Exemplo n.º 1
 private void Work()
     Tools.DebugLog("StaticMapService:Work() queue:" + queue.Count);
     if (queue.TryDequeue(out Tuple <int, int, int, int, StaticMapType, StaticMapMode> request))
         Tools.DebugLog($"StaticMapService:Work() request:{request.Item5} {request.Item1}->{request.Item2}");
         int padding_x = 12;
         int padding_y = 12;
         int width     = request.Item3 > 0 ? request.Item3 : 240;
         int height    = request.Item4 > 0 ? request.Item4 : (int)(width / 1.618033);
         int tileSize  = 256;
         List <Tuple <double, double> >         coords = TripToCoords(request);
         Tuple <double, double, double, double> extent = DetermineExtent(coords);
         // calculate center point of map
         double lat_center = (extent.Item1 + extent.Item3) / 2;
         double lng_center = (extent.Item2 + extent.Item4) / 2;
         int    zoom       = 19; // max zoom
         double x_center   = LonToTileX(lng_center, zoom);
         double y_center   = LatToTileY(lat_center, zoom);
         if (request.Item5 == StaticMapType.Trip && coords.Count > 1)
             // trip
             zoom     = CalculateZoom(coords, padding_x, padding_y, width, height, tileSize);
             x_center = LonToTileX(lng_center, zoom);
             y_center = LatToTileY(lat_center, zoom);
         using (Bitmap map = DrawMap(request, width, height, tileSize, coords, zoom, x_center, y_center))
             if (coords.Count == 1 && (request.Item5 == StaticMapType.Park || request.Item5 == StaticMapType.Charge))
                 // park or charge
                 StaticMapIcon icon = StaticMapIcon.Charge;
                 if (request.Item5 == StaticMapType.Park)
                     icon = StaticMapIcon.Park;
                 DrawIcon(map, coords.First(), icon, zoom, x_center, y_center, tileSize);
             else if (request.Item5 == StaticMapType.Trip && coords.Count > 1)
                 // trip
                 DrawTrip(map, coords, zoom, x_center, y_center, tileSize);
                 Tools.DebugLog("StaticMapService:Work() request unknown type: " + request.Item5);
                 map.Save(FileManager.GetMapCachePath() + $"map_{request.Item1}_{request.Item2}.png.tmp");
                 File.Move(FileManager.GetMapCachePath() + $"map_{request.Item1}_{request.Item2}.png.tmp", FileManager.GetMapCachePath() + $"map_{request.Item1}_{request.Item2}.png");
             catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 2
        private Bitmap DownloadTile(int zoom, int tile_x, int tile_y)
            string localMapCacheFilePath = Path.Combine(FileManager.GetMapCachePath(), $"{zoom}_{tile_x}_{tile_y}.png");

            if (MapFileExistsOrIsTooOld(localMapCacheFilePath, 8))
                // cached file too old or does not exist yet
                int retries = 0;
                while (!File.Exists(localMapCacheFilePath) && retries < 10)
                    int  num = random.Next(0, 3);
                    char abc = (char)('a' + num);
                    Uri  url = new Uri($"http://{abc}.tile.osm.org/{zoom}/{tile_x}/{tile_y}.png");
                    Tools.DebugLog("DownloadTile() url: " + url);
                        using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
                            wc.Headers["User-Agent"] = this.GetType().ToString();
                            wc.DownloadFile(url, localMapCacheFilePath);
                    catch (WebException)
                        Tools.DebugLog("DownloadTile() failed for url: " + url);
                Tools.DebugLog("DownloadTile() use cached local file " + localMapCacheFilePath);
                using (Image img = Image.FromFile(localMapCacheFilePath))
                    return(new Bitmap(img));
            catch (Exception)
                return(new Bitmap(tileSize, tileSize));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void CreateTripMap(DataTable coords, int width, int height, MapMode mapmode, MapSpecial special, string filename)
            if (coords == null)
            // workaround for linux mono libgdiplus memory leak
            Dictionary <string, object>            job    = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            Tuple <double, double, double, double> extent = DetermineExtent(coords);

            if (extent == null)
            // calculate center point of map
            double lat_center = (extent.Item1 + extent.Item3) / 2;
            double lng_center = (extent.Item2 + extent.Item4) / 2;
            int    zoom       = CalculateZoom(extent, width, height);

            job.Add("zoom", zoom);
            double x_center = LngToTileX(lng_center, zoom);

            job.Add("x_center", x_center);
            double y_center = LatToTileY(lat_center, zoom);

            job.Add("y_center", y_center);
            job.Add("filename", filename);
            job.Add("width", width);
            job.Add("height", height);
            job.Add("mapmode", mapmode);
            job.Add("tileSize", tileSize);
            job.Add("MapCachePath", FileManager.GetMapCachePath());
            List <double> latlng = new List <double>();

            for (int row = 0; row < coords.Rows.Count; row++)
                latlng.Add(Convert.ToDouble(coords.Rows[row]["lat"], Tools.ciDeDE));
                latlng.Add(Convert.ToDouble(coords.Rows[row]["lng"], Tools.ciDeDE));
            job.Add("latlng", latlng.ToArray());
            string tempfile = Path.GetTempFileName();

            File.WriteAllText(tempfile, new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(job), Encoding.UTF8);

            GetOSMMapGeneratorFilename(out string fileName, out string arguments);
            arguments += "-jobfile " + tempfile + (Program.VERBOSE ? " - debug" : "");

            using (Process process = new Process
                StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
                    FileName = fileName,
                    Arguments = arguments,
                    UseShellExecute = false,
                    RedirectStandardOutput = true,
                    CreateNoWindow = true
                while (!process.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)
            if (File.Exists(tempfile))
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void CreateParkingMap(double lat, double lng, int width, int height, MapMode mapmode, MapSpecial special, string filename)
            int zoom = 16;

            // workaround for linux mono libgdiplus memory leak
            Dictionary <string, object> job = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            double x_center = LngToTileX(lng, zoom);
            double y_center = LatToTileY(lat, zoom);

            job.Add("zoom", zoom);
            job.Add("x_center", x_center);
            job.Add("y_center", y_center);
            job.Add("filename", filename);
            job.Add("width", width);
            job.Add("height", height);
            job.Add("mapmode", mapmode);
            job.Add("tileSize", tileSize);
            job.Add("MapCachePath", FileManager.GetMapCachePath());
            job.Add("poi", "park");
            job.Add("lat", lat);
            job.Add("lng", lng);

            string tempfile = Path.GetTempFileName();

            GetOSMMapGeneratorFilename(out string fileName, out string arguments);
            arguments += "-jobfile " + tempfile + (Program.VERBOSE ? " - debug" : "");

            File.WriteAllText(tempfile, new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(job), Encoding.UTF8);
            using (Process process = new Process
                StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
                    FileName = fileName,
                    Arguments = arguments,
                    UseShellExecute = false,
                    RedirectStandardOutput = true,
                    CreateNoWindow = true
                while (!process.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)
            if (File.Exists(tempfile))

             * using (Bitmap map = DrawMap(width, height, 19, x_center, y_center, mapmode))
             * {
             *  // map has background tiles, OSM attribution and dark mode, if enabled
             *  DrawIcon(map, lat, lng, MapIcon.Park, 19, x_center, y_center);
             *  SaveImage(map, filename);
             *  map.Dispose();
             * }