Exemplo n.º 1
        private IntPtr _HandleNCHitTest(WM uMsg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, out bool handled)
            IntPtr lRet = IntPtr.Zero;

            handled = false;

            // Give DWM a chance at this first.
            if (_OnVista && UseGlassFrame)
                // If we're on Vista, give the DWM a chance to handle the message first.
                handled = NativeMethods.DwmDefWindowProc(_hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam, out lRet);

            // Handle letting the system know if we consider the mouse to be in our effective non-client area.
            // If DWM already handled this by way of DwmDefWindowProc, then respect their call.
            if (IntPtr.Zero == lRet)
                var  mousePosScreen = new Point(Utility.GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), Utility.GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam));
                Rect windowPosition = _GetWindowRect();

                HT ht = _HitTestNca(

                // Don't blindly respect HTCAPTION.
                // We want UIElements in the caption area to be actionable so run through a hittest first.
                if (ht == HT.CAPTION)
                    Point mousePosWindow = mousePosScreen;
                    mousePosWindow.Offset(-windowPosition.X, -windowPosition.Y);
                    mousePosWindow = DpiHelper.DevicePixelsToLogical(mousePosWindow);
                    if (_HitTestUIElements(mousePosWindow))
                        ht = HT.NOWHERE;
                handled = HT.NOWHERE != ht;
                lRet    = new IntPtr((int)ht);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Display the system menu at a specified location.</summary>
        /// <param name="screenLocation">The location to display the system menu, in logical screen coordinates.</param>
        public void ShowSystemMenu(Point screenLocation)
            Point physicalScreenLocation = DpiHelper.LogicalPixelsToDevice(screenLocation);

Exemplo n.º 3
        private void _SetRoundingRegion(WINDOWPOS?wp)
            const int MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST = 0x00000002;

            // We're early - WPF hasn't necessarily updated the state of the window.
            // Need to query it ourselves.
            WINDOWPLACEMENT wpl = NativeMethods.GetWindowPlacement(_hwnd);

            if (wpl.showCmd == SW.SHOWMAXIMIZED)
                int left;
                int top;

                if (wp.HasValue)
                    left = wp.Value.x;
                    top  = wp.Value.y;
                    Rect r = _GetWindowRect();
                    left = (int)r.Left;
                    top  = (int)r.Top;

                IntPtr hMon = NativeMethods.MonitorFromWindow(_hwnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);

                MONITORINFO mi    = NativeMethods.GetMonitorInfo(hMon);
                RECT        rcMax = mi.rcWork;
                // The location of maximized window takes into account the border that Windows was
                // going to remove, so we also need to consider it.
                rcMax.Offset(-left, -top);

                IntPtr hrgn = NativeMethods.CreateRectRgnIndirect(rcMax);
                NativeMethods.SetWindowRgn(_hwnd, hrgn, NativeMethods.IsWindowVisible(_hwnd));
                int width;
                int height;

                // Use the size if it's specified.
                if (null != wp && !Utility.IsFlagSet(wp.Value.flags, (int)SWP.NOSIZE))
                    width  = wp.Value.cx;
                    height = wp.Value.cy;
                else if (null != wp && (_lastRoundingState == _window.WindowState))
                    Rect r = _GetWindowRect();
                    width  = (int)r.Width;
                    height = (int)r.Height;

                _lastRoundingState = _window.WindowState;

                IntPtr hrgn = IntPtr.Zero;
                if (RoundCorners && 0 != RoundCornersRadius)
                    Point radius = DpiHelper.LogicalPixelsToDevice(new Point(RoundCornersRadius, RoundCornersRadius));
                    hrgn = NativeMethods.CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, width, height, (int)radius.X, (int)radius.Y);
                    hrgn = NativeMethods.CreateRectRgn(0, 0, width, height);

                NativeMethods.SetWindowRgn(_hwnd, hrgn, NativeMethods.IsWindowVisible(_hwnd));