Exemplo n.º 1
        // ibClient event handlers

        void ibClient_NextValidId(int orderId)
            IsConnected = true;
            HandleMessage(new ConnectionStatusMessage(true));
            //ShowMessageOnPanel("void ibClient_NextValidId(int orderId): " + orderId); // Does not work. Invoke required
            ListViewLogging.log_add(this, "parserListBox", "void ibClient_NextValidId(int orderId)", "ibClient_NextValidId: " + orderId, "white");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         // Buy button click
            //Contract contract = GetOrderContract();
            //Order order = GetOrder();
            //orderManager.PlaceOrder(contract, order);

            ListViewLogging.log_add(this, "parserListBox", "Form1.cs", "placeOrder.SendOrder('buy')", "green");
            placeOrder.SendOrder("buy", textBox1.Text);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ListViewLogging.log_add(this, "parserListBox", "Form1.cs", "Current culture:" + CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name, "white");
            ListViewLogging.log_add(this, "parserListBox", "Form1.cs", "Version: 03/01/2018 07:05PM", "white");

            //var chromeDriverService = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService();
            //chromeDriverService.HideCommandPromptWindow = true;
            //var driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeDriverService, new ChromeOptions());

            //ChromeDriver.Navigate().GoToUrl("https://profit.ly/profiding2222"); // Go to URL file:///D:/1/profitly.html https://profit.ly/profiding
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void ShowMessageOnPanel(string message)
            ListViewLogging.log_add(this, "brokerListBox", "Form1.cs ShowMessageOnPanel", message, "white");

            message = ensureMessageHasNewline(message);

            if (numberOfLinesInMessageBox >= MAX_LINES_IN_MESSAGE_BOX)
                linesInMessageBox.RemoveRange(0, MAX_LINES_IN_MESSAGE_BOX - REDUCED_LINES_IN_MESSAGE_BOX);
                messageBox.Lines          = linesInMessageBox.ToArray();
                numberOfLinesInMessageBox = REDUCED_LINES_IN_MESSAGE_BOX;

            numberOfLinesInMessageBox += 1;

Exemplo n.º 5
        // Control events handlers. Button clicks etc.

        private void connect_Button(object sender, EventArgs e) // Connect button click
            if (!IsConnected)                                   // False on startup
                ListViewLogging.log_add(this, "parserListBox", "Form1.cs", "Connect button clicked", "white");

                int    port;
                string host = "";

                if (host == null || host.Equals(""))
                    host = "";
                    port = TfrSettingsJson.ibGateWayPort;                          // 7496 - TWS. 4002 - IB Gateway
                    ibClient.ClientId = 1;
                    ibClient.ClientSocket.eConnect(host, port, ibClient.ClientId); // Connection

                    var reader = new EReader(ibClient.ClientSocket, signal);       // Put the websocket stream to the reader variable


                    new Thread(() => { while (ibClient.ClientSocket.IsConnected())
                                           signal.waitForSignal(); reader.processMsgs();
                        IsBackground = true
                    }.Start();                                                                                                                                                                // https://interactivebrokers.github.io/tws-api/connection.html#gsc.tab=0
                catch (Exception)
                    ListViewLogging.log_add(this, "parserListBox", "Form1.cs", "Please check your connection attributes", "white");
                IsConnected = false;
                ListViewLogging.log_add(this, "parserListBox", "Form1.cs", "Connect button clicked while connection establichet - disconnect", "white");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void InjectMsg(string messageType, Form1 form)
            // US culture is used. Must be carefull with it! In DB Convert.ToDouble(command1.ExecuteScalar()) is used
            // It is sensetive to (,) and (.) symbold. If you turn all project into us-US culture sove feilds in DB like accumulated_sum_pcnt or
            // accumulated_balance can turn values 19.99999 to 1999999!
            // Experienced big trubble in DataBase.UpdateProfit() - Get the value of accumulated_sum_prcnt from the previous record then it will be used in a second query

            string appendedTime = GetAndTrackMMessages.lastMessageDate.AddHours(++addedHouh).ToString("h:mm:ss tt");             // Add an hour to the date of last message and inject it to the page thus it will be read as a new one

            switch (messageType)
            case "bought":
                //Console.WriteLine("bought case detected");
                jsString = "var newItem = document.createElement('div'); newItem.style = ('background-color:green'); newItem.className = ('GLS-JUXDFAD'); newItem.innerHTML = ('<img src=\"./profitly_files/TimCover1_bigger.jpg\" width=50 height=50> 11/28 " + appendedTime + " - Bought 3000 of $" + symbol + " at 1.59 - text message'); var list = document.getElementById('x-auto-1'); list.insertBefore(newItem, list.childNodes[0]);";

            case "sold":
                //Console.WriteLine("sold case detected");
                jsString = "var newItem = document.createElement('div'); newItem.style = ('background-color:red'); newItem.className = ('GLS-JUXDFAD'); newItem.innerHTML = ('<img src=\"./profitly_files/TimCover1_bigger.jpg\" width=50 height=50> 11/28 " + appendedTime + " - Sold 2000 of $" + symbol + " at 1.60 - text message'); var list = document.getElementById('x-auto-1'); list.insertBefore(newItem, list.childNodes[0]);";

            case "else":
                //Console.WriteLine("else case detected");
                jsString = "var newItem = document.createElement('div'); newItem.style = ('background-color:gray'); newItem.className = ('GLS-JUXDFAD'); newItem.innerHTML = ('<img src=\"./profitly_files/TimCover1_bigger.jpg\" width=50 height=50> 11/28 " + appendedTime + " - " + elseMessages[(new Random()).Next(0, 3)] + " 2000 of $ELSESYMBOL at 2.24 - text message'); var list = document.getElementById('x-auto-1'); list.insertBefore(newItem, list.childNodes[0]);";

                //Console.WriteLine("Test message injected to the page");
            catch (Exception err)
                ListViewLogging.log_add(form, "parserListBox", "IngectTestMessage.cs", "Error: " + err, "red");
                //Console.WriteLine("JS error. Can't inject test message" + err);
Exemplo n.º 7
 private void button11_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         // Sell button click
     ListViewLogging.log_add(this, "parserListBox", "Form1.cs", "placeOrder.SendOrder('sell')", "red");
     placeOrder.SendOrder("sell", textBox1.Text);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public Form1()

            ChromeDriver.Navigate().GoToUrl("https://profit.ly/profiding");             // Go to URL file:///D:/1/profitly.html https://profit.ly/profiding

            // listView1 setup
            listView1.View      = View.Details;
            listView1.GridLines = true;             // Horizoltal lines
            listView1.Columns[0].Width = 60;
            listView1.Columns.Add("Source:", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
            listView1.Columns[2].Width = 400;

            // listView2 setup
            listView2.View      = View.Details;
            listView2.GridLines = true;             // Horizoltal lines
            listView2.Columns[0].Width = 60;
            listView2.Columns.Add("Source:", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
            listView2.Columns[2].Width = 400;

            // listView3 setup
            listView3.View      = View.Details;
            listView3.GridLines = true;             // Horizoltal lines
            listView3.Columns[0].Width = 60;
            listView3.Columns[1].Width = 200;

            logz = new ListViewLogging();

            // Broker connector
            ibClient = new IBClient(signal);
            //contractManager = new ContractManager(ibClient, fundamentalsOutput, contractDetailsGrid);
            contractSearch = new IBApp.IBAppClasses.ContractSearch(ibClient);             // The class which search for the given contract
            placeOrder     = new IBApp.IBAppClasses.PlaceOrder(ibClient);

            // Event handlers
            ibClient.Error            += ibClient_Error;
            ibClient.ContractDetails  += (reqId, contractDetails) => HandleMessage(new ContractDetailsMessage(reqId, contractDetails)); //  Request contract details https://interactivebrokers.github.io/tws-api/contract_details.html#gsc.tab=0
            ibClient.ConnectionClosed += ibClient_ConnectionClosed;                                                                     // Update UI when disconnect button is clicked

            // Order events
            ibClient.NextValidId += ibClient_NextValidId;             // Receives next valid order id. Will be invoked automatically upon successfull API client connection. Used for sending connection status

            ibClient.OrderStatus += (orderId, status, filled, remaining, avgFillPrice, permId, parentId, lastFillPrice, clientId, whyHeld) =>
                                    HandleMessage(new OrderStatusMessage(orderId, status, filled, remaining, avgFillPrice, permId, parentId, lastFillPrice, clientId, whyHeld));
            ibClient.OpenOrder    += (orderId, contract, order, orderState) => HandleMessage(new OpenOrderMessage(orderId, contract, order, orderState));
            ibClient.OpenOrderEnd += () => HandleMessage(new OpenOrderEndMessage());

            // Search and contract details
            ibClient.ContractDetails    += (reqId, contractDetails) => HandleMessage(new ContractDetailsMessage(reqId, contractDetails)); // This method will provide all the contracts matching the contract provided.It can also be used to retrieve complete options and futures chains.
            ibClient.ContractDetailsEnd += (reqId) => HandleMessage(new ContractDetailsEndMessage());                                     // After all contracts matching the request were returned, this method will mark the end of their reception

            // Execution details
            ibClient.ExecDetails    += (reqId, contract, execution) => HandleMessage(new ExecutionMessage(reqId, contract, execution));
            ibClient.ExecDetailsEnd += reqId => addTextToBox("ExecDetailsEnd. " + reqId + "\n");

            // Comission
            ibClient.CommissionReport += commissionReport => HandleMessage(new CommissionMessage(commissionReport));

            // FUndamential and historical data
            ibClient.FundamentalData += (reqId, data) => HandleMessage(new FundamentalsMessage(data));
            ibClient.HistoricalData  += (reqId, date, open, high, low, close, volume, count, WAP, hasGaps) =>
                                        HandleMessage(new HistoricalDataMessage(reqId, date, open, high, low, close, volume, count, WAP, hasGaps));

            // Positoon
            ibClient.Position += (account, contract, pos, avgCost) => HandleMessage(new PositionMessage(account, contract, pos, avgCost));             // provides the portfolio's open positions.
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void UpdateUI(IBMessage message)
            // http://nlog-project.org/download/ Logging lib

            // These messages are generated for evry event. Uncomment to see what type of messages are comeing. Importand for debugging
            ListViewLogging.log_add(this, "messageTypeListBox", "Form1.cs", message.Type.ToString(), "white");             // Output to the separate listView

            switch (message.Type)
            case MessageType.ConnectionStatus:
                ConnectionStatusMessage statusMessage = (ConnectionStatusMessage)message;

                ShowMessageOnPanel("Connection status: " + statusMessage.IsConnected);

                if (statusMessage.IsConnected)
                    status_CT.Text = "Connected";
                    button13.Text  = "Disconnect";
                    status_CT.Text = "Disconnected...";
                    button13.Text  = "Connect";

            case MessageType.Error:
                ErrorMessage error = (ErrorMessage)message;
                ShowMessageOnPanel("ERROR. Request " + error.RequestId + ", Code: " + error.ErrorCode + " - " + error.Message);

            case MessageType.TickOptionComputation:
            case MessageType.TickPrice:
            case MessageType.TickSize:

            case MessageType.MarketDepth:
            case MessageType.MarketDepthL2:

            case MessageType.HistoricalData:
            case MessageType.HistoricalDataEnd:

            case MessageType.RealTimeBars:

            case MessageType.ScannerData:
            case MessageType.ScannerParameters:

            case MessageType.OpenOrder:
                var castedMessage = (OpenOrderMessage)message;
                ShowMessageOnPanel("OpenOrder. Contract: " + castedMessage.Contract + " Order: " + castedMessage.Order + " OrderID: " + castedMessage.OrderId + " OrderState: " + castedMessage.OrderState + " Type:" + castedMessage.Type);

            case MessageType.OrderStatus:
                var castedMessage = (OrderStatusMessage)message;
                ShowMessageOnPanel("OrderStatus. AvgFillPrice: " + castedMessage.AvgFillPrice + " ClientId: " + castedMessage.ClientId + " Filled: " + castedMessage.Filled + " LastFillPrice: " + castedMessage.LastFillPrice + " OrderId:" + castedMessage.OrderId + " ParentID:" + castedMessage.ParentId + " PermID:" + castedMessage.PermId + " Remaining:" + castedMessage.Remaining + " Status:" + castedMessage.Status + " Type:" + castedMessage.Type + " WhyHwld:" + castedMessage.WhyHeld);

            case MessageType.OpenOrderEnd:
            case MessageType.ExecutionData:
            case MessageType.CommissionsReport:
                //orderManager.UpdateUI(message); ********************************************************

            case MessageType.ManagedAccounts:
                MessageBox.Show("case MessageType.ManagedAccounts: no message");
                //orderManager.ManagedAccounts = ((ManagedAccountsMessage)message).ManagedAccounts;
                //accountManager.ManagedAccounts = ((ManagedAccountsMessage)message).ManagedAccounts;

            case MessageType.AccountSummaryEnd:
                //accSummaryRequest.Text = "Request";

            case MessageType.AccountDownloadEnd:

            case MessageType.AccountUpdateTime:
                //accUpdatesLastUpdateValue.Text = ((UpdateAccountTimeMessage)message).Timestamp;

            case MessageType.PortfolioValue:
                //if (exerciseAccount.SelectedItem != null)
                //	optionsManager.HandlePosition((UpdatePortfolioMessage)message);

            case MessageType.AccountSummary:
            case MessageType.AccountValue:
            case MessageType.Position:
            case MessageType.PositionEnd:

            case MessageType.ContractDataEnd:                     // This event occur after symbol search
                //searchContractDetails.Enabled = true;


            case MessageType.ContractData:                     // This event occur after symbol search
                //HandleContractDataMessage((ContractDetailsMessage)message); // Type cast
                var castedMessage = (ContractDetailsMessage)message;
                ShowMessageOnPanel("SYMBOL: " + castedMessage.ContractDetails.Summary.Symbol + " successfully found at: " + castedMessage.ContractDetails.Summary.PrimaryExch + " exchange");

            case MessageType.FundamentalData:
                //fundamentalsQueryButton.Enabled = true;

            case MessageType.ReceiveFA:

            case MessageType.PositionMulti:
            case MessageType.AccountUpdateMulti:
            case MessageType.PositionMultiEnd:
            case MessageType.AccountUpdateMultiEnd:

            case MessageType.SecurityDefinitionOptionParameter:
            case MessageType.SecurityDefinitionOptionParameterEnd:

            case MessageType.SoftDollarTiers:
                var castedMessage = (ExecutionMessage)message;
                ListViewLogging.log_add(this, "brokerListBox", "case MessageType.SoftDollarTiers:", castedMessage.ToString(), "yellow");
                // ("PlaceOrder.cs private void HandleExecutionMessage(ExecutionMessage message): " + message.Execution.OrderId + " orderRef: " + message.Execution.OrderRef + " price: " + message.Execution.Price + " time: " + message.Execution.Time + " accountNumber" + message.Execution.AcctNumber);

                HandleMessage(new ErrorMessage(-1, -1, message.ToString()));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static bool startTracking = true;  // False by default. When set to true - start tracking messages at the page

        public static void MessageSearch(Form1 form)
            while (true)                             // Continues cycle. Each iteration reads the page content
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // Delay between each page parse. 1000 - 1 sec
                //ListViewLogging.log_add(form, "GetAndTrackMessages.cs", "Page parsed at: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh.mm.ss.fff"), "white");

                form.BeginInvoke(new Action(delegate()
                    form.progressBar1.Minimum = 0;
                    form.progressBar1.Maximum = 100;

                    form.progressBar1.Step = 10;

                    form.label2.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh.mm.ss.fff");
                    if (form.progressBar1.Value == 100)
                        //form.progressBar1.CreateGraphics().DrawString(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh.mm.ss.fff").ToString(), new Font("Arial", (float)8.25, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Black, new PointF(form.progressBar1.Width / 2 - 10, form.progressBar1.Height / 2 - 7));
                        form.progressBar1.Value = 0;
                                            )); // Invoke

                if (firstMessageDisplayed)          // Last line is not cleared at the first run
                    //ListViewLogging.log_add(form, "GetAndTrackMessages.cs", "Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop - 1); // Returned cursor to the previous line", "white");
                    //Helpers.ClearCurrentConsoleLine(); // Clear last line with parsed time

                firstMessageDisplayed = true;

                if (dateTimerFlag)
                    goToFavTabDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30);
                    goToTradesDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(32);
                    dateTimerFlag      = false;                // When date is recorded set flag to false until going to the Favorites tab

                if ((DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, goToFavTabDateTime) > 0) && startTracking)
                    //ListViewLogging.log_add(form, "GetAndTrackMessages.cs", "Go to Favorite tab: ", "white");
                    goToFavTabDateTime = DateTime.Now;

                if ((DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, goToTradesDateTime) > 0) && startTracking)                 // Go back to trades tab after a short delay
                    //ListViewLogging.log_add(form, "GetAndTrackMessages.cs", "Go to Trades tab: ", "white");
                    goToTradesDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                    dateTimerFlag = true;

                int filter_couner = 0;                 // Counter for filtering messages. We need to get rid of messages with 2017 year mentined. There is no year in message and 12/28/17 date is considered the latest while parsing throught the whole page. Logic breaks in this case. Last message is the only one which is last on the screen.

                    var InputString = Form1.ChromeDriver.FindElementsByClassName("GLS-JUXDFAD");

                    foreach (var z in InputString)                     // Run cycle through all found elements on the page
                            Match  match = Regex.Match(z.Text, @"(.+?PM|.+?AM)\s-\s(.+?)\s(\d+)\s.+?\s\$(.+)\sat\s(.+?)\s-\s(.+\s*.+)"); // Run through all found groups. Group - (). Regex online: https://regexr.com/
                            string price = match.Groups[5].Value;                                                                        // Need to get rid of (,) otherwise double.parse throws a error
                            //price = price.Replace('.', ','); // , Replace. Can be used in differen cultures enviroment
                            string message_text = match.Groups[6].Value;                                                                 // Need to get rid of (') because when sentence "i don't need it" goes to SQL query (') it interpreted as a an escape symbol
                            message_text = message_text.Replace('\'', '*');                                                              // Remove \ symbols from the parsed string. Otherwise - SQL error
                            message_text = message_text.Truncate_x(255);                                                                 // Crop the string to not longer than 255 sybols. Otherwise - SQL error

                            // Last message date detection. When new message appears - its date must be > than current. For this purpuse we need to record the date ol last detected message
                            // ! = "" There are other empty classes on the page. There are no message in them. Pass them
                            if (match.Groups[1].Value != "" && filter_couner < 5)                             // Read only 5 messages. Messgaes that are later than 5th belong to 2017. We do not need to read 2017
                                //Console.WriteLine("msg num***: " + filter_couner + "\nTRACE\nDate: " + match.Groups[1].Value + "\nDirection: " + match.Groups[2].Value + "\nQuantity: " + match.Groups[3].Value + "\nTicker: " + match.Groups[4].Value + "\nPrice: " + Double.Parse(price));

                                if (firstRunFlag)
                                    lastMessageDate = DateTime.ParseExact(match.Groups[1].Value, "M/d h:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    //Console.WriteLine("Tracking messages started. First run. Last message date: " + match.Groups[1].Value);
                                    ListViewLogging.log_add(form, "parserListBox", "GetAndTrackMessages.cs", "Tracking messages started. First run. Last message date: " + match.Groups[1].Value, "white");
                                    firstRunFlag = false;

                                    ListViewLogging.log_add(form, "parserListBox", "GetAndTrackMessages.cs", "Date added. New added message with date later than this is considered as new: " + GetAndTrackMMessages.lastMessageDate.AddMinutes(1).ToString("h:mm:ss tt"), "white");
                                    ListViewLogging.log_add(form, "parserListBox", "GetAndTrackMessages.cs", "Last message parsing example. This output must be the same as the message at the page. Is everything correct?\nDate: " + match.Groups[1].Value + "\nDirection: " + match.Groups[2].Value + "\nQuantity: " + match.Groups[3].Value + "\nTicker: " + match.Groups[4].Value + "\nPrice: " + Double.Parse(price), "white");

                                    //Console.WriteLine("Date added. New added message with date later than this is considered as new: " + GetAndTrackMMessages.lastMessageDate.AddMinutes(1).ToString("h:mm:ss tt")); // DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")
                                    //Console.WriteLine("Last message parsing example. This output must be the same as the message at the page. Is everything correct?\nDate: " + match.Groups[1].Value + "\nDirection: " + match.Groups[2].Value + "\nQuantity: " + match.Groups[3].Value + "\nTicker: " + match.Groups[4].Value + "\nPrice: " + Double.Parse(price));

                                // New message detected. Message date > lastMessageDate
                                DateTime h = DateTime.ParseExact(match.Groups[1].Value, "M/d h:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                //Console.WriteLine("TRACE: DateTime.Compare(h, lastMessageDate) > 0: " + (DateTime.Compare(h, lastMessageDate) > 0) + ". h: " + h + ". lastMessageDate: " + lastMessageDate);
                                if (DateTime.Compare(h, lastMessageDate) > 0)
                                    ListViewLogging.log_add(form, "parserListBox", "GetAndTrackMessages.cs", "New message on the page is detected!", "white");
                                    lastMessageDate = DateTime.ParseExact(match.Groups[1].Value, "M/d h:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                    // Bought
                                    if (match.Groups[2].Value == "Bought" && bougtMessageFlag == true)
                                        ListViewLogging.log_add(form, "parserListBox", "GetAndTrackMessages.cs", "********************ACTION: Bought", "green");
                                        bougtMessageFlag = false;
                                        messageTicker    = match.Groups[4].Value;

                                        // DB Actions
                                        DataBase.InsertTicker(match.Groups[4].Value);                                         // Added ticker, record created then update it
                                        DataBase.UpdateRecordOpenPosition("open", "long", DateTime.ParseExact(match.Groups[1].Value, "M/d h:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Double.Parse(price), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, message_text);
                                        messageSoldVolume = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[3].Value);

                                        // Boroker actions
                                        form.placeOrder.SendOrder("buy", match.Groups[4].Value);                                         // Send BUY order to the exchange
                                        Email.Send("Bought action. Ticker: " + match.Groups[4].Value + ". PLEASE CHECK THE ACCOUNT!!! ");

                                    //Console.WriteLine("TRACE: sold: " + match.Groups[2].Value + " ticker: " + messageTicker + " current ticker: " + match.Groups[4].Value + " boughMessageFlag: " + bougtMessageFlag);

                                    // Sold
                                    if (match.Groups[2].Value == "Sold" && messageTicker == match.Groups[4].Value && bougtMessageFlag == false)
                                        ListViewLogging.log_add(form, "parserListBox", "GetAndTrackMessages.cs", "********************ACTION: Sold", "red");
                                        bougtMessageFlag = true;

                                        // DB Actions
                                        DataBase.UpdateRecordClosePosition(DateTime.ParseExact(match.Groups[1].Value, "M/d h:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), messageSoldVolume, Double.Parse(price), message_text);
                                        DataBase.UpdateProfit();                                       // Uptade profit and calculate values
                                        messageSoldVolume = 0;                                         // Set volume to 0. If Sold signal occured - we need to start increment volume from scratch

                                        // Boroker actions
                                        form.placeOrder.SendOrder("sell", match.Groups[4].Value);                                         // Send SELL order to the exchange
                                        Email.Send("Sold action. Ticker: " + match.Groups[4].Value + ". PLEASE CHECK THE ACCOUNT!!! ");

                             * // Open message appeared
                             * if (match.Groups[2].Value == "Bought" && bougtMessageFlag)
                             * {
                             *      bougtMessageFlag = false; // Next cycle run dont go into this if until Sold message is receive
                             *      messageTicker = match.Groups[4].Value;
                             *      Console.WriteLine("Bought detected. Ticker: " + match.Groups[4].Value);
                             * }
                             * // Sold message appeared
                             * if (match.Groups[2].Value == "Sold" && match.Groups[4].Value == messageTicker)
                             * {
                             *      bougtMessageFlag = true; // Next cycle run go into Bought message if
                             *                                                       //messageTicker = match.Groups[4].Value;
                             *      Console.WriteLine("Close detected. Ticker: " + match.Groups[4].Value);
                             * }
                             * // Condition: direction is Bought, we must start with only Sold message, we must follow the secuence with the same ticker excluding different tickers. The sequence (ticker) resets at the bought message
                             * if (match.Groups[2].Value == "Bought" && !boughtFirstTIme && messageTicker == match.Groups[4].Value)
                             * {
                             *      DataBase.UpdateRecordOpenPosition(DateTime.ParseExact(match.Groups[1].Value, "M/d h:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Double.Parse(price), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, message_text);
                             *      DataBase.UpdateProfit(); // Uptade profit and calculate values
                             *      soldFlag = true; // Set soldFlag to true. Means that series of sold messages is over an bought message accured. Sold, Sold, Bought. Next sold will have to add ticker
                             *      messageSoldVolume = 0; // Set volume to 0. If Bought signal occured - we need to start increment volume from scratch
                             *      messageTicker = ""; // Reset ticker
                             * }
                             * // Condition: sell message and ticker is the same as in the first Sold message. We need this in order to pass other tickers in middle of the secuence
                             * // There may be other messages with different ticker between Sold and other Solds messages - dont count them.
                             * if (match.Groups[2].Value == "Sold" && (messageTicker == match.Groups[4].Value || messageTicker == ""))
                             * {
                             *      if (soldFlag) // If series of Sold messages occures - add ticker to DB only ones at the first message
                             *      {
                             *              messageTicker = match.Groups[4].Value;// remember ticker
                             *              DataBase.InsertTicker(match.Groups[4].Value); // Added ticker, record created then update it
                             *              soldFlag = false;
                             *      }
                             *      // At each occurance of sold message - update a recoed
                             *      // Update close position no matter whether it is the only message or the series
                             *      messageSoldVolume = messageSoldVolume + Int32.Parse(match.Groups[3].Value); //
                             *      DataBase.UpdateRecordClosePosition("closed", "long", DateTime.ParseExact(match.Groups[1].Value, "M/d h:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), messageSoldVolume, Double.Parse(price), message_text); // match.Groups[6].Value
                             *      boughtFirstTIme = false; // We start from bought message the go to Bought
                             * }
                             * i++;
                            Console.WriteLine("Regex error. Nothing to parse or content can't be parsed using existing regex");
                catch                 // var InputString
                    Console.WriteLine("Regex error. Chrome browser window is closed? Restart the program");