Exemplo n.º 1
        static void update_map_data(Game_Unit unit, bool through_doors = false, bool ignore_doors = false)
            // Goes through all units and sets a passable tag for the tile that unit is on
            // This should probably refer to the map's unit location data instead of figuring things out itself //Yeti
            foreach (Game_Unit test_unit in Global.game_map.units.Values.Where(x => !x.is_rescued && !x.is_dead))
                Vector2 loc = test_unit.pathfinding_loc;
                if (test_unit != unit && !Global.game_map.is_off_map(loc))
                    if (!Global.game_system.is_interpreter_running)
                        // if the location is already occupied, problems
                        Debug.Assert(!Unit_Locs.ContainsKey(loc), string.Format(
                                         "Two units share a location when trying to start pathfinding\n\n{0}\n{1}",
                                         unit, test_unit));
                    Unit_Locs[loc] = tile_unit_passability(unit, loc, test_unit);
                    if (!Unit_Locs.ContainsKey(loc))
                        Unit_Locs.Add(loc, tile_unit_passability(unit, loc, test_unit));
            foreach (LightRune rune in Global.game_map.enumerate_light_runes())
                Vector2 loc = rune.loc;
                if (!Global.game_map.is_off_map(loc))
                    Unit_Locs[loc] = tile_unit_passability(unit, loc, rune);
            Units_Ignored_Last_Time = Ignore_Units;
            Evented_Move_Last_Time  = unit.is_evented_move;
            Ignore_Units            = false;
            // Doors
            if (through_doors)
                if ((unit.can_open_door() || ignore_doors) && !unit.is_player_team)
                    foreach (var door in Global.game_map.door_locations)