//Returns a random decoration that has not yet been unlocked by the player, using a weighting system to make certain decorations rarer.
        //Decorations are only awarded one colour/material at a time, so weighting is adjusted based on how many materials are available to unlock for each decoration base.
        public TankDecorationDefinition SelectRandomLockedDecoration()
            if (m_TempList == null)
                m_TempList = new List <TankDecorationDefinition>();

            int weightTotal = 0;
            int librarySize = GetNumberOfDefinitions();

            PlayerDataManager playerdata = PlayerDataManager.s_Instance;

            for (int i = 0; i < librarySize; i++)
                if (playerdata.DecorationHasLockedColours(i))
                    TankDecorationDefinition nextItem = TankDecorationLibrary.s_Instance.GetDecorationForIndex(i);

                    weightTotal += (nextItem.selectionWeighting * nextItem.availableMaterials.Length);
            return(m_TempList.WeightedSelection(weightTotal, d => (d.selectionWeighting * d.availableMaterials.Length)));
        //Returns the array index for a given TankDecorationDefinition.
        public int GetIndexForDecoration(TankDecorationDefinition item)
            for (int i = 0; i < m_TankDecorations.Length; i++)
                if (m_TankDecorations[i].id == item.id)
