Exemplo n.º 1
        public IQueryable Bind(IQueryable query)
            // compute(X add Y as Z, A mul B as C) adds new properties to the output
            // Should return following expression
            // .Select($it => new ComputeWrapper<T> {
            //      Instance = $it,
            //      Container => new AggregationPropertyContainer() {
            //          Name = "X",
            //          Value = $it.X + $it.Y,
            //          Next = new LastInChain() {
            //              Name = "C",
            //              Value = $it.A * $it.B
            //      }
            // })

            List <MemberAssignment> wrapperTypeMemberAssignments = new List <MemberAssignment>();

            // Set Instance property
            var wrapperProperty = this.ResultClrType.GetProperty("Instance");

            wrapperTypeMemberAssignments.Add(Expression.Bind(wrapperProperty, this._lambdaParameter));
            var properties = new List <NamedPropertyExpression>();

            foreach (var computeExpression in this._transformation.ComputeClause.ComputedItems)
                properties.Add(new NamedPropertyExpression(Expression.Constant(computeExpression.Alias), CreateComputeExpression(computeExpression)));

            // Set new compute properties
            wrapperProperty = ResultClrType.GetProperty("Container");
            wrapperTypeMemberAssignments.Add(Expression.Bind(wrapperProperty, AggregationPropertyContainer.CreateNextNamedPropertyContainer(properties)));

            var initilizedMember =
                Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(ResultClrType), wrapperTypeMemberAssignments);
            var selectLambda = Expression.Lambda(initilizedMember, this._lambdaParameter);

            var result = ExpressionHelpers.Select(query, selectLambda, this._elementType);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private List <NamedPropertyExpression> CreateGroupByMemberAssignments(IEnumerable <GroupByPropertyNode> nodes)
            var properties = new List <NamedPropertyExpression>();

            foreach (var grpProp in nodes)
                var propertyName = grpProp.Name;
                if (grpProp.Expression != null)
                    properties.Add(new NamedPropertyExpression(Expression.Constant(propertyName), WrapConvert(BindAccessor(grpProp.Expression))));
                    var wrapperProperty         = typeof(GroupByWrapper).GetProperty("GroupByContainer");
                    List <MemberAssignment> wta = new List <MemberAssignment>();
                    wta.Add(Expression.Bind(wrapperProperty, AggregationPropertyContainer.CreateNextNamedPropertyContainer(CreateGroupByMemberAssignments(grpProp.ChildTransformations))));
                    properties.Add(new NamedPropertyExpression(Expression.Constant(propertyName), Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(typeof(GroupByWrapper)), wta)));

Exemplo n.º 3
        private IQueryable BindGroupBy(IQueryable query)
            LambdaExpression groupLambda = null;
            Type             elementType = query.ElementType;

            if (_groupingProperties != null && _groupingProperties.Any())
                // Generates expression
                // .GroupBy($it => new DynamicTypeWrapper()
                //                                      {
                //                                           GroupByContainer => new AggregationPropertyContainer() {
                //                                               Name = "Prop1",
                //                                               Value = $it.Prop1,
                //                                               Next = new AggregationPropertyContainer() {
                //                                                   Name = "Prop2",
                //                                                   Value = $it.Prop2, // int
                //                                                   Next = new LastInChain() {
                //                                                       Name = "Prop3",
                //                                                       Value = $it.Prop3
                //                                                   }
                //                                               }
                //                                           }
                //                                      })
                List <NamedPropertyExpression> properties = CreateGroupByMemberAssignments(_groupingProperties);

                var wrapperProperty         = typeof(GroupByWrapper).GetProperty(GroupByContainerProperty);
                List <MemberAssignment> wta = new List <MemberAssignment>();
                wta.Add(Expression.Bind(wrapperProperty, AggregationPropertyContainer.CreateNextNamedPropertyContainer(properties)));
                groupLambda = Expression.Lambda(Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(typeof(GroupByWrapper)), wta), _lambdaParameter);
                // We do not have properties to aggregate
                // .GroupBy($it => new NoGroupByWrapper())
                groupLambda = Expression.Lambda(Expression.New(this._groupByClrType), this._lambdaParameter);

            return(ExpressionHelpers.GroupBy(query, groupLambda, elementType, this._groupByClrType));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Pre flattens properties referenced in aggregate clause to avoid generation of nested queries by EF.
        /// For query like groupby((A), aggregate(B/C with max as Alias1, B/D with max as Alias2)) we need to generate
        /// .Select(
        ///     $it => new FlattenninWrapper () {
        ///         Source = $it, // Will used in groupby stage
        ///         Container = new {
        ///             Value = $it.B.C
        ///             Next = new {
        ///                 Value = $it.B.D
        ///             }
        ///         }
        ///     }
        /// )
        /// Also we need to populate expressions to access B/C and B/D in aggregate stage. It will look like:
        /// B/C : $it.Container.Value
        /// B/D : $it.Container.Next.Value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns>Query with Select that flattens properties</returns>
        private IQueryable FlattenReferencedProperties(IQueryable query)
            if (_aggregateExpressions != null &&
                _aggregateExpressions.Any(e => e.Method != AggregationMethod.VirtualPropertyCount) &&
                _groupingProperties != null &&
                _groupingProperties.Any() &&
                (FlattenedPropertyContainer == null || !FlattenedPropertyContainer.Any())
                var wrapperType             = typeof(FlatteningWrapper <>).MakeGenericType(this._elementType);
                var sourceProperty          = wrapperType.GetProperty("Source");
                List <MemberAssignment> wta = new List <MemberAssignment>();
                wta.Add(Expression.Bind(sourceProperty, this._lambdaParameter));

                var aggrregatedPropertiesToFlatten = _aggregateExpressions.Where(e => e.Method != AggregationMethod.VirtualPropertyCount).ToList();
                // Generated Select will be stack like, meaning that first property in the list will be deepest one
                // For example if we add $it.B.C, $it.B.D, select will look like
                // new {
                //      Value = $it.B.C
                //      Next = new {
                //          Value = $it.B.D
                //      }
                // }
                // We are generated references (in currentContainerExpression) from  the begining of the  Select ($it.Value, then $it.Next.Value etc.)
                // We have proper match we need insert properties in reverse order
                // After this
                // properties = { $it.B.D, $it.B.C}
                // _preFlattendMAp = { {$it.B.C, $it.Value}, {$it.B.D, $it.Next.Value} }
                var properties = new NamedPropertyExpression[aggrregatedPropertiesToFlatten.Count];
                var aliasIdx   = aggrregatedPropertiesToFlatten.Count - 1;
                var aggParam   = Expression.Parameter(wrapperType, "$it");
                var currentContainerExpression = Expression.Property(aggParam, GroupByContainerProperty);
                foreach (var aggExpression in aggrregatedPropertiesToFlatten)
                    var alias = "Property" + aliasIdx; // We just need unique alias, we aren't going to use it

                    // Add Value = $it.B.C
                    var propAccessExpression = BindAccessor(aggExpression.Expression);
                    var type = propAccessExpression.Type;
                    propAccessExpression = WrapConvert(propAccessExpression);
                    properties[aliasIdx] = new NamedPropertyExpression(Expression.Constant(alias), propAccessExpression);

                    // Save $it.Container.Next.Value for future use
                    UnaryExpression flatAccessExpression = Expression.Convert(
                        Expression.Property(currentContainerExpression, "Value"),
                    currentContainerExpression = Expression.Property(currentContainerExpression, "Next");
                    _preFlattenedMap.Add(aggExpression.Expression, flatAccessExpression);

                var wrapperProperty = ResultClrType.GetProperty(GroupByContainerProperty);

                wta.Add(Expression.Bind(wrapperProperty, AggregationPropertyContainer.CreateNextNamedPropertyContainer(properties)));

                var flatLambda = Expression.Lambda(Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(wrapperType), wta), _lambdaParameter);

                query = ExpressionHelpers.Select(query, flatLambda, this._elementType);

                // We applied flattening let .GroupBy know about it.
                this._lambdaParameter = aggParam;
                this._elementType     = wrapperType;
