Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle an image.  a_bitmap is passed by reference so that this function can
        /// dispose and null it out to gain access to the file that's backing it.  The
        /// calling toolkit function will never perform any action with a_bitmap after
        /// this function returns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a_szDg">Data group that preceeded this call</param>
        /// <param name="a_szDat">Data argument type that preceeded this call</param>
        /// <param name="a_szMsg">Message that preceeded this call</param>
        /// <param name="a_sts">Current status</param>
        /// <param name="a_bitmap">C# bitmap of the image</param>
        /// <param name="a_szFile">File name, if doing a file transfer</param>
        /// <param name="a_szTwimageinfo">data collected for us</param>
        /// <param name="a_abImage">a byte array of the image</param>
        /// <param name="a_iImageOffset">byte offset where the image data begins</param>
        public TWAINCSToolkit.MSG ReportImage
            string a_szTag,
            string a_szDg,
            string a_szDat,
            string a_szMsg,
            TWAINCSToolkit.STS a_sts,
            Bitmap a_bitmap,
            string a_szFile,
            string a_szTwimageinfo,
            byte[] a_abImage,
            int a_iImageOffset
            // We're leaving...
            if (m_blClosing || (m_graphics1 == null) || (a_bitmap == null))
                return (TWAINCSToolkit.MSG.RESET);

            // Let us be called from any thread...
            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                // We need a copy of the bitmap, because we're not going to wait
                // for the thread to return.  Be careful when using EndInvoke.
                // It's possible to create a deadlock situation with the Stop
                // button press.
                BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { ReportImage(a_szTag, a_szDg, a_szDat, a_szMsg, a_sts, a_bitmap, a_szFile, a_szTwimageinfo, a_abImage, a_iImageOffset); }));
                return (TWAINCSToolkit.MSG.ENDXFER);

            // Display the image...
            switch (m_iCurrentPictureBox)
                case 0:
                    LoadImage(ref m_pictureboxImage1, ref m_graphics1, ref m_bitmapGraphic1, a_bitmap);
                case 1:
                    LoadImage(ref m_pictureboxImage2, ref m_graphics2, ref m_bitmapGraphic2, a_bitmap);
                case 2:
                    LoadImage(ref m_pictureboxImage3, ref m_graphics3, ref m_bitmapGraphic3, a_bitmap);
                case 3:
                    LoadImage(ref m_pictureboxImage4, ref m_graphics4, ref m_bitmapGraphic4, a_bitmap);
                case 4:
                    LoadImage(ref m_pictureboxImage5, ref m_graphics5, ref m_bitmapGraphic5, a_bitmap);
                case 5:
                    LoadImage(ref m_pictureboxImage6, ref m_graphics6, ref m_bitmapGraphic6, a_bitmap);
                case 6:
                    LoadImage(ref m_pictureboxImage7, ref m_graphics7, ref m_bitmapGraphic7, a_bitmap);
                case 7:
                    LoadImage(ref m_pictureboxImage8, ref m_graphics8, ref m_bitmapGraphic8, a_bitmap);

            // Next picture box...
            if (++m_iCurrentPictureBox >= 8)
                m_iCurrentPictureBox = 0;

            // All done...
            return (TWAINCSToolkit.MSG.ENDXFER);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create and destroy our toolkit object, as needed...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a_szDg">Data group</param>
        /// <param name="a_szDat">Data argument type</param>
        /// <param name="a_szMsg">Operation</param>
        private void ManageToolkit(string a_szDg, string a_szDat, string a_szMsg)
            // Handle MSG_OPENDSM...
            if (a_szMsg == "MSG_OPENDSM")
                // Init stuff...
                m_blClosing = false;

                // Validate...
                if (m_twaincstoolkit != null)
                    WriteTriplet(a_szDg, a_szDat, a_szMsg, "(already open)");

                // Create our image capture object...
                    m_twaincstoolkit = new TWAINCSToolkit
                        "TWAIN Working Group",
                        "TWAIN Sharp",
                        "TWAIN Sharp Test App",
                        new string[] { "DF_APP2", "DG_CONTROL", "DG_IMAGE" },
                    WriteTriplet(a_szDg, a_szDat, a_szMsg, "(unable to start)");
                    m_twaincstoolkit = null;
                WriteTriplet(a_szDg, a_szDat, a_szMsg, TWAINCSToolkit.STS.SUCCESS.ToString());

                // Fix our controls...
                if (TWAINCSToolkit.GetPlatform() == "WINDOWS")
                    m_checkboxUseTwain32.Enabled = false;
                    m_checkboxUseCallbacks.Enabled = false;

                // Help the user...
                AutoDropdown(a_szDg, a_szDat, a_szMsg);

            // Handle MSG_CLOSEDSM...
            else if (a_szMsg == "MSG_CLOSEDSM")
                // Issue the command...
                WriteTriplet(a_szDg, a_szDat, a_szMsg, TWAINCSToolkit.STS.SUCCESS.ToString());
                m_blClosing = true;
                m_twaincstoolkit = null;

                // Fix our controls...
                if (TWAINCSToolkit.GetPlatform() == "WINDOWS")
                    m_checkboxUseTwain32.Enabled = (TWAINCSToolkit.GetMachineWordBitSize() == 32);
                    m_checkboxUseCallbacks.Enabled = true;

                // Help the user...
                AutoDropdown(a_szDg, a_szDat, a_szMsg);

            // Handle anything else...
                WriteTriplet(a_szDg, a_szDat, a_szMsg, TWAINCSToolkit.STS.BADPROTOCOL.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 3
        // ==================================================
        // Methods
        // ==================================================
        private void InitTwain()
                TwainToolkit = new TWAINCSToolkit
                                                    "TWAIN Working Group",
                                                    "TWAIN Sharp",
                                                    "TWAIN Sharp Scan App",
                                                    new string[] { "DF_APP2", "DG_CONTROL", "DG_IMAGE" },

                var defaultSource = string.Empty;
                var sources = TwainToolkit.GetDrivers(ref defaultSource);

                if (!sources.Any())
                    throw new Exception("TWAIN GetDrivers returned an empty list.");

            catch (Exception error)
                HandleError(Resources.ErrorCannotInitTwain, error);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle an image.  a_bitmap is passed by reference so that this function can
        /// dispose and null it out to gain access to the file that's backing it.  The
        /// calling toolkit function will never perform any action with a_bitmap after
        /// this function returns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a_szDg">Data group that preceeded this call</param>
        /// <param name="a_szDat">Data argument type that preceeded this call</param>
        /// <param name="a_szMsg">Message that preceeded this call</param>
        /// <param name="a_sts">Current status</param>
        /// <param name="a_bitmap">C# bitmap of the image</param>
        /// <param name="a_szFile">File name, if doing a file transfer</param>
        /// <param name="a_szTwimageinfo">data collected for us</param>
        /// <param name="a_abImage">a byte array of the image</param>
        /// <param name="a_iImageOffset">byte offset where the image data begins</param>
        private TWAINCSToolkit.MSG ReportImage(
            string a_szTag,
            string a_szDg,
            string a_szDat,
            string a_szMsg,
            TWAINCSToolkit.STS a_sts,
            Bitmap a_bitmap,
            string a_szFile,
            string a_szTwimageinfo,
            byte[] a_abImage,
            int a_iImageOffset
            // Let us be called from any thread
            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                // We need a copy of the bitmap, because we're not going to wait
                // for the thread to return.  Be careful when using EndInvoke.
                // It's possible to create a deadlock situation with the Stop
                // button press.
                BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate () { ReportImage(a_szTag, a_szDg, a_szDat, a_szMsg, a_sts, a_bitmap, a_szFile, a_szTwimageinfo, a_abImage, a_iImageOffset); }));
                return (TWAINCSToolkit.MSG.ENDXFER);

            if (a_bitmap == null)
                // Report errors, but only if the driver's indicators have
                // been turned off, otherwise we'll hit the user with multiple
                // dialogs for the same error
                if (!Settings.Default.ShowDriverMessages && (a_sts != TWAINCSToolkit.STS.SUCCESS))
                    HandleError(string.Format("{0}: {1}", Resources.ErrorFromSource, a_sts));

            return (TWAINCSToolkit.MSG.ENDXFER);
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Public Functions.  This is the stuff we want to expose to the
        // application...
        #region Public Functions...

        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiate TWAIN and open the DSM.  This looks like a ridiculously
        /// complex function, so lets talk about it for a moment.
        /// There are four groupings in the argument list (and wouldn't it be nice
        /// it they were all together):
        /// The Application Identity (TW_IDENTITY)
        /// a_szManufacturer, a_szProductFamily, a_szProductName, a_u16ProtocolMajor,
        /// a_u16ProtocolMinor, a_aszSupportedGroups, a_szTwcy, a_szInfo, a_szTwlg,
        /// a_u16MajorNum, a_u16MinorNum.
        /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        /// One of the goals of the TWAINWorkingGroupToolkit namespace is to make it
        /// unnecessary for the caller to include the TWAINWorkingGroup namespace.
        /// So there's no appeal to the TW_IDENTITY structure, instead it's broken
        /// out piecemeal.  The structure has been unchanged since 1993, so I think
        /// we can trust that these arguments won't change.  You can read about
        /// TW_IDENTITY in the TWAIN Specification, but essentially these arguments
        /// identify the application to the TWAIN DSM and the TWAIN driver.
        /// The Flags
        /// a_blUseLegacyDSM, a_blUseCallbacks, a_setmessagefilterdelegate
        /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        /// a_blUseLegacyDSM should be false on Windows and Linux and true on the
        /// Mac (until we get a new DSM).  This causes the toolkit to invoke the
        /// open source DSM provided by the TWAIN Working Group, which can be found
        /// here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/twain-dsm/.  a_blUseCallbacks
        /// should be true, since the callback system is easier to manage and less
        /// likely to cause an application's user interface to lock up while they
        /// are scanning (the alternative is the Windows POST message system).  If
        /// the value is false, then a_setmessagefilterdelegate must point to a
        /// function that will filter Window's messages sent from the application
        /// to the driver.
        /// The Callback Functions
        /// a_writeoutputdelegate, a_reportimagedelegate
        /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        /// a_writeoutputdelegate is only used by the TWAINCStst application to show
        /// information in the status window.  A regular application might find that
        /// useful for diagnostics, but it's not necessary, and the value can be set
        /// to null.  a_reportimagedelegate is the really interesting function, this
        /// is what's called for every image while scanning.  It receives both the
        /// metadata and the image.  You'll want to carefully look at the function
        /// that's used for the TWAINCSscan application.
        /// Windows Cruft
        /// a_intptrHwnd, a_runinuithreaddelegate, a_objectRunInUiThreadDelegate
        /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        /// TWAIN has been around since 1992, and it's one architectural drawback
        /// comes from how it tied itself to the Windows message loop (which I'm
        /// sure seemed like a very good idea at the time).  We have three functions,
        /// and the motivation for this is to avoid accessing System.Windows.Forms
        /// inside of TWAINCSToolkit, so that we can seamlessly work with other
        /// graphical windowing systems, such as are provided with Mono).  I won't
        /// go into too much detail here.  You must have a Form on Windows.  The
        /// the this.Handle is passed to a_intptrHwnd, which is used by both the
        /// DAT_PARENT and DAT_USERINTERFACE operations. a_objectRunInUiThreadDelegate
        /// is the this value, itself, and is used by the a_runinuithreaddelegate to
        /// invoke DAT_USERINTERFACE and DAT_IMAGE*XFER calls into the form's main
        /// UI thread, where the Windows message loop resides.  This is necessary,
        /// because some TWAIN driver's hook into that message loop, and will crash
        /// or hang, if not properly invoked from that thread.  If you run into this
        /// kind of situation, take of note of the operation that caused the problem,
        /// and if it's clearly an invokation issue it can be fixed by adding new
        /// TWAIN CS operations to this kind of callback route.  As for the function
        /// itself, just copy the RunInThreadUi function from TWAINCSscan, and use
        /// it as-is.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a_intptrHwnd">Parent window (needed for Windows)</param>
        /// <param name="a_writeoutputdelegate">Optional text output callback</param>
        /// <param name="a_reportimagedelegate">Optional report image callback</param>
        /// <param name="m_setmessagefilterdelegate">Optional message filter callback</param>
        /// <param name="a_szManufacturer">Application manufacturer</param>
        /// <param name="a_szProductFamily">Application family</param>
        /// <param name="a_szProductName">Name of the application</param>
        /// <param name="a_u16ProtocolMajor">TWAIN protocol major (doesn't have to match TWAINH.CS)</param>
        /// <param name="a_u16ProtocolMinor">TWAIN protocol minor (doesn't have to match TWAINH.CS)</param>
        /// <param name="a_aszSupportedGroups">Bitmask of DG_ flags</param>
        /// <param name="a_szTwcy">Application's country code</param>
        /// <param name="a_szInfo">Info about the application</param>
        /// <param name="a_szTwlg">Application's language</param>
        /// <param name="a_u16MajorNum">Application's major version</param>
        /// <param name="a_u16MinorNum">Application's minor version</param>
        /// <param name="a_blUseLegacyDSM">The the legacy DSM (like TWAIN_32.DLL)</param>
        /// <param name="a_blUseCallbacks">Use callbacks (preferred)</param>
        /// <param name="a_runinuithreaddelegate">delegate for running in the UI thread</param>
        /// <param name="a_objectRunInUiThreadDelegate">the form from that thread</param>
        public TWAINCSToolkit
            IntPtr a_intptrHwnd,
            WriteOutputDelegate a_writeoutputdelegate,
            ReportImageDelegate a_reportimagedelegate,
            SetMessageFilterDelegate a_setmessagefilterdelegate,
            string a_szManufacturer,
            string a_szProductFamily,
            string a_szProductName,
            ushort a_u16ProtocolMajor,
            ushort a_u16ProtocolMinor,
            string[] a_aszSupportedGroups,
            string a_szTwcy,
            string a_szInfo,
            string a_szTwlg,
            ushort a_u16MajorNum,
            ushort a_u16MinorNum,
            bool a_blUseLegacyDSM,
            bool a_blUseCallbacks,
            TWAINCSToolkit.RunInUiThreadDelegate a_runinuithreaddelegate,
            Object a_objectRunInUiThreadDelegate
            TWAIN.STS sts;
            uint u32SupportedGroups;

            // Init stuff...
            m_intptrHwnd = a_intptrHwnd;
            if (a_writeoutputdelegate == null)
                WriteOutput = WriteOutputStub;
                WriteOutput = a_writeoutputdelegate;
            ReportImage = a_reportimagedelegate;
            SetMessageFilter = a_setmessagefilterdelegate;
            m_szImagePath = null;
            m_iImageCount = 0;
            m_runinuithreaddelegate = a_runinuithreaddelegate;
            m_objectRunInUiThreadDelegate = a_objectRunInUiThreadDelegate;

            // Convert the supported groups from strings to flags...
            u32SupportedGroups = 0;
            foreach (string szSupportedGroup in a_aszSupportedGroups)
                TWAIN.DG dg = (TWAIN.DG)Enum.Parse(typeof(TWAIN.DG), szSupportedGroup.Remove(0, 3));
                if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(TWAIN.DG), dg))
                    u32SupportedGroups |= (uint)dg;

            // Instantiate TWAIN, and register ourselves...
            m_twain = new TWAIN
                (TWAIN.TWCY)Enum.Parse(typeof(TWAIN.TWCY), a_szTwcy),
                (TWAIN.TWLG)Enum.Parse(typeof(TWAIN.TWLG), a_szTwlg),

            // Store some values...
            m_blUseCallbacks = a_blUseCallbacks;

            // Our default transfer mechanism...
            m_twsxXferMech = TWAIN.TWSX.NATIVE;

            // Our default file transfer info...
            m_twsetupfilexfer = default(TWAIN.TW_SETUPFILEXFER);
            m_twsetupfilexfer.Format = TWAIN.TWFF.TIFF;
            if (TWAIN.GetPlatform() == TWAIN.Platform.WINDOWS)
                m_twsetupfilexfer.FileName.Set(Path.GetTempPath() + "img");
            else if (TWAIN.GetPlatform() == TWAIN.Platform.LINUX)
                m_twsetupfilexfer.FileName.Set(Path.GetTempPath() + "img");
            else if (TWAIN.GetPlatform() == TWAIN.Platform.MACOSX)
                Log.Assert("Unsupported platform..." + TWAIN.GetPlatform());

            // We've not been in the scan callback yet...
            m_blScanStart = true;

            // Open the DSM...
                sts = m_twain.DatParent(TWAIN.DG.CONTROL, TWAIN.MSG.OPENDSM, ref m_intptrHwnd);
            catch (Exception exception)
                Log.Error("OpenDSM exception: " + exception.Message);
                sts = TWAIN.STS.FAILURE;
            if (sts != TWAIN.STS.SUCCESS)
                Log.Error("OpenDSM failed...");
                throw new Exception("OpenDSM failed...");
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Public Methods...
        #region Public Methods...

        /// <summary>
        /// Our constructor...
        /// </summary>
        public FormScan()
            // Build our form...

            // Open the log in our working folder, and say hi...
            Log.Open("TWAINCSScan", ".", 1);
            Log.Info("TWAINCSScan v" + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString());

            // Init other stuff...
            m_blIndicators = false;
            m_blExit = false;
            m_iUseBitmap = 0;
            this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(FormScan_FormClosing);

            // Create our image capture object...
                m_twaincstoolkit = new TWAINCSToolkit
                    "TWAIN Working Group",
                    "TWAIN Sharp",
                    "TWAIN Sharp Scan App",
                    new string[] { "DF_APP2", "DG_CONTROL", "DG_IMAGE" },
                m_twaincstoolkit = null;
                m_blExit = true;
                    "Unable to start, the most likely reason is that the TWAIN\n" +
                    "Data Source Manager is not installed on your system.\n\n" +
                    "An internet search for 'TWAIN DSM' will locate it and once\n" +
                    "installed, you should be able to proceed.\n\n" +
                    "You can also try the following link:\n" +
                    "Error Starting TWAIN CS Scan"

            // Init our picture box...

            // Init our buttons...
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle an image.  a_bitmap is passed by reference so that this function can
        /// dispose and null it out to gain access to the file that's backing it.  The
        /// calling toolkit function will never perform any action with a_bitmap after
        /// this function returns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a_szDg">Data group that preceeded this call</param>
        /// <param name="a_szDat">Data argument type that preceeded this call</param>
        /// <param name="a_szMsg">Message that preceeded this call</param>
        /// <param name="a_sts">Current status</param>
        /// <param name="a_bitmap">C# bitmap of the image</param>
        /// <param name="a_szFile">File name, if doing a file transfer</param>
        /// <param name="a_szTwimageinfo">data collected for us</param>
        /// <param name="a_abImage">a byte array of the image</param>
        /// <param name="a_iImageOffset">byte offset where the image data begins</param>
        private TWAINCSToolkit.MSG ReportImage
            string a_szTag,
            string a_szDg,
            string a_szDat,
            string a_szMsg,
            TWAINCSToolkit.STS a_sts,
            Bitmap a_bitmap,
            string a_szFile,
            string a_szTwimageinfo,
            byte[] a_abImage,
            int a_iImageOffset
            // We're leaving...
            if (m_graphics1 == null)
                return (TWAINCSToolkit.MSG.RESET);

            // Let us be called from any thread...
            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                // We need a copy of the bitmap, because we're not going to wait
                // for the thread to return.  Be careful when using EndInvoke.
                // It's possible to create a deadlock situation with the Stop
                // button press.
                BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { ReportImage(a_szTag, a_szDg, a_szDat, a_szMsg, a_sts, a_bitmap, a_szFile, a_szTwimageinfo, a_abImage, a_iImageOffset); }));
                return (TWAINCSToolkit.MSG.ENDXFER);

            // We're processing end of scan...
            if (a_bitmap == null)
                // Report errors, but only if the driver's indicators have
                // been turned off, otherwise we'll hit the user with multiple
                // dialogs for the same error...
                if (!m_blIndicators && (a_sts != TWAINCSToolkit.STS.SUCCESS))
                    MessageBox.Show("End of session status: " + a_sts);

                // Get ready for the next scan...
                return (TWAINCSToolkit.MSG.ENDXFER);

            // Display the image...
            if (m_iUseBitmap == 0)
                m_iUseBitmap = 1;
                LoadImage(ref m_pictureboxImage1, ref m_graphics1, ref m_bitmapGraphic1, a_bitmap);
                m_iUseBitmap = 0;
                LoadImage(ref m_pictureboxImage2, ref m_graphics2, ref m_bitmapGraphic2, a_bitmap);

            // All done...
            return (TWAINCSToolkit.MSG.ENDXFER);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// We're being closed, clean up nicely...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void FormScan_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            // Get rid of the toolkit...
            if (m_twaincstoolkit != null)
                m_twaincstoolkit = null;

            // This will prevent ReportImage from doing anything as we close...
            m_graphics1 = null;
Exemplo n.º 9
        // Public Methods...
        #region Public Methods...

        /// <summary>
        /// Our constructor...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a_twaincstool"></param>
        public FormSetup(ref TWAINCSToolkit a_twaincstoolkit, string a_szProductDirectory)
            TWAINCSToolkit.STS sts;
            string szStatus;
            string szCapability;
            string szUsrUiSettings;

            // Init stuff...

            // More init stuff...
            this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(FormSetup_FormClosing);

            // Init more stuff (the order matters).  ApplicationData means the following:
            // Windows:     C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming (or C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data on XP)
            // Linux:       /home/USERNAME/.config (or /root/.config for superuser)
            // Mac OS X:    /Users/USERNAME/.config (or /var/root/.config for superuser)
            m_twaincstoolkit = a_twaincstoolkit;
            m_szTwainscanFolder = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal),"twain"),"twaincsscan");
            m_szSettingsFolder = Path.Combine(m_szTwainscanFolder,"settings");
            m_szSettingsFolder = Path.Combine(m_szSettingsFolder, a_szProductDirectory);
            if (!Directory.Exists(m_szTwainscanFolder))
                    m_szTwainscanFolder = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            // Restore values...
            m_textboxFolder.Text = RestoreFolder();
            m_textboxUseUiSettings.Text = "";

            // Make sure we prime the value...

            // Check for support of Custom DS Data...
            szStatus = "";
            szCapability = "CAP_CUSTOMDSDATA";
            sts = m_twaincstoolkit.Send("DG_CONTROL", "DAT_CAPABILITY", "MSG_GETCURRENT", ref szCapability, ref szStatus);
            if ((sts != TWAINCSToolkit.STS.SUCCESS) || !szCapability.EndsWith(",1"))
                m_labelUseUiSettings.Enabled = false;
                m_textboxUseUiSettings.Enabled = false;
                m_buttonSaveUiSettings.Enabled = false;
                m_buttonUseUiSettings.Enabled = false;

            // Restore the last saved snapshot...
                m_textboxUseUiSettings.Text = RestoreSetting();
                if (m_textboxUseUiSettings.Text != "")
                    szUsrUiSettings = Path.Combine(m_szSettingsFolder, m_textboxUseUiSettings.Text);
                    if (File.Exists(szUsrUiSettings))
                        m_textboxUseUiSettings.Text = "";