Additional factory methods for constructing common QIL patterns.
Some of the methods here are exactly like the ones in QilFactory except that they perform constant-folding and other normalization. Others are "macro patterns" that simplify the task of constructing otherwise complex patterns.
        private static QilLoop BuildAxisFilter(QilPatternFactory f, QilIterator itr, XPathAxis xpathAxis, XPathNodeType nodeType, string name, string nsUri) {
            QilNode nameTest = (
                name  != null && nsUri != null ? f.Eq(f.NameOf(itr), f.QName(name, nsUri))    : // ns:bar || bar
                nsUri != null                  ? f.Eq(f.NamespaceUriOf(itr), f.String(nsUri)) : // ns:*
                name  != null                  ? f.Eq(f.LocalNameOf(itr), f.String(name))     : // *:foo
                /*name  == nsUri == null*/       f.True()                                       // *

            XmlNodeKindFlags intersection = XPathBuilder.AxisTypeMask(itr.XmlType.NodeKinds, nodeType, xpathAxis);

            QilNode typeTest = (
                intersection == 0                     ? f.False() :  // input & required doesn't intersect
                intersection == itr.XmlType.NodeKinds ? f.True()  :  // input is subset of required
                /*else*/                                f.IsType(itr, T.NodeChoice(intersection))

            QilLoop filter = f.BaseFactory.Filter(itr, f.And(typeTest, nameTest));
            filter.XmlType = T.PrimeProduct(T.NodeChoice(intersection), filter.XmlType.Cardinality);

            return filter;