Exemplo n.º 1
 public void SendClusterIM(int clusterId, string message, int totalFragments, int fragmentSequence, FontStyle fontStyle)
     ClusterSendIMExPacket packet = new ClusterSendIMExPacket(QQClient);
     packet.ClusterId = clusterId;
     packet.Message = message;
     packet.TotalFragments = totalFragments;
     packet.FragmentSequence = fragmentSequence;
     packet.FontStyle = fontStyle;
     QQClient.PacketManager.SendPacket(packet, QQPort.Main.Name);
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// 发送普通信息
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="receiver">The receiver.</param>
 /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
 /// <param name="totalFragments">The total fragments.总分块数</param>
 /// <param name="fragementSequence">The fragement sequence.当前当块序号</param>
 /// <param name="fontSytle">The font sytle.</param>
 public void SendIM(int receiver, byte[] message, int totalFragments,
     int fragementSequence, FontStyle fontSytle)
     SendIMPacket packet = new SendIMPacket(QQClient);
     packet.Receiver = receiver;
     packet.Message = message;
     packet.TotalFragments = totalFragments;
     packet.FragmentSequence = fragementSequence;
     packet.FontStyle = fontSytle;
     QQClient.PacketManager.SendPacket(packet, QQPort.Main.Name);
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// 发送临时信息
 /// <remark>abu 2008-03-11 </remark>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="receiver">The receiver.</param>
 /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
 /// <param name="myNick">My nick.你的昵称</param>
 /// <param name="fontSytle">The font sytle.</param>
 public void SendTempIM(int receiver, string message, string myNick, FontStyle fontSytle)
     TempSessionOpPacket packet = new TempSessionOpPacket(QQClient);
     packet.SubCommand = TempSessionSubCmd.SendIM;
     packet.Receiver = receiver;
     packet.Message = message;
     packet.Nick = myNick;
     packet.FontStyle = fontSytle;
     QQClient.PacketManager.SendPacket(packet, QQPort.Main.Name);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public SendIMPacket(QQClient client)
     : base(QQCommand.Send_IM,true,client)
     FontStyle = new FontStyle();
     Message = null;
     MessageType = NormalIMType.TEXT;
     ReplyType = ReplyType.NORMAL;
     TransferType = TransferType.FILE;
     FakeIp = false;
     TotalFragments = 1;
     FragmentSequence = 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 发送普通信息
        /// 	<remark>abu 2008-03-11 </remark>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="receiver">The receiver.</param>
        /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
        /// <param name="fontSytle">The font sytle.</param>
        public void SendIM(int receiver, string message, FontStyle fontSytle)
            int MaxByte = QQGlobal.QQ_MAX_SEND_IM;//取最长长度

            //发送长信息的功能由 @蓝色的风之精灵 补充,http://www.cnblogs.com/lersh/archive/2008/04/22/1165451.html
            if (Encoding.GetEncoding(QQGlobal.QQ_CHARSET_DEFAULT).GetBytes(message).Length > MaxByte)//判断是不是要分段发送
                List<byte> messageBytes = new List<byte>();
                int messageSize = messageBytes.Count;

                int totalFragments = ((messageSize % MaxByte) > 0) ? (messageSize / MaxByte + 1) : (messageSize / MaxByte);//计算分片数
                for (int fragementSequence = 0; fragementSequence < totalFragments; fragementSequence++)
                    int index = fragementSequence * MaxByte;
                    int BytesSize = ((messageSize - index) > MaxByte) ? MaxByte : (messageSize - index);//不能每次都申请最大长度的byte数组,不然字体会出问题
                    byte[] messageFragementBytes = new byte[BytesSize];

                    messageBytes.CopyTo(index, messageFragementBytes, 0, BytesSize);
                    SendIM(receiver, messageFragementBytes, totalFragments, fragementSequence, fontSytle);

                SendIM(receiver, Utils.Util.GetBytes(message), 1, 0, fontSytle);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// 分析09的流
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buf"></param>
        public void Read09(ByteBuffer buf)
            FontStyle = new FontStyle();
            // 是否有字体属性
            HasFontAttribute = buf.GetInt() != 0;
            // 分片数
            TotalFragments = (int)buf.Get();
            // 分片序号
            FragmentSequence = (int)buf.Get();
            // 消息id 两个字节
            MessageId = (int)buf.GetUShort();
            // 消息类型,这里的类型表示是正常回复还是自动回复之类的信息
            ReplyType = (ReplyType)buf.Get();
            // 消息正文
            #region 字体属性开始 未处理
            buf.Position += 8;//'M' 'S' 'G' 00 00 00 00 00
            buf.GetInt();//send time
            buf.Position += 12;//5D 69 71 DE 00 80 80 00 0A 00 86 00  参见sendim
            int len = buf.GetUShort();
            buf.GetByteArray(len);//字体 E5 AE 8B E4 BD 93 =宋体
            buf.GetUShort();//00 00
            IsNormalIM09 = true;//标注09的信息
            MessageBytes = buf.GetByteArray(buf.Remaining());
            //_Message = "";
            //while (buf.HasRemaining())
            //    byte type = buf.Get();
            //    len = buf.GetUShort();
            //    switch (type)
            //    {
            //        case 0x01://pure text
            //            //len_str = buf.GetUShort();
            //            _Message +=new NormalIMText(QQClient,buf.GetByteArray(len)).ToString();
            //            break;
            //        case 0x02://face
            //            _Message += new NormalIMFace(QQClient, buf.GetByteArray(len)).ToString();
            //            break;
            //        case 0x06://image
            //            _Message += new NormalIMImage(QQClient, buf.GetByteArray(len)).ToString();
            //            break;
            //        default:
            //            QQClient.LogManager.Log(ToString() + " Class Parse Unknown Type=0x" + type.ToString("X") + " Data=" + Utils.Util.ToHex(buf.GetByteArray(len)));
            //            break;

            //    }

Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>给定一个输入流,解析NormalIM结构
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buf">The buf.</param>
 public void Read(ByteBuffer buf)
     FontStyle = new FontStyle();
     // 是否有字体属性
     HasFontAttribute = buf.GetInt() != 0;
     // 分片数
     TotalFragments = (int)buf.Get();
     // 分片序号
     FragmentSequence = (int)buf.Get();
     // 消息id 两个字节
     MessageId = (int)buf.GetUShort();
     // 消息类型,这里的类型表示是正常回复还是自动回复之类的信息
     ReplyType = (ReplyType)buf.Get();
     // 消息正文,长度=剩余字节数 - 包尾字体属性长度
     int remain = buf.Remaining();
     int fontAttributeLength = HasFontAttribute ? (buf.Get(buf.Position + remain - 1) & 0xFF) : 0;
     MessageBytes = buf.GetByteArray(remain - fontAttributeLength);
     // 这后面都是字体属性,这个和SendIMPacket里面的是一样的
     if (HasFontAttribute)
         if (buf.HasRemaining())
             HasFontAttribute = false;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public TempSessionOpPacket(QQClient client)
     : base(QQCommand.Temp_Session_OP_05,true,client)
     Site = Nick = Message = string.Empty;
     FontStyle = new FontStyle();
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ClusterSendIMExPacket"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user">The user.</param>
 public ClusterSendIMExPacket(QQClient client)
     : base(client)
     SubCommand = ClusterCommand.SEND_IM_EX09;
     TotalFragments = 1;
     FragmentSequence = 0;
     MessageId = (ushort)Utils.Util.Random.Next();
     FontStyle = new FontStyle();
     Message = string.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buf">The buf.</param>
 public void Read(ByteBuffer buf)
     // 发送者
     Sender = buf.GetInt();
     // 未知的4字节
     // 昵称
     int len = buf.Get() & 0xFF;
     Nick = Utils.Util.GetString(buf, len);
     // 群名称
     len = buf.Get() & 0xFF;
     Site = Utils.Util.GetString(buf, len);
     // 未知的1字节
     // 时间
     Time = (long)buf.GetInt() * 1000L;
     // 后面的内容长度
     len = buf.GetUShort();
     // 得到字体属性长度,然后得到消息内容
     int fontStyleLength = buf.Get(buf.Position + len - 1) & 0xFF;
     Message = Utils.Util.GetString(buf, len - fontStyleLength);
     // 字体属性
     FontStyle = new FontStyle();