internal static bool TreesAreDifferent(Block leftTree, Block rightTree, IEnumerable<TextChange> changes, CancellationToken cancelToken)
            // Apply all the pending changes to the original tree
            // PERF: If this becomes a bottleneck, we can probably do it the other way around,
            //  i.e. visit the tree and find applicable changes for each node.
            foreach (TextChange change in changes)
                Span changeOwner = leftTree.LocateOwner(change);

                // Apply the change to the tree
                if (changeOwner == null)
                    return true;
                EditResult result = changeOwner.EditHandler.ApplyChange(changeOwner, change, force: true);

            // Now compare the trees
            bool treesDifferent = !leftTree.EquivalentTo(rightTree);
            return treesDifferent;
        internal static bool TreesAreDifferent(Block leftTree, Block rightTree, TextChange[] changes)
            // Apply all the pending changes to the original tree
            // PERF: If this becomes a bottleneck, we can probably do it the other way around,
            //  i.e. visit the tree and find applicable changes for each node.
            foreach (TextChange change in changes)
                Span changeOwner = leftTree.LocateOwner(change);

                // Apply the change to the tree
                if (changeOwner == null)
                    return true;
                EditResult result = changeOwner.EditHandler.ApplyChange(changeOwner, change, force: true);

            // Now compare the trees
            bool treesDifferent = !leftTree.EquivalentTo(rightTree);
            if (RazorDebugHelpers.OutputDebuggingEnabled)
                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Processed {0} changes, trees were{1} different", changes.Length, treesDifferent ? String.Empty : " not"));
            return treesDifferent;