Exemplo n.º 1
        // Token: 0x06001EC5 RID: 7877 RVA: 0x00093A70 File Offset: 0x00091C70
        internal BamlRecord ReadNextRecord(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader, long bytesAvailable, BamlRecordType recordType)
            BamlRecord bamlRecord;

            switch (recordType)
            case BamlRecordType.AssemblyInfo:
                bamlRecord = new BamlAssemblyInfoRecord();
                goto IL_A6;

            case BamlRecordType.TypeInfo:
                bamlRecord = new BamlTypeInfoRecord();
                goto IL_A6;

            case BamlRecordType.TypeSerializerInfo:
                bamlRecord = new BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord();
                goto IL_A6;

            case BamlRecordType.AttributeInfo:
                bamlRecord = new BamlAttributeInfoRecord();
                goto IL_A6;

            case BamlRecordType.StringInfo:
                bamlRecord = new BamlStringInfoRecord();
                goto IL_A6;

            case BamlRecordType.DefAttributeKeyString:
                bamlRecord = new BamlDefAttributeKeyStringRecord();
                goto IL_A6;

            case BamlRecordType.DefAttributeKeyType:
                bamlRecord = new BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord();
                goto IL_A6;

            case BamlRecordType.KeyElementStart:
                bamlRecord = new BamlKeyElementStartRecord();
                goto IL_A6;
            bamlRecord = this._readCache[(int)recordType];
            if (bamlRecord == null || bamlRecord.IsPinned)
                bamlRecord = (this._readCache[(int)recordType] = this.AllocateRecord(recordType));
            bamlRecord.Next = null;
            if (bamlRecord != null)
                if (bamlRecord.LoadRecordSize(bamlBinaryReader, bytesAvailable) && bytesAvailable >= (long)bamlRecord.RecordSize)
                    bamlRecord = null;
        // Token: 0x0600208D RID: 8333 RVA: 0x00096540 File Offset: 0x00094740
        internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
            BamlAttributeInfoRecord bamlAttributeInfoRecord = (BamlAttributeInfoRecord)record;

            bamlAttributeInfoRecord._ownerId     = this._ownerId;
            bamlAttributeInfoRecord._attributeId = this._attributeId;
            bamlAttributeInfoRecord._name        = this._name;
            bamlAttributeInfoRecord._ownerType   = this._ownerType;
            bamlAttributeInfoRecord._Event       = this._Event;
            bamlAttributeInfoRecord._dp          = this._dp;
            bamlAttributeInfoRecord._ei          = this._ei;
            bamlAttributeInfoRecord._pi          = this._pi;
            bamlAttributeInfoRecord._smi         = this._smi;
            bamlAttributeInfoRecord._gmi         = this._gmi;
            bamlAttributeInfoRecord._dpOrMiOrPi  = this._dpOrMiOrPi;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Return the RoutedEvent given an attribute info record.  The RoutedEvent
        // is cached in the info record. 
        internal RoutedEvent GetRoutedEvent(BamlAttributeInfoRecord bamlAttributeInfoRecord) 
            if (null == bamlAttributeInfoRecord.Event) 
                Type ownerType = GetAttributeOwnerType(bamlAttributeInfoRecord);

                if (null != ownerType) 
                    bamlAttributeInfoRecord.Event = XamlTypeMapper.RoutedEventFromName(bamlAttributeInfoRecord.Name,ownerType); 
            return bamlAttributeInfoRecord.Event;
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Return the DependencyProperty given an attribute info record.  The DP
        // is cached in the info record. 
        internal DependencyProperty GetDependencyProperty(BamlAttributeInfoRecord bamlAttributeInfoRecord)
            if ((null == bamlAttributeInfoRecord.DP) && (null == bamlAttributeInfoRecord.PropInfo)) 
                // This will update the record 

                if (null != bamlAttributeInfoRecord.OwnerType)
                    bamlAttributeInfoRecord.DP = DependencyProperty.FromName(

            return bamlAttributeInfoRecord.DP;
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Return the attribute owner Type given an attribute info record.
        // The owner Type is cached in the info record. 
        private Type GetAttributeOwnerType(BamlAttributeInfoRecord bamlAttributeInfoRecord)
            if (bamlAttributeInfoRecord.OwnerType == null) 
                if (bamlAttributeInfoRecord.OwnerTypeId < 0) 
                    bamlAttributeInfoRecord.OwnerType =
                    BamlTypeInfoRecord typeInfo = (BamlTypeInfoRecord)TypeIdMap[bamlAttributeInfoRecord.OwnerTypeId]; 
                    if (null != typeInfo)
                        bamlAttributeInfoRecord.OwnerType =  GetTypeFromTypeInfo(typeInfo);

            return bamlAttributeInfoRecord.OwnerType; 
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Return attribute info record given an ID.
        internal BamlAttributeInfoRecord GetAttributeInfoFromId(short id)
            if (id < 0) 
                KnownProperties knownId = (KnownProperties)(-id); 
                BamlAttributeInfoRecord record = new BamlAttributeInfoRecord(); 
                record.AttributeId = id;
                record.OwnerTypeId = (short)-(short)KnownTypes.GetKnownElementFromKnownCommonProperty(knownId); 
                GetAttributeOwnerType(record); // This will update the OwnerType property
                record.Name = GetAttributeNameFromKnownId(knownId);

                if(knownId < KnownProperties.MaxDependencyProperty) 
                    DependencyProperty dp = KnownTypes.GetKnownDependencyPropertyFromId(knownId); 
                    record.DP = dp; 
                    Type ownerType = record.OwnerType;
                    record.PropInfo = ownerType.GetProperty(record.Name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                return record;
            return (BamlAttributeInfoRecord)AttributeIdMap[id];
Exemplo n.º 7
        // Add an already-loaded type info record to the map table.  This is generally
        // appended as the baml file is being built.  If we are loading an attribute
        // into an already set up map table, just ensure that we don't try to overwrite
        // an existing record something different. 
        internal void LoadAttributeInfoRecord(BamlAttributeInfoRecord record)
            Debug.Assert(AttributeIdMap.Count == record.AttributeId || 
                         record.Name ==

            if (AttributeIdMap.Count == record.AttributeId)
Exemplo n.º 8
        internal short AddAttributeInfoMap(
            BinaryWriter binaryWriter,
            string assemblyFullName,                // Name of assembly for owning or declaring type 
            string typeFullName,                    // Type name of object that owns or declares this attribute
            Type owningType,                        // Actual type of the object the owns or declares this attribute 
            string fieldName,                       // Name of the attribute 
            Type attributeType,                     // Type of the attribute or property itself; not its owner type
            BamlAttributeUsage attributeUsage,      // Special flags for how this attribute is used. 
            out BamlAttributeInfoRecord bamlAttributeInfoRecord)     // Record if not a known DP
            short typeId;
            // If we do not already have a type record for the type associated with 
            // this attribute, then recurse and write out the TypeInfo first.
            if (!GetTypeInfoId(binaryWriter, assemblyFullName, typeFullName, out typeId)) 
                // Get id for Type that owns or has this attribute declared on it.  This is
                // refered to in the attribute info record and is also part of the key for 
                // seeing if we already have an attribute info record for this attribute.
                Type serializerType = XamlTypeMapper.GetXamlSerializerForType(owningType);
                string serializerTypeAssemblyName = serializerType == null ?
                                         string.Empty : serializerType.Assembly.FullName; 
                string serializerTypeName = serializerType == null ?
                                         string.Empty : serializerType.FullName; 
                typeId = AddTypeInfoMap(binaryWriter, assemblyFullName, typeFullName,
                                        owningType, serializerTypeAssemblyName, 
            else if (typeId < 0)
                // Only known types will have known properties
                short attributeId = (short)-KnownTypes.GetKnownPropertyAttributeId((KnownElements)(-typeId), fieldName); 
                if (attributeId < 0) 
                    // The property is known and doesn't need a record created. 
                    bamlAttributeInfoRecord = null;
                    return attributeId;

            object key = GetAttributeInfoKey(typeFullName, fieldName); 
            bamlAttributeInfoRecord = (BamlAttributeInfoRecord)GetHashTableData(key);
            if (null == bamlAttributeInfoRecord) 
                // The property is new and needs a record created.
                bamlAttributeInfoRecord = new BamlAttributeInfoRecord();
                bamlAttributeInfoRecord.Name = fieldName;
                bamlAttributeInfoRecord.OwnerTypeId = typeId; 
                bamlAttributeInfoRecord.AttributeId = (short)AttributeIdMap.Add(bamlAttributeInfoRecord);
                bamlAttributeInfoRecord.AttributeUsage = attributeUsage; 

                // add to the hash
                ObjectHashTable.Add(key, bamlAttributeInfoRecord);
                // Write to BAML

            return bamlAttributeInfoRecord.AttributeId; 
Exemplo n.º 9
 internal void UpdateAttachedPropertySetter(BamlAttributeInfoRecord attributeInfo)
     if (attributeInfo.AttachedPropertySetter == null)
         UpdateAttachedPropertyMethdodInfo(attributeInfo, true);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void UpdateAttachedPropertyMethdodInfo(BamlAttributeInfoRecord attributeInfo, bool isSetter)
            MethodInfo attachedPropertyInfo = null;
            Type propertyOwnerType = attributeInfo.OwnerType;
            Debug.Assert(propertyOwnerType != null);
            bool tryInternal = !ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(propertyOwnerType);
            string propName = (isSetter ? "Set" : "Get") + attributeInfo.Name;
            BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy;

            // Check Set\GetFoo method presence

                if (!tryInternal)
                    // first try public methods
                    attachedPropertyInfo = propertyOwnerType.GetMethod(propName, flags);

                if (attachedPropertyInfo == null)
                    // if public method not found, try non-public method next.
                    attachedPropertyInfo = propertyOwnerType.GetMethod(propName, flags | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            catch (AmbiguousMatchException)

            int paramCount = isSetter ? 2 : 1;
            if (attachedPropertyInfo != null && attachedPropertyInfo.GetParameters().Length == paramCount)
                // the MethodInfo has to be public or internal.
                Debug.Assert(attachedPropertyInfo.IsPublic ||
                                 attachedPropertyInfo.IsAssembly ||

                if (isSetter)
                    attributeInfo.AttachedPropertySetter = attachedPropertyInfo;
                    attributeInfo.AttachedPropertyGetter = attachedPropertyInfo;
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function for getting Clr PropertyInfo on a type and updating the
        /// passed attribute info record.  Also update the property cache with this
        /// attribute information if it was not already present.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Note that the ObjectHashTable may contain
        /// a BamlAttributeInfoRecord from a previous parse for the same property.  If
        /// we find one in the hash table, use its property info instead of reflecting.
        /// </remarks>
        internal void UpdateClrPropertyInfo(
            Type currentParentType,
            BamlAttributeInfoRecord attribInfo)
            Debug.Assert(null != attribInfo, "null attribInfo");
            Debug.Assert(null != currentParentType, "null currentParentType");

            bool isInternal = false;
            string propName = attribInfo.Name;

            BamlAttributeInfoRecord cachedInfoRecord;
            attribInfo.PropInfo = GetCachedMemberInfo(currentParentType, propName, true, out cachedInfoRecord)
                as PropertyInfo;

            if (attribInfo.PropInfo == null)
                // If no cached property info, use the slow route of reflecting to get
                // the property info.
                attribInfo.PropInfo = PropertyInfoFromName(propName, currentParentType, !ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(currentParentType), false, out isInternal);
                attribInfo.IsInternal = isInternal;
                if (attribInfo.PropInfo != null)
                    // If we successfully find a property info via reflection, cache it.
                    if (cachedInfoRecord != null)
                        cachedInfoRecord.IsInternal = attribInfo.IsInternal;
                        AddCachedAttributeInfo(currentParentType, attribInfo);
                attribInfo.IsInternal = cachedInfoRecord.IsInternal;
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Add cached member info for the property name.
 /// </summary>
 private void AddCachedAttributeInfo(
        Type                    ownerType,
        BamlAttributeInfoRecord infoRecord)
     if (MapTable != null)
         object key = MapTable.GetAttributeInfoKey(ownerType.FullName, infoRecord.Name);
         MapTable.AddHashTableData(key, infoRecord);
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Get cached member info for the property name.  This can be
        /// a PropertyInfo for the property or a MethodInfo for the static
        /// setter.  This does not work for EventInfo, so don't call it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">Type of the owner of the property </param>
        /// <param name="propName">Name of the property</param>
        /// <param name="onlyPropInfo">True if the caller wants the PropertyInfo for the
        ///     case where both a MethodInfo and propertyInfo are cached for this property
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="infoRecord">The attribute info record retrieved from
        ///     the map table, if one is found. </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// There is only one scenario under which two memberInfo need to be
        /// cached for a given attribute. This is the case when there are both a
        /// Clr wrapper and static Settor for a given DP. In that case we cache
        /// an object array of two elements. Also the MethodInfo for the given DP
        /// will be discovered first by the XamlReaderHelper while the PropertyInfo
        /// will be discovered by the BamlRecordWriter.
        /// </remarks>
        private MemberInfo GetCachedMemberInfo(
               Type                    owner,
               string                  propName,
               bool                    onlyPropInfo,
           out BamlAttributeInfoRecord infoRecord)
            infoRecord = null;
            if (MapTable != null)
                string fullName = owner.IsGenericType ? owner.Namespace + "." + owner.Name : owner.FullName;
                object key = MapTable.GetAttributeInfoKey(fullName, propName);
                infoRecord = MapTable.GetHashTableData(key) as BamlAttributeInfoRecord;

                if (infoRecord != null)
                    return infoRecord.GetPropertyMember(onlyPropInfo) as MemberInfo;
            return null;
Exemplo n.º 14
        // Set a property value that will go onto a DP 
        private void SetDependencyComplexProperty( 
                                object currentTarget, 
                                BamlAttributeInfoRecord attribInfo,
                                object o) 
            DependencyProperty dp = currentTarget is DependencyObject ? attribInfo.DP : null;
            PropertyInfo propertyInfo = attribInfo.PropInfo;
            MethodInfo attachedPropertySetter = null; // postpone allocating a reflection data until necessary 

#if !STRESS 
                // ObjectData is either a DependencyProperty or a PropertyInfo.
                // Check if the object is a MarkupExtension.  If so, then get the value
                // to set on this property from the MarkupExtension itself.
                MarkupExtension me = o as MarkupExtension; 
                if (me != null)
                    o = ProvideValueFromMarkupExtension(me, currentTarget, dp);

                // Check if we have a Nullable type.  If so and the object being set is
                // not a Nullable or an expression, then attempt a conversion.
                Type propertyType = null; 
                if (dp != null)
                    propertyType = dp.PropertyType; 
                else if (propertyInfo != null) 
                    propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
                    // Touching reflection information about the setter only now to avoid extra memory allocations 
                    if (attribInfo.AttachedPropertySetter == null) 
                    attachedPropertySetter = attribInfo.AttachedPropertySetter;
                    if (attachedPropertySetter != null)
                        propertyType = attachedPropertySetter.GetParameters()[1].ParameterType;
                        Debug.Assert(false); // 
                o = OptionallyMakeNullable(propertyType, o, attribInfo.Name);
                // DependencyProperty, use the associated DependencyObject's SetValue.  Otherwise
                // use the PropertyInfo's SetValue. 
                if (dp != null) 
                    Debug.Assert(currentTarget is DependencyObject); 
                    SetDependencyValue((DependencyObject)currentTarget, dp, o);
                else if (propertyInfo != null)
                else if (attachedPropertySetter != null) 
                    attachedPropertySetter.Invoke(null, new object[] { currentTarget, o });
                    Debug.Assert(false); // We do not expect to be here after all checks done in propertyType identification above 

#if !STRESS 

            catch (Exception e)
                if (CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(e) || e is XamlParseException)
                TargetInvocationException tie = e as TargetInvocationException;
                if( tie != null )
                    e = tie.InnerException; 
                ThrowExceptionWithLine(SR.Get(SRID.ParserCannotSetValue, currentTarget.GetType().FullName, attribInfo.Name, o), e); 

            // The property has been set, so we do not expect any more child tags --
            // anything more under this context will cause an error
            CurrentContext.ExpectedType = null; 