Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>Draws the contents of a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext" /> object during the render pass of a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Controls.Border" />. </summary>
        /// <param name="dc">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext" /> that defines the object to be drawn.</param>
        // Token: 0x06004266 RID: 16998 RVA: 0x0012FBE0 File Offset: 0x0012DDE0
        protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
            bool     useLayoutRounding = base.UseLayoutRounding;
            DpiScale dpi = base.GetDpi();

            if (this._useComplexRenderCodePath)
                StreamGeometry borderGeometryCache = this.BorderGeometryCache;
                Brush          brush;
                if (borderGeometryCache != null && (brush = this.BorderBrush) != null)
                    dc.DrawGeometry(brush, null, borderGeometryCache);
                StreamGeometry backgroundGeometryCache = this.BackgroundGeometryCache;
                if (backgroundGeometryCache != null && (brush = this.Background) != null)
                    dc.DrawGeometry(brush, null, backgroundGeometryCache);
                Thickness    borderThickness = this.BorderThickness;
                CornerRadius cornerRadius    = this.CornerRadius;
                double       topLeft         = cornerRadius.TopLeft;
                bool         flag            = !DoubleUtil.IsZero(topLeft);
                Brush        borderBrush;
                if (!borderThickness.IsZero && (borderBrush = this.BorderBrush) != null)
                    Pen pen = this.LeftPenCache;
                    if (pen == null)
                        pen       = new Pen();
                        pen.Brush = borderBrush;
                        if (useLayoutRounding)
                            pen.Thickness = UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(borderThickness.Left, dpi.DpiScaleX);
                            pen.Thickness = borderThickness.Left;
                        if (borderBrush.IsFrozen)
                        this.LeftPenCache = pen;
                    if (borderThickness.IsUniform)
                        double num       = pen.Thickness * 0.5;
                        Rect   rectangle = new Rect(new Point(num, num), new Point(base.RenderSize.Width - num, base.RenderSize.Height - num));
                        if (flag)
                            dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(null, pen, rectangle, topLeft, topLeft);
                            dc.DrawRectangle(null, pen, rectangle);
                        if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(borderThickness.Left, 0.0))
                            double num = pen.Thickness * 0.5;
                            dc.DrawLine(pen, new Point(num, 0.0), new Point(num, base.RenderSize.Height));
                        if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(borderThickness.Right, 0.0))
                            pen = this.RightPenCache;
                            if (pen == null)
                                pen       = new Pen();
                                pen.Brush = borderBrush;
                                if (useLayoutRounding)
                                    pen.Thickness = UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(borderThickness.Right, dpi.DpiScaleX);
                                    pen.Thickness = borderThickness.Right;
                                if (borderBrush.IsFrozen)
                                this.RightPenCache = pen;
                            double num = pen.Thickness * 0.5;
                            dc.DrawLine(pen, new Point(base.RenderSize.Width - num, 0.0), new Point(base.RenderSize.Width - num, base.RenderSize.Height));
                        if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(borderThickness.Top, 0.0))
                            pen = this.TopPenCache;
                            if (pen == null)
                                pen       = new Pen();
                                pen.Brush = borderBrush;
                                if (useLayoutRounding)
                                    pen.Thickness = UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(borderThickness.Top, dpi.DpiScaleY);
                                    pen.Thickness = borderThickness.Top;
                                if (borderBrush.IsFrozen)
                                this.TopPenCache = pen;
                            double num = pen.Thickness * 0.5;
                            dc.DrawLine(pen, new Point(0.0, num), new Point(base.RenderSize.Width, num));
                        if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(borderThickness.Bottom, 0.0))
                            pen = this.BottomPenCache;
                            if (pen == null)
                                pen       = new Pen();
                                pen.Brush = borderBrush;
                                if (useLayoutRounding)
                                    pen.Thickness = UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(borderThickness.Bottom, dpi.DpiScaleY);
                                    pen.Thickness = borderThickness.Bottom;
                                if (borderBrush.IsFrozen)
                                this.BottomPenCache = pen;
                            double num = pen.Thickness * 0.5;
                            dc.DrawLine(pen, new Point(0.0, base.RenderSize.Height - num), new Point(base.RenderSize.Width, base.RenderSize.Height - num));
                Brush background = this.Background;
                if (background != null)
                    Point point;
                    Point point2;
                    if (useLayoutRounding)
                        point = new Point(UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(borderThickness.Left, dpi.DpiScaleX), UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(borderThickness.Top, dpi.DpiScaleY));
                        if (FrameworkAppContextSwitches.DoNotApplyLayoutRoundingToMarginsAndBorderThickness)
                            point2 = new Point(UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(base.RenderSize.Width - borderThickness.Right, dpi.DpiScaleX), UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(base.RenderSize.Height - borderThickness.Bottom, dpi.DpiScaleY));
                            point2 = new Point(base.RenderSize.Width - UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(borderThickness.Right, dpi.DpiScaleX), base.RenderSize.Height - UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(borderThickness.Bottom, dpi.DpiScaleY));
                        point  = new Point(borderThickness.Left, borderThickness.Top);
                        point2 = new Point(base.RenderSize.Width - borderThickness.Right, base.RenderSize.Height - borderThickness.Bottom);
                    if (point2.X > point.X && point2.Y > point.Y)
                        if (flag)
                            Border.Radii radii    = new Border.Radii(cornerRadius, borderThickness, false);
                            double       topLeft2 = radii.TopLeft;
                            dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(background, null, new Rect(point, point2), topLeft2, topLeft2);
                        dc.DrawRectangle(background, null, new Rect(point, point2));
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Token: 0x0600426A RID: 17002 RVA: 0x001302AC File Offset: 0x0012E4AC
        private static void GenerateGeometry(StreamGeometryContext ctx, Rect rect, Border.Radii radii)
            Point point  = new Point(radii.LeftTop, 0.0);
            Point point2 = new Point(rect.Width - radii.RightTop, 0.0);
            Point point3 = new Point(rect.Width, radii.TopRight);
            Point point4 = new Point(rect.Width, rect.Height - radii.BottomRight);
            Point point5 = new Point(rect.Width - radii.RightBottom, rect.Height);
            Point point6 = new Point(radii.LeftBottom, rect.Height);
            Point point7 = new Point(0.0, rect.Height - radii.BottomLeft);
            Point point8 = new Point(0.0, radii.TopLeft);

            if (point.X > point2.X)
                double x = radii.LeftTop / (radii.LeftTop + radii.RightTop) * rect.Width;
                point.X  = x;
                point2.X = x;
            if (point3.Y > point4.Y)
                double y = radii.TopRight / (radii.TopRight + radii.BottomRight) * rect.Height;
                point3.Y = y;
                point4.Y = y;
            if (point5.X < point6.X)
                double x2 = radii.LeftBottom / (radii.LeftBottom + radii.RightBottom) * rect.Width;
                point5.X = x2;
                point6.X = x2;
            if (point7.Y < point8.Y)
                double y2 = radii.TopLeft / (radii.TopLeft + radii.BottomLeft) * rect.Height;
                point7.Y = y2;
                point8.Y = y2;
            Vector vector = new Vector(rect.TopLeft.X, rect.TopLeft.Y);

            point  += vector;
            point2 += vector;
            point3 += vector;
            point4 += vector;
            point5 += vector;
            point6 += vector;
            point7 += vector;
            point8 += vector;
            ctx.BeginFigure(point, true, true);
            ctx.LineTo(point2, true, false);
            double num  = rect.TopRight.X - point2.X;
            double num2 = point3.Y - rect.TopRight.Y;

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(num) || !DoubleUtil.IsZero(num2))
                ctx.ArcTo(point3, new Size(num, num2), 0.0, false, SweepDirection.Clockwise, true, false);
            ctx.LineTo(point4, true, false);
            num  = rect.BottomRight.X - point5.X;
            num2 = rect.BottomRight.Y - point4.Y;
            if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(num) || !DoubleUtil.IsZero(num2))
                ctx.ArcTo(point5, new Size(num, num2), 0.0, false, SweepDirection.Clockwise, true, false);
            ctx.LineTo(point6, true, false);
            num  = point6.X - rect.BottomLeft.X;
            num2 = rect.BottomLeft.Y - point7.Y;
            if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(num) || !DoubleUtil.IsZero(num2))
                ctx.ArcTo(point7, new Size(num, num2), 0.0, false, SweepDirection.Clockwise, true, false);
            ctx.LineTo(point8, true, false);
            num  = point.X - rect.TopLeft.X;
            num2 = point8.Y - rect.TopLeft.Y;
            if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(num) || !DoubleUtil.IsZero(num2))
                ctx.ArcTo(point, new Size(num, num2), 0.0, false, SweepDirection.Clockwise, true, false);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>Arranges the contents of a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Controls.Border" /> element.</summary>
        /// <param name="finalSize">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.Size" /> this element uses to arrange its child element.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Windows.Size" /> that represents the arranged size of this <see cref="T:System.Windows.Controls.Border" /> element and its child element.</returns>
        // Token: 0x06004265 RID: 16997 RVA: 0x0012F998 File Offset: 0x0012DB98
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
            Thickness borderThickness = this.BorderThickness;

            if (base.UseLayoutRounding && !FrameworkAppContextSwitches.DoNotApplyLayoutRoundingToMarginsAndBorderThickness)
                DpiScale dpi = base.GetDpi();
                borderThickness = new Thickness(UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(borderThickness.Left, dpi.DpiScaleX), UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(borderThickness.Top, dpi.DpiScaleY), UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(borderThickness.Right, dpi.DpiScaleX), UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(borderThickness.Bottom, dpi.DpiScaleY));
            Rect      rect  = new Rect(finalSize);
            Rect      rect2 = Border.HelperDeflateRect(rect, borderThickness);
            UIElement child = this.Child;

            if (child != null)
                Rect finalRect = Border.HelperDeflateRect(rect2, this.Padding);
            CornerRadius cornerRadius = this.CornerRadius;
            Brush        borderBrush  = this.BorderBrush;
            bool         flag         = Border.AreUniformCorners(cornerRadius);

            this._useComplexRenderCodePath = !flag;
            if (!this._useComplexRenderCodePath && borderBrush != null)
                SolidColorBrush solidColorBrush = borderBrush as SolidColorBrush;
                bool            isUniform       = borderThickness.IsUniform;
                this._useComplexRenderCodePath = (solidColorBrush == null || (solidColorBrush.Color.A < byte.MaxValue && !isUniform) || (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(cornerRadius.TopLeft) && !isUniform));
            if (this._useComplexRenderCodePath)
                Border.Radii   radii          = new Border.Radii(cornerRadius, borderThickness, false);
                StreamGeometry streamGeometry = null;
                if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(rect2.Width) && !DoubleUtil.IsZero(rect2.Height))
                    streamGeometry = new StreamGeometry();
                    using (StreamGeometryContext streamGeometryContext = streamGeometry.Open())
                        Border.GenerateGeometry(streamGeometryContext, rect2, radii);
                    this.BackgroundGeometryCache = streamGeometry;
                    this.BackgroundGeometryCache = null;
                if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(rect.Width) && !DoubleUtil.IsZero(rect.Height))
                    Border.Radii   radii2          = new Border.Radii(cornerRadius, borderThickness, true);
                    StreamGeometry streamGeometry2 = new StreamGeometry();
                    using (StreamGeometryContext streamGeometryContext2 = streamGeometry2.Open())
                        Border.GenerateGeometry(streamGeometryContext2, rect, radii2);
                        if (streamGeometry != null)
                            Border.GenerateGeometry(streamGeometryContext2, rect2, radii);
                    this.BorderGeometryCache = streamGeometry2;
                    this.BorderGeometryCache = null;
                this.BackgroundGeometryCache = null;
                this.BorderGeometryCache     = null;