Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Initializes a Visscher wavefunction from an ordinary wavefunction.
        /// </summary>
        public VisscherWf(WaveFunction inputWf, float[][][] V, float mass, float dt, bool multiThread = true)
            int sx = inputWf.GridSpec.SizeX;
            int sy = inputWf.GridSpec.SizeY;
            int sz = inputWf.GridSpec.SizeZ;

            LatticeSpacing = inputWf.LatticeSpacing;

            // Allocate the arrays
            RealPart  = TdseUtils.Misc.Allocate3DArray(sz, sy, sx);
            ImagPartM = TdseUtils.Misc.Allocate3DArray(sz, sy, sx);
            ImagPartP = TdseUtils.Misc.Allocate3DArray(sz, sy, sx);

            // For the real part, just copy the values from the input wavefunction.
            for (int z = 0; z < sz; z++)
                for (int y = 0; y < sy; y++)
                    float[] realPartZY = RealPart[z][y];
                    float[] inputWfZY  = inputWf.Data[z][y];
                    for (int x = 0; x < sx; x++)
                        realPartZY[x] = inputWfZY[2 * x];

            // For the imaginary parts, we need to compute the time evolutions.
            // We use a power series expansion of the time-evolution operator, accurate to 2nd order in H*dt
            WaveFunction H_PsiIn  = inputWf.ApplyH(V, mass, multiThread);
            WaveFunction H2_PsiIn = H_PsiIn.ApplyH(V, mass, multiThread);

            float halfDt    = dt / 2;
            float eighthDt2 = dt * dt / 8;

            TdseUtils.Misc.ForLoop(0, sz, z =>
                for (int y = 0; y < sy; y++)
                    float[] imPZY      = this.ImagPartP[z][y];
                    float[] imMZY      = this.ImagPartM[z][y];
                    float[] inputWfZY  = inputWf.Data[z][y];
                    float[] H_PsiInZY  = H_PsiIn.Data[z][y];
                    float[] H2_PsiInZY = H2_PsiIn.Data[z][y];

                    for (int x = 0; x < sx; x++)
                        int x2   = 2 * x;
                        int x2p1 = x2 + 1;

                        float dt0Term = inputWfZY[x2p1];
                        float dt1Term = halfDt * H_PsiInZY[x2];
                        float dt2Term = eighthDt2 * H2_PsiInZY[x2p1];

                        imPZY[x] = dt0Term - dt1Term - dt2Term; // [1 - i*H*(dt/2) - (1/2)H^2*(dt/2)^2] * Psi
                        imMZY[x] = dt0Term + dt1Term - dt2Term; // [1 + i*H*(dt/2) - (1/2)H^2*(dt/2)^2] * Psi
            }, multiThread);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Gaussian wavepacket with given properties.
        /// </summary>
        public static WaveFunction CreateGaussianWavePacket(
            GridSpec gridSpec, float latticeSpacing, bool originAtLatticeCenter, float mass,
            Vec3 packetCenter, Vec3 packetWidth, Vec3 avgMomentum, bool multiThread = true)
            WaveFunction wf = new WaveFunction(gridSpec, latticeSpacing);

            int sx = gridSpec.SizeX;
            int sy = gridSpec.SizeY;
            int sz = gridSpec.SizeZ;

            float[][][] wfData = wf.Data;

            Complex I             = Complex.I;
            float   rootPi        = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.PI);
            float   sigmaXSq      = packetWidth.X * packetWidth.X;
            float   sigmaYSq      = packetWidth.Y * packetWidth.Y;
            float   sigmaZSq      = packetWidth.Z * packetWidth.Z;
            float   norm          = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0 / (rootPi * packetWidth.X * rootPi * packetWidth.Y * rootPi * packetWidth.Z));
            int     halfGridSizeX = (sx - 1) / 2;
            int     halfGridSizeY = (sy - 1) / 2;
            int     halfGridSizeZ = (sz - 1) / 2;

            TdseUtils.Misc.ForLoop(0, sz, (z) =>
                float zf        = (originAtLatticeCenter) ? (z - halfGridSizeZ) * latticeSpacing : (z * latticeSpacing);
                Complex expArgZ = I * zf * avgMomentum.Z - (zf - packetCenter.Z) * (zf - packetCenter.Z) / (2 * sigmaZSq);

                for (int y = 0; y < sy; y++)
                    float yf         = (originAtLatticeCenter) ? (y - halfGridSizeY) * latticeSpacing : (y * latticeSpacing);
                    Complex expArgZY = expArgZ + I * yf * avgMomentum.Y - (yf - packetCenter.Y) * (yf - packetCenter.Y) / (2 * sigmaYSq);

                    float[] wfDataZY = wf.Data[z][y];
                    for (int x = 0; x < sx; x++)
                        float xf = (originAtLatticeCenter) ? (x - halfGridSizeX) * latticeSpacing : (x * latticeSpacing);

                        Complex expArgZYX = expArgZY + I * xf * avgMomentum.X - (xf - packetCenter.X) * (xf - packetCenter.X) / (2 * sigmaXSq);
                        Complex wfVal     = norm * Complex.Exp(expArgZYX);

                        wfDataZY[2 * x]     = wfVal.Re;
                        wfDataZY[2 * x + 1] = wfVal.Im;
            }, multiThread);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a Visscher wavefunction to a regular wavefunction.
        /// </summary>
        public WaveFunction ToRegularWavefunction(bool multiThread = true)
            int sx = GridSpec.SizeX;
            int sy = GridSpec.SizeY;
            int sz = GridSpec.SizeZ;

            WaveFunction result = new WaveFunction(GridSpec, LatticeSpacing);

            TdseUtils.Misc.ForLoop(0, sz, z =>
                for (int y = 0; y < sy; y++)
                    float[] thisRzy  = RealPart[z][y];
                    float[] thisIMzy = ImagPartM[z][y];
                    float[] thisIPzy = ImagPartP[z][y];
                    float[] outWfzy  = result.Data[z][y];

                    for (int x = 0; x < sx; x++)
                        outWfzy[2 * x] = thisRzy[x];

                        // Take the square root of Im(t-dt/2) * I(t+dt/2), as this is the quantity that gives a conserved probability.
                        float IM       = thisIMzy[x];
                        float IP       = thisIPzy[x];
                        float Iproduct = IM * IP;

                        float Iout;
                        if (Iproduct > 0.0f)
                            Iout = (float)Math.Sqrt(Iproduct);
                            if (IM < 0.0f)
                                Iout = -Iout;
                            Iout = 0.0f;

                        outWfzy[2 * x + 1] = Iout;
            }, multiThread);

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Worker method.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void WorkerMethod()
            // Reset counters
            m_currentTimeStepIndex = 0;
            m_lastSavedFrame       = -1;

            // Precompute the potential everywhere on the grid
            float[][][] V = PrecomputeV();

            // Create the initial relative wavefunction
            Vec3 r0 = m_initialPosition1 - m_initialPosition2;
            Vec3 p0 = (m_mass2 / m_totalMass) * m_initialMomentum1 - (m_mass1 / m_totalMass) * m_initialMomentum2;
            int  sx = 2 * m_gridSizeX - 1; // The range of r = r1-r2 is twice the range of r1, r2
            int  sy = 2 * m_gridSizeY - 1;
            int  sz = 2 * m_gridSizeZ - 1;

            WaveFunction initialWf = WaveFunctionUtils.CreateGaussianWavePacket(
                new GridSpec(sx, sy, sz), m_latticeSpacing, true, m_reducedMass, r0, m_sigmaRel, p0, m_multiThread

            m_visscherWf = new VisscherWf(initialWf, V, m_reducedMass, m_deltaT, m_multiThread);
            initialWf    = null; // Allow initialWf to be garbage collected
            if (IsCancelled)

            // Main loop: Evolve the relative wavefunction
            while (m_currentTimeStepIndex < m_totalNumTimeSteps)
                // Evolve the wavefunction by one timestep
                EvolveByOneTimeStep(m_visscherWf, V);

                // Report progress to the client
                if (IsCancelled)
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the result of applying a given Hamiltonian operator to this wavefunction.
        /// </summary>
        public WaveFunction ApplyH(float[][][] V, float mass, bool multiThread = true)
            // Initialize locals
            int sx  = GridSpec.SizeX;
            int sy  = GridSpec.SizeY;
            int sz  = GridSpec.SizeZ;
            int sx2 = 2 * sx;

            int sx2m2 = sx2 - 2;
            int sym1  = sy - 1;
            int szm1  = sz - 1;

            float keFactor = (1.0f / 12.0f) / (2 * mass * m_latticeSpacing * m_latticeSpacing);

            WaveFunction outWf = new WaveFunction(GridSpec, m_latticeSpacing);

            // Compute H * Wf
            TdseUtils.Misc.ForLoop(0, sz, z =>
                int zp  = (z < szm1) ?  z + 1 : 0;
                int zpp = (zp < szm1) ? zp + 1 : 0;
                int zm  = (z > 0) ?  z - 1 : szm1;
                int zmm = (zm > 0) ? zm - 1 : szm1;

                for (int y = 0; y < sy; y++)
                    int yp  = (y < sym1) ?  y + 1 : 0;
                    int ypp = (yp < sym1) ? yp + 1 : 0;
                    int ym  = (y > 0) ?  y - 1 : sym1;
                    int ymm = (ym > 0) ? ym - 1 : sym1;

                    float[] inWf_z_y   = m_data[z][y];
                    float[] inWf_z_ym  = m_data[z][ym];
                    float[] inWf_z_yp  = m_data[z][yp];
                    float[] inWf_z_ymm = m_data[z][ymm];
                    float[] inWf_z_ypp = m_data[z][ypp];
                    float[] inWf_zm_y  = m_data[zm][y];
                    float[] inWf_zp_y  = m_data[zp][y];
                    float[] inWf_zmm_y = m_data[zmm][y];
                    float[] inWf_zpp_y = m_data[zpp][y];
                    float[] outWf_z_y  = outWf.m_data[z][y];
                    float[] V_z_y      = V[z][y];

                    for (int rx = 0; rx < sx2; rx += 2)
                        int rxp  = (rx < sx2m2) ?  rx + 2  : 0;
                        int rxpp = (rxp < sx2m2) ?  rxp + 2 : 0;
                        int rxm  = (rx > 0) ?  rx - 2 : sx2m2;
                        int rxmm = (rxm > 0) ? rxm - 2 : sx2m2;
                        int x    = rx / 2;

                        // Kinetic energy terms.
                        float kR = keFactor * (
                            90.0f * inWf_z_y[rx] -
                            16.0f * (inWf_zm_y[rx] + inWf_zp_y[rx] + inWf_z_yp[rx] + inWf_z_ym[rx] + inWf_z_y[rxm] + inWf_z_y[rxp]) +
                            (inWf_zmm_y[rx] + inWf_zpp_y[rx] + inWf_z_ypp[rx] + inWf_z_ymm[rx] + inWf_z_y[rxmm] + inWf_z_y[rxpp])

                        int ix   = rx + 1;
                        float kI = keFactor * (
                            90.0f * inWf_z_y[ix] -
                            16.0f * (inWf_zm_y[ix] + inWf_zp_y[ix] + inWf_z_yp[ix] + inWf_z_ym[ix] + inWf_z_y[rxm + 1] + inWf_z_y[rxp + 1]) +
                            (inWf_zmm_y[ix] + inWf_zpp_y[ix] + inWf_z_ypp[ix] + inWf_z_ymm[ix] + inWf_z_y[rxmm + 1] + inWf_z_y[rxpp + 1])

                        // Potential energy terms
                        float vR = V_z_y[x] * inWf_z_y[rx];
                        float vI = V_z_y[x] * inWf_z_y[ix];

                        outWf_z_y[rx] = kR + vR;
                        outWf_z_y[ix] = kI + vI;
            }, multiThread);
