Exemplo n.º 1
		public MainPresenter (Factory factory)
			_mainViewModel = factory.Get<MainViewModel> ();
			Localaizer= factory.Get<LocalizeService> ();
			Localaizer.LoadLocalization ("en");

			MainPage = new NavigationPage (new LoginPresenter (factory, Localaizer));
Exemplo n.º 2
		public  VTSListPresenter (Factory factory, ILocalizeService localaize)
			_vtsListViewModel = factory.Get<VTSViewModel> ();
			_vtsListViewModel.Server = ConfigurationManager.SERVER;

			Label header = new Label {
				Text = localaize.Data.vacations,// "Vacations",
				Font = Font.SystemFontOfSize (30),
				TextColor = Color.FromHex ("#000"),
				HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center

			_listView = new ListView {
				ItemsSource = null,
				ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate (typeof(VTSListViewTemplate))

			this.Padding = new Thickness (10, Device.OnPlatform (20, 0, 0), 10, 5);

			this.Content = new StackLayout {
				BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex ("#FFF"),
				Children = {

Exemplo n.º 3
		public LoginPresenter(Factory factory, ILocalizeService localaize)
			_localize = localaize;
			_factory = factory;

			_loginViewModel = factory.Get<LoginViewModel> ();

			_image = new Image
				Source = "logo.png"            
            _userName = new Entry
				Placeholder = _localize.Data.username

            _password = new Entry
                IsPassword = true,
				Placeholder = _localize.Data.password

            _loginButton = new Button
				Text = _localize.Data.login

            _error = new Label
				//Text =  _loginViewModel.errorMessage,//_localize.Data.loginError,
				//TextColor =  Color.Red,//FromHex ("#FA8072"),
				XAlign = TextAlignment.Center,
                IsVisible = false

            _loginButton.Clicked += onLoginButtonClicked;
            Content = new StackLayout
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                Padding = 50,
                Children ={
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void simulate()
            if (lagstring == "None") { }
              if (lagstring == "Small (50-150ms)") { lowerlag = 50; upperlag = 150; }
              if (lagstring == "Med (125-225ms)") { lowerlag = 125; upperlag = 225; }

              logging = true;
              var jobtext = "";
              var statweighttext = "";
              var fightlengthtext = "";
              //bucket clear
              this.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => {
            jobtext = job.Text;
            statweighttext = statweights.Text;
            fightlengthtext = fightLengthInput.Text;


              Factory fact = new Factory();
              Report r = new Report();

              var playerjob = fact.Get(jobtext);
              var p = playerjob;

              Trace.Assert(playerjob.name != null, "No job selected. ERROR 1"); //assert failure of factory set.
              p = playerjob;
              string swselected = Convert.ToString(statweighttext);
              p.statforweights = swselected;

              // TODO: steps and delta...
              int step = 5;
              int delta = 50;
              int newdelta = delta;
              // TODO: add negative and positive delta selection. Currently we're doing positive only.
              StatWeight swenum = StatWeight.None;
              if (swselected == "None") { swenum = StatWeight.None; newdelta = 0; } else { newdelta *= 2; }
              if (swselected == "Weapon Damage") { swenum = StatWeight.WeaponDamage; }
              if (swselected == "Magic Damage") { swenum = StatWeight.MagicDamage; }
              if (swselected == "Dexterity") { swenum = StatWeight.Dexterity; }
              if (swselected == "Strength") { swenum = StatWeight.Strength; }
              if (swselected == "Mind") { swenum = StatWeight.Mind; }
              if (swselected == "Piety") { swenum = StatWeight.Piety; }
              if (swselected == "Intelligence") { swenum = StatWeight.Intelligence; }
              if (swselected == "Accuracy") { swenum = StatWeight.Accuracy; }
              if (swselected == "Crit") { swenum = StatWeight.Crit; }
              if (swselected == "Determination") { swenum = StatWeight.Determination; }
              if (swselected == "Skill Speed") { swenum = StatWeight.SkillSpeed; }
              if (swselected == "Spell Speed") { swenum = StatWeight.SpellSpeed; }
              //subtract an extra step because one gets added initially.
              //buckets for dpstimeline
              for (int x = 0; x < 50; x++) {

              List<double> DPSarray = new List<double>();
              List<double> WeightArray = new List<double>();
              List<double> WeightDiff = new List<double>();
              for (int y = 0; y <= newdelta; y += step) {

            //progress bar incrementing here.. for stat weights
            if (swselected != "None") {
              this.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => {
            progressBar.Value = (int)((100) - ((newdelta) - (y)));

            //start iterations (needs threading!!!)
            for (int x = 1; x <= iterations; ++x) {
              int ticknumber = 0;
              iterationum = x;
              servertick = randtick.Next(1, 4);
              //alt progress bar for iterations only
              if (swselected == "None") {
            this.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => {
              this.progressBar.Value = (int)(((double)x / (double)iterations) * 100);


              switch (swenum) {
            case StatWeight.WeaponDamage:
              p.WEP = p.WEP - (delta - y);
            case StatWeight.MagicDamage:
              p.MDMG = p.MDMG - (delta - y);
            case StatWeight.Dexterity:
              p.DEX = p.DEX - (delta - y);
            case StatWeight.Strength:
              p.STR = p.STR - (delta - y);
            case StatWeight.Intelligence:
              p.INT = p.INT - (delta - y);
            case StatWeight.Mind:
              p.MND = p.MND - (delta - y);
            case StatWeight.Piety:
              p.PIE = p.PIE - (delta - y);
            case StatWeight.Accuracy:
              p.ACC = p.ACC - (delta - y);
            case StatWeight.Determination:
              p.DTR = p.DTR - (delta - y);
            case StatWeight.Crit:
              p.CRIT = p.CRIT - (delta - y);
            case StatWeight.SkillSpeed:
              p.SKS = p.SKS - (delta - y);
            case StatWeight.SpellSpeed:
              p.SPS = p.SPS - (delta - y);

              fightlength = (Convert.ToInt32(fightlengthtext)) + (d100(0, (int)Math.Floor(Convert.ToInt16(fightlengthtext) * 0.1)) - (int)Math.Floor(Convert.ToInt16(fightlengthtext) * 0.05));
              if ((x == 1) && (y == 0)) { r.dpstimeline.Select(i => 0); r.dpstimelinecount.Select(i => 0); }
              debug(); //have option to disable TODO:

              //actual simming
              while (time <= fightlength) {
            handler(ref p);
            time = nextTime(p.nextinstant, p.nextability, servertime, p.nextauto, p.OOT, p.OOM);
            //add timeline stuff

            if ((y == 0 && time == servertime)) {
              if (r.dpstimeline.Count < ticknumber + 1) { r.dpstimeline.Add(0); }
              if (r.dpstimelinecount.Count < ticknumber + 1) { r.dpstimelinecount.Add(0); }
              if (r.tptimeline.Count < ticknumber + 1) { r.tptimeline.Add(0); }
              if (r.tptimelinecount.Count < ticknumber + 1) { r.tptimelinecount.Add(0); }
              if (r.mptimeline.Count < ticknumber + 1) { r.mptimeline.Add(0); }
              if (r.mptimelinecount.Count < ticknumber + 1) { r.mptimelinecount.Add(0); }
              r.dpstimeline[ticknumber] += p.totaldamage / time;
              r.dpstimelinecount[ticknumber] += 1;
              r.tptimeline[ticknumber] += p.TP;
              r.tptimelinecount[ticknumber] += 1;
              r.mptimeline[ticknumber] += p.MP;
              r.mptimelinecount[ticknumber] += 1;
              ticknumber += 1;

              DPSarray.Add((p.totaldamage / fightlength));

              //first iteration reporting
              if (x == 1 && y == 0) {

            p.report(); // first iteration of abilities
              } else {
            logging = false;
            } //end iteration set

            p.averagedps = DPSarray.Average();
            var dpsmin = DPSarray.Min();
            var dpsmax = DPSarray.Max();
            dpsminlist = dpsmin;
            dpsmaxlist = dpsmax;
            var dpsdiff = dpsmax - dpsmin;
            var numbuckets = 50;
            var dpsdiv = dpsdiff / numbuckets;

            foreach (var it in DPSarray) {
              for (var x = 0; x <= numbuckets; ++x) {
            if (it >= dpsmin + (dpsdiv * x) && it <= dpsmin + (dpsdiv * (x + 1))) {
              bucketlist[x] += 1;

            // calculate last difference of array

            var beforelast = 0.0;

            if (swselected != "None") {

              if (p.passoverweight > 0.0) {
            //probably a better way to do this, but it stores the first attempt, then adds it as the subtractive weight
            beforelast = p.passoverweight;
            WeightDiff.Add((double)(beforelast - p.averagedps));
            p.passoverweight = 0.0;
              } else {

              if (WeightDiff.Count > 0) {
            beforelast = WeightArray.Last();
            WeightDiff.Add((double)(beforelast - p.averagedps));
              } else {
            p.passoverweight = p.averagedps;
            // for avg difference of array used for calculating weight.
            // avgoflist / steps for weight (non normalized) - no full calcs yet, but this is the method.

            WeightArray.Add(Math.Round((p.averagedps * 100)) / 100); //array of all DPSavg's from all sets of iterations

              } //end statweight set

              p.DPSarray = WeightArray;
              //print stat weight if calculating weights.
              if (swselected != "None") {
            p.weight = ((WeightDiff.Average()* -1) / step);
              double simulationtime = (double)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
              p.simulationtime = simulationtime / 1000;

              for (var x = 0; x < r.dpstimeline.Count; x++) {
            r.dpstimeline[x] = r.dpstimeline[x] / r.dpstimelinecount[x];
            r.tptimeline[x] = r.tptimeline[x] / r.tptimelinecount[x];
            r.mptimeline[x] = r.mptimeline[x] / r.mptimelinecount[x];
              // Parse HTML log


              this.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => {

            //refresh the html page
            this.browser.Navigate(System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "report.html"));

            this.WEP.IsEnabled = true;
            this.MDMG.IsEnabled = true;
            this.AADMG.IsEnabled = true;
            this.DELAY.IsEnabled = true;
            this.STR.IsEnabled = true;
            this.DEX.IsEnabled = true;
            this.VIT.IsEnabled = true;
            this.INT.IsEnabled = true;
            this.MND.IsEnabled = true;
            this.PIE.IsEnabled = true;
            this.CRIT.IsEnabled = true;
            this.DTR.IsEnabled = true;
            this.ACC.IsEnabled = true;
            this.SKSPD.IsEnabled = true;
            this.SPSPD.IsEnabled = true;
            this.iterationsinput.IsEnabled = true;
            this.fightLengthInput.IsEnabled = true;
            this.disembowelbox.IsEnabled = true;
            this.selenebox.IsEnabled = true;
            this.job.IsEnabled = true;
            this.simulateButton.IsEnabled = true;
            this.statweights.IsEnabled = true;
            this.inputlag.IsEnabled = true;
            this.progressBar.Value = 100;
            //this.StatGrwth.IsEnabled = true; // TODO: RENAME THESE RIGHT
            //this.Delta.IsEnabled = true;