Exemplo n.º 1
        internal Line(Document document, int LineNo, string Text, HorizontalAlignment align, Font font, Color color,
                      Color back_color, TextPositioning text_position, float char_offset, float left_indent, float hanging_indent,
                      float right_indent, float spacing_before, float spacing_after, float line_spacing, bool line_spacing_multiple,
                      TabStopCollection tab_stops, bool visible, LineEnding ending) : this(document, ending)
            space = Text.Length > DEFAULT_TEXT_LEN ? Text.Length + 1 : DEFAULT_TEXT_LEN;

            text                       = new StringBuilder(Text, space);
            line_no                    = LineNo;
            this.ending                = ending;
            alignment                  = align;
            indent                     = left_indent;
            HangingIndent              = hanging_indent;
            this.right_indent          = right_indent;
            this.spacing_before        = spacing_before;
            this.spacing_after         = spacing_after;
            this.tab_stops             = tab_stops;
            this.line_spacing          = line_spacing;
            this.line_spacing_multiple = line_spacing_multiple;

            widths = new float[space + 1];

            tags              = new LineTag(this, 1);
            tags.Font         = font;
            tags.Color        = color;
            tags.BackColor    = back_color;
            tags.TextPosition = text_position;
            tags.CharOffset   = char_offset;
            tags.Visible      = visible;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public TabStopCollection Clone()
            var n = new TabStopCollection();

            foreach (var tab in tabs.Keys)
                n.tabs.Add(tab, null);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public virtual SizeF SizeOfPosition(Graphics dc, int pos)
            if ((pos >= line.TextLengthWithoutEnding() && line.document.multiline) || !visible)

            string text = line.text.ToString(pos, 1);

            switch ((int)text [0])
            case '\t':
                if (!line.document.multiline)
                    goto case 10;
                SizeF             res   = TextBoxTextRenderer.MeasureText(dc, " ", FontToDisplay);    // This way we get the height, not that it is ever used...
                float             left  = line.widths [pos];
                float             right = -1;
                TabStopCollection stops = line.tab_stops;
                float             tabPos;
                for (int i = 0; i < stops.Count; i++)
                    tabPos = stops [i].Position;
                    if (tabPos >= left)
                        if (tabPos <= line.document.viewport_width - line.RightIndent)
                            break;                             // Can't use tabs that are past the end of the line.
                        right = stops [i].CalculateRight(line, pos);
                if (right < 0)
                    float maxWidth = dc.DpiX / 2;                     // tab stops are 1/2"
                    right = (float)(Math.Floor(left / maxWidth) + 1) * maxWidth;
                res.Width = right - left;

            case 10:
            case 13:
                return(TextBoxTextRenderer.MeasureText(dc, "\u000D", FontToDisplay));

            return(TextBoxTextRenderer.MeasureText(dc, text, FontToDisplay));
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal Line(Document document, int LineNo, string Text, Font font, Color color, LineEnding ending) : this(document, ending)
            space = Text.Length > DEFAULT_TEXT_LEN ? Text.Length + 1 : DEFAULT_TEXT_LEN;

            text        = new StringBuilder(Text, space);
            line_no     = LineNo;
            this.ending = ending;
            tab_stops   = new TabStopCollection();

            widths = new float[space + 1];

            tags       = new LineTag(this, 1);
            tags.Font  = font;
            tags.Color = color;