private void Window1_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            IQueryable<Order> query = from o in db.Orders.Include("OrderDetails")
                                        //where o.OrderDate >= System.Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/2009")
                                        orderby o.OrderDate descending, o.Customer.LastName
                                        select o;

            this.OrderData = new OrdersCollection(query, db);

            IQueryable<Customer> customerList = from c in db.Customers
                                                where c.Orders.Count > 0
                                                orderby c.LastName, c.FirstName
                                                select c;

            IQueryable<Product> productList = from p in db.Products
                                              orderby p.Name
                                              select p;

            this.MasterViewSource = (CollectionViewSource)this.FindResource("MasterViewSource");
            this.DetailViewSource = (CollectionViewSource)this.FindResource("DetailsViewSource");
            this.MasterViewSource.Source = this.OrderData;

            CollectionViewSource customerSource = (CollectionViewSource)this.FindResource("CustomerLookup");
            customerSource.Source = customerList.ToList();  //  A simple list is OK here since we are not editing Customers

            CollectionViewSource productSource = (CollectionViewSource)this.FindResource("ProductLookup");
            productSource.Source = productList.ToList();    //  A simple list is OK here since we are not editing Products

            this.MasterView = (ListCollectionView)this.MasterViewSource.View;
            MasterView.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(MasterView_CurrentChanged);

            this.DetailsView = (BindingListCollectionView)this.DetailViewSource.View;
 public Window4()
     bv= new BindingListCollectionView(mycontext.DefaultView);
     myCanvas.DataContext = bv;
        private void MasterDetailBindingWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            IQueryable<Order> query = from o in db.Orders.Include("OrderDetails")
                                      //where o.OrderDate >= System.Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/2009")
                                      orderby o.OrderDate descending, o.Customer.LastName
                                      select o;

            this.OrderData = new OrdersCollection(query, db);

            // Make sure the lookup lists are pulled from the same ObjectContext 
            //  (OMSEntities) that the order query uses above.
            // Also have to make sure you return a list of whole entites and not a 
            //  projection of just a few fields otherwise the binding won// t work.
            IQueryable<Customer> customerList = from c in db.Customers
                                                where c.Orders.Count > 0
                                                orderby c.LastName, c.FirstName
                                                select c;

            IQueryable<Product> productList = from p in db.Products
                                              orderby p.Name
                                              select p;

            this.MasterViewSource = (CollectionViewSource)this.FindResource("MasterViewSource");
            this.DetailViewSource = (CollectionViewSource)this.FindResource("DetailsViewSource");
            this.MasterViewSource.Source = this.OrderData;

            CollectionViewSource customerSource = (CollectionViewSource)this.FindResource("CustomerLookup");
            customerSource.Source = customerList.ToList();  // A simple list is OK here since we are not editing Customers
            CollectionViewSource productSource = (CollectionViewSource)this.FindResource("ProductLookup");
            productSource.Source = productList.ToList();    // A simple list is OK here since we are not editing Products

            this.MasterView = (ListCollectionView)this.MasterViewSource.View;
            MasterView.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(MasterView_CurrentChanged);

            this.DetailsView = (BindingListCollectionView)this.DetailViewSource.View;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary> 
        /// Return the object associated with (collection, cvs, type).
        /// If this is the first reference to this view, add it to the tables.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> 
        /// Thrown when the collectionViewType does not implement ICollectionView
        /// or does not have a constructor that accepts the type of collection. 
        /// Also thrown when the named collection view already exists and is 
        /// not the specified collectionViewType.
        /// </exception> 
        internal ViewRecord GetViewRecord(object collection, CollectionViewSource cvs, Type collectionViewType, bool createView)
            // Order of precendence in acquiring the View:
            // 0) If  collection is already a CollectionView, return it. 
            // 1) If the CollectionView for this collection has been cached, then
            //    return the cached instance. 
            // 2) If a CollectionView derived type has been passed in collectionViewType 
            //    create an instance of that Type
            // 3) If the collection is an ICollectionViewFactory use ICVF.CreateView() 
            //    from the collection
            // 4) If the collection is an IListSource call GetList() and perform 5),
            //    etc. on the returned list
            // 5) If the collection is an IBindingList return a new BindingListCollectionView 
            // 6) If the collection is an IList return a new ListCollectionView
            // 7) If the collection is an IEnumerable, return a new CollectionView 
            //    (it uses the ListEnumerable wrapper) 
            // 8) return null
            // An IListSource must share the view with its underlying list. 

            // if the view already exists, just return it
            // Also, return null if it doesn't exist and we're called in "lazy" mode
            ViewRecord viewRecord = GetExistingView(collection, cvs, collectionViewType); 
            if (viewRecord != null || !createView)
                return viewRecord; 
            // If the collection is an IListSource, it uses the same view as its
            // underlying list.
            IListSource ils = collection as IListSource;
            IList ilsList = null; 
            if (ils != null)
                ilsList = ils.GetList(); 
                viewRecord = GetExistingView(ilsList, cvs, collectionViewType);
                if (viewRecord != null)
                    return CacheView(collection, cvs, (CollectionView)viewRecord.View, viewRecord);
            // Create a new view 
            ICollectionView icv = collection as ICollectionView;
            if (icv != null)
                icv = new CollectionViewProxy(icv);
            else if (collectionViewType == null)
                // Caller didn't specify a type for the view. 
                ICollectionViewFactory icvf = collection as ICollectionViewFactory;
                if (icvf != null) 
                    // collection is a view factory - call its factory method
                    icv = icvf.CreateView();
                    // collection is not a factory - create an appropriate view 
                    IList il = (ilsList != null) ? ilsList : collection as IList;
                    if (il != null) 
                        // create a view on an IList or IBindingList
                        IBindingList ibl = il as IBindingList;
                        if (ibl != null) 
                            icv = new BindingListCollectionView(ibl);
                            icv = new ListCollectionView(il); 
                        // collection is not IList, wrap it
                        IEnumerable ie = collection as IEnumerable;
                        if (ie != null) 
                            icv = new EnumerableCollectionView(ie); 
                // caller specified a type for the view.  Try to honor it. 
                if (!typeof(ICollectionView).IsAssignableFrom(collectionViewType))
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.CollectionView_WrongType, collectionViewType.Name)); 
                // if collection is IListSource, get its list first (bug 1023903)
                object arg = (ilsList != null) ? ilsList : collection; 

                    icv = Activator.CreateInstance(collectionViewType, 
                                    System.Reflection.BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null,
                                    new object[1]{arg}, null) as ICollectionView; 
                catch (MissingMethodException e)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.CollectionView_ViewTypeInsufficient,
                                    collectionViewType.Name, collection.GetType()), e);

            // if we got a view, add it to the tables 
            if (icv != null) 
                // if the view doesn't derive from CollectionView, create a proxy that does 
                CollectionView cv = icv as CollectionView;
                if (cv == null)
                    cv = new CollectionViewProxy(icv);
                if (ilsList != null)    // IListSource's list shares the same view
                    viewRecord = CacheView(ilsList, cvs, cv, null); 
                viewRecord = CacheView(collection, cvs, cv, viewRecord);

            return viewRecord;
 private void MasterView_CurrentChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     // We need to grab the new child view when the master's position changes
     this.DetailsView = (BindingListCollectionView)this.DetailViewSource.View;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var items = from item in no.Employees
                        orderby item.LastName
                        select item;
            this.DataContext = items;

            //turn Collection of employee int BindindListCollectionView
            //This is need for add/delete/edit

            this.employeeView = (BindingListCollectionView)
        public MeaningFinderModel(DataTable tableTranslations)
            Debug.Assert(tableTranslations != null);

            this.viewTranslations = new DataView(tableTranslations);
            this.viewTranslations.Sort = "Translation";
            this.propertyTranslation = BindingListUtils.GetProperty(this.viewTranslations, Strings.TRANSLATION);

            this.modelTranslations = new DataPresentationList<TranslationFinderItemModel>(this.viewTranslations);

            this.collectionTranslations = new BindingListCollectionView(this.modelTranslations);
            this.collectionTranslations.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(collectionTranslations_CurrentChanged);

        public WordFinderModel(DataTable tableWords, Guid filterTypeId, String filterWordText)
            Debug.Assert(tableWords != null);
            Debug.Assert(filterWordText != null);

            this.viewWords = new DataView(tableWords);
            this.viewWords.Sort = "Word, Prefix";
            this.propertyWord = BindingListUtils.GetProperty(this.viewWords, Strings.WORD);

            this.filterTypeId = filterTypeId;
            this.filterWordText = filterWordText;

            this.collectionWords = new BindingListCollectionView(this.viewWords);
            this.collectionWords.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(collectionWords_CurrentChanged);