Exemplo n.º 1
        public List <Vector3> GetAdjacentRings()
            List <Vector3> adjacentPoints = new List <Vector3>();

            Quaternion invRot = Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation);

            if (parent && parent is TelescopeSegment)
                TelescopeSegment ts       = parent as TelescopeSegment;
                List <Vector3>   lastRing = ts.LastVertRing;
                foreach (Vector3 v in lastRing)
                    adjacentPoints.Add(invRot * (v - transform.position));

            foreach (var child in childSegments)
                List <Vector3> firstRing = child.FirstVertRing;
                foreach (Vector3 v in firstRing)
                    adjacentPoints.Add(invRot * (v - transform.position));

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static List <string> WriteSTLOfShells(TelescopeSegment segment, Vector3 minOffset)
            List <string> stlNames = new List <string>();

            foreach (TelescopeShell shell in segment.shells)
                string stl = "stls/" + shell.name + ".stl";
                using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter("scad/" + stl))
                    VectorTransform ShellTransform = (v =>
                                                      shell.transform.rotation * v + shell.transform.position - minOffset);

                    List <string> shellLines = FacetsOfMesh(shell.mesh, ShellTransform);

                    file.WriteLine("solid " + shell.name);
                    foreach (string line in shellLines)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void SetParentToSegmentEnd(TelescopeSegment segment)
            parent           = segment;
            parentElementNum = segment.shells.Count - 1;

            parentSegment = segment;
            //SetParent(segment, segment.shells.Count - 1, 1);
        void MakeEnclosingTelescope()
            Vector3 center = (segment1.transform.position
                              + segment2.transform.position
                              + segment3.transform.position) / 3;

            float minZ      = 0;
            float maxZ      = 0;
            float maxRadius = 0;

            foreach (Vector3 v in segment1.FirstShell.mesh.vertices)
                minZ = Mathf.Min(v.z, minZ);
                maxZ = Mathf.Max(v.z, maxZ);

                Vector3 transformed = segment1.FirstShell.transform.position
                                      + segment1.FirstShell.transform.rotation * v;
                float distance = DistanceToAxis(transformed, center, Vector3.forward);
                maxRadius = Mathf.Max(maxRadius, distance);

            foreach (Vector3 v in segment2.FirstShell.mesh.vertices)
                minZ = Mathf.Min(v.z, minZ);
                maxZ = Mathf.Max(v.z, maxZ);

                Vector3 transformed = segment2.FirstShell.transform.position
                                      + segment2.FirstShell.transform.rotation * v;
                float distance = DistanceToAxis(transformed, center, Vector3.forward);
                maxRadius = Mathf.Max(maxRadius, distance);

            foreach (Vector3 v in segment3.FirstShell.mesh.vertices)
                minZ = Mathf.Min(v.z, minZ);
                maxZ = Mathf.Max(v.z, maxZ);

                Vector3 transformed = segment3.FirstShell.transform.position
                                      + segment3.FirstShell.transform.rotation * v;
                float distance = DistanceToAxis(transformed, center, Vector3.forward);
                maxRadius = Mathf.Max(maxRadius, distance);

            Debug.Log("Max depth = " + maxZ + ", min depth = " + minZ);
            Debug.Log("Center position = " + center);
            Debug.Log("Max radius = " + maxRadius);

            TelescopeSegment seg = CreateStraightSegment(maxZ, maxRadius);

            seg.transform.position = center - 2.25f * maxZ * Vector3.forward;

            segment1.transform.parent = seg.LastShell.transform;
            segment2.transform.parent = seg.LastShell.transform;
            segment3.transform.parent = seg.LastShell.transform;
Exemplo n.º 5
        void RotateChildSegment(TelescopeSegment seg, Quaternion localRotation)
            Vector3 localPos = localRotation * seg.transform.localPosition;

            seg.transform.localPosition = localPos;

            Quaternion localRot = localRotation * seg.shells[0].transform.localRotation;

            seg.shells[0].transform.localRotation = localRot;
 public void ShrinkToFit()
     if (selected)
         TelescopeSegment           segment   = selected.containingSegment;
         List <TelescopeParameters> allParams = segment.getParamList();
         TelescopeUtils.growChainToFit(allParams, shrinkFit: true);
         selected = null;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void WriteSTLOfSegment(TelescopeSegment segment, Vector3 minOffset, string filename)
            Debug.Log("Write STL to " + filename);

            List <string> allLines = new List <string>();

            allLines.Add("solid " + segment.name);

            foreach (TelescopeShell shell in segment.shells)
                VectorTransform ShellTransform = (v =>
                                                  shell.transform.rotation * v + shell.transform.position - minOffset);

                List <string> shellLines = FacetsOfMesh(shell.mesh, ShellTransform);

            File.WriteAllLines(filename, allLines.ToArray());
        TelescopeSegment CreateStraightSegment(float length, float radius)
            GameObject       segObj = new GameObject();
            TelescopeSegment seg    = segObj.AddComponent <TelescopeSegment>();

            List <TelescopeParameters> paramList = new List <TelescopeParameters>();
            float thickness   = Constants.WALL_THICKNESS;
            float startRadius = radius + 3 * thickness + 3 * length * Constants.TAPER_SLOPE;

            TelescopeParameters firstParam = new TelescopeParameters(length,
                                                                     startRadius, thickness, 0, 0, 0);


            paramList.Add(new TelescopeParameters(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
            paramList.Add(new TelescopeParameters(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));

            seg.material = segment1.material;
            seg.transform.parent = transform;

Exemplo n.º 9
        public static TelescopeSegment telescopeOfCone(Vector3 startPos, float startRadius,
                                                       Vector3 endPos, float endRadius, Vector3 curvatureCenter,
                                                       float wallThickness = Constants.WALL_THICKNESS,
                                                       bool useCurvature   = false)
            float   curvature;
            Vector3 segmentDirection;

            if (useCurvature)
                float radius = Vector3.Distance(curvatureCenter, startPos);
                curvature = 1f / radius;
                if (curvature < 1e-6)
                    curvature        = 0;
                    segmentDirection = endPos - startPos;
                    segmentDirection = CurveDirectionFromParent(startPos, endPos, curvatureCenter);
                curvature        = 0;
                segmentDirection = endPos - startPos;

            float distance = ArcLengthFromChord(startPos, endPos, curvature);

            int numShells = Mathf.CeilToInt((Mathf.Max(startRadius, endRadius) -
                                             Mathf.Min(startRadius, endRadius)) / wallThickness);

            if (numShells < 2)
                numShells = 2;

            // int numShells = Mathf.CeilToInt(distance / Mathf.Min(startRadius, endRadius));

            // Length is just the distance we need to cover divided by the number of shells.
            float lengthPerShell = distance / numShells;
            // We attempt to choose the radii such that the telescope tapers from the start
            // radius to the end radius over the given number of shells.
            float radiusStep = (startRadius - endRadius) / numShells;

            float twist = 0;

            if (curvature >= 1e-6)
                // Compute twist angles
                Quaternion rotationToOrigin = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, segmentDirection);
                // The "up" direction we would like to have -- orthogonal direction from circle center.
                Vector3 startEnd  = endPos - startPos;
                Vector3 desiredUp = startEnd - Vector3.Dot(segmentDirection, startEnd) * segmentDirection;
                Vector3 inverseDesired = Quaternion.Inverse(rotationToOrigin) * desiredUp;

                // The angle computation doesn't work right in 3rd and 4th quadrants,
                // so work around it by doing everything in 1st and 2nd.
                if (inverseDesired.x < 0)
                    inverseDesired *= -1;
                    twist           = 180;

                float angleBetween = Mathf.Atan2(Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, inverseDesired).magnitude,
                                                 Vector3.Dot(Vector3.up, inverseDesired));

                twist += -angleBetween * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

            List <TelescopeParameters> diffList = new List <TelescopeParameters>();

            // Create the initial shell parameters.
            TelescopeParameters initialParams = new TelescopeParameters(lengthPerShell, startRadius, wallThickness, curvature, 0, twist);

            // Create all the diffs.
            for (int i = 1; i < numShells; i++)
                TelescopeParameters tp = new TelescopeParameters(0, -radiusStep, wallThickness, 0, 0, 0);

            // Create a game object that will be the new segment.
            GameObject obj = new GameObject();

            obj.name = "segment" + segmentCount;
            obj.transform.position = startPos;
            TelescopeSegment seg = obj.AddComponent <TelescopeSegment>();

            seg.material         = DesignerController.instance.defaultTelescopeMaterial;
            seg.initialDirection = segmentDirection;

            seg.transform.position = startPos;

        public TelescopeSegment MakeTelescope(float startRadius, bool reverse = false)
            List <TelescopeParameters> tParams = new List <TelescopeParameters>();

            CurveSegment initialSeg = (reverse) ? segments[segments.Count - 1] : segments[0];

            float wallThickness = Constants.WALL_THICKNESS;
            float currRadius    = startRadius * BulbShrinkRatio;

            TelescopeParameters initial = new TelescopeParameters(initialSeg.arcLength, currRadius,
                                                                  Constants.WALL_THICKNESS, initialSeg.curvature, initialSeg.torsion, 0);


            for (int i = 1; i < segments.Count; i++)
                int index = (reverse) ? segments.Count - 1 - i : i;

                 * if (i == 2 && StartJuncture && StartJuncture.childCurves.Count == 5)
                 * {
                 *  Debug.Log("Hack to create lizard toenails, please delete once done");
                 *  currRadius -= 1.5f * wallThickness;
                 * }*/

                // Subtract the wall thickness of the previous piece
                currRadius -= wallThickness;

                float curvature = (reverse) ? segments[index].curvature : segments[index].curvature;
                float torsion   = (reverse) ? segments[index].torsion : segments[index].torsion;
                float impulse   = (reverse) ? -segments[index + 1].impulse : -segments[index].impulse;
                impulse *= Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                TelescopeParameters p = new TelescopeParameters(segments[index].arcLength, currRadius,
                                                                wallThickness, curvature, torsion, impulse);

            GameObject obj = new GameObject();

            obj.name = "telescope" + (numScopes++);

            TelescopeSegment segment = obj.AddComponent <TelescopeSegment>();

            segment.paramMode = SegmentParametersMode.Concrete;
            segment.material  = DesignerController.instance.defaultTelescopeMaterial;

            if (reverse)
                CurveSegment lastSeg = segments[segments.Count - 1];
                obj.transform.position = TransformedHelixPoint(lastSeg, lastSeg.arcLength);

                OrthonormalFrame initFrame = TransformedHelixFrame(lastSeg, lastSeg.arcLength);
                segment.initialDirection = -initFrame.T;
                segment.initialUp        = initFrame.N;
                obj.transform.position   = segments[0].startPosition;
                segment.initialDirection = segments[0].frame.T;
                segment.initialUp        = segments[0].frame.N;


            if (reverse)

Exemplo n.º 11
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     added   = false;
     segment = GetComponent <TelescopeSegment>();