private static void FillValues(Float input, ref VBuffer <Float> result)
            var values  = result.Values;
            var indices = result.Indices;

            if (input == 0)
                result = new VBuffer <Float>(2, 0, values, indices);

            if (Utils.Size(values) < 1)
                values = new Float[1];
            if (Utils.Size(indices) < 1)
                indices = new int[1];

            if (Float.IsNaN(input))
                values[0]  = 1;
                indices[0] = 1;
                values[0]  = input;
                indices[0] = 0;

            result = new VBuffer <Float>(2, 1, values, indices);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// The hyperbolic tangent function.
        /// </summary>
        public static Float TanhFast(Float x)
            if (Float.IsNaN(x))

            bool neg = false;

            if (x < 0)
                x   = -x;
                neg = true;

            // Multiply by 2/ln(2).
            x *= 2 * RecipLn2;
            if (x >= ExpInf)
                return(neg ? (Float)(-1) : (Float)1);

            // Get the floor and fractional part.
            int n = (int)x;

            Contracts.Assert(0 <= n && n < ExpInf);
            Float f = x - n;

            Contracts.Assert(0 <= f && f < 1);

            // Get the integer power of two part.
            Float r = PowerOfTwo(n);

            Contracts.Assert(1 <= r && r < Float.PositiveInfinity);

            // This approximates 2^f - 1 for 0 <= f <= 1. Note that it is exact at the endpoints.
            Float res = f + (f - 1) * f * ((Coef1 * f + Coef2) * f + Coef3);

            res *= r;
            res  = (res + (r - 1)) / (res + (r + 1));
            if (neg)
                res = -res;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// The logistic sigmoid function: 1 / (1 + e^(-x)).
        /// </summary>
        public static Float SigmoidFast(Float x)
            // This is a loose translation from SSE code
            if (Float.IsNaN(x))

            bool neg = false;

            if (x < 0)
                x   = -x;
                neg = true;

            // Multiply by 1/ln(2).
            x *= RecipLn2;
            if (x >= ExpInf)
                return(neg ? (Float)0 : (Float)1);

            // Get the floor and fractional part.
            int n = (int)x;

            Contracts.Assert(0 <= n && n < ExpInf);
            Float f = x - n;

            Contracts.Assert(0 <= f && f < 1);

            // Get the integer power of two part.
            Float r = PowerOfTwo(n);

            Contracts.Assert(1 <= r && r < Float.PositiveInfinity);

            // This approximates 2^f for 0 <= f <= 1. Note that it is exact at the endpoints.
            Float res = 1 + f + (f - 1) * f * ((Coef1 * f + Coef2) * f + Coef3);

            res = 1 / (1 + r * res);
            if (!neg)
                res = 1 - res;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static Float GetMedianInPlace(Float[] src, int count)
            Contracts.Assert(count >= 0);
            Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(src) >= count);

            if (count == 0)

            Array.Sort(src, 0, count);

            // Skip any NaNs. They sort to the low end.
            int ivMin = 0;
            int ivLim = count;

            while (ivMin < ivLim && Float.IsNaN(src[ivMin]))
            Contracts.Assert(ivMin <= ivLim);

            if (ivMin >= ivLim)

            // This assert will fire if Array.Sort changes to put NaNs at the high end.
            Contracts.Assert(!Float.IsNaN(src[ivLim - 1]));

            // If we're dealing with an odd number of things, just grab the middel item; otherwise,
            // average the two middle items.
            uint cv = (uint)ivMin + (uint)ivLim;
            int  iv = (int)(cv / 2);

            if ((cv & 1) != 0)
            return((src[iv - 1] + src[iv]) / 2);
        private static void FillValues(Float input, ref VBuffer <Float> result)
            if (input == 0)
                VBufferUtils.Resize(ref result, 2, 0);

            var editor = VBufferEditor.Create(ref result, 2, 1);

            if (Float.IsNaN(input))
                editor.Values[0]  = 1;
                editor.Indices[0] = 1;
                editor.Values[0]  = input;
                editor.Indices[0] = 0;

            result = editor.Commit();
        // This converts in place.
        private static void FillValues(IExceptionContext ectx, ref VBuffer <Float> buffer)
            int size = buffer.Length;

            ectx.Check(0 <= size & size < int.MaxValue / 2);

            int count   = buffer.Count;
            var values  = buffer.Values;
            var indices = buffer.Indices;
            int iivDst  = 0;

            if (count >= size)
                // Currently, it's dense. We always produce sparse.
                ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(values) >= size);
                if (Utils.Size(indices) < size)
                    indices = new int[size];

                for (int ivSrc = 0; ivSrc < count; ivSrc++)
                    ectx.Assert(iivDst <= ivSrc);
                    var val = values[ivSrc];
                    if (val == 0)
                    if (Float.IsNaN(val))
                        values[iivDst]  = 1;
                        indices[iivDst] = 2 * ivSrc + 1;
                        values[iivDst]  = val;
                        indices[iivDst] = 2 * ivSrc;
                // Currently, it's sparse.
                ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(values) >= count);
                ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(indices) >= count);

                int ivPrev = -1;
                for (int iivSrc = 0; iivSrc < count; iivSrc++)
                    ectx.Assert(iivDst <= iivSrc);
                    var val = values[iivSrc];
                    if (val == 0)
                    int iv = indices[iivSrc];
                    ectx.Assert(ivPrev < iv & iv < size);
                    ivPrev = iv;
                    if (Float.IsNaN(val))
                        values[iivDst]  = 1;
                        indices[iivDst] = 2 * iv + 1;
                        values[iivDst]  = val;
                        indices[iivDst] = 2 * iv;

            ectx.Assert(0 <= iivDst & iivDst <= count);
            buffer = new VBuffer <Float>(size * 2, iivDst, values, indices);
        // This converts in place.
        private static void FillValues(IExceptionContext ectx, ref VBuffer <Float> buffer)
            int size = buffer.Length;

            ectx.Check(0 <= size & size < int.MaxValue / 2);

            var values = buffer.GetValues();
            var editor = VBufferEditor.Create(ref buffer, size * 2, values.Length);
            int iivDst = 0;

            if (buffer.IsDense)
                // Currently, it's dense. We always produce sparse.

                for (int ivSrc = 0; ivSrc < values.Length; ivSrc++)
                    ectx.Assert(iivDst <= ivSrc);
                    var val = values[ivSrc];
                    if (val == 0)
                    if (Float.IsNaN(val))
                        editor.Values[iivDst]  = 1;
                        editor.Indices[iivDst] = 2 * ivSrc + 1;
                        editor.Values[iivDst]  = val;
                        editor.Indices[iivDst] = 2 * ivSrc;
                // Currently, it's sparse.

                var indices = buffer.GetIndices();
                int ivPrev  = -1;
                for (int iivSrc = 0; iivSrc < values.Length; iivSrc++)
                    ectx.Assert(iivDst <= iivSrc);
                    var val = values[iivSrc];
                    if (val == 0)
                    int iv = indices[iivSrc];
                    ectx.Assert(ivPrev < iv & iv < size);
                    ivPrev = iv;
                    if (Float.IsNaN(val))
                        editor.Values[iivDst]  = 1;
                        editor.Indices[iivDst] = 2 * iv + 1;
                        editor.Values[iivDst]  = val;
                        editor.Indices[iivDst] = 2 * iv;

            ectx.Assert(0 <= iivDst & iivDst <= values.Length);
            buffer = editor.CommitTruncated(iivDst);
Exemplo n.º 8
 protected override bool IsNaN(ref Float score)
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a value indicating whether the specified number evaluates to not a number
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="number">a floating point number</param>
 /// <returns>a boolean</returns>
 public static bool IsNaN(Real number)
Exemplo n.º 10
            /// <summary>
            /// An implementation of the line search for the Wolfe conditions, from Nocedal &amp; Wright
            /// </summary>
            internal virtual bool LineSearch(IChannel ch, bool force)
                Float dirDeriv = VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref _dir, ref _grad);

                if (dirDeriv == 0)
                    throw ch.Process(new PrematureConvergenceException(this, "Directional derivative is zero. You may be sitting on the optimum."));

                // if a non-descent direction is chosen, the line search will break anyway, so throw here
                // The most likely reasons for this is a bug in your function's gradient computation,
                ch.Check(dirDeriv < 0, "L-BFGS chose a non-descent direction.");

                Float c1 = (Float)1e-4 * dirDeriv;
                Float c2 = (Float)0.9 * dirDeriv;

                Float alpha = (Iter == 1 ? (1 / VectorUtils.Norm(_dir)) : 1);

                PointValueDeriv last = new PointValueDeriv(0, LastValue, dirDeriv);
                PointValueDeriv aLo  = new PointValueDeriv();
                PointValueDeriv aHi  = new PointValueDeriv();

                // initial bracketing phase
                while (true)
                    VectorUtils.AddMultInto(ref _x, alpha, ref _dir, ref _newX);
                    if (EnforceNonNegativity)
                        VBufferUtils.Apply(ref _newX, delegate(int ind, ref Float newXval)
                            if (newXval < 0.0)
                                newXval = 0;

                    Value = Eval(ref _newX, ref _newGrad);
                    if (Float.IsPositiveInfinity(Value))
                        alpha /= 2;

                    if (!FloatUtils.IsFinite(Value))
                        throw ch.Except("Optimizer unable to proceed with loss function yielding {0}", Value);

                    dirDeriv = VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref _dir, ref _newGrad);
                    PointValueDeriv curr = new PointValueDeriv(alpha, Value, dirDeriv);

                    if ((curr.V > LastValue + c1 * alpha) || (last.A > 0 && curr.V >= last.V))
                        aLo = last;
                        aHi = curr;
                    else if (Math.Abs(curr.D) <= -c2)
                    else if (curr.D >= 0)
                        aLo = curr;
                        aHi = last;

                    last = curr;
                    if (alpha == 0)
                        alpha = Float.Epsilon; // Robust to divisional underflow.
                        alpha *= 2;

                Float minChange = (Float)0.01;
                int   maxSteps  = 10;

                // this loop is the "zoom" procedure described in Nocedal & Wright
                for (int step = 0; ; ++step)
                    if (step == maxSteps && !force)

                    PointValueDeriv left  = aLo.A < aHi.A ? aLo : aHi;
                    PointValueDeriv right = aLo.A < aHi.A ? aHi : aLo;
                    if (left.D > 0 && right.D < 0)
                        // interpolating cubic would have max in range, not min (can this happen?)
                        // set a to the one with smaller value
                        alpha = aLo.V < aHi.V ? aLo.A : aHi.A;
                        alpha = CubicInterp(aLo, aHi);
                        if (Float.IsNaN(alpha) || Float.IsInfinity(alpha))
                            alpha = (aLo.A + aHi.A) / 2;

                    // this is to ensure that the new point is within bounds
                    // and that the change is reasonably sized
                    Float ub = (minChange * left.A + (1 - minChange) * right.A);
                    if (alpha > ub)
                        alpha = ub;
                    Float lb = (minChange * right.A + (1 - minChange) * left.A);
                    if (alpha < lb)
                        alpha = lb;

                    VectorUtils.AddMultInto(ref _x, alpha, ref _dir, ref _newX);
                    if (EnforceNonNegativity)
                        VBufferUtils.Apply(ref _newX, delegate(int ind, ref Float newXval)
                            if (newXval < 0.0)
                                newXval = 0;

                    Value = Eval(ref _newX, ref _newGrad);
                    if (!FloatUtils.IsFinite(Value))
                        throw ch.Except("Optimizer unable to proceed with loss function yielding {0}", Value);
                    dirDeriv = VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref _dir, ref _newGrad);

                    PointValueDeriv curr = new PointValueDeriv(alpha, Value, dirDeriv);

                    if ((curr.V > LastValue + c1 * alpha) || (curr.V >= aLo.V))
                        if (aHi.A == curr.A)
                            if (force)
                                throw ch.Process(new PrematureConvergenceException(this, "Step size interval numerically zero."));
                        aHi = curr;
                    else if (Math.Abs(curr.D) <= -c2)
                        if (curr.D * (aHi.A - aLo.A) >= 0)
                            aHi = aLo;
                        if (aLo.A == curr.A)
                            if (force)
                                throw ch.Process(new PrematureConvergenceException(this, "Step size interval numerically zero."));
                        aLo = curr;