Exemplo n.º 1
        DeleteCommon <T>
            string SQLSuffix
            // Create a success return object for this operation
            DBSuccess dbSuccess = new DBSuccess();

                // Get the table name
                string tableName = typeof(T).Name;

                // Create a SQLite DELETE command
                SqliteCommand deleteCommand = new SqliteCommand();

                // Implement delete command through using, so it's disposed of
                using (deleteCommand)
                    // Add the SQL deletion statement to the command
                    deleteCommand.CommandText = string.Format(
                        @"DELETE FROM {0} WHERE {1}", tableName, SQLSuffix);

                    // Get a database connection
                    using (SqliteConnection db =
                               new SqliteConnection(DataAccess.SQLITE_CONN_STRING))
                        // Open the database

                        // Give the delete command access the database
                        deleteCommand.Connection = db;

                        // Execute the delete commond

                        // Close the database connection
            catch (Exception e)
                // Error encountered alter the success return object
                dbSuccess.Success  = false;
                dbSuccess.ErrorMsg = e.Message;

            // Return the error object
Exemplo n.º 2
            object record
            // Create a success return object for this operation
            DBSuccess dbSuccess = new DBSuccess();

            // Get the record type
            Type recType = record.GetType();

                // Get the record id
                int Id = Convert.ToInt32(record.GetType().GetProperty("Id").GetValue(record));

                // Create the SET pairs
                string setText = DBUtils.GetUpdateValues(record);

                // Get the table name
                string tableName = recType.Name;

                // Create an UPDATE SQLite command
                SqliteCommand updateCommand = new SqliteCommand();

                // Give the UPDATE command SQL text
                updateCommand.CommandText = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET {1} WHERE ID = {2}", tableName, setText, Id);

                // Get a database connection
                using (SqliteConnection db =
                           new SqliteConnection(SQLITE_CONN_STRING))
                    using (updateCommand)
                        // Open the database

                        // Give the delete command access the database
                        updateCommand.Connection = db;

                        // Execute the delete commond

                        // Close the database connection
            catch (Exception e)
                // Error encountered alter the success return object
                dbSuccess.Success  = false;
                dbSuccess.ErrorMsg = e.Message;

                // Log the error
                LogHelper.Log(LogLevel.Error, e.Message);

            // Return the error object
Exemplo n.º 3
        CreateTable <T>
            bool overwrite = false
            // Method members
            string        entry           = string.Empty;
            string        fieldType       = string.Empty;
            string        fieldAttributes = string.Empty;
            string        tableName       = typeof(T).Name;
            List <string> elemList        = new List <string>();
            string        defValue;

            // Create a success return object for this operation
            DBSuccess dbSuccess = new DBSuccess();

            // If the table exists, nothing to do. If not, then
            // force an overwrite
            if (TableExists(tableName))

            // Force a table overwrite
            overwrite = true;

                // YES: Create a record of type T
                object record = Activator.CreateInstance <T>();

                // Iterate through the properties of this record
                foreach (var p in record.GetType().GetProperties())
                    // Initialize the database column entry
                    entry = "{0} {1} {2}";

                    // Initialize the default value
                    defValue = string.Empty;

                    // Get the field type based on the property type
                    switch (p.PropertyType.Name)
                    case "Int64":
                    case "Int32":
                        fieldType = "INTEGER";
                        defValue  = "DEFAULT 0";

                    case "Double":
                        fieldType = "DOUBLE";
                        defValue  = "DEFAULT 0.0";

                    case "DateTime":
                        fieldType = "DATETIME";
                        defValue  = "DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP";

                    case "Boolean":
                        fieldType = "BOOLEAN";
                        defValue  = "DEFAULT true";

                        fieldType = "NVARCHAR (8000)";
                        defValue  = "DEFAULT ' '";

                    // If the property type is an Enum, then use an INTEGER for it
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(p.PropertyType.GetType().GetRuntimeProperty("IsEnum").GetValue(p.PropertyType)))
                        fieldType = "INTEGER";

                    // Get the field attributes base on the record property
                    // attributes
                    IEnumerable <Attribute> attributesCustom = p.GetCustomAttributes();

                    // Initialize the field attributes
                    fieldAttributes = "NULL";

                    if (attributesCustom.Contains(new PrimaryKeyAttribute()))
                        fieldAttributes += " PRIMARY KEY";

                    if (attributesCustom.Contains(new AutoIncrementAttribute()))
                        fieldAttributes += " AUTOINCREMENT";

                    if (attributesCustom.Contains(new NotNullAttribute()))
                        fieldAttributes = "NOT " + fieldAttributes;
                        if (!attributesCustom.Contains(new AutoIncrementAttribute()))
                            fieldAttributes += " " + defValue;

                    // Create and store the element
                    elemList.Add(string.Format(entry, p.Name, fieldType, fieldAttributes));

                // Get the elements of the elemList joined by a comma
                string elements = string.Join(", ", elemList);

                // Form the SQL creation data
                string sql = string.Format("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {0} ({1});", tableName, elements);

                // If overwriting the present table, drop it first
                if (overwrite)
                    sql = string.Format("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {0}; {1}", tableName, sql);

                // Get a connection to the SQLite database
                using (SqliteConnection db = new SqliteConnection(SQLITE_CONN_STRING))
                    // Open the database

                    // Create the database table given to this initialization
                    SqliteCommand createTable = new SqliteCommand(sql, db);

                    using (createTable)
                        // Execute the database creation command

                    // Close the database
            catch (Exception e)
                // An error occurred, re-populate the Success object
                dbSuccess.Success  = false;
                dbSuccess.ErrorMsg = e.Message;

                // Log the error
                LogHelper.Log(LogLevel.Error, e.Message);

            // Return the error object