public MetadataPropertyDescriptorWrapper(PropertyDescriptor descriptor, Attribute[] newAttributes)
     : base(descriptor, newAttributes)
     _descriptor = descriptor;
     var readOnlyAttribute = newAttributes.OfType<ReadOnlyAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
     _isReadOnly = (readOnlyAttribute != null ? readOnlyAttribute.IsReadOnly : false);
 public LoggingData[] Extract(Attribute[] attributes, string defaultName, object @object)
             .Select(x => new LoggingData
                 Name = GetLogName(x, defaultName),
                 Value = @object.ToString()
        public CachedDataAnnotationsMetadataAttributes(Attribute[] attributes) {
            DataType = attributes.OfType<DataTypeAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
            Display = attributes.OfType<DisplayAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
            DisplayColumn = attributes.OfType<DisplayColumnAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
            DisplayFormat = attributes.OfType<DisplayFormatAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
            DisplayName = attributes.OfType<DisplayNameAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
            Editable = attributes.OfType<EditableAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
            HiddenInput = attributes.OfType<HiddenInputAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
            ReadOnly = attributes.OfType<ReadOnlyAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
            Required = attributes.OfType<RequiredAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
            ScaffoldColumn = attributes.OfType<ScaffoldColumnAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();

            var uiHintAttributes = attributes.OfType<UIHintAttribute>();
            UIHint = uiHintAttributes.FirstOrDefault(a => String.Equals(a.PresentationLayer, "MVC", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                  ?? uiHintAttributes.FirstOrDefault(a => String.IsNullOrEmpty(a.PresentationLayer));

            if (DisplayFormat == null && DataType != null) {
                DisplayFormat = DataType.DisplayFormat;
Exemplo n.º 4
        //For generic automatic editors. Passing a MemberInfo will also check for attributes
        public static object GenericField(string name, object value, Type t, MemberInfo member = null, object instance = null)
            if (t == null){
                GUILayout.Label("NO TYPE PROVIDED!");
                return value;

            //Preliminary Hides
            if (typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(t)){
                return value;

            name = name.SplitCamelCase();


            IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes = new Attribute[0];
            if (member != null){

                //Hide class?
                if (t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HideInInspector), true ).FirstOrDefault() != null){
                    return value;

                attributes = member.GetCustomAttributes(true).Cast<Attribute>();

                //Hide field?
                if (attributes.Any(a => a is HideInInspector) ){
                    return value;

                //Is required?
                if (attributes.Any(a => a is RequiredFieldAttribute)){
                    if ( (value == null || value.Equals(null) ) ||
                        (t == typeof(string) && string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)value) ) ||
                        (typeof(BBParameter).IsAssignableFrom(t) && (value as BBParameter).isNull) )
                        GUI.backgroundColor = lightRed;

            if (member != null){
                var nameAtt = attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a is NameAttribute) as NameAttribute;
                if (nameAtt != null){
                    name =;

                if (instance != null){
                    var showAtt = attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a is ShowIfAttribute) as ShowIfAttribute;
                    if (showAtt != null){
                        var targetField = instance.GetType().GetField(showAtt.fieldName);
                        if (targetField == null || targetField.FieldType != typeof(bool)){
                            GUILayout.Label(string.Format("[ShowIf] Error: bool \"{0}\" does not exist.", showAtt.fieldName));
                        } else {
                            if ((bool)targetField.GetValue(instance) !={
                                return value;

            //Before everything check BBParameter
            if (typeof(BBParameter).IsAssignableFrom(t)){
                return BBParameterField(name, (BBParameter)value, false, member);

            //Cutstom object drawers
            var objectDrawer = GetCustomDrawer(t);
            if (objectDrawer != null && !(objectDrawer is NoDrawer) ){
                return objectDrawer.DrawGUI(name, value, member as FieldInfo, null, instance);

            //Cutstom attribute drawers
            foreach(CustomDrawerAttribute att in attributes.OfType<CustomDrawerAttribute>()){
                var attributeDrawer = GetCustomDrawer(att.GetType());
                if (attributeDrawer != null && !(attributeDrawer is NoDrawer)){
                    return attributeDrawer.DrawGUI(name, value, member as FieldInfo, att, instance);

            //Then check UnityObjects
            if ( typeof(UnityObject).IsAssignableFrom(t) ) {
                if (t == typeof(Component) && (Component)value != null)
                    return ComponentField(name, (Component)value, typeof(Component));
                return EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(name, (UnityObject)value, t, true);

            //Force UnityObject field?
            if (member != null && attributes.Any(a => a is ForceObjectFieldAttribute)){
                return EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(name, value as UnityObject, t, true );

            //Restricted popup values?
            if (member != null){
                var popAtt = attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a is PopupFieldAttribute) as PopupFieldAttribute;
                if (popAtt != null){
                    if (popAtt.staticPath != null){
                            var typeName = popAtt.staticPath.Substring(0, popAtt.staticPath.LastIndexOf("."));
                            var type = ReflectionTools.GetType( typeName );
                            var start = popAtt.staticPath.LastIndexOf(".") + 1;
                            var end = popAtt.staticPath.Length;
                            var propName = popAtt.staticPath.Substring(start, end - start);
                            var prop = type.GetProperty( propName, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public );
                            var propValue = prop.GetValue(null, null);
                            var values = ((IEnumerable)propValue).Cast<object>().ToList();
                            return Popup<object>(name, value, values);
                            EditorGUILayout.LabelField(name, "[PopupField] attribute error!");
                            return value;
                    return Popup<object>(name, value, popAtt.values.ToList());

            //Check Type of Type
            if (t == typeof(Type)){
                return Popup<Type>(name, (Type)value, UserTypePrefs.GetPreferedTypesList(typeof(object), false) );

            //Check abstract
            if ( (value != null && value.GetType().IsAbstract) || (value == null && t.IsAbstract) ){
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField(name, string.Format("Abstract ({0})", t.FriendlyName()));
                return value;

            //Create instance for some types
            if (value == null && !t.IsAbstract && !t.IsInterface && (t.IsValueType || t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) != null || t.IsArray) ){
                if (t.IsArray){
                    value = Array.CreateInstance(t.GetElementType(), 0);
                } else {
                    value = Activator.CreateInstance(t);

            //Check the rest
            if (t == typeof(string)){
                if (member != null){
                    if (attributes.Any(a => a is TagFieldAttribute))
                        return EditorGUILayout.TagField(name, (string)value);
                    var areaAtt = attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a is TextAreaFieldAttribute) as TextAreaFieldAttribute;
                    if (areaAtt != null){
                        var areaStyle = new GUIStyle("TextArea"));
                        areaStyle.wordWrap = true;
                        var s = EditorGUILayout.TextArea((string)value, areaStyle, GUILayout.Height(areaAtt.height));
                        return s;

                return EditorGUILayout.TextField(name, (string)value);

            if (t == typeof(bool))
                return EditorGUILayout.Toggle(name, (bool)value);

            if (t == typeof(int)){
                if (member != null){
                    var sField = attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a is SliderFieldAttribute) as SliderFieldAttribute;
                    if (sField != null)
                        return (int)EditorGUILayout.Slider(name, (int)value, (int)sField.left, (int)sField.right );
                    if (attributes.Any(a => a is LayerFieldAttribute))
                        return EditorGUILayout.LayerField(name, (int)value);

                return EditorGUILayout.IntField(name, (int)value);

            if (t == typeof(float)){
                if (member != null){
                    var sField = attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a is SliderFieldAttribute) as SliderFieldAttribute;
                    if (sField != null)
                        return EditorGUILayout.Slider(name, (float)value, sField.left, sField.right);
                return EditorGUILayout.FloatField(name, (float)value);

            if (t == typeof(byte)){
                return Convert.ToByte( Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUILayout.IntField(name, (byte)value), 0, 255) );

            if (t == typeof(Vector2))
                return EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field(name, (Vector2)value);

            if (t == typeof(Vector3))
                return EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(name, (Vector3)value);

            if (t == typeof(Vector4))
                return EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field(name, (Vector4)value);

            if (t == typeof(Quaternion)){
                var quat = (Quaternion)value;
                var vec4 = new Vector4(quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w);
                vec4 = EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field(name, vec4);
                return new Quaternion(vec4.x, vec4.y, vec4.z, vec4.w);

            if (t == typeof(Color))
                return EditorGUILayout.ColorField(name, (Color)value);

            if (t == typeof(Rect))
                return EditorGUILayout.RectField(name, (Rect)value);

            if (t == typeof(AnimationCurve))
                return EditorGUILayout.CurveField(name, (AnimationCurve)value);

            if (t == typeof(Bounds))
                return EditorGUILayout.BoundsField(name, (Bounds)value);

            if (t == typeof(LayerMask))
                return LayerMaskField(name, (LayerMask)value);

            if (t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Enum))){
            #if UNITY_5
                if (t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FlagsAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault() != null ){
                    return EditorGUILayout.EnumMaskPopup(new GUIContent(name), (System.Enum)value);
                return EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(name, (System.Enum)value);

            if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(t))
                return ListEditor(name, (IList)value, t, instance);

            if (typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(t))
                return DictionaryEditor(name, (IDictionary)value, t, instance);

            //show nested class members recursively
            if (value != null && !t.IsEnum && !t.IsInterface){

                EditorGUILayout.LabelField(name, t.FriendlyName());
                EditorGUI.indentLevel ++;
                EditorGUI.indentLevel --;

            } else {

                EditorGUILayout.LabelField(name, string.Format("({0})", t.FriendlyName()));

            return value;
Exemplo n.º 5
            static string GetFormat(Type propertyType, Attribute[] attributes)
                var format = attributes.OfType<DisplayFormatAttribute>().Select(f => f.DataFormatString).FirstOrDefault();
                if (format == null && propertyType == typeof(int))
                    format = "N0";

                return format;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Overridden to allow the addition of buddy-class attributes to the list of attributes associated with the <see cref="ModelType"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="declaringType"></param>
        /// <param name="property"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="isStatic"></param>
        /// <param name="isBoundary"></param>
        /// <param name="propertyType"></param>
        /// <param name="isList"></param>
        /// <param name="attributes"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override ModelValueProperty CreateValueProperty(ModelType declaringType, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property, string name, string label, string helptext, string format, bool isStatic, Type propertyType, TypeConverter converter, bool isList, bool isReadOnly, bool isPersisted, Attribute[] attributes)
            // Do not include entity reference properties in the model
            if (property.PropertyType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(EntityReference)))
                return null;

            // Fetch any attributes associated with a buddy-class
            attributes = attributes.Union(GetBuddyClassAttributes(declaringType, property)).ToArray();

            // Mark properties that are not mapped as not persisted
            isPersisted = !attributes.OfType<NotMappedAttribute>().Any();

            return new EntityValueProperty(declaringType, property, name, label, helptext, format, isStatic, propertyType, converter, isList, isReadOnly, isPersisted, attributes);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Overridden to allow the addition of buddy-class attributes to the list of attributes associated with the <see cref="ModelType"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="declaringType"></param>
        /// <param name="property"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="isStatic"></param>
        /// <param name="isBoundary"></param>
        /// <param name="propertyType"></param>
        /// <param name="isList"></param>
        /// <param name="attributes"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override ModelReferenceProperty CreateReferenceProperty(ModelType declaringType, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property, string name, string label, string helptext, string format, bool isStatic, ModelType propertyType, bool isList, bool isReadOnly, bool isPersisted, Attribute[] attributes)
            // Fetch any attributes associated with a buddy-class
            attributes = attributes.Union(GetBuddyClassAttributes(declaringType, property)).ToArray();

            // Mark properties that are not mapped as not persisted
            isPersisted = !attributes.OfType<NotMappedAttribute>().Any();

            // Determine whether the property represents an actual entity framework navigation property or an custom property
            var context = GetObjectContext();
            var type = context.ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace.GetItem<EntityType>(((EntityModelType)declaringType).UnderlyingType.FullName, DataSpace.CSpace);
            NavigationProperty navProp;
            type.NavigationProperties.TryGetValue(name, false, out navProp);
            return new EntityReferenceProperty(declaringType, navProp, property, name, label, helptext, format, isStatic, propertyType, isList, isReadOnly, isPersisted, attributes);
Exemplo n.º 8
 protected override ModelValueProperty CreateValueProperty(ModelType declaringType, PropertyInfo property, string name, string label, string helptext, string format, bool isStatic, Type propertyType, System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter converter, bool isList, bool isReadOnly, bool isPersisted, Attribute[] attributes)
     format = format ?? attributes.OfType<DisplayFormatAttribute>().Select(f => f.DataFormatString).FirstOrDefault();
     return base.CreateValueProperty(declaringType, property, name, label, helptext, format, isStatic, propertyType, converter, isList, isReadOnly, isPersisted, attributes);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private static void GetConstraints(Attribute[] attributes, IConstraintsNode constraintsNode)
            if (attributes != null)
                if (attributes.Any(x => x is RequiredAttribute))
                    constraintsNode.IsRequired = true;

                var stringLengthAttribute = attributes.OfType<StringLengthAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (stringLengthAttribute != null)
                    constraintsNode.MinimumLength = stringLengthAttribute.MinimumLength;
                    constraintsNode.MaximumLength = stringLengthAttribute.MaximumLength;

                var minLengthAttribute = attributes.OfType<MaxLengthAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (minLengthAttribute != null)
                    constraintsNode.MinimumLength = minLengthAttribute.Length;

                var maxLengthAttribute = attributes.OfType<MaxLengthAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (maxLengthAttribute != null)
                    constraintsNode.MaximumLength = maxLengthAttribute.Length;

                var compareAttribute = attributes.OfType<CompareAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (compareAttribute != null)
                    constraintsNode.CompareTo = StringHelpers.ToCamelCase(compareAttribute.OtherProperty);

                var rangeAttribute = attributes.OfType<RangeAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (rangeAttribute != null)
                    constraintsNode.Minimum = rangeAttribute.Minimum;
                    constraintsNode.Maximum = rangeAttribute.Maximum;

                if (attributes.Any(x => x is EmailAddressAttribute))
                    constraintsNode.Format = Format.Email;