Exemplo n.º 1
		public override void DataGridPaintRelationRow (Graphics g, int row, Rectangle row_rect, bool is_newrow,
							       Rectangle clip, DataGrid grid)
			Rectangle rect_header;
			Rectangle icon_bounds = new Rectangle ();
			Pen pen = ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetPen (grid.CurrentTableStyle.ForeColor);

			/* paint the header if it's visible and intersects the clip */
			if (grid.CurrentTableStyle.CurrentRowHeadersVisible) {
				rect_header = row_rect;
				rect_header.Width = grid.RowHeaderWidth;
				row_rect.X += grid.RowHeaderWidth;
				if (clip.IntersectsWith (rect_header)) {
					DataGridPaintRowHeader (g, rect_header, row, grid);

				icon_bounds = rect_header;
				icon_bounds.X += icon_bounds.Width / 2;
				icon_bounds.Y += 3;
				icon_bounds.Width = 8;
				icon_bounds.Height = 8;

				g.DrawRectangle (pen, icon_bounds);

				/* the - part of the icon */
				g.DrawLine (pen,
					    icon_bounds.X + 2, icon_bounds.Y + icon_bounds.Height / 2,
					    icon_bounds.X + icon_bounds.Width - 2, icon_bounds.Y + icon_bounds.Height / 2);
				if (!grid.IsExpanded (row)) {
					/* the | part of the icon */
					g.DrawLine (pen,
						    icon_bounds.X + icon_bounds.Width / 2, icon_bounds.Y + 2,
						    icon_bounds.X + icon_bounds.Width / 2, icon_bounds.Y + icon_bounds.Height - 2);

			Rectangle nested_rect = row_rect;

			if (grid.DataGridRows[row].IsExpanded)
				nested_rect.Height -= grid.DataGridRows[row].RelationHeight;

			DataGridPaintRowContents (g, row, nested_rect, is_newrow, clip, grid);

			if (grid.DataGridRows[row].IsExpanded) {
				// XXX we should create this in the
				// datagrid and cache it for use by
				// the theme instead of doing it each
				// time through here
				string[] relations = grid.CurrentTableStyle.Relations;
				StringBuilder relation_builder = new StringBuilder ("");

				for (int i = 0; i < relations.Length; i ++) {
					if (i > 0)
						relation_builder.Append ("\n");

					relation_builder.Append (relations[i]);
				string relation_text = relation_builder.ToString ();

				StringFormat string_format = new StringFormat ();
				string_format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;

				//Region prev_clip = g.Clip;
				//Region current_clip;
				Rectangle rect_cell = row_rect;

				rect_cell.X = nested_rect.X + grid.GetColumnStartingPixel (grid.FirstVisibleColumn) - grid.HorizPixelOffset;
				rect_cell.Y += nested_rect.Height;
				rect_cell.Height = grid.DataGridRows[row].RelationHeight;

				rect_cell.Width = 0;
				int column_cnt = grid.FirstVisibleColumn + grid.VisibleColumnCount;
				for (int column = grid.FirstVisibleColumn; column < column_cnt; column++) {
					if (grid.CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].bound == false)
					rect_cell.Width += grid.CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].Width;
				rect_cell.Width = Math.Max (rect_cell.Width, grid.DataGridRows[row].relation_area.Width);

				g.FillRectangle (ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.CurrentTableStyle.BackColor),

				/* draw the line leading from the +/- to the relation area */
				Rectangle outline = grid.DataGridRows[row].relation_area;
				outline.Y = rect_cell.Y;
				outline.Height --;

				g.DrawLine (pen,
					    icon_bounds.X + icon_bounds.Width / 2, icon_bounds.Y + icon_bounds.Height,
					    icon_bounds.X + icon_bounds.Width / 2, outline.Y + outline.Height / 2);

				g.DrawLine (pen,
					    icon_bounds.X + icon_bounds.Width / 2, outline.Y + outline.Height / 2,
					    outline.X, outline.Y + outline.Height / 2);

				g.DrawRectangle (pen, outline);

				g.DrawString (relation_text, grid.LinkFont, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.LinkColor),
					      outline, string_format);

				if (row_rect.X + row_rect.Width > rect_cell.X + rect_cell.Width) {
					Rectangle not_usedarea = new Rectangle ();
					not_usedarea.X = rect_cell.X + rect_cell.Width;
					not_usedarea.Width = row_rect.X + row_rect.Width - rect_cell.X - rect_cell.Width;
					not_usedarea.Y = row_rect.Y;
					not_usedarea.Height = row_rect.Height;
					if (clip.IntersectsWith (not_usedarea))
						g.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.BackgroundColor),
Exemplo n.º 2
		public override void DataGridPaintRowContents (Graphics g, int row, Rectangle row_rect, bool is_newrow,
							       Rectangle clip, DataGrid grid)
			Rectangle rect_cell = new Rectangle ();
			int col_pixel;
			Color backcolor, forecolor;
			Brush backBrush, foreBrush;
			Rectangle not_usedarea = Rectangle.Empty;

			rect_cell.Y = row_rect.Y;
			rect_cell.Height = row_rect.Height;

			if (grid.IsSelected (row)) {
				backcolor =  grid.SelectionBackColor;
				forecolor =  grid.SelectionForeColor;
			} else {
				if (row % 2 == 0) {
					backcolor =  grid.BackColor;
				} else {
					backcolor =  grid.AlternatingBackColor;

				forecolor =  grid.ForeColor;

			backBrush = ResPool.GetSolidBrush (backcolor);
			foreBrush = ResPool.GetSolidBrush (forecolor);

			// PaintCells at row, column
			int column_cnt = grid.FirstVisibleColumn + grid.VisibleColumnCount;
			DataGridCell current_cell = grid.CurrentCell;

			if (column_cnt > 0) {
				Region prev_clip = g.Clip;
				Region current_clip;

				for (int column = grid.FirstVisibleColumn; column < column_cnt; column++) {
					if (grid.CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].bound == false)

					col_pixel = grid.GetColumnStartingPixel (column);

					rect_cell.X = row_rect.X + col_pixel - grid.HorizPixelOffset;
					rect_cell.Width = grid.CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].Width;

					if (clip.IntersectsWith (rect_cell)) {
						current_clip = new Region (rect_cell);
						current_clip.Intersect (row_rect);
						current_clip.Intersect (prev_clip);
						g.Clip = current_clip;

						Brush colBackBrush = backBrush;
						Brush colForeBrush = foreBrush;

						// If we are in the precise cell we are editing, then use the normal colors
						// even if we are selected.
						if (grid.is_editing && column == current_cell.ColumnNumber && row == current_cell.RowNumber) {
							colBackBrush = ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.BackColor);
							colForeBrush = ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.ForeColor);

						if (is_newrow) {
							grid.CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].PaintNewRow (g, rect_cell, 
						} else {
							grid.CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].Paint (g, rect_cell, grid.ListManager, row,
													       grid.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes);

						current_clip.Dispose ();

				g.Clip = prev_clip;
				if (row_rect.X + row_rect.Width > rect_cell.X + rect_cell.Width) {
					not_usedarea.X = rect_cell.X + rect_cell.Width;
					not_usedarea.Width = row_rect.X + row_rect.Width - rect_cell.X - rect_cell.Width;
					not_usedarea.Y = row_rect.Y;
					not_usedarea.Height = row_rect.Height;
			else {
				not_usedarea = row_rect;

			if (!not_usedarea.IsEmpty && clip.IntersectsWith (not_usedarea))
				g.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.BackgroundColor),
Exemplo n.º 3
		public override void DataGridPaintColumnHeaders (Graphics g, Rectangle clip, DataGrid grid)
			if (!grid.CurrentTableStyle.ColumnHeadersVisible)

			Rectangle columns_area = grid.column_headers_area;

			// Paint corner shared between row and column header
			if (grid.CurrentTableStyle.CurrentRowHeadersVisible) {
				Rectangle rect_bloc = grid.column_headers_area;
				rect_bloc.Width = grid.RowHeaderWidth;
				if (clip.IntersectsWith (rect_bloc)) {
					if (grid.FlatMode)
						g.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.CurrentTableStyle.CurrentHeaderBackColor), rect_bloc);
						CPDrawBorder3D (g, rect_bloc, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner, 
							Border3DSide.Left | Border3DSide.Right | 
							Border3DSide.Top | Border3DSide.Bottom | Border3DSide.Middle, 

				columns_area.X += grid.RowHeaderWidth;
				columns_area.Width -= grid.RowHeaderWidth;

			// Set column painting
			Rectangle rect_columnhdr = new Rectangle ();
			int col_pixel;
			Region current_clip;
			Region prev_clip = g.Clip;
			rect_columnhdr.Y = columns_area.Y;
			rect_columnhdr.Height = columns_area.Height;

			int column_cnt = grid.FirstVisibleColumn + grid.VisibleColumnCount;
			for (int column = grid.FirstVisibleColumn; column < column_cnt; column++) {
				if (grid.CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].bound == false)
				col_pixel = grid.GetColumnStartingPixel (column);
				rect_columnhdr.X = columns_area.X + col_pixel - grid.HorizPixelOffset;
				rect_columnhdr.Width = grid.CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].Width;

				if (clip.IntersectsWith (rect_columnhdr) == false)

				current_clip = new Region (rect_columnhdr);
				current_clip.Intersect (columns_area);
				current_clip.Intersect (prev_clip);
				g.Clip = current_clip;

				DataGridPaintColumnHeader (g, rect_columnhdr, grid, column);

				current_clip.Dispose ();

			g.Clip = prev_clip;
			Rectangle not_usedarea = grid.column_headers_area;
			not_usedarea.X = (column_cnt == 0) ? grid.RowHeaderWidth : rect_columnhdr.X + rect_columnhdr.Width;
			not_usedarea.Width = grid.ClientRectangle.X + grid.ClientRectangle.Width - not_usedarea.X;
			g.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.BackgroundColor), not_usedarea);