRemapping.Count; mapIndex++)
                            var mapping     = recolor.colorRemapping[mapIndex];
                            var mapColor    = mapping.OutColor;
                            var mapColorVec = new Vector3(mapColor.r, mapColor.g, mapColor.b);

                            var colorPos = mapColorPositions[mapIndex];
                            //"alpha" in the mapping is a measure of how wide an effect this mapping has
                            //0 - replace this exact mapping and nothing else
                            //1 - has an influence over the entire color cube

                            //at each pixel calculate an offset
                            Vector3 colorOffset = colorPos - pixelPos;

                            //multiply offset by alpha
                            float alphaT = Mathf.Clamp01(colorOffset.magnitude * oneOverDim);
                            float alpha  = mapping.AlphaCurve.Evaluate(alphaT);

                            if (alpha > 0.0f)
                                //use to lerp the colors
                                cVec = Vector3.Lerp(cVec, mapColorVec, alpha);

                        //write out to 3d array
                        Color c = new Color(cVec.x, cVec.y, cVec.z, 1.0f);
                        colorArray3D[x, y, z] = c;
                    } //z
                }     //y
            }         //x

            //make sure even for mappings with alpha of 0 we at least poke a single value in at full strength at the closest position
            for (int mapIndex = 0; mapIndex < recolor.colorRemapping.Count; mapIndex++)
                var mapping     = recolor.colorRemapping[mapIndex];
                var mapColor    = mapping.OutColor;
                var mapColorPos = mapColorPositions[mapIndex];

                             Mathf.FloorToInt(mapColorPos.z)] = mapColor;

            int width2D      = dim3D * dim2D;
            int height2D     = dim2D;
            var colorArray2D = new Color[width2D * height2D];

            //flattened 2D array, where pixels are laid out left to right, bottom to top

            for (int x = 0; x < dim3D; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < dim3D; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < dim3D; z++)
                        var c = colorArray3D[x, y, z];

                        int index2D = (x + 1) + ((y + 1) * width2D) + (z * dim2D);
                        colorArray2D[index2D] = c;

            for (int slice = 0; slice < dim3D; slice++)
                //copy 1st column
                    int x = 0;

                    for (int y = 0; y < dim3D; y++)
                        int dstIndex2D = (x) + ((y + 1) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                        int srcIndex2D = (x + 1) + ((y + 1) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                        colorArray2D[dstIndex2D] = colorArray2D[srcIndex2D];
                //copy 2nd column
                    int x = dim2D - 1;

                    for (int y = 0; y < dim3D; y++)
                        int dstIndex2D = (x) + ((y + 1) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                        int srcIndex2D = (x - 1) + ((y + 1) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                        colorArray2D[dstIndex2D] = colorArray2D[srcIndex2D];

                //copy 1st row
                    int y = 0;

                    for (int x = 0; x < dim3D; x++)
                        int dstIndex2D = (x + 1) + ((y) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                        int srcIndex2D = (x + 1) + ((y + 1) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                        colorArray2D[dstIndex2D] = colorArray2D[srcIndex2D];

                //copy 1st row
                    int y = dim2D - 1;

                    for (int x = 0; x < dim3D; x++)
                        int dstIndex2D = (x + 1) + ((y) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                        int srcIndex2D = (x + 1) + ((y - 1) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                        colorArray2D[dstIndex2D] = colorArray2D[srcIndex2D];

                //4 corners
                    int x          = 0;
                    int y          = 0;
                    int dstIndex2D = (x) + ((y) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                    int srcIndex2D = (x + 1) + ((y) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                    colorArray2D[dstIndex2D] = colorArray2D[srcIndex2D];

                    y          = dim2D - 1;
                    dstIndex2D = (x) + ((y) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                    srcIndex2D = (x + 1) + ((y) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                    colorArray2D[dstIndex2D] = colorArray2D[srcIndex2D];

                    x          = dim2D - 1;
                    y          = dim2D - 1;
                    dstIndex2D = (x) + ((y) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                    srcIndex2D = (x - 1) + ((y) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                    colorArray2D[dstIndex2D] = colorArray2D[srcIndex2D];

                    y          = 0;
                    dstIndex2D = (x) + ((y) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                    srcIndex2D = (x - 1) + ((y) * width2D) + (slice * dim2D);
                    colorArray2D[dstIndex2D] = colorArray2D[srcIndex2D];

            var tex2D = new Texture2D(width2D, dim2D, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);


            string assetPathAndName = "/test.png";

            byte[] bytes = tex2D.EncodeToPNG();
            File.WriteAllBytes("Assets" + assetPathAndName, bytes);

            // set the texture reference in the RecolorNode
            AssetDatabase.ImportAsset("Assets" + assetPathAndName);
            Texture2D mapTexture = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets" + assetPathAndName, typeof(Texture2D));

            recolor.mapColorTexture = mapTexture;

            List <string> textureAssetPaths = new List <string>();
