Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to be called when mouse moves. Calls controller's aiming method with normalized vector2D of mouse location
        /// </summary>
        private void Aim(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Vector2D aim = new Vector2D(e.X - 450, e.Y - 450);

Exemplo n.º 2
        //Set ControlCommand aiming to current mouse relative to mid of drawing panel
        public void MoveMouseRequest(Point point)
            Vector2D aiming = new Vector2D(point.X - 450, point.Y - 450);

            command.Aiming = aiming;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the clockwise angle of the vector pointing from b to a
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float AngleBetweenPoints(Vector2D a, Vector2D b)
            Vector2D bToA = a - b;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// A constructor that sets the data according to the way the user would like to send it including a Vector they would like to
        /// pass, normalizing the vector created
        /// </summary>
        public ControlCommands(string movingDir, string fireType, Vector2D vector)
            moving = movingDir;
            fire   = fireType;

            direction = new Vector2D(vector);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// A constructor that sets the data according to the way the user would like to send it including the x and y coordinates,
        /// to create a new vector and then normalizing the vector created
        /// </summary>
        public ControlCommands(string movingDir, string fireType, double xCoordinate, double yCoordinate)
            moving = movingDir;
            fire   = fireType;

            direction = new Vector2D(xCoordinate, yCoordinate);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for calculating the tank turret direction based on the mouse location in order to send
        /// to the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">X location of the mouse</param>
        /// <param name="y">Y location of the mouse</param>
        public void ProcessMouseMove(double x, double y)
            Vector2D loc = new Vector2D(x - Constants.ViewSize / 2, y - Constants.ViewSize / 2);


            commands.aiming = new Vector2D(loc.GetX(), loc.GetY());
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a MouseMove event by updating the TurretDirection of the ControlCommand of theWorld
        /// </summary>
        public void ProcessMouseMove(double posX, double posY)
            Vector2D newTurretDirection = new Vector2D(posX, posY);

            lock (theWorld) {
                tankControlCommand.TurretDirection = newTurretDirection;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the mouse movement via centering x and y at our tank center.
        /// We then normalize and set the Turret direction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="mousePoint"></param>
        public void HandleMouseMovement(object sender, Vector2D mousePoint)
            // x,y to be centered at our tank
            double x = mousePoint.GetX() - 450;
            double y = mousePoint.GetY() - 450;

            mousePoint = new Vector2D(x, y);

Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// A constructor where the playerName and ID be set according
 /// </summary>
 public Tank(string playerName, int playerID)
     name        = playerName;
     ID          = playerID;
     location    = new Vector2D(-463.92, -199.00);
     orientation = new Vector2D(1, 0);
     aiming = new Vector2D(0, -1);
     hitPoints    = 3;
     died         = false;
     disconnected = false;
     joined       = true;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public Projectile(Vector2D currentLocation, Vector2D direction, int owner)
            //Sets the ID
            ID = NextID;

            //Sets the location, orientation, and owner. Also normalizes the orientation and calculates the velocity
            Location = currentLocation;

            Orientation = direction;

            Velocity = Orientation * Constants.ProjectileSpeed;

            OwnerID = owner;
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for drawing a tank explosion for some tank t. If the particles haven't been created yet, it spawns them at
        /// a random angle some distance away from the tank. Then when this method is called next it increases the distance so
        /// those particles appear to move outward. It also keeps track of the amount of frames the particles have been out and
        /// if that exceeds the tank frames constant it gets rid of the particles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">Tank that died</param>
        /// <param name="e">Graphics for drawing the particles</param>
        private void DrawExplosion(Tank t, PaintEventArgs e)
            Dictionary <int, TankExplosion> explosionDictionary = TheController.TheWorld.TankExplosions;

            Random rnd = new Random();

            //Creates a new explosion if it doesn't exist yet
            if (!explosionDictionary.ContainsKey(t.ID))
                explosionDictionary[t.ID] = new TankExplosion();

            //Gets rid of the particles after a certain amount of frames
            if (explosionDictionary[t.ID].tankFrames > Constants.TankParticleFrameLength)
                if (explosionDictionary[t.ID].tankParticles.Count > 0)

            Dictionary <int, Vector2D> TankParticlesDictionary = explosionDictionary[t.ID].tankParticles;

            for (int i = 0; i < Constants.TankParticleCount; i++)
                if (TankParticlesDictionary.ContainsKey(i))
                    //Creates a direction vector and moves the particle in that direction
                    Vector2D direction = new Vector2D(TankParticlesDictionary[i]);

                    TankParticlesDictionary[i] += direction * Constants.TankParticleSpeed;
                    //Creates a random angle and spawns the particle at that location
                    double Angle = rnd.NextDouble() * 2 * Math.PI;

                    TankParticlesDictionary[i] = new Vector2D(Constants.TankParticleSpawnRadius * Math.Cos(Angle), Constants.TankParticleSpawnRadius * Math.Sin(Angle));

                using (SolidBrush redBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red))
                    e.Graphics.FillEllipse(redBrush, (int)TankParticlesDictionary[i].GetX(), (int)TankParticlesDictionary[i].GetY(), Constants.TankParticleRadius, Constants.TankParticleRadius);
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// This method receives the mouse position and
        /// translates it to the tank's turret movement.
        /// The turret will always point in the direction of the mouse
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mousePos"></param>
        public void TurretMouseAngle(Point mousePos)
            //Calculate the vector between mouse position and tank
            //425 is half of the view screen size.  Since tank is centered on the panel, that
            //describes  tank location as a fixed point
            double mouseWorldXPosition = mousePos.X - 425;
            double mouseWorldYPosition = mousePos.Y - 425;

            //Get the vector points between mouse and tank location
            Vector2D newAim = new Vector2D(mouseWorldXPosition, mouseWorldYPosition);

            //Normalize vector and set tank aim direction to this new vector
            selfTank.AimDirection = newAim;

            //Update the tank
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// For server to create a new tank when a client first connect
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        public Tank(int id, string name, int hp, int sincelastshot, Vector2D loc)
            ID                     = id;
            Name                   = name;
            Orientation            = new Vector2D(0, -1);
            Died                   = false;
            Disconnected           = false;
            Joined                 = true;
            Score                  = 0;
            HitPoints              = hp;
            Location               = loc;
            Alts                   = 0;
            FramesInCeasedShooting = sincelastshot;
            FramesInRespawn        = 0;
            //Create arbitrary unit tdir vector
            Random   rng = new Random();
            Vector2D aim = new Vector2D(rng.Next(-10, 10), rng.Next(-10, 10));


            Aiming = aim;
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the turret direction associated with the tank by changing it's control command
 /// </summary>
 public void SetDirection(Vector2D vector)
     //Sets the direction and normalizes it
     direction = new Vector2D(vector);
Exemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the turret direction associated with the tank's control command
 /// </summary>
 public Vector2D GetDirection()
     //Has the direction normalized and returns the direction
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the world based off of commands and game logic.
        /// </summary>
        private void updateWorld()
            lock (world)
                //Powerup logic
                if (powerUpTimer == 0 && new List <Powerup>(world.GetPowerups()).Count < world.maxPowers)
                    Random   r       = new Random();
                    Vector2D RandLoc = new Vector2D(r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16), r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16));
                    while (CheckPowerupWallCollision(RandLoc))
                        RandLoc = new Vector2D(r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16), r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16));
                    world.UpdatePowerup(powerupCount++, RandLoc, false);
                else if (powerUpTimer != 0)

                //Tank logic
                foreach (Tank t in new List <Tank>(tanksFired.Keys))
                    int temp = tanksFired[t];
                    if (temp > 1)

                foreach (Tank t in new List <Tank>(tanksRespawning.Keys))
                    if (t.died)
                        world.UpdateTank(t.ID, t.location, t.orientation, t.aiming, t.name, t.hitPoints, t.score, false, t.disconnected);
                    int temp = tanksRespawning[t];
                    if (temp > 1)
                        Random   r       = new Random();
                        Vector2D RandLoc = new Vector2D(r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16), r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16));
                        while (CheckTankWallCollision(RandLoc))
                            RandLoc = new Vector2D(r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16), r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16));
                        t.beams = 0;
                        world.UpdateTank(t.ID, RandLoc, new Vector2D(0, 1), new Vector2D(0, 1), t.name, 3, t.score, t.died, t.disconnected);

                foreach (Tank t in new List <Tank>(world.GetTanks()))
                    if (t.disconnected == true)
                        world.UpdateTank(t.ID, new Vector2D(0, 0), new Vector2D(0, 1), new Vector2D(0, 1), t.name, t.hitPoints, 0, t.died, t.disconnected);

                //Disconnect logic
                foreach (SocketState s in new List <SocketState>(users.Keys))
                    if (s.ErrorOccured)
                        if (world.GetTank(users[s], out Tank t))

                //Control command logic
                foreach (int i in new List <int>(controls.Keys))
                    if (world.GetTank(i, out Tank t))
                        if (t.hitPoints != 0 && !tanksRespawning.ContainsKey(t))
                            ControlCommand c           = controls[i];
                            Vector2D       orientation = new Vector2D(1, 0);
                            switch (c.moving)
                            case "none":
                                orientation = t.orientation;
                                t.velocity  = new Vector2D(0, 0);

                            case "up":
                                orientation = new Vector2D(0, -1);
                                t.velocity  = new Vector2D(0, -world.tankSpeed);

                            case "down":
                                orientation = new Vector2D(0, 1);
                                t.velocity  = new Vector2D(0, world.tankSpeed);

                            case "left":
                                orientation = new Vector2D(-1, 0);
                                t.velocity  = new Vector2D(-world.tankSpeed, 0);

                            case "right":
                                orientation = new Vector2D(1, 0);
                                t.velocity  = new Vector2D(world.tankSpeed, 0);
                            Vector2D loc = t.location + t.velocity;
                            if (CheckTankWallCollision(loc))
                                loc = t.location;
                            loc = TankWraparound(loc);

                            world.UpdateTank(t.ID, loc, orientation, c.direction, t.name, t.hitPoints, t.score, t.died, t.disconnected);

                            if (c.fire == "main" && !tanksFired.ContainsKey(t))
                                world.UpdateProjectile(projCount++, t.location, c.direction, t.ID, false);
                                tanksFired.Add(t, world.projectileDelay);
                            else if (c.fire == "alt" && t.beams > 0)
                                world.AddBeam(beamCount++, t.location, c.direction, t.ID);


                //beam logic

                beams = new List <Beam>(world.GetBeams());

                foreach (Beam b in new List <Beam>(world.GetBeams()))
                    List <Tank> temp = CheckBeamTankCollision(b);
                    foreach (Tank hitTank in temp)
                        if (hitTank.ID != b.owner && !tanksRespawning.ContainsKey(hitTank))
                            if (world.GetTank(b.owner, out Tank t))
                                world.UpdateTank(hitTank.ID, hitTank.location, hitTank.orientation, hitTank.aiming, hitTank.name, 0, hitTank.score, true, t.disconnected);
                                tanksRespawning.Add(hitTank, world.respawnTime);

                //projectile logic

                foreach (Projectile p in new List <Projectile>(world.GetProjectiles()))
                    Vector2D loc = p.location + p.orientation * world.projectileSpeed;

                    world.UpdateProjectile(p.ID, loc, p.orientation, p.owner, p.died);

                    if (!p.died)
                        if (CheckProjectileWallCollision(loc))
                        else if (CheckProjectileTankCollision(loc, out Tank hitTank))
                            if (hitTank.ID != p.owner && !tanksRespawning.ContainsKey(hitTank))
                                if (world.GetTank(p.owner, out Tank t) && hitTank.hitPoints == 0)
                                    world.UpdateTank(hitTank.ID, hitTank.location, hitTank.orientation, hitTank.aiming, hitTank.name, hitTank.hitPoints, hitTank.score, true, t.disconnected);
                                    tanksRespawning.Add(hitTank, world.respawnTime);

                //powerup logic

                foreach (Powerup p in new List <Powerup>(world.GetPowerups()))
                    world.UpdatePowerup(p.ID, p.location, p.died);

                    if (!p.died)
                        if (CheckProjectileTankCollision(p.location, out Tank hitTank))
                            if (!tanksRespawning.ContainsKey(hitTank))

                //create lists for send (beams is done before these)
                tanks    = new List <Tank>(world.GetTanks());
                projs    = new List <Projectile>(world.GetProjectiles());
                powerups = new List <Powerup>(world.GetPowerups());
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that informs the server
        /// </summary>
        public void Process()
            lock (world)
                String movingDir = "";

                //If the keyPressed was up, then it sets moving dir to up
                if (keyPressedUp)
                    movingDir = "up";
                //If the keyPressed was left, then it sets moving dir to left
                if (keyPressedLeft)
                    movingDir = "left";
                //If the keyPressed was right, then it sets moving dir to right
                if (keyPressedRight)
                    movingDir = "right";
                //If the keyPressed was down, then it sets moving dir to down
                if (keyPressedDown)
                    movingDir = "down";
                //If the keyPressed was not pressed, then it sets moving dir to none
                if (!keyPressedLeft && !keyPressedDown && !keyPressedRight && !keyPressedUp)
                    movingDir = "none";

                String fireType = "";

                //If the left mouse was pressed, sets fireType to main
                if (leftMousePressed)
                    fireType = "main";
                //If the right mouse was pressed, sets fireType to alt
                else if (rightMousePressed)
                    fireType = "alt";
                //If the left mouse and right mouse were not pressed, sets fireType to none
                else if (!leftMousePressed && !rightMousePressed)
                    fireType = "none";

                //Creates a new vector with the xCoord, and yCoord and normalizes the new vector created
                vec = new Vector2D(xCoord, yCoord);

                //Passes this information in a ControlCommands
                ControlCommands c = new ControlCommands(movingDir, fireType, vec);

                //Serializes the control commands
                string serializedString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(c);

                //If the server is open, then it passes the serialized string to the server
                if (theServer != null)
                    Networking.Send(theServer.TheSocket, serializedString + "\n");