// Token: 0x06000690 RID: 1680 RVA: 0x00014744 File Offset: 0x00012944
        private void Seal()
            if (this._type == null && this._text == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get("NullTypeIllegal"));
            if (this._firstChild != null && !typeof(IAddChild).IsAssignableFrom(this._type))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get("TypeMustImplementIAddChild", new object[]
            if (this._childName != null && this._childName != string.Empty)
                if (!this.IsChildNameValid(this._childName))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get("ChildNameNamePatternReserved", new object[]
                this._childName = string.Intern(this._childName);
                this._childName = this.GenerateChildName();
            object synchronized = this._synchronized;

            lock (synchronized)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.PropertyValues.Count; i++)
                    PropertyValue propertyValue = this.PropertyValues[i];
                    propertyValue.ChildName = this._childName;
                    this.PropertyValues[i] = propertyValue;
            this._sealed = true;
            if (this._childName != null && this._childName != string.Empty && this._frameworkTemplate != null)
                this._childIndex = StyleHelper.CreateChildIndexFromChildName(this._childName, this._frameworkTemplate);
            for (FrameworkElementFactory frameworkElementFactory = this._firstChild; frameworkElementFactory != null; frameworkElementFactory = frameworkElementFactory._nextSibling)
                if (this._frameworkTemplate != null)
Exemplo n.º 2
        //  ===========================================================================
        //  These methods are invoked when a Style/Template is Sealed
        //  ===========================================================================

        #region WriteMethods

        //  This method
        //  1. Seals a template
        internal static void SealTemplate(
            FrameworkTemplate                                           frameworkTemplate,
            ref bool                                                    isSealed,
            FrameworkElementFactory                                     templateRoot,
            TriggerCollection                                           triggers,
            ResourceDictionary                                          resources,
            HybridDictionary                                            childIndexFromChildID,
            ref FrugalStructList<ChildRecord>                           childRecordFromChildIndex,
            ref FrugalStructList<ItemStructMap<TriggerSourceRecord>>    triggerSourceRecordFromChildIndex,
            ref FrugalStructList<ContainerDependent>                    containerDependents,
            ref FrugalStructList<ChildPropertyDependent>                resourceDependents,
            ref ItemStructList<ChildEventDependent>                     eventDependents,
            ref HybridDictionary                                        triggerActions,
            ref HybridDictionary                                        dataTriggerRecordFromBinding,
            ref bool                                                    hasInstanceValues,
            ref EventHandlersStore                                      eventHandlersStore)
            Debug.Assert(frameworkTemplate != null );

            // This template has already been sealed.
            // There is no more to do.
            if (isSealed)

            // Seal template nodes (if exists)

            if (frameworkTemplate != null)

            if (templateRoot != null)
                Debug.Assert( !frameworkTemplate.HasXamlNodeContent );

                // Seal the template

                Debug.Assert(frameworkTemplate != null);

            // Seal triggers
            if (triggers != null)

            // Seal Resource Dictionary
            if (resources != null)
                resources.IsReadOnly = true;

            //  Build shared tables

            if (templateRoot != null)
                // This is a FEF-style template.  Process the root node, and it will
                // recurse through the rest of the FEF tree.

                                ref childRecordFromChildIndex,
                                ref triggerSourceRecordFromChildIndex,
                                ref resourceDependents,
                                ref eventDependents,
                                ref dataTriggerRecordFromBinding,
                                ref hasInstanceValues);

            // Process Triggers. (Trigger PropertyValues are inserted
            // last into the Style/Template GetValue chain because they
            // are the highest priority)

            bool hasHandler = false;

            Debug.Assert( frameworkTemplate != null );

                ref childRecordFromChildIndex,
                ref triggerSourceRecordFromChildIndex, ref containerDependents, ref resourceDependents, ref eventDependents,
                ref dataTriggerRecordFromBinding, childIndexFromChildID, ref hasInstanceValues,
                ref triggerActions, templateRoot, ref eventHandlersStore,
                ref frameworkTemplate.PropertyTriggersWithActions,
                ref frameworkTemplate.DataTriggersWithActions,
                ref hasHandler );

            frameworkTemplate.HasLoadedChangeHandler = hasHandler;


            // All done, seal self and call it a day.
            isSealed = true;

            // Remove thread affinity so it can be accessed across threads

            // Check if the template has the Template property set on the container via its visual triggers.
            // It is an error to specify the TemplateProperty in your own Template.
            if (StyleHelper.IsSetOnContainer(Control.TemplateProperty, ref containerDependents, true) ||
                StyleHelper.IsSetOnContainer(ContentPresenter.TemplateProperty, ref containerDependents, true))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotHavePropertyInTemplate, Control.TemplateProperty.Name));

            // Check if the template has the Style property set on the container via its visual triggers.
            // It is an error to specify the StyleProperty in your own Template.
            if (StyleHelper.IsSetOnContainer(FrameworkElement.StyleProperty, ref containerDependents, true))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotHavePropertyInTemplate, FrameworkElement.StyleProperty.Name));

            // Check if the template has the DefaultStyleKey property set on the container via its visual triggers.
            // It is an error to specify the DefaultStyleKeyProperty in your own Template.
            if (StyleHelper.IsSetOnContainer(FrameworkElement.DefaultStyleKeyProperty, ref containerDependents, true))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotHavePropertyInTemplate, FrameworkElement.DefaultStyleKeyProperty.Name));

            // Check if the template has the OverridesDefaultStyle property set on the container via its visual triggers.
            // It is an error to specify the OverridesDefaultStyleProperty in your own Template.
            if (StyleHelper.IsSetOnContainer(FrameworkElement.OverridesDefaultStyleProperty, ref containerDependents, true))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotHavePropertyInTemplate, FrameworkElement.OverridesDefaultStyleProperty.Name));

            // Check if the template has the Name property set on the container via its visual triggers.
            // It is an error to specify the Name in your own Template.
            if (StyleHelper.IsSetOnContainer(FrameworkElement.NameProperty, ref containerDependents, true))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotHavePropertyInTemplate, FrameworkElement.NameProperty.Name));