Exemplo n.º 1
 public void AttachToModel(Reference @ref)
     reference = @ref;
     Detached = false;
     reference.PropertyChanged += reference_PropertyChanged;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task<bool> WaitAsync(Reference<int> callerState)
            if (_disposed)
                return false;
            var localState = _state;
            if (callerState.Value != localState)
                callerState.Value = localState;
                return false;

            TaskCompletionSource<object> taskCompletionSource;
            lock (_locker)
                if (callerState.Value != _state)
                    callerState.Value = _state;
                    return false;

                taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();

                callerState.Value = _state;
            await taskCompletionSource.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);
            return true;

	    public StorageActionsAccessor(TableStorage storage, Reference<WriteBatch> writeBatch, Reference<SnapshotReader> snapshot, IdGenerator generator, IBufferPool bufferPool, OrderedPartCollection<AbstractFileCodec> fileCodecs)
            : base(snapshot, generator, bufferPool)
            this.storage = storage;
            this.writeBatch = writeBatch;
	        this.fileCodecs = fileCodecs;
 private AssemblyInfo(string path, string name, Version version, Reference[] references)
     Path = path;
     Name = name;
     Version = version;
     References = references;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void SkipTasksForDisabledIndexes1(string requestedStorage)
            using (var storage = NewTransactionalStorage(requestedStorage))
                storage.Batch(accessor => accessor.Tasks.AddTask(new RemoveFromIndexTask(101), DateTime.Now));

                storage.Batch(accessor =>
                    var foundWork = new Reference<bool>();
                    var idsToSkip = new List<int>()

                    var task = accessor.Tasks.GetMergedTask<RemoveFromIndexTask>(
                        x => MaxTaskIdStatus.Updated,
                        x => { },

                storage.Batch(accessor =>
                    Assert.Equal(1, accessor.Tasks.ApproximateTaskCount);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void OnCreate(object view)
            foreach (var member in GetAttributeMembers(view.GetType()))
                var key = member.Attribute.Key ?? member.MemberType.FullName;

                Reference reference;
                if (!store.TryGetValue(key, out reference))
                    reference = new Reference
                        Context = Activator.CreateInstance(member.Attribute.Context ?? member.MemberType)

                    var support = reference.Context as IViewContextSupport;
                    if (support != null)

                    store[key] = reference;


                member.SetValue(view, reference.Context);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc"></param>
        /// <param name="spaceReference"></param>
        public RoomSpace(Document doc, Reference spaceReference)
            m_doc = doc;
            LightFixtures = new List<LightFixture>();
            Space refSpace = m_doc.GetElement(spaceReference) as Space;

            // Set properties of newly create RoomSpace object from Space
            AverageEstimatedIllumination = refSpace.AverageEstimatedIllumination;
            Area = refSpace.Area;
            CeilingReflectance = refSpace.CeilingReflectance;
            FloorReflectance = refSpace.FloorReflectance;
            WallReflectance = refSpace.WallReflectance;
            CalcWorkPlane = refSpace.LightingCalculationWorkplane;
            ParentSpaceObject = refSpace;

            // Populate light fixtures list for RoomSpace
            FilteredElementCollector fec = new FilteredElementCollector(m_doc)
            foreach (FamilyInstance fi in fec)
                if (fi.Space.Id == refSpace.Id)
                    ElementId eID = fi.GetTypeId();
                    Element e = m_doc.GetElement(eID);
                    //TaskDialog.Show("C","LF: SPACEID " + fi.Space.Id.ToString() + "\nSPACE ID: " + refSpace.Id.ToString());
                    LightFixtures.Add(new LightFixture(e,fi));
Exemplo n.º 8
        private bool CheckDirectDataAccess(Namespace ns, List<Wire> wires, string dataModule, Reference reference, Service serv)
            Component comp = serv.Component;
            bool hasDirectDataAccess = false;
            List<Binding> bindings = new List<Binding>();
            if (serv.Binding != null)
            if (reference.Binding != null)
            BindingTypeHolder binding = bindingGenerator.CheckForBindings(bindings);

            if (!binding.hasAnyBinding())
                // direct access
                if (comp.Name == dataModule || dataModule == ANY && serv.Interface is Database)
                    hasDirectDataAccess = true;
                    // need to check
                    hasDirectDataAccess = HasDirectDataAccess(ns, wires, comp, dataModule);

            return hasDirectDataAccess;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void CanContructEscapedReferences()
            var value = "identifier#property";
            var reference = new Reference(value);
            Assert.AreEqual(reference.Identifier, "identifier");
            Assert.AreEqual(reference.PropertyNames, new List<string> { "property" });
            Assert.AreEqual(value, reference.Value);

            value = ("identifier#property.subProperty");
            reference = new Reference(value);
            Assert.AreEqual(reference.Identifier, "identifier");
            Assert.AreEqual(reference.PropertyNames, new List<string> { "property", "subProperty" });
            Assert.AreEqual(value, reference.Value);

            value = @"\#identif\\\\\#ier\.\\#propertyName.\.abc\\.def";
            reference = new Reference(value);
            Assert.AreEqual(reference.Identifier, @"#identif\\#ier.\");
            Assert.AreEqual(reference.PropertyNames, new List<string> { "propertyName", @".abc\", "def" });
            Assert.AreEqual(value, reference.Value);

            value = @"#propertyName.\.abc\\.def";
            reference = new Reference(value);
            Assert.AreEqual(reference.PropertyNames, new List<string> { "propertyName", @".abc\", "def" });
            Assert.AreEqual(value, reference.Value);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve ToProtoType(this Autodesk.Revit.DB.Curve revitCurve, 
            bool performHostUnitConversion = true, Reference referenceOverride = null)
            if (revitCurve == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("revitCurve");

            dynamic dyCrv = revitCurve;
            Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve converted = RevitToProtoCurve.Convert(dyCrv);

            if (converted == null)
                throw new Exception("An unexpected failure occurred when attempting to convert the curve");

            converted = performHostUnitConversion ? converted.InDynamoUnits() : converted;

            // If possible, add a geometry reference for downstream Element creation
            var revitRef = referenceOverride ?? revitCurve.Reference;
            if (revitRef != null)
                converted.Tags.AddTag(ElementCurveReference.DefaultTag, revitRef);

            return converted;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new dimension element using the given
        /// references and dimension line end points.
        /// This method opens and commits its own transaction,
        /// assuming that no transaction is open yet and manual
        /// transaction mode is being used.
        /// Note that this has only been tested so far using
        /// references to surfaces on planar walls in a plan
        /// view.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreateDimensionElement(
            View view,
            XYZ p1,
            Reference r1,
            XYZ p2,
            Reference r2)
            Document doc = view.Document;

              ReferenceArray ra = new ReferenceArray();

              ra.Append( r1 );
              ra.Append( r2 );

              Line line = Line.CreateBound( p1, p2 );

              using( Transaction t = new Transaction( doc ) )
            t.Start( "Create New Dimension" );

            Dimension dim = doc.Create.NewDimension(
              view, line, ra );

Exemplo n.º 12
        protected override bool IsIndexStale(IndexStats indexesStat, IStorageActionsAccessor actions, bool isIdle, Reference<bool> onlyFoundIdleWork)
            var isStale = actions.Staleness.IsMapStale(indexesStat.Id);
            var indexingPriority = indexesStat.Priority;
            if (isStale == false)
                return false;

            if (indexingPriority == IndexingPriority.None)
                return true;

            if ((indexingPriority & IndexingPriority.Normal) == IndexingPriority.Normal)
                onlyFoundIdleWork.Value = false;
                return true;

            if ((indexingPriority & (IndexingPriority.Disabled | IndexingPriority.Error)) != IndexingPriority.None)
                return false;

            if (isIdle == false)
                return false; // everything else is only valid on idle runs

            if ((indexingPriority & IndexingPriority.Idle) == IndexingPriority.Idle)
                return true;

            if ((indexingPriority & IndexingPriority.Abandoned) == IndexingPriority.Abandoned)
                var timeSinceLastIndexing = (SystemTime.UtcNow - indexesStat.LastIndexingTime);

                return (timeSinceLastIndexing > context.Configuration.TimeToWaitBeforeRunningAbandonedIndexes);

            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown indexing priority for index " + indexesStat.Id + ": " + indexesStat.Priority);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public CommandManager(string clientId, Reference<Player> playerReference, IWorld word, INotificationService notificationService)
     _clientId = clientId;
     _playerReference = playerReference;
     _world = word;
     _notificationService = notificationService;
		protected override void ImplementInvokeMethodOnTarget(AbstractTypeEmitter @class, ParameterInfo[] parameters, MethodEmitter invokeMethodOnTarget, MethodInfo callbackMethod, Reference targetField)
				new ExpressionStatement(
					new MethodInvocationExpression(SelfReference.Self, InvocationMethods.EnsureValidTarget)));
			base.ImplementInvokeMethodOnTarget(@class, parameters, invokeMethodOnTarget, callbackMethod, targetField);
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the Argument class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The optional name of the argument.</param>
        /// <param name="modifiers">Modifers applied to this argument.</param>
        /// <param name="argumentExpression">The expression that forms the body of the argument.</param>
        /// <param name="location">The location of the argument in the code.</param>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent code part.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The tokens that form the argument.</param>
        /// <param name="generated">Indicates whether the argument is located within a block of generated code.</param>
        internal Argument(
            CsToken name, 
            ParameterModifiers modifiers, 
            Expression argumentExpression,
            CodeLocation location, 
            Reference<ICodePart> parent,
            CsTokenList tokens, 
            bool generated)
            Param.AssertNotNull(argumentExpression, "argumentExpression");
            Param.AssertNotNull(location, "location");
            Param.AssertNotNull(parent, "parent");

            this.name = name;
            this.modifiers = modifiers;
            this.argumentExpression = argumentExpression;
            this.location = location;
            this.parent = parent;
            this.tokens = tokens;
            this.generated = generated;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public QueueStorageActions(TableStorage tableStorage, IUuidGenerator generator, Reference<SnapshotReader> snapshot, Reference<WriteBatch> writeBatch, IBufferPool bufferPool)
     : base(snapshot, bufferPool)
     this.tableStorage = tableStorage;
     this.writeBatch = writeBatch;
     this.generator = generator;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static ReferenceType DetermineReferenceType(Reference reference)
            if (reference.Cardinality1 == Cardinality.Zero && reference.Cardinality2 == Cardinality.Zero)
                return ReferenceType.OneToOne;

            if (reference.Cardinality1 == Cardinality.One && reference.Cardinality2 == Cardinality.One)
                return ReferenceType.OneToOne;

            if (reference.Cardinality1 == Cardinality.One && reference.Cardinality2 == Cardinality.Zero)
                return ReferenceType.OneToOne;

            if (reference.Cardinality1 == Cardinality.Zero && reference.Cardinality2 == Cardinality.One)
                return ReferenceType.OneToOne;

            if (reference.Cardinality1 == Cardinality.One && reference.Cardinality2 == Cardinality.Many)
                return ReferenceType.ManyToOne;

            if (reference.Cardinality1 == Cardinality.Many && reference.Cardinality2 == Cardinality.One)
                return ReferenceType.ManyToOne;

            if (reference.Cardinality1 == Cardinality.Many && reference.Cardinality2 == Cardinality.Zero)
                return ReferenceType.ManyToOne;

            if (reference.Cardinality1 == Cardinality.Zero && reference.Cardinality2 == Cardinality.Many)
                return ReferenceType.ManyToOne;

            if (reference.Cardinality1 == Cardinality.Many && reference.Cardinality2 == Cardinality.Many)
                return ReferenceType.ManyToMany;

            return ReferenceType.Unsupported;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public GeneralStorageActions(TableStorage storage, Reference<WriteBatch> writeBatch, Reference<SnapshotReader> snapshot, IBufferPool bufferPool)
     : base(snapshot, bufferPool)
     this.storage = storage;
     this.writeBatch = writeBatch;
     this.snapshot = snapshot;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public DirectedReference(Entity fromEntity, Reference reference)
            this.fromEntity = fromEntity;
            this.reference = reference;

            fromIsEnd1 = reference.Entity1 == fromEntity;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public override Evaluant.NLinq.Expressions.Expression Visit(Evaluant.NLinq.Expressions.MemberExpression expression)
     if (expression.Previous == null)
         return base.Visit(expression);
     NLinq.Expressions.Expression previous = Visit(expression.Previous);
     Evaluant.NLinq.Expressions.Identifier propertyName = expression.Statement as Evaluant.NLinq.Expressions.Identifier;
     if (propertyName != null)
         if (currentEntity.References.ContainsKey(propertyName.Text))
             currentReference = currentEntity.References[propertyName.Text];
             currentEntity = engine.Factory.Model.Entities[currentReference.ChildType];
             currentReference = null;
         currentEntity = null;
         currentReference = null;
     return updater.Update(expression, previous, Visit(expression.Statement));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public static IEnumerable<Surface> ToProtoType(this Autodesk.Revit.DB.Face revitFace,
          bool performHostUnitConversion = true, Reference referenceOverride = null)
            if (revitFace == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("revitFace");

            var revitEdgeLoops = EdgeLoopPartition.GetAllEdgeLoopsFromRevitFace(revitFace);
            var partitionedRevitEdgeLoops = EdgeLoopPartition.ByEdgeLoopsAndFace(revitFace, revitEdgeLoops);

            var listSurface = new List<Surface>();

            foreach (var edgeloopPartition in partitionedRevitEdgeLoops)
                // convert the trimming curves
                var edgeLoops = EdgeLoopsAsPolyCurves(revitFace, edgeloopPartition);

                // convert the underrlying surface
                var dyFace = (dynamic)revitFace;
                Surface untrimmedSrf = SurfaceExtractor.ExtractSurface(dyFace, edgeLoops);
                if (untrimmedSrf == null) throw new Exception("Failed to extract surface");

                // trim the surface
                Surface converted = untrimmedSrf.TrimWithEdgeLoops(edgeLoops);

                // perform unit conversion if necessary
                converted = performHostUnitConversion ? converted.InDynamoUnits() : converted;

                // if possible, apply revit reference
                var revitRef = referenceOverride ?? revitFace.Reference;
                if (revitRef != null) converted = ElementFaceReference.AddTag(converted, revitRef);


            return listSurface;
        internal static async Task<Stream> DownloadAsyncImpl(IHoldProfilingInformation self, HttpJsonRequestFactory requestFactory, FilesConvention conventions, 
            NameValueCollection operationsHeaders, string path, string filename, Reference<RavenJObject> metadataRef, long? @from, long? to, string baseUrl, OperationCredentials credentials)
            var request = requestFactory.CreateHttpJsonRequest(new CreateHttpJsonRequestParams(self, baseUrl + path + Uri.EscapeDataString(filename), "GET", credentials, conventions)).AddOperationHeaders(operationsHeaders);

            if (@from != null)
                if (to != null)
                    request.AddRange(@from.Value, to.Value);

                var response = await request.ExecuteRawResponseAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                    throw new FileNotFoundException("The file requested does not exists on the file system.", baseUrl + path + filename);

                await response.AssertNotFailingResponse().ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (metadataRef != null)
                    metadataRef.Value = response.HeadersToObject();

                return new DisposableStream(await response.GetResponseStreamWithHttpDecompression().ConfigureAwait(false), request.Dispose);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e.SimplifyException();
Exemplo n.º 23
		internal Invite(DiscordClient client, string code, string xkcdPass, string serverId, string inviterId, string channelId)
			: base(client, code)
			XkcdCode = xkcdPass;
			_server = new Reference<Server>(serverId, x =>
				var server = _client.Servers[x];
				if (server == null)
					server = _generatedServer = new Server(client, x);
				return server;
			_inviter = new Reference<User>(serverId, x =>
				var inviter = _client.Users[x, _server.Id];
				if (inviter == null)
					inviter = _generatedInviter = new User(client, x, _server.Id);
				return inviter;
			_channel = new Reference<Channel>(serverId, x =>
				var channel = _client.Channels[x];
				if (channel == null)
					channel = _generatedChannel = new Channel(client, x, _server.Id, null);
				return channel;
Exemplo n.º 24
 private void OnDispatch(EventHandler<DispatcherEventArgs<Reference>> dispatched, Reference reference)
     var handler = dispatched;
     if (handler != null)
         handler.Invoke(this, new DispatcherEventArgs<Reference>(reference));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public MappedResultsStorageActions(TableStorage tableStorage, IUuidGenerator generator, OrderedPartCollection<AbstractDocumentCodec> documentCodecs, Reference<SnapshotReader> snapshot, Reference<WriteBatch> writeBatch, IBufferPool bufferPool)
			: base(snapshot, bufferPool)
			this.tableStorage = tableStorage;
			this.generator = generator;
			this.documentCodecs = documentCodecs;
			this.writeBatch = writeBatch;
Exemplo n.º 26
		internal void Apply(MemTable memTable, Reference<ulong> seq)
			foreach (var operation in _operations)
				var itemType = operation.Op == Operations.Delete ? ItemType.Deletion : ItemType.Value;
				memTable.Add(seq.Value++, itemType, operation.Key, operation.Handle);
        public IndexingStorageActions(TableStorage tableStorage, IUuidGenerator generator, Reference<SnapshotReader> snapshot, Reference<WriteBatch> writeBatch, IStorageActionsAccessor storageActionsAccessor, IBufferPool bufferPool)
			: base(snapshot, bufferPool)
			this.tableStorage = tableStorage;
			this.generator = generator;
			this.writeBatch = writeBatch;
			this.currentStorageActionsAccessor = storageActionsAccessor;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public void AddFileRefence(string name, string version)
     Reference newRef = new Reference();
     newRef.projectName = lastProjectName;
     newRef.Name = name;
     newRef.version = version;
Exemplo n.º 29
		public Reference NewReference()
			lock (lck)
				reference = reference.Increase;
				return reference;
Exemplo n.º 30
        protected override void AddEncoderToPipeline(bool hasInputReader)
            base.AddEncoderToPipeline(hasInputReader, EncoderUnit.LogStream.StandardOut);

            // setup output parsing
            var einfo = new Reference<WebTranscodingInfo>(() => Context.TranscodingInfo, x => { Context.TranscodingInfo = x; });
            VLCWrapperParsingUnit logunit = new VLCWrapperParsingUnit(einfo, Context.MediaInfo, Context.StartPosition);
            Context.Pipeline.AddLogUnit(logunit, 6);