Exemplo n.º 1
        public override double TransferTo(PartResourceInfo destination, double amount)
            RocketFuelResource dest = (RocketFuelResource)destination;
            double             liquidSpace = dest.liquidFuel.maxAmount - dest.liquidFuel.amount, oxidizerSpace = dest.oxidizer.maxAmount - dest.oxidizer.amount;

            amount = Math.Min(Math.Min(amount, Amount), Math.Min(liquidSpace * (10d / 9), oxidizerSpace * (10d / 11)));
            double fuel = amount * (9d / 10), oxygen = amount * (11d / 10);

            dest.liquidFuel.amount += fuel;
            liquidFuel.amount      -= fuel;
            dest.oxidizer.amount   += oxygen;
            oxidizer.amount        -= oxygen;
        private void RebuildLists(Vessel vessel)
            this.Log("Rebuilding resource lists.");
            // try to restore the old vessel info if we're switching vessels
            if (vesselInfo.vessel != vessel)
                recentVessels.RemoveAll(v => !FlightGlobals.Vessels.Contains(v.vessel)); // remove information about dead vessels
                int index = recentVessels.FindIndex(v => v.vessel == vessel);
                if (vesselInfo.vessel != null)                                           // save the current data if it's not the initial, uninitialized state
                if (index >= 0) // if we found the vessel in our memory, use it
                    vesselInfo = recentVessels[index];
                    recentVessels.RemoveAt(index); // we'll add it back the next time we switch ships
                    vesselInfo = new VesselInfo(vessel);

                if (recentVessels.Count >= MaxRecentVessels)

            // Remove parts that don't exist any more
            List <string> toDelete = new List <string>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ResourceInfo> resourceEntry in vesselInfo.resources)
//				this.Log( "Removing Parts for: " + resourceEntry.Key );
                resourceEntry.Value.parts.RemoveAll(partInfo => !vessel.parts.Contains(partInfo.part));

                if (resourceEntry.Value.parts.Count == 0)
//					this.Log( "Remove: " + resourceEntry.Key );
            // See if we have eliminated a whole resource
            foreach (string resource in toDelete)
//				this.Log( "Removed: " + resource );

            // If tanks change their contents then we need to keep up.
            toDelete.Clear( );
            foreach (Part part in vessel.parts)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ResourceInfo> resourceEntry in vesselInfo.resources)
                    if (resourceEntry.Key == "_RocketFuel")                      // "_RocketFuel" isn't real
                        List <ResourcePartMap> PartsToRemove = new List <ResourcePartMap>( );
                        foreach (ResourcePartMap pi in resourceEntry.Value.parts)
                            if (pi.part == part)
                                if (!part.Resources.Contains("Oxidizer") || !part.Resources.Contains("LiquidFuel"))
//									this.Log( part.name + " changed" );
                        foreach (ResourcePartMap pi in PartsToRemove)
                        if (resourceEntry.Value.parts.Count == 0)
//							this.Log( "Remove: " + resourceEntry.Key );
                        List <ResourcePartMap> PartsToRemove = new List <ResourcePartMap>( );
                        foreach (ResourcePartMap pi in resourceEntry.Value.parts)
                            if (pi.part == part)
                                if (!part.Resources.Contains(resourceEntry.Key))
//									this.Log( part.name + " changed" );
                        foreach (ResourcePartMap pi in PartsToRemove)
                        if (resourceEntry.Value.parts.Count == 0)
//							this.Log( "Remove: " + resourceEntry.Key );
            // See if we have eliminated a whole resource
            foreach (string resource in toDelete)
//				this.Log( "Removed: " + resource );

            // Add all resources in all tanks
            Dictionary <object, int> shipIds = ComputeShipIds(vessel);

            foreach (Part part in vessel.parts)
                if (part.Resources.Contains("Oxidizer") && part.Resources.Contains("LiquidFuel"))
                    AddResource("_RocketFuel", part, shipIds, (p, n) => { var r = new RocketFuelResource(); r.Refresh(p); return(r); });
                foreach (PartResource resource in part.Resources)
//this.Log( part.name + " - " + resource.resourceName + ":" + resource.amount.ToString( ) );
                    // skip the electric charge resource of engines with alternators, because they can't be balanced.
                    // any charge placed in an alternator just disappears
                    if (resource.resourceName == "ElectricCharge" && part.Modules.GetModules <ModuleAlternator>().Count != 0)
                    AddResource(resource.resourceName, part, shipIds, (p, n) => { var r = new SimplePartResource(n); r.Refresh(p); return(r); });

            SortParts((a, b) => a.shipId - b.shipId); // make sure resources are grouped by ship ID

            vesselInfo.lastPartCount = vessel.parts.Count;
            vesselInfo.lastSituation = vessel.situation;