Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// [2020.7.7] For the purpose of resuming failed transcriptions, all the captions of the failed transcription would now be stored in the database.
        /// Before resuming, all the old captions would be queried out from the database and stored in a dictionary, which will be passed to the
        /// transcription function along with the resume time point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="videoId"></param>
        /// <param name="taskParameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected async override Task OnConsume(string videoId, TaskParameters taskParameters, ClientActiveTasks cleanup)
            registerTask(cleanup, videoId); // may throw AlreadyInProgress exception
            if (Globals.appSettings.MOCK_RECOGNITION == "MOCK")

            using (var _context = CTDbContext.CreateDbContext())
                // TODO: taskParameters.Force should wipe all captions and reset the Transcription Status

                Video video = await _context.Videos.Include(v => v.Video1).Where(v => v.Id == videoId).FirstAsync();

                // ! Note the 'Include' ; we don't build the whole tree of related Entities

                if (video.TranscriptionStatus == Video.TranscriptionStatusMessages.NOERROR)
                    GetLogger().LogInformation($"{videoId}:Skipping Transcribing of- already complete");

                // GetKey can throw if the video.Id is currently being transcribed
                // However registerTask should have already detected that
                Key key = TaskEngineGlobals.KeyProvider.GetKey(video.Id);

                video.TranscribingAttempts += 10;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    // create Dictionary and pass it to the recognition function
                    var captionsMap = new Dictionary <string, List <Caption> >();

                    // Set Source Language and Target (translation) Languages
                    var sourceLanguage = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Globals.appSettings.SPEECH_RECOGNITION_DIALECT) ?
                                         Languages.ENGLISH_AMERICAN : Globals.appSettings.SPEECH_RECOGNITION_DIALECT.Trim();

                    var translations = new List <string> {
                        Languages.ENGLISH_AMERICAN, Languages.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE, Languages.KOREAN, Languages.SPANISH, Languages.FRENCH
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Globals.appSettings.LANGUAGE_TRANSLATIONS))
                        translations = Globals.appSettings.LANGUAGE_TRANSLATIONS.Split(',').ToList();
                    GetLogger().LogInformation($"{videoId}: ({sourceLanguage}). Translation(s) = ({String.Join(',', translations)})");

                    // Different languages may not be as complete
                    // So find the minimum timespan of the max observed ending for each language
                    TimeSpan shortestTime  = TimeSpan.MaxValue; // Cant use TimeSpan.Zero to mean unset
                    var      startAfterMap = new Dictionary <string, TimeSpan>();

                    var allLanguages = new List <string>(translations);

                    foreach (string language in allLanguages)
                        var existing = await _captionQueries.GetCaptionsAsync(video.Id, language);

                        captionsMap[language] = existing;

                        startAfterMap[language] = TimeSpan.Zero;
                        if (existing.Any())
                            TimeSpan lastCaptionTime = existing.Select(c => c.End).Max();
                            startAfterMap[language] = lastCaptionTime;

                            GetLogger().LogInformation($"{ videoId}:{language}. Last Caption at {lastCaptionTime}");

                    //var lastSuccessTime = shortestTime < TimeSpan.MaxValue ? shortestTime : TimeSpan.Zero;
                    //if (video.JsonMetadata != null && video.JsonMetadata["LastSuccessfulTime"] != null)
                    //    lastSuccessTime = TimeSpan.Parse(video.JsonMetadata["LastSuccessfulTime"].ToString());

                    var result = await _msTranscriptionService.RecognitionWithVideoStreamAsync(videoId, video.Video1, key, captionsMap, sourceLanguage, startAfterMap);

                    if (video.JsonMetadata == null)
                        video.JsonMetadata = new JObject();

                    TaskEngineGlobals.KeyProvider.ReleaseKey(key, video.Id);

                    foreach (var captionsInLanguage in result.Captions)
                        var theLanguage = captionsInLanguage.Key;
                        var theCaptions = captionsInLanguage.Value;

                        if (theCaptions.Any())
                            var t = _context.Transcriptions.SingleOrDefault(t => t.VideoId == video.Id && t.Language == theLanguage);
                            GetLogger().LogInformation($"Find Existing Transcriptions null={t == null}");
                            // Did we get the default or an existing Transcription entity?
                            if (t == null)
                                t = new Transcription()
                                    Captions = theCaptions,
                                    Language = theLanguage,
                                    VideoId  = video.Id
                                // Transcriptions already existed, we are just completing them, so add only the new ones
                                // TODO/TOREVIEW: Does this filter actually help, if existing caption entries were edited by hand?
                                var newCaptions = theCaptions.Where(c => c.Id == null);


                    video.TranscriptionStatus = result.ErrorCode;
                    video.JsonMetadata["LastSuccessfulTime"] = result.LastSuccessTime.ToString();

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    video.Transcriptions.ForEach(t => _generateVTTFileTask.Publish(t.Id));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    GetLogger().LogError(ex, $"{videoId}: Transcription Exception:${ex.StackTrace}");
                    video.TranscribingAttempts += 1000;
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemplo n.º 2
        protected async override Task OnConsume(JObject jObject, TaskParameters taskParameters, ClientActiveTasks cleanup)
            using (var _context = CTDbContext.CreateDbContext())
                var type = jObject["Type"].ToString();

                if (type == TaskType.PeriodicCheck.ToString())
                    await _slackLogger.PostMessageAsync("Periodic Check.");

                    registerTask(cleanup, "PeriodicCheck");

                    await DownloadAllPlaylists();
                    await PendingJobs();
                else if (type == TaskType.DownloadAllPlaylists.ToString())
                    await DownloadAllPlaylists();
                else if (type == TaskType.DownloadPlaylistInfo.ToString())
                    var playlistId = jObject["PlaylistId"].ToString();
                    var playlist   = await _context.Playlists.FindAsync(playlistId);

                else if (type == TaskType.GenerateVTTFile.ToString())
                    var transcriptionId = jObject["TranscriptionId"].ToString();
                    var transcription   = await _context.Transcriptions.FindAsync(transcriptionId);

                else if (type == TaskType.SceneDetection.ToString())
                    var mediaId = jObject["mediaId"].ToString();
                    var media   = _context.Medias.Find(mediaId);
                else if (type == TaskType.CreateBoxToken.ToString())
                    var authCode = jObject["authCode"].ToString();
                else if (type == TaskType.DownloadMedia.ToString())
                    var mediaId = jObject["mediaId"].ToString();
                    var media   = await _context.Medias.FindAsync(mediaId);

                //else if (type == TaskType.ConvertMedia.ToString())
                //    var videoId = jObject["videoId"].ToString();
                //    var video = await _context.Videos.FindAsync(videoId);
                //    _convertVideoToWavTask.Publish(video.Id);
                else if (type == TaskType.TranscribeVideo.ToString())
                    var id = jObject["videoOrMediaId"].ToString();
                    var video = await _context.Videos.FindAsync(id);

                    if (video == null)
                        var media = await _context.Medias.FindAsync(id);

                        if (media != null)
                            GetLogger().LogInformation($"{id}: media Found. videoID=({media.VideoId})");
                            video = media.Video;
                    if (video == null)
                        GetLogger().LogInformation($"No video found for video/mediaId ({id})");
                    //TODO: These properties should not be literal strings
                    bool deleteExisting = false;
                        deleteExisting = jObject["DeleteExisting"].Value <bool>();
                    catch (Exception) { }
                    if (deleteExisting)
                        GetLogger().LogInformation($"{id}:Removing Transcriptions for video ({video.Id})");

                        var transcriptions = video.Transcriptions;
                        video.TranscriptionStatus = "";
                        // Could also remove LastSuccessTime and reset attempts

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                else if (type == TaskType.UpdateOffering.ToString())
                    var offeringId = jObject["offeringId"].ToString();
                    (await _context.Playlists.Where(o => o.OfferingId == offeringId).ToListAsync())
                    .ForEach(p => _downloadPlaylistInfoTask.Publish(p.Id));
                else if (type == TaskType.ReTranscribePlaylist.ToString())
                    var playlistId = jObject["PlaylistId"].ToString();

                    // Get all videos
                    var videos = await _context.Playlists.Where(p => p.Id == playlistId)
                                 .SelectMany(p => p.Medias)
                                 .Where(e => e != null)
                                 .Select(m => m.Video)

                    // Delete all captions. This caused a null pointer exception because some elements were null
                    // the above line and this line now have null filters
                    var captions = videos.SelectMany(v => v.Transcriptions)
                                   .Where(e => e != null)
                                   .SelectMany(t => t.Captions).ToList();

                    // TODO/TOREVIEW: No need to create in captions. Their IDs should be sufficient

                    // Delete all Transcriptions
                    var transcriptions = videos.SelectMany(v => v.Transcriptions).Where(e => e != null).ToList();

                    videos.ForEach(v =>
                        v.TranscribingAttempts = 0;
                        v.TranscriptionStatus  = null;

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    videos.ForEach(v =>