protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         var picked = int.Parse(Request.Params["picked"]);
         var basePage = new BasePage();
         var moods = basePage.getMoods();
         var canvas = string.Format("{0}/mysmiles.apsx", suffix);
         var moodList = JSONHelper.ConvertFromJSONArray(this.Api.Data.GetUserPreference(0));
         moodList.Insert(0, picked.ToString());
         this.Api.Data.SetUserPreference(0, JSONHelper.ConvertToJSONArray(moodList));
         var oldCount =  0;
             oldCount = int.Parse(this.Api.Data.GetUserPreference(2));
         this.Api.Data.SetUserPreference(2, (oldCount+1).ToString());
         var image = string.Format("{0}images/smile{1}.jpg",callback,picked);
         var images = JSONHelper.ConvertToJSONAssociativeArray(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "src", image }, { "href", canvas } });
         var templateData = JSONHelper.ConvertToJSONAssociativeArray(
             new Dictionary<string, string> { { "mood", moods.ElementAt(picked).Value }, { "emote", moods.ElementAt(picked).Key}, { "images", images }, { "mood_src", image } });
         var feed = JSONHelper.ConvertToJSONAssociativeArray(
             new Dictionary<string,string>{ {"template_id",basePage.FeedTemplate1.ToString()},{"template_data",templateData}});
         var content = JSONHelper.ConvertToJSONAssociativeArray(
             new Dictionary<string,string>{ {"feed",feed},{"next",canvas}});
         var data = JSONHelper.ConvertToJSONAssociativeArray(
             new Dictionary<string,string>{ {"method","feedStory"},{"content",content}});
         json = data;
         throw new Exception("no smile picked");
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     var basePage = new BasePage();
     var moods = basePage.getMoods();
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["method"]) && Request.Params["method"] == "publisher_getFeedStory")
         //TODO: need to figure out how to pull picked out of this
         var picked = 0; //int.Parse(Request.Params["app_params"]);
         var canvas = string.Format("{0}/mysmiles.aspx", suffix);
         var image = string.Format("{0}images/smile{1}.jpg", callback, picked);
         var images = JSONHelper.ConvertToJSONAssociativeArray(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "src", image }, { "href", canvas } });
         var templateData = JSONHelper.ConvertToJSONAssociativeArray(
             new Dictionary<string, string> { { "mood", moods.ElementAt(picked).Value }, { "emote", moods.ElementAt(picked).Key }, { "images", images }, { "mood_src", image } });
         var feed = JSONHelper.ConvertToJSONAssociativeArray(
             new Dictionary<string, string> { { "template_id", basePage.FeedTemplate1.ToString() }, { "template_data", templateData } });
         var content = JSONHelper.ConvertToJSONAssociativeArray(
             new Dictionary<string, string> { { "feed", feed } });
         var data = JSONHelper.ConvertToJSONAssociativeArray(
             new Dictionary<string, string> { { "method", "publisher_getFeedStory" }, { "content", content } });
         json = data;
     else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["method"]) && Request.Params["method"] == "publisher_getInterface")
         //TODO: need to figure out how to pull picked out of this
         var fbml = FBMLControlRenderer.RenderFBML<string>(string.Format("~/controls/PublisherHeader.ascx"), callback).Replace("\n","");
         //var fbml = @"<style>
         //fbml += "test";
         fbml += string.Format("<form>{0}<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"picked\" name=\"picked\" value=\"-1\"></form>", basePage.BuildEmoticonGrid(moods, callback, suffix, false));
         var content = JSONHelper.ConvertToJSONAssociativeArray(
             new Dictionary<string, string> { { "fbml", fbml }, { "publishEnabled", "true" }, { "commentEnabled", "true" } });
         var data = JSONHelper.ConvertToJSONAssociativeArray(
             new Dictionary<string, string> { { "content", content }, { "method", "publisher_getInterface" } });
         json = data;
         throw new Exception("no smile picked");