Exemplo n.º 1
 public void AddMaterial(DxsMaterial material)
     if (!_materials.ContainsKey(material.MaterialID))
         _materials.Add(material.MaterialID, material);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a vertex found in a polygon's vertex list. Parses texture and
        /// lightmap coordinates based on the polygon's material type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlNode">Xml Poly node</param>
        /// <param name="dxsPrim">Dxs Primitive this Poly belongs to</param>
        /// <param name="dxsPoly">Dxs Poly the vertex belongs to</param>
        private void ParseVertex(XmlNode xmlNode, DxsPrimitive dxsPrim, DxsPoly dxsPoly)
            //Get the vertex ID so we can look up the position info
            int vid = int.Parse(xmlNode.Attributes["vid"].Value);

            //Copy the master vertex (position + vertex color)
            DxsVertex vertex = new DxsVertex(dxsPrim.MasterVertexList[vid]);

            //Get the material of the polygon
            DxsMaterial material = dxsPrim.Materials[dxsPoly.MaterialID];

            //If the first layer is a texture, parse texture coordinates
            if (material.Layers.Count > 0 && material.Layers[0].MaterialType == MaterialType.Texture)
                float u0 = float.Parse(xmlNode.Attributes["u0"].Value);
                float v0 = float.Parse(xmlNode.Attributes["v0"].Value);
                vertex.TextureCoordinate = new Vector2(u0, v0);
            //If one of the layers (last one) is a lightmap, parse its texture coordinates
            for (int i = 1; i < material.Layers.Count; i++)
                if (material.Layers[i].MaterialType == MaterialType.Lightmap)
                    float ui = float.Parse(xmlNode.Attributes["u" + i].Value);
                    float vi = float.Parse(xmlNode.Attributes["v" + i].Value);
                    vertex.LightMapCoordinate = new Vector2(ui, vi);

            //Add vertex to the poly
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Parse all the material nodes attached to the
 /// specified xml node.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xmlNode">XmlNode that is parent to material nodes</param>
 private void ParseMaterials(XmlNode xmlNode)
     for (int i = 0; i < xmlNode.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
         //Get the material node
         XmlNode matNode = xmlNode.ChildNodes[i];
         //Parse attributes
         int    id   = int.Parse(matNode.Attributes["id"].Value);
         String name = matNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
         bool   used = bool.Parse(matNode.Attributes["used"].Value);
         //Only create a new material if its used
         if (used)
             DxsMaterial dxsMaterial = new DxsMaterial(name, id);
             //Parse the layers of the material
             for (int j = 0; j < matNode.ChildNodes.Count; j++)
                 XmlNode child = matNode.ChildNodes[j];
                 //Ensure this is a layer node
                 if (child.Name.Equals("layer"))
                     ParseLayer(child, dxsMaterial);
             //Finally add it to the master list
             materialList.Add(dxsMaterial.MaterialID, dxsMaterial);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a layer node that corresponds to the specified material.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlNode">Xml layer node</param>
        /// <param name="dxsMaterial">Material associated with the layer</param>
        private void ParseLayer(XmlNode xmlNode, DxsMaterial dxsMaterial)
            //Get the material and blend types, this tells us how to parse the data
            String   type  = xmlNode.Attributes["type"].Value;
            String   blend = xmlNode.Attributes["blend"].Value;
            DxsLayer layer = new DxsLayer();

            //First set the blending types
            switch (blend)
            case "replace":
                layer.Blend = BlendType.Replace;

            case "add":
                layer.Blend = BlendType.Add;

            case "modulate":
                layer.Blend = BlendType.Modulate;

            case "alphablend":
                layer.Blend = BlendType.Alphablend;

            case "inactive":
                layer.Blend = BlendType.Inactive;
            //Next the type of material
            switch (type)
            case "color":
                layer.MaterialType = MaterialType.Color;
                XmlNode child = xmlNode.FirstChild;
                byte    r     = byte.Parse(child.Attributes["r"].Value);
                byte    g     = byte.Parse(child.Attributes["b"].Value);
                byte    b     = byte.Parse(child.Attributes["g"].Value);
                byte    a     = byte.Parse(child.Attributes["a"].Value);
                layer.Color = new Color(r, g, b, a);

            case "texture":
                layer.MaterialType = MaterialType.Texture;
                child             = xmlNode.FirstChild;
                layer.TextureFile = child.Attributes["file"].Value;

            case "lightmap":
                layer.MaterialType = MaterialType.Lightmap;
                child             = xmlNode.FirstChild;
                layer.TextureFile = child.Attributes["file"].Value;
