Exemplo n.º 1
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Find and return state with a given a kernel item Set (or null if not
         *  found).  The kernel item Set is the subset of items that were used to
         *  originally create the state.  These items are formed by "shifting the
         *  dot" within items of other states that have a transition to this one.
         *  The remaining elements of this state's item Set are added during closure.
         * @param itms the kernel Set of the state we are looking for.
        public static lalr_state find_state(lalr_item_set itms)
            if (itms == null)
Exemplo n.º 2
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Remove (Set subtract) a complete Set.
         * @param other the Set to remove.
        public void remove(lalr_item_set other)

            /* walk down the other Set and do the removes individually */
            IEnumerator e = other.all();

            while (e.MoveNext())
Exemplo n.º 3
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Is this Set an (improper) subset of another?
         * @param other the other Set in question.
        public bool is_subset_of(lalr_item_set other)

            /* walk down our Set and make sure every element is in the other */
            IEnumerator e = all();

            while (e.MoveNext())
                if (!other.contains((lalr_item)e.Current))

            /* they were all there */
Exemplo n.º 4
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Equality comparison. */
        public bool Equals(lalr_item_set other)
            if (other == null || other.size() != size())

            /* once we know they are the same size, then improper subset does test */
            catch (internal_error e)
                /* can't throw error from here (because superclass doesn't) so crash */
Exemplo n.º 5
  /*--- Constructor(s) ----------------------------------------*/
  /** Constructor for building a state from a Set of items.
   * @param itms the Set of items that makes up this state.
  public lalr_state(lalr_item_set itms) 
     /* don't allow null or duplicate item sets */
     if (itms == null)
       throw new internal_error(
	 "Attempt to construct an LALR state from a null item Set");

     if (find_state(itms) != null)
       throw new internal_error(
	 "Attempt to construct a duplicate LALR state");

     /* assign a unique index */
      _index = next_index++;

     /* store the items */
     _items = itms;

     /* add to the global collection, keyed with its item Set */
Exemplo n.º 6
        /*--- Constructor(s) ----------------------------------------*/

        /** Constructor for building a state from a Set of items.
         * @param itms the Set of items that makes up this state.
        public lalr_state(lalr_item_set itms)
            /* don't allow null or duplicate item sets */
            if (itms == null)
                throw new internal_error(
                          "Attempt to construct an LALR state from a null item Set");

            if (find_state(itms) != null)
                throw new internal_error(
                          "Attempt to construct a duplicate LALR state");

            /* assign a unique index */
            _index = next_index++;

            /* store the items */
            _items = itms;

            /* add to the global collection, keyed with its item Set */
            _all.Add(_items, this);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Is this Set an (improper) superset of another?
         * @param other the other Set in question.
        public bool is_superset_of(lalr_item_set other)
 /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
 /** Find and return state with a given a kernel item Set (or null if not
    *  found).  The kernel item Set is the subset of items that were used to
    *  originally create the state.  These items are formed by "shifting the
    *  dot" within items of other states that have a transition to this one.
    *  The remaining elements of this state's item Set are added during closure.
    * @param itms the kernel Set of the state we are looking for.
 public static lalr_state find_state(lalr_item_set itms)
     if (itms == null)
       	return null;
       	return (lalr_state)_all[itms];
Exemplo n.º 9
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Build an LALR viable prefix recognition machine given a start
         *  production.  This method operates by first building a start state
         *  from the start production (based on a single item with the dot at
         *  the beginning and EOF as expected lookahead).  Then for each state
         *  it attempts to extend the machine by creating transitions out of
         *  the state to new or existing states.  When considering extension
         *  from a state we make a transition on each symbol that appears before
         *  the dot in some item.  For example, if we have the items: <pre>
         *    [A ::= a b * X c, {d,e}]
         *    [B ::= a b * X d, {a,b}]
         *  </pre>
         *  in some state, then we would be making a transition under X to a new
         *  state.  This new state would be formed by a "kernel" of items
         *  corresponding to moving the dot past the X.  In this case: <pre>
         *    [A ::= a b X * c, {d,e}]
         *    [B ::= a b X * Y, {a,b}]
         *  </pre>
         *  The full state would then be formed by "closing" this kernel Set of
         *  items so that it included items that represented productions of things
         *  the parser was now looking for.  In this case we would items
         *  corresponding to productions of Y, since various forms of Y are expected
         *  next when in this state (see lalr_item_set.compute_closure() for details
         *  on closure). <p>
         *  The process of building the viable prefix recognizer terminates when no
         *  new states can be added.  However, in order to build a smaller number of
         *  states (i.e., corresponding to LALR rather than canonical LR) the state
         *  building process does not maintain full loookaheads in all items.
         *  Consequently, after the machine is built, we go back and propagate
         *  lookaheads through the constructed machine using a call to
         *  propagate_all_lookaheads().  This makes use of propagation links
         *  constructed during the closure and transition process.
         * @param start_prod the start production of the grammar
         * @see   java_cup.lalr_item_set#compute_closure
         * @see   java_cup.lalr_state#propagate_all_lookaheads

        public static lalr_state build_machine(production start_prod)

            lalr_state    start_state;
            lalr_item_set start_items;
            lalr_item_set new_items;
            lalr_item_set linked_items;
            lalr_item_set kernel;
            Stack         work_stack = new Stack();
            lalr_state    st, new_st;
            symbol_set    outgoing;
            lalr_item     itm, new_itm, existing, fix_itm;
            symbol        sym, sym2;
            IEnumerator   i, s, fix;

            /* sanity check */
            if (start_prod == null)
                throw new internal_error(
                          "Attempt to build viable prefix recognizer using a null production");

            /* build item with dot at front of start production and EOF lookahead */
            start_items = new lalr_item_set();

            itm = new lalr_item(start_prod);


            /* create copy the item Set to form the kernel */
            kernel = new lalr_item_set(start_items);

            /* create the closure from that item Set */

            /* build a state out of that item Set and put it in our work Set */
            start_state = new lalr_state(start_items);

            /* enter the state using the kernel as the key */
            _all_kernels.Add(kernel, start_state);

            /* continue looking at new states until we have no more work to do */
            while (work_stack.Count != 0)
                /* remove a state from the work Set */
                st = (lalr_state)work_stack.Pop();

                /* gather up all the symbols that appear before dots */
                outgoing = new symbol_set();
                i        = st.items().all();
                while (i.MoveNext())
                    itm = (lalr_item)i.Current;

                    /* add the symbol before the dot (if any) to our collection */
                    sym = itm.symbol_after_dot();
                    if (sym != null)

                /* now create a transition out for each individual symbol */
                s = outgoing.all();
                while (s.MoveNext())
                    sym = (symbol)s.Current;

                    /* will be keeping the Set of items with propagate links */
                    linked_items = new lalr_item_set();

                    /* gather up shifted versions of all the items that have this
                     * symbol before the dot */
                    new_items = new lalr_item_set();
                    i         = st.items().all();
                    while (i.MoveNext())
                        itm = (lalr_item)i.Current;

                        /* if this is the symbol we are working on now, add to Set */
                        sym2 = itm.symbol_after_dot();
                        if (sym.Equals(sym2))
                            /* add to the kernel of the new state */

                            /* remember that itm has propagate link to it */

                    /* use new items as state kernel */
                    kernel = new lalr_item_set(new_items);

                    /* have we seen this one already? */
                    new_st = (lalr_state)_all_kernels[kernel];

                    /* if we haven't, build a new state out of the item Set */
                    if (new_st == null)
                        /* compute closure of the kernel for the full item Set */

                        /* build the new state */
                        new_st = new lalr_state(new_items);

                        /* add the new state to our work Set */

                        /* put it in our kernel table */
                        _all_kernels.Add(kernel, new_st);
                    /* otherwise relink propagation to items in existing state */
                        /* walk through the items that have links to the new state */
                        fix = linked_items.all();
                        while (fix.MoveNext())
                            fix_itm = (lalr_item)fix.Current;

                            /* look at each propagate link out of that item */

                            for (int l = 0; l < fix_itm.propagate_items().Count; l++)
                                /* pull out item linked to in the new state */
                                new_itm = (lalr_item)fix_itm.propagate_items().ToArray()[l];

                                /* find corresponding item in the existing state */
                                existing = new_st.items().find(new_itm);

                                /* fix up the item so it points to the existing Set */

                                if (existing != null)
                                    fix_itm.set_propagate_item(existing, l);

                    /* add a transition from current state to that state */
                    st.add_transition(sym, new_st);

            /* all done building states */

            /* propagate complete lookahead sets throughout the states */

Exemplo n.º 10
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Constructor for cloning from another Set.
         * @param other indicates Set we should copy from.
        public lalr_item_set(lalr_item_set other)
            _all = (Hashtable)other._all.Clone();
Exemplo n.º 11
	/*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

	/** Is this Set an (improper) superset of another? 
	 * @param other the other Set in question.
	public bool is_superset_of(lalr_item_set other)
	return other.is_subset_of(this);
Exemplo n.º 12
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Compute the closure of the Set using the LALR closure rules.  Basically
         *  for every item of the form: <pre>
         *    [L ::= a *N alpha, l]
         *  </pre>
         *  (where N is a a non terminal and alpha is a string of symbols) make
         *  sure there are also items of the form:  <pre>
         *    [N ::= *beta, first(alpha l)]
         *  </pre>
         *  corresponding to each production of N.  Items with identical cores but
         *  differing lookahead sets are merged by creating a new item with the same
         *  core and the union of the lookahead sets (the LA in LALR stands for
         *  "lookahead merged" and this is where the merger is).  This routine
         *  assumes that nullability and first sets have been computed for all
         *  productions before it is called.
        public void compute_closure()

            lalr_item_set consider;
            lalr_item     itm, new_itm, add_itm;
            non_terminal  nt;
            terminal_set  new_lookaheads;
            IEnumerator   p;
            production    prod;
            bool          need_prop;

            /* invalidate cached hashcode */
            is_cached = false;

            /* each current element needs to be considered */
            consider = new lalr_item_set(this);

            /* repeat this until there is nothing else to consider */
            while (consider.size() > 0)
                /* get one item to consider */
                itm = consider.get_one();

                /* do we have a dot before a non terminal */
                nt = itm.dot_before_nt();
                if (nt != null)
                    /* create the lookahead Set based on first after dot */
                    new_lookaheads = itm.calc_lookahead(itm.lookahead());

                    /* are we going to need to propagate our lookahead to new item */
                    need_prop = itm.lookahead_visible();

                    /* create items for each production of that non term */
                    p = nt.productions();
                    while (p.MoveNext())
                        prod = (production)p.Current;

                        /* create new item with dot at start and that lookahead */
                        new_itm = new lalr_item(prod,
                                                new terminal_set(new_lookaheads));

                        /* add/merge item into the Set */
                        add_itm = add(new_itm);
                        /* if propagation is needed link to that item */
                        if (need_prop)

                        /* was this was a new item*/
                        if (add_itm == new_itm)
                            /* that may need further closure, consider it also */
Exemplo n.º 13
	/*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

	/** Remove (Set subtract) a complete Set. 
	 * @param other the Set to remove.
	public void remove(lalr_item_set other) 

	/* walk down the other Set and do the removes individually */
	IEnumerator e = other.all();
	while ( e.MoveNext() )
Exemplo n.º 14
	/*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

	/** Compute the closure of the Set using the LALR closure rules.  Basically
	 *  for every item of the form: <pre>
	 *    [L ::= a *N alpha, l] 
	 *  </pre>
	 *  (where N is a a non terminal and alpha is a string of symbols) make 
	 *  sure there are also items of the form:  <pre>
	 *    [N ::= *beta, first(alpha l)] 
	 *  </pre>
	 *  corresponding to each production of N.  Items with identical cores but 
	 *  differing lookahead sets are merged by creating a new item with the same 
	 *  core and the union of the lookahead sets (the LA in LALR stands for 
	 *  "lookahead merged" and this is where the merger is).  This routine 
	 *  assumes that nullability and first sets have been computed for all 
	 *  productions before it is called.
	public void compute_closure()
	lalr_item_set consider;
	lalr_item     itm, new_itm, add_itm;
	non_terminal  nt;
	terminal_set  new_lookaheads;
	IEnumerator   p;
	production    prod;
	bool       need_prop;

	/* invalidate cached hashcode */

	/* each current element needs to be considered */
	consider = new lalr_item_set(this);

	/* repeat this until there is nothing else to consider */
	while (consider.size() > 0)
	/* get one item to consider */
	itm = consider.get_one(); 

	/* do we have a dot before a non terminal */
	nt = itm.dot_before_nt();
	if (nt != null)
	/* create the lookahead Set based on first after dot */
	new_lookaheads = itm.calc_lookahead(itm.lookahead());

	/* are we going to need to propagate our lookahead to new item */
	need_prop = itm.lookahead_visible();

	/* create items for each production of that non term */
	p = nt.productions();
	while ( p.MoveNext() )
	prod = (production)p.Current;

	/* create new item with dot at start and that lookahead */
	new_itm = new lalr_item(prod, 
	new terminal_set(new_lookaheads));

	/* add/merge item into the Set */
	add_itm = add(new_itm);
	/* if propagation is needed link to that item */
	if (need_prop)

	/* was this was a new item*/
	if (add_itm == new_itm)
	/* that may need further closure, consider it also */ 
Exemplo n.º 15
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
        /** Build an LALR viable prefix recognition machine given a start
           *  production.  This method operates by first building a start state
           *  from the start production (based on a single item with the dot at
           *  the beginning and EOF as expected lookahead).  Then for each state
           *  it attempts to extend the machine by creating transitions out of
           *  the state to new or existing states.  When considering extension
           *  from a state we make a transition on each symbol that appears before
           *  the dot in some item.  For example, if we have the items: <pre>
           *    [A ::= a b * X c, {d,e}]
           *    [B ::= a b * X d, {a,b}]
           *  </pre>
           *  in some state, then we would be making a transition under X to a new
           *  state.  This new state would be formed by a "kernel" of items
           *  corresponding to moving the dot past the X.  In this case: <pre>
           *    [A ::= a b X * c, {d,e}]
           *    [B ::= a b X * Y, {a,b}]
           *  </pre>
           *  The full state would then be formed by "closing" this kernel Set of
           *  items so that it included items that represented productions of things
           *  the parser was now looking for.  In this case we would items
           *  corresponding to productions of Y, since various forms of Y are expected
           *  next when in this state (see lalr_item_set.compute_closure() for details
           *  on closure). <p>
           *  The process of building the viable prefix recognizer terminates when no
           *  new states can be added.  However, in order to build a smaller number of
           *  states (i.e., corresponding to LALR rather than canonical LR) the state
           *  building process does not maintain full loookaheads in all items.
           *  Consequently, after the machine is built, we go back and propagate
           *  lookaheads through the constructed machine using a call to
           *  propagate_all_lookaheads().  This makes use of propagation links
           *  constructed during the closure and transition process.
           * @param start_prod the start production of the grammar
           * @see   java_cup.lalr_item_set#compute_closure
           * @see   java_cup.lalr_state#propagate_all_lookaheads
        public static lalr_state build_machine(production start_prod)
            lalr_state    start_state;
              lalr_item_set start_items;
              lalr_item_set new_items;
              lalr_item_set linked_items;
              lalr_item_set kernel;
              Stack         work_stack = new Stack();
              lalr_state    st, new_st;
              symbol_set    outgoing;
              lalr_item     itm, new_itm, existing, fix_itm;
              symbol        sym, sym2;
              IEnumerator   i, s, fix;

              /* sanity check */
              if (start_prod == null)
            throw new internal_error(
             	  "Attempt to build viable prefix recognizer using a null production");

              /* build item with dot at front of start production and EOF lookahead */
              start_items = new lalr_item_set();

              itm = new lalr_item(start_prod);


              /* create copy the item Set to form the kernel */
              kernel = new lalr_item_set(start_items);

              /* create the closure from that item Set */

              /* build a state out of that item Set and put it in our work Set */
              start_state = new lalr_state(start_items);

              /* enter the state using the kernel as the key */
              _all_kernels.Add(kernel, start_state);

              /* continue looking at new states until we have no more work to do */
              while (work_stack.Count!=0)
              /* remove a state from the work Set */
              st = (lalr_state)work_stack.Pop();

              /* gather up all the symbols that appear before dots */
              outgoing = new symbol_set();
              i = st.items().all();
              while ( i.MoveNext() )
              itm = (lalr_item)i.Current;

              /* add the symbol before the dot (if any) to our collection */
              sym = itm.symbol_after_dot();
              if (sym != null) outgoing.add(sym);

              /* now create a transition out for each individual symbol */
              s = outgoing.all();
              while ( s.MoveNext())
              sym = (symbol)s.Current;

              /* will be keeping the Set of items with propagate links */
              linked_items = new lalr_item_set();

              /* gather up shifted versions of all the items that have this
             symbol before the dot */
              new_items = new lalr_item_set();
              i = st.items().all();
              while ( i.MoveNext())
              itm = (lalr_item)i.Current;

              /* if this is the symbol we are working on now, add to Set */
              sym2 = itm.symbol_after_dot();
              if (sym.Equals(sym2))
              /* add to the kernel of the new state */

              /* remember that itm has propagate link to it */

              /* use new items as state kernel */
              kernel = new lalr_item_set(new_items);

              /* have we seen this one already? */
              new_st = (lalr_state)_all_kernels[kernel];

              /* if we haven't, build a new state out of the item Set */
              if (new_st == null)
              /* compute closure of the kernel for the full item Set */

              /* build the new state */
              new_st = new lalr_state(new_items);

              /* add the new state to our work Set */

              /* put it in our kernel table */
              _all_kernels.Add(kernel, new_st);
              /* otherwise relink propagation to items in existing state */
              /* walk through the items that have links to the new state */
              fix = linked_items.all();
              while ( fix.MoveNext() )
              fix_itm = (lalr_item)fix.Current;

              /* look at each propagate link out of that item */

              for (int l =0; l < fix_itm.propagate_items().Count; l++)
              /* pull out item linked to in the new state */
              new_itm =(lalr_item) fix_itm.propagate_items().ToArray()[l];

              /* find corresponding item in the existing state */
              existing = new_st.items().find(new_itm);

              /* fix up the item so it points to the existing Set */

              if (existing != null)


              /* add a transition from current state to that state */
              st.add_transition(sym, new_st);

              /* all done building states */

              /* propagate complete lookahead sets throughout the states */

              return start_state;
Exemplo n.º 16
	/*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

	/** Is this Set an (improper) subset of another? 
	 * @param other the other Set in question.
	public bool is_subset_of(lalr_item_set other) 

	/* walk down our Set and make sure every element is in the other */
	IEnumerator e = all();
	while ( e.MoveNext() )
	if (!other.contains((lalr_item)e.Current))
	return false;

	/* they were all there */
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
		/*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

		/** Constructor for cloning from another Set. 
		 * @param other indicates Set we should copy from.
		public lalr_item_set(lalr_item_set other) 
		_all = (Hashtable)other._all.Clone();
Exemplo n.º 18
	/*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

	/** Equality comparison. */
	public bool Equals(lalr_item_set other)
	if (other == null || other.size() != size()) return false;

	/* once we know they are the same size, then improper subset does test */
	return is_subset_of(other);
	catch (internal_error e) 
	/* can't throw error from here (because superclass doesn't) so crash */
	return false;
