Exemplo n.º 1
        private void LoadState()
            Log.Information("Loading State");
            var regAccessor             = new RegistryAccessor();
            var fontFamConverter        = new Media.FontFamilyConverter();
            var fontFamily              = regAccessor.Read("FONTFAMILY");
            var fontWeightToBeConverted = regAccessor.Read("FONTWEIGHT");
            var fontSize  = regAccessor.Read("FONTSIZE");
            var fontStyle = regAccessor.Read("FONTSYLE");

            if (fontFamily != null)
                _formatModel.Family = fontFamConverter.ConvertFromString(fontFamily) as Media.FontFamily;

            if (fontWeightToBeConverted != null)
                _formatModel.Weight = FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(Convert.ToInt32(regAccessor.Read("FONTWEIGHT")));

            if (fontSize != null && fontSize != "0")
                _formatModel.Size = Convert.ToDouble(fontSize);

            if (fontStyle != null)
                _formatModel.Style = ConvertFontSytleFromString(fontStyle);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override IResult Execute(IResult previousResults)
                var font = new FontFamilyConverter().ConvertFromInvariantString(FontFamily) as FontFamily;
                if (font == null)
                    Log.WarnFormat("Cannot convert {0} to a valid font family", FontFamily);
                    return new NextResult();

                AppearanceManager.DefaultFontFamily = font;

                return new NextResult();
            catch (Exception e)
                return new ExceptionOccurred(e);
Exemplo n.º 3
 // Initialize known object types
 internal static TypeConverter CreateKnownTypeConverter(Int16 converterId)
     TypeConverter o = null;
     switch (converterId) 
         case -42: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.BoolIListConverter(); break;
         case -46: o = new System.ComponentModel.BooleanConverter(); break; 
         case -53: o = new System.Windows.Media.BrushConverter(); break;
         case -61: o = new System.ComponentModel.ByteConverter(); break;
         case -70: o = new System.ComponentModel.CharConverter(); break;
         case -71: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.CharIListConverter(); break; 
         case -87: o = new System.Windows.Media.ColorConverter(); break;
         case -94: o = new System.Windows.Input.CommandConverter(); break; 
         case -96: o = new System.Windows.Markup.ComponentResourceKeyConverter(); break; 
         case -111: o = new System.Windows.CornerRadiusConverter(); break;
         case -114: o = new System.ComponentModel.CultureInfoConverter(); break; 
         case -115: o = new System.Windows.CultureInfoIetfLanguageTagConverter(); break;
         case -117: o = new System.Windows.Input.CursorConverter(); break;
         case -124: o = new System.ComponentModel.DateTimeConverter(); break;
         case -125: o = new System.Windows.Markup.DateTimeConverter2(); break; 
         case -130: o = new System.ComponentModel.DecimalConverter(); break;
         case -137: o = new System.Windows.Markup.DependencyPropertyConverter(); break; 
         case -138: o = new System.Windows.DialogResultConverter(); break; 
         case -174: o = new System.Windows.Media.DoubleCollectionConverter(); break;
         case -175: o = new System.ComponentModel.DoubleConverter(); break; 
         case -176: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.DoubleIListConverter(); break;
         case -188: o = new System.Windows.DurationConverter(); break;
         case -190: o = new System.Windows.DynamicResourceExtensionConverter(); break;
         case -201: o = new System.Windows.ExpressionConverter(); break; 
         case -204: o = new System.Windows.FigureLengthConverter(); break;
         case -215: o = new System.Windows.Media.FontFamilyConverter(); break; 
         case -216: o = new System.Windows.FontSizeConverter(); break; 
         case -218: o = new System.Windows.FontStretchConverter(); break;
         case -220: o = new System.Windows.FontStyleConverter(); break; 
         case -222: o = new System.Windows.FontWeightConverter(); break;
         case -240: o = new System.Windows.Media.GeometryConverter(); break;
         case -256: o = new System.Windows.GridLengthConverter(); break;
         case -267: o = new System.ComponentModel.GuidConverter(); break; 
         case -286: o = new System.Windows.Media.ImageSourceConverter(); break;
         case -299: o = new System.Windows.Input.InputScopeConverter(); break; 
         case -301: o = new System.Windows.Input.InputScopeNameConverter(); break; 
         case -306: o = new System.ComponentModel.Int16Converter(); break;
         case -314: o = new System.Windows.Media.Int32CollectionConverter(); break; 
         case -315: o = new System.ComponentModel.Int32Converter(); break;
         case -319: o = new System.Windows.Int32RectConverter(); break;
         case -324: o = new System.ComponentModel.Int64Converter(); break;
         case -338: o = new System.Windows.Input.KeyConverter(); break; 
         case -340: o = new System.Windows.Input.KeyGestureConverter(); break;
         case -342: o = new System.Windows.KeySplineConverter(); break; 
         case -344: o = new System.Windows.KeyTimeConverter(); break; 
         case -348: o = new System.Windows.LengthConverter(); break;
         case -387: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Matrix3DConverter(); break; 
         case -392: o = new System.Windows.Media.MatrixConverter(); break;
         case -410: o = new System.Windows.Input.ModifierKeysConverter(); break;
         case -411: o = new System.Windows.Input.MouseActionConverter(); break;
         case -415: o = new System.Windows.Input.MouseGestureConverter(); break; 
         case -423: o = new System.Windows.NullableBoolConverter(); break;
         case -445: o = new System.Windows.Media.PathFigureCollectionConverter(); break; 
         case -453: o = new System.Windows.Media.PixelFormatConverter(); break; 
         case -462: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3DCollectionConverter(); break;
         case -463: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3DConverter(); break; 
         case -467: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point4DConverter(); break;
         case -473: o = new System.Windows.Media.PointCollectionConverter(); break;
         case -474: o = new System.Windows.PointConverter(); break;
         case -475: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.PointIListConverter(); break; 
         case -492: o = new System.Windows.PropertyPathConverter(); break;
         case -498: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.QuaternionConverter(); break; 
         case -507: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Rect3DConverter(); break; 
         case -511: o = new System.Windows.RectConverter(); break;
         case -521: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.RepeatBehaviorConverter(); break; 
         case -538: o = new System.Windows.Markup.RoutedEventConverter(); break;
         case -545: o = new System.ComponentModel.SByteConverter(); break;
         case -563: o = new System.ComponentModel.SingleConverter(); break;
         case -568: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Size3DConverter(); break; 
         case -572: o = new System.Windows.SizeConverter(); break;
         case -615: o = new System.ComponentModel.StringConverter(); break; 
         case -619: o = new System.Windows.StrokeCollectionConverter(); break; 
         case -633: o = new System.Windows.TemplateBindingExpressionConverter(); break;
         case -635: o = new System.Windows.TemplateBindingExtensionConverter(); break; 
         case -637: o = new System.Windows.Markup.TemplateKeyConverter(); break;
         case -645: o = new System.Windows.TextDecorationCollectionConverter(); break;
         case -655: o = new System.Windows.ThicknessConverter(); break;
         case -664: o = new System.ComponentModel.TimeSpanConverter(); break; 
         case -681: o = new System.Windows.Media.TransformConverter(); break;
         case -692: o = new System.Windows.Markup.TypeTypeConverter(); break; 
         case -696: o = new System.ComponentModel.UInt16Converter(); break; 
         case -698: o = new System.ComponentModel.UInt32Converter(); break;
         case -700: o = new System.ComponentModel.UInt64Converter(); break; 
         case -701: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.UShortIListConverter(); break;
         case -705: o = new System.UriTypeConverter(); break;
         case -714: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3DCollectionConverter(); break;
         case -715: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3DConverter(); break; 
         case -722: o = new System.Windows.Media.VectorCollectionConverter(); break;
         case -723: o = new System.Windows.VectorConverter(); break; 
         case -757: o = new System.Windows.Markup.XmlLanguageConverter(); break; 
     return o; 
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void UpdateSampleTicker(DAL.Content sticker)
         tbTickerSample.Text = sticker.Metadata8;
         FontFamilyConverter ffc = new FontFamilyConverter();
         FontFamily ff = new FontFamily();
         ff = (FontFamily)ffc.ConvertFromString(sticker.Metadata2);
         tbTickerSample.FontFamily = ff;
         tbTickerSample.FontSize = Convert.ToDouble(sticker.Metadata3);
         //Brush b = new
         //Color c = new Color();
         BrushConverter bc = new BrushConverter();
         tbTickerSample.Foreground = (Brush)bc.ConvertFromString(sticker.Metadata4);
         gridTickerBackground.Background = (Brush)bc.ConvertFromString(sticker.Metadata6);
         gridTickerBackground.Opacity = Convert.ToDouble(sticker.Metadata7);
     catch (Exception ex)
        public void OpenDocxFile(string fileName)
            XElement wordDoc = null;

                Package package = Package.Open(fileName);
                Uri documentUri = new Uri("/word/document.xml", UriKind.Relative);
                PackagePart documentPart = package.GetPart(documentUri);
                wordDoc = XElement.Load(new StreamReader(documentPart.GetStream()));
            catch (Exception)
                this.rtbDocument.Document.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(new Run("Cannot open file!")));

            XNamespace w = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main";

            var paragraphs = from p in wordDoc.Descendants(w + "p")
                             select p;
            foreach (var p in paragraphs)
                var style = from s in p.Descendants(w + "rPr")
                            select s;

                var parStyle = from s in p.Descendants(w + "pPr")
                               select s;

                var font = (from f in style.Descendants(w + "rFonts")
                            select f.FirstAttribute).FirstOrDefault();

                var size = (from s in style.Descendants(w + "sz")
                            select s.FirstAttribute).FirstOrDefault();

                var rgbColor = (from c in style.Descendants(w + "color")
                             select c.FirstAttribute).FirstOrDefault();

                var bold = (from b in style.Descendants(w + "b")
                           select b).FirstOrDefault();

                var italic = (from i in style.Descendants(w + "i")
                             select i).FirstOrDefault();

                var underline = (from u in style.Descendants(w + "u")
                                select u).FirstOrDefault();

                var alignment = (from a in parStyle.Descendants(w + "jc")
                                 select a).FirstOrDefault();

                var textElements = from t in p.Descendants(w + "t")
                                   select t;

                var list = (from l in parStyle.Descendants(w + "numPr")
                           select l).FirstOrDefault();

                StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var element in textElements)

                Paragraph par = new Paragraph();
                Run run = new Run(text.ToString());

                List items = new List();
                if (list != null)
                    //List items = new List();
                    items.ListItems.Add(new ListItem(par));
                    var markerStyleElement = (from l in list.Descendants(w + "numId")
                                       select l).FirstOrDefault();

                    TextMarkerStyle markerStyle = new TextMarkerStyle();
                    if(markerStyleElement != null)
                        int value = int.Parse(markerStyleElement.Attribute(w + "val").Value);
                        switch (value)
                            case 1:
                                markerStyle = TextMarkerStyle.Disc;
                            case 2:
                                markerStyle = TextMarkerStyle.Decimal;

                    items.MarkerStyle = markerStyle;

                if(font != null)
                    FontFamilyConverter converter = new FontFamilyConverter();
                    run.FontFamily = (FontFamily) converter.ConvertFrom(font.Value);

                if(size != null)
                    run.FontSize = double.Parse(size.Value);

                if(rgbColor != null)
                    Color color = ConvertRgbToColor(rgbColor.Value);
                    run.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(color);

                if(bold != null)
                    if (bold.Attribute(w + "val") != null)
                        if (bold.Attribute(w + "val").Value == "off")
                            run.FontWeight = FontWeights.Normal;
                            run.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
                        run.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;

                if(italic != null)
                    if (italic.Attribute(w + "val") != null)
                        if (italic.Attribute(w + "val").Value == "off")
                            run.FontStyle = FontStyles.Normal;
                            run.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;
                        run.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;

                if(underline != null)

                if(alignment != null)
                    TextAlignment textAlignment = new TextAlignment();
                    string value = alignment.Attribute(w + "val").Value;
                    switch (value)
                        case "left":
                            textAlignment = TextAlignment.Left;

                        case "center":
                            textAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;

                        case "right":
                            textAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;

                        case "justify":
                            textAlignment = TextAlignment.Justify;

                    par.TextAlignment = textAlignment;
                    par.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left;

                if(list != null)
Exemplo n.º 6
		private void CreateTimeWindow ()
			if (WMB.Basics.GetUserConfigurationSettingsValue ("WPMediaShowTimeBackground") != "On")
			BrushConverter BRConverter = new BrushConverter ();
			System.Windows.FontWeightConverter FWConverter = new FontWeightConverter ();
			System.Windows.Media.FontFamilyConverter FFConverter = new FontFamilyConverter ();

			m_TimeWindow = new System.Windows.Window ();
			m_TimeWindow.Width = ((double) m_CVM.VideoWidth) * 0.8;
			m_TimeWindow.Height = ((double) m_CVM.VideoHeight) * 0.2;
			m_TimeWindow.MaxWidth = ((double) m_CVM.VideoWidth) * 0.8;
			m_TimeWindow.MaxHeight = ((double) m_CVM.VideoHeight) * 0.2;
			m_TimeWindow.MinWidth = ((double) m_CVM.VideoWidth) * 0.8;
			m_TimeWindow.MinHeight = ((double) m_CVM.VideoHeight) * 0.2;
			m_TimeWindow.Top = ((double) m_CVM.VideoRectangle.Top) + ((double) m_CVM.VideoHeight) * 0.75; ;
			m_TimeWindow.Left = ((double) m_CVM.VideoRectangle.Left) + ((double) m_CVM.VideoWidth) * 0.1;
			m_TimeWindow.AllowsTransparency = true;
			m_TimeWindow.Topmost = false;
			Brush TransparentBrush = (Brush) BRConverter.ConvertFromString ("Transparent");
			m_TimeWindow.Background = TransparentBrush;
			m_TimeWindow.BorderBrush = TransparentBrush;
			m_TimeWindow.WindowStyle = System.Windows.WindowStyle.None;

			Grid RootGrid = m_XAMLHandling.CreateGrid (new int [] {1}, new int [] {1});
			RootGrid.Background = TransparentBrush;
			m_TimeWindow.Content = RootGrid;
			Viewbox ViewBoxControl = new Viewbox ();
			RootGrid.Children.Add (ViewBoxControl);
			m_BackGroundTimeTextBlock = new TextBlock();
			ViewBoxControl.Child = m_BackGroundTimeTextBlock;
			m_BackGroundTimeTextBlock.Text = "WPMedia";
			m_BackGroundTimeTextBlock.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
			m_BackGroundTimeTextBlock.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
			m_BackGroundTimeTextBlock.Foreground = (Brush) BRConverter.ConvertFromString("AntiqueWhite");
			m_BackGroundTimeTextBlock.Background = TransparentBrush;
			m_BackGroundTimeTextBlock.FontFamily = (FontFamily) FFConverter.ConvertFromString ("Verdana");
			m_BackGroundTimeTextBlock.FontWeight = (FontWeight) FWConverter.ConvertFromString ("Bold");
			m_TimeWindow.Cursor = Cursors.None;
			m_TimeWindow.Show ();
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void MenuItemFontChange_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            System.Windows.Forms.FontDialog fontDialog = new System.Windows.Forms.FontDialog();
            fontDialog.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(EditText1.FontFamily.ToString(), (float)EditText1.FontSize);

            if (fontDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                FontFamilyConverter ffc = new FontFamilyConverter();

                EditText1.FontSize = (double)fontDialog.Font.Size;
                EditText1.FontFamily = (FontFamily)ffc.ConvertFromString(fontDialog.Font.Name);

                if (fontDialog.Font.Bold)
                    textAnnotation.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
                    textAnnotation.FontWeight = FontWeights.Normal;

                if (fontDialog.Font.Italic)
                    textAnnotation.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;
                    textAnnotation.FontStyle = FontStyles.Normal;
Exemplo n.º 8
 private void button8_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (selTB != null)
         selTB.Foreground = ChooseColor();
         using (System.Windows.Forms.FontDialog fd = new System.Windows.Forms.FontDialog())
                 fd.AllowScriptChange = false;
                 fd.AllowSimulations = false;
                 if (fd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                     FontFamilyConverter ffc = new FontFamilyConverter();
                     selTB.FontSize = fd.Font.Size;
                     selTB.FontFamily = (FontFamily)ffc.ConvertFromString(fd.Font.Name);
                 //Not a truetype font
                 MessageBox.Show("Шрифт не изменен");
 private void btnReset_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
         FontFamilyConverter converter = new FontFamilyConverter();
         FontFamily consolas = (FontFamily)converter.ConvertFromString("Consolas");
         Properties.Settings.Default.EditorFontFace = consolas;
         this.fontSizeSlider.Value = 13d;
         Properties.Settings.Default.EditorForeground = Colors.Black;
         Properties.Settings.Default.EditorBackground = Colors.White;
         //Can't reset settings
     //Show settings
 public FontNameToFontFamilyConverter()
     InternalConverter = new FontFamilyConverter();
Exemplo n.º 11
        public async Task TestAttachedPropertyButtonFontFamily()
            await TestHost.SwitchToAppThread();

            var window = await WindowHelpers.CreateInvisibleWindowAsync<TextBoxHelperTestWindow>().ConfigureAwait(false);

            window.Invoke(() =>
                    var fontFamily = new FontFamilyConverter().ConvertFromString("Arial");

                    window.TestTextBox.SetValue(TextBoxHelper.ButtonFontFamilyProperty, fontFamily);
                    Assert.Equal(fontFamily, window.TestTextBox.FindChild<Button>("PART_ClearText").FontFamily);
                    window.TestButtonTextBox.SetValue(TextBoxHelper.ButtonFontFamilyProperty, fontFamily);
                    Assert.Equal(fontFamily, window.TestButtonTextBox.FindChild<Button>("PART_ClearText").FontFamily);

                    window.TestPasswordBox.SetValue(TextBoxHelper.ButtonFontFamilyProperty, fontFamily);
                    Assert.Equal(fontFamily, window.TestPasswordBox.FindChild<Button>("PART_ClearText").FontFamily);
                    window.TestButtonPasswordBox.SetValue(TextBoxHelper.ButtonFontFamilyProperty, fontFamily);
                    Assert.Equal(fontFamily, window.TestButtonPasswordBox.FindChild<Button>("PART_ClearText").FontFamily);
                    window.TestButtonRevealedPasswordBox.SetValue(TextBoxHelper.ButtonFontFamilyProperty, fontFamily);
                    Assert.Equal(fontFamily, window.TestButtonRevealedPasswordBox.FindChild<Button>("PART_ClearText").FontFamily);

                    window.TestComboBox.SetValue(TextBoxHelper.ButtonFontFamilyProperty, fontFamily);
                    var toggleButton = window.TestComboBox.FindChild<ToggleButton>("PART_DropDownToggle");
                    Assert.Equal(fontFamily, toggleButton.FindChild<Button>("PART_ClearText").FontFamily);

                    window.TestEditableComboBox.SetValue(TextBoxHelper.ButtonFontFamilyProperty, fontFamily);
                    var edTextBox = window.TestEditableComboBox.FindChild<TextBox>("PART_EditableTextBox");
                    Assert.Equal(fontFamily, edTextBox.FindChild<Button>("PART_ClearText").FontFamily);

                    window.TestNumericUpDown.SetValue(TextBoxHelper.ButtonFontFamilyProperty, fontFamily);
                    Assert.Equal(fontFamily, window.TestNumericUpDown.FindChild<Button>("PART_ClearText").FontFamily);

                    window.TestHotKeyBox.SetValue(TextBoxHelper.ButtonFontFamilyProperty, fontFamily);
                    Assert.Equal(fontFamily, window.TestHotKeyBox.FindChild<Button>("PART_ClearText").FontFamily);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public void addPhoto(string path)
     StackPanel sp = new StackPanel();
     Label label = new Label();
     label.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
     label.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;
     FontFamilyConverter ffc = new FontFamilyConverter();
     FontFamily f = ffc.ConvertFromString("Calibri") as FontFamily;
     label.FontFamily = f;
     Image img = new Image();
     BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage();
     bitmap.UriSource = new Uri(path);
     img.ToolTip = "Press space to preview photo";
     img.Source = bitmap;
     label.Content = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(img.Source.ToString());
     img.Height = 128;
     img.Width = 135;
Exemplo n.º 13
 private void fontComboBoxSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
     ComboBoxItem fontItem = (ComboBoxItem)fontComboBox.SelectedItem;
     string font = fontItem.Content.ToString();
     var fontFamilyConvertor = new FontFamilyConverter();
     send.FontFamily = fontFamilyConvertor.ConvertFromString(font) as FontFamily;
     myFont = font;
Exemplo n.º 14
        private Paragraph CreateParagraph(string message)
            Paragraph para = new Paragraph();
            para.BorderBrush = Brushes.Red;
            var emoticons = emoticonMap.Keys.Cast<string>();
            var color = Brushes.Red;
            para.Padding = new Thickness(0);
            var fontFamilyConvertor = new FontFamilyConverter();
            var font = fontFamilyConvertor.ConvertFromString("Segoe UI") as FontFamily;

            if (message.Contains("[col]")) {
                var colorCode = message.Substring(message.IndexOf("[col]") + 5, message.IndexOf("[/col]") - (message.IndexOf("[col]") + 5));
                message = message.Replace("[col]" + colorCode + "[/col]", "");
                color = GetColor(colorCode);

                var fontCode = message.Substring(message.IndexOf("[fon]") + 5, message.IndexOf("[/fon]") - (message.IndexOf("[fon]") + 5));
                message = message.Replace("[fon]" + fontCode + "[/fon]", "");
                font = fontFamilyConvertor.ConvertFromString(fontCode) as FontFamily;

                para.BorderBrush = color;
                para.FontFamily = font;

                var name = message.TakeWhile(elem => !(elem.Equals(':')));
                var parsedStringName = new string(name.ToArray());
                var regex = new Regex(parsedStringName);
                message = regex.Replace(message, "", 1);
                parsedStringName += message[0];
                message = message.Substring(1);
                para.AddText(parsedStringName, Brushes.Black);
            var emoteExists = emoticons.Any(emote => message.Contains(emote));
            while (emoteExists || message.ToLower().Contains("https") || message.ToLower().Contains("http") || message.ToLower().Contains("www")) {
                message = message.Trim();
                if ("".Equals(message)) break;
                if (message.ToLower().StartsWith("https") || message.ToLower().StartsWith("http") || message.ToLower().StartsWith("www")) {
                    Hyperlink link = new Hyperlink();
                    link.IsEnabled = true;
                    link.Inlines.Add(" (Click) ");
                    var startIndex = message.IndexOf("https:");
                    if (startIndex == -1) startIndex = message.IndexOf("http:");
                    if (startIndex == -1) startIndex = message.IndexOf("www.");
                    if (startIndex != -1) {
                        var endIndex = message.IndexOf(" ", startIndex);
                        if (endIndex == -1) endIndex = message.Count();
                        var prefix = message.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex).StartsWith("www.") ? "http://" : "";
                        link.NavigateUri = new Uri(prefix + message.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex));
                        link.RequestNavigate += new RequestNavigateEventHandler(link_RequestNavigate);
                        message = message.Replace(message.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex), "");
                } else if (emoticons.Any(emote => message.Substring(0, message.IndexOf(" ") == -1 ? message.Count() : message.IndexOf(" ")).Contains(emote))) {
                    var parsedMessage = message.TakeWhile(elem => !emoteStart.Contains(elem));
                    var parsedStringMessage = new string(parsedMessage.ToArray());
                    if (!parsedStringMessage.Equals("")) {
                        var regex = new Regex(parsedStringMessage);
                        message = regex.Replace(message, "", 1);
                        para.AddText(parsedStringMessage, color);
                    if (message.Count() == 0) break;
                    var emotes = emoticons.Where(emote => message.Substring(0, message.Count() < MAX_EMOTE_LENGTH ? message.Count() : MAX_EMOTE_LENGTH).Contains(emote));
                    if (emotes.Count() > 0) {
                        message = message.Substring(emotes.Last().Count());
                    } else {
                        para.AddText("" + message[0], color);
                        message = message.Substring(1);
                } else {
                    para.AddText(message.Substring(0, message.IndexOf(" ") == -1 ? message.Count() : message.IndexOf(" ")) + " ", color);
                    var regex = new Regex(message.Substring(0, message.IndexOf(" ") == -1 ? message.Count() : message.IndexOf(" ")));
                    message = regex.Replace(message, "", 1);
            if (!"".Equals(message)) {
                para.AddText(message, color);
            return para;