Inheritance: IChannelInfo
Exemplo n.º 1
		internal ObjRef DeserializeInTheCurrentDomain (int domainId, byte[] tInfo)
				string local_uri = string.Copy (this.uri);
				ChannelInfo cinfo = new ChannelInfo (new CrossAppDomainData (domainId));
				ObjRef res = new ObjRef (local_uri, cinfo);
				IRemotingTypeInfo typeInfo = (IRemotingTypeInfo)CADSerializer.DeserializeObjectSafe (tInfo);
				res.typeInfo = typeInfo;
				return res;
Exemplo n.º 2
	} // GetObjectDataHelper

        // This method retrieves the channel info object to be serialized.
        // It does special checking to see if a channel url needs to be bashed
        // (currently used for switching "http://..." url to "https://...".
        private IChannelInfo GetChannelInfoHelper()
            ChannelInfo oldChannelInfo = channelInfo as ChannelInfo;
            if (oldChannelInfo == null)
                return channelInfo;

            Object[] oldChannelData = oldChannelInfo.ChannelData;
            if (oldChannelData == null)
                return oldChannelInfo;

            String[] bashInfo = (String[])CallContext.GetData("__bashChannelUrl");
            if (bashInfo == null)
                return oldChannelInfo;

            String urlToBash = bashInfo[0];
            String replacementUrl = bashInfo[1];

            // Copy channel info and go bash urls.
            ChannelInfo newChInfo = new ChannelInfo();
            newChInfo.ChannelData = new Object[oldChannelData.Length];
            for (int co = 0; co < oldChannelData.Length; co++)
                newChInfo.ChannelData[co] = oldChannelData[co];

                // see if this is one of the ones that we need to bash
                ChannelDataStore channelDataStore = newChInfo.ChannelData[co] as ChannelDataStore;
                if (channelDataStore != null)
                    String[] urls = channelDataStore.ChannelUris;
                    if ((urls != null) && (urls.Length == 1) && urls[0].Equals(urlToBash))
                        // We want to bash just the url, so we do a shallow copy
                        // and replace the url array with the replacementUrl.
                        ChannelDataStore newChannelDataStore = channelDataStore.InternalShallowCopy();
                        newChannelDataStore.ChannelUris = new String[1];
                        newChannelDataStore.ChannelUris[0] = replacementUrl;

                        newChInfo.ChannelData[co] = newChannelDataStore;

            return newChInfo;
        } // GetChannelInfoHelper
Exemplo n.º 3
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
        private IChannelInfo GetChannelInfoHelper()
            ChannelInfo oldChannelInfo = channelInfo as ChannelInfo;
            if (oldChannelInfo == null) 
                return channelInfo; 

            Object[] oldChannelData = oldChannelInfo.ChannelData; 
            if (oldChannelData == null)
                return oldChannelInfo;

            // <STRIP>This will work for the IIS scenario since the machine name + application name 
            //   will differentiate the url. If we generalize this mechanism in the future,
            //   we should only [....] the url if the ObjRef is from the current appdomain.</STRIP> 
            String[] bashInfo = (String[])CallContext.GetData("__bashChannelUrl"); 
            if (bashInfo == null)
                return oldChannelInfo; 

            String urlToBash = bashInfo[0];
            String replacementUrl = bashInfo[1];
            // Copy channel info and go [....] urls.
            ChannelInfo newChInfo = new ChannelInfo(); 
            newChInfo.ChannelData = new Object[oldChannelData.Length]; 
            for (int co = 0; co < oldChannelData.Length; co++)
                newChInfo.ChannelData[co] = oldChannelData[co];

                // see if this is one of the ones that we need to [....]
                ChannelDataStore channelDataStore = newChInfo.ChannelData[co] as ChannelDataStore; 
                if (channelDataStore != null)
                    String[] urls = channelDataStore.ChannelUris; 
                    if ((urls != null) && (urls.Length == 1) && urls[0].Equals(urlToBash))
                        // We want to [....] just the url, so we do a shallow copy
                        // and replace the url array with the replacementUrl.
                        ChannelDataStore newChannelDataStore = channelDataStore.InternalShallowCopy();
                        newChannelDataStore.ChannelUris = new String[1]; 
                        newChannelDataStore.ChannelUris[0] = replacementUrl;
                        newChInfo.ChannelData[co] = newChannelDataStore; 

            return newChInfo;
        } // GetChannelInfoHelper 
Exemplo n.º 4
		protected object UnmarshalArgument (object arg, ArrayList args) {
			if (arg == null) return null;
			// Check if argument is an holder (then we know that it's a serialized argument)
			CADArgHolder holder = arg as CADArgHolder;
			if (null != holder) {
				return args [holder.index];

			CADObjRef objref = arg as CADObjRef;
			if (null != objref) {
				string typeName = string.Copy (objref.TypeName);
				string uri = string.Copy (objref.URI);
				int domid = objref.SourceDomain;
				ChannelInfo cinfo = new ChannelInfo (new CrossAppDomainData (domid));
				ObjRef localRef = new ObjRef (typeName, uri, cinfo);
				return RemotingServices.Unmarshal (localRef);
			if (arg is Array)
				Array argb = (Array)arg;
				Array argn;
				// We can't use Array.CreateInstance (arg.GetType().GetElementType()) because
				// GetElementType() returns a type from the source domain.
				switch (Type.GetTypeCode (arg.GetType().GetElementType()))
					case TypeCode.Boolean: argn = new bool [argb.Length]; break;
					case TypeCode.Byte: argn = new Byte [argb.Length]; break;
					case TypeCode.Char: argn = new Char [argb.Length]; break;
					case TypeCode.Decimal: argn = new Decimal [argb.Length]; break;
					case TypeCode.Double: argn = new Double [argb.Length]; break;
					case TypeCode.Int16: argn = new Int16 [argb.Length]; break;
					case TypeCode.Int32: argn = new Int32 [argb.Length]; break;
					case TypeCode.Int64: argn = new Int64 [argb.Length]; break;
					case TypeCode.SByte: argn = new SByte [argb.Length]; break;
					case TypeCode.Single: argn = new Single [argb.Length]; break;
					case TypeCode.UInt16: argn = new UInt16 [argb.Length]; break;
					case TypeCode.UInt32: argn = new UInt32 [argb.Length]; break;
					case TypeCode.UInt64: argn = new UInt64 [argb.Length]; break;
					default: throw new NotSupportedException ();
				argb.CopyTo (argn, 0);
				return argn;

			switch (Type.GetTypeCode (arg.GetType()))
				case TypeCode.Boolean: return (bool)arg;
				case TypeCode.Byte: return (byte)arg;
				case TypeCode.Char: return (char)arg;
				case TypeCode.Decimal: return (decimal)arg;
				case TypeCode.Double: return (double)arg;
				case TypeCode.Int16: return (Int16)arg;
				case TypeCode.Int32: return (Int32)arg;
				case TypeCode.Int64: return (Int64)arg;
				case TypeCode.SByte: return (SByte)arg;
				case TypeCode.Single: return (Single)arg;
				case TypeCode.UInt16: return (UInt16)arg;
				case TypeCode.UInt32: return (UInt32)arg;
				case TypeCode.UInt64: return (UInt64)arg;
				case TypeCode.String: return string.Copy ((string) arg);
				case TypeCode.DateTime: return new DateTime (((DateTime)arg).Ticks);
					if (arg is TimeSpan) return new TimeSpan (((TimeSpan)arg).Ticks);
					if (arg is IntPtr) return (IntPtr) arg;

			throw new NotSupportedException ("Parameter of type " + arg.GetType () + " cannot be unmarshalled");
		 * Flushes any buffered writes to the channel
		Int32 FlushChannel(ChannelInfo ChannelToFlush)
			Int32 ReturnValue = Constants.INVALID;
			if ((ChannelToFlush.ChannelFlags & EChannelFlags.ACCESS_WRITE) != 0 &&
				(ChannelToFlush.ChannelOffset > 0) &&
				(ChannelToFlush.ChannelData != null) &&
				(ChannelToFlush.ChannelFileStream != null))
					ChannelToFlush.ChannelFileStream.Write(ChannelToFlush.ChannelData, 0, ChannelToFlush.ChannelOffset);
					ReturnValue = ChannelToFlush.ChannelOffset;
				catch (Exception Ex)
					Log(EVerbosityLevel.Critical, ELogColour.Red, "[Interface:FlushChannel] Error: " + Ex.Message);
					ReturnValue = Constants.ERROR_CHANNEL_IO_FAILED;
				ChannelToFlush.ChannelOffset = 0;
			return ReturnValue;
		 * Opens a data channel for streaming data into the cache associated with an Agent
		 * @param ChannelName The name of the channel being opened
		 * @param ChannelFlags The mode, access, and other attributes of the channel being opened
		 * @return A handle to the opened channel (< 0 is error)
		public virtual Int32 OpenChannel(String ChannelName, EChannelFlags ChannelFlags)
			StartTiming("OpenChannel-Managed", true);

			Int32 ChannelHandle = Constants.INVALID;
			bool NewChannelSuccessfullyCreated = false;
			if (Connection != null)
					// Ask the Agent if the file is safe to open, if required
					if (!ConnectionConfiguration.IsPureLocalConnection)
						StartTiming("OpenChannel-Remote", false);
						ChannelHandle = Connection.OpenChannel(ConnectionHandle, ChannelName, (EChannelFlags)ChannelFlags);
						// If this is a pure local connection, then all we need to assure
						// if that the handle we generate here is unique to the connection
						ChannelHandle = Interlocked.Increment(ref BaseChannelHandle);

					// If the channel is safe to open, open it up
					if (ChannelHandle >= 0)
						// Track the newly created temp file
						ChannelInfo NewChannelInfo = new ChannelInfo();
						NewChannelInfo.ChannelName = ChannelName;
						NewChannelInfo.ChannelFlags = ChannelFlags;
						NewChannelInfo.ChannelHandle = ChannelHandle;
						NewChannelInfo.ChannelFileStream = null;
						NewChannelInfo.ChannelData = null;
						NewChannelInfo.ChannelOffset = 0;

						// Determine the proper path name for the file
						String FullManagedName = GenerateFullChannelName(ChannelName, ChannelFlags);
						// Try to open the file
						if ((ChannelFlags & EChannelFlags.ACCESS_WRITE) != 0)
							// Open the file stream
							NewChannelInfo.ChannelFileStream = new FileStream(FullManagedName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);

							// Slightly different path for compressed files
							if ((ChannelFlags & EChannelFlags.MISC_ENABLE_COMPRESSION) != 0)
								Stream NewChannelStream = NewChannelInfo.ChannelFileStream;
								NewChannelInfo.ChannelFileStream = new GZipStream(NewChannelStream, CompressionMode.Compress, false);
							// If we were able to open the file, add it to the active channel list
								// If available, take the next free write buffer from the list
								if (FreeChannelWriteBuffers.Count > 0)
									NewChannelInfo.ChannelData = FreeChannelWriteBuffers.Pop();
									// Otherwise, allocate a new write buffer for this channel (default to 1MB)
									NewChannelInfo.ChannelData = new byte[1024 * 1024];
								Monitor.Exit( FreeChannelWriteBuffers );

							// Track the newly created file
							OpenChannels.Add(ChannelHandle, NewChannelInfo);
							NewChannelSuccessfullyCreated = true;
						else if ((ChannelFlags & EChannelFlags.ACCESS_READ) != 0)
							if (File.Exists(FullManagedName))
								// Slightly different paths for compressed and non-compressed files
								if ((ChannelFlags & EChannelFlags.MISC_ENABLE_COMPRESSION) != 0)
									// Open the input stream, loading it entirely into memory
									byte[] RawCompressedData = File.ReadAllBytes(FullManagedName);

									// Allocate the destination buffer
									// The size of the uncompressed data is contained in the last four bytes of the file
									Int32 UncompressedSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(RawCompressedData, RawCompressedData.Length - 4);
									NewChannelInfo.ChannelData = new byte[UncompressedSize];

									// Open the decompression stream and decompress directly into the destination
									Stream DecompressionChannelStream = new GZipStream(new MemoryStream(RawCompressedData), CompressionMode.Decompress, false);
									DecompressionChannelStream.Read(NewChannelInfo.ChannelData, 0, UncompressedSize);
									// Simply read in the entire file in one go
									NewChannelInfo.ChannelData = File.ReadAllBytes(FullManagedName);

								// Track the newly created channel
								OpenChannels.Add(ChannelHandle, NewChannelInfo);
								NewChannelSuccessfullyCreated = true;
								// Failed to find the channel to read, return an error
								ChannelHandle = Constants.ERROR_CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND;
				catch (Exception Ex)
					Log(EVerbosityLevel.Critical, ELogColour.Red, "[Interface:OpenChannel] Error: " + Ex.ToString());
					ChannelHandle = Constants.ERROR_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED;

				// If we opened the channel on the agent, but failed to create
				// the file, close it on the agent
				if ((ChannelHandle >= 0) &&
					(NewChannelSuccessfullyCreated == false))
					if (!ConnectionConfiguration.IsPureLocalConnection)
						StartTiming("CloseChannel-Remote", false);
							Connection.CloseChannel(ConnectionHandle, ChannelHandle);
						catch (Exception Ex)
							Log(EVerbosityLevel.Critical, ELogColour.Red, "[Interface:OpenChannel] Cleanup error: " + Ex.Message);
					ChannelHandle = Constants.ERROR_CHANNEL_IO_FAILED;
				ChannelHandle = Constants.ERROR_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND;

			return ChannelHandle;
Exemplo n.º 7
	} // GetObjectDataHelper

        // This method retrieves the channel info object to be serialized.
        // It does special checking to see if a channel url needs to be bashed
        // (currently used for switching "http://..." url to "https://...".
        private IChannelInfo GetChannelInfoHelper()
            ChannelInfo oldChannelInfo = channelInfo as ChannelInfo;
            if (oldChannelInfo == null)
                return channelInfo;

            Object[] oldChannelData = oldChannelInfo.ChannelData;
            if (oldChannelData == null)
                return oldChannelInfo;

            String[] bashInfo = (String[])CallContext.GetData("__bashChannelUrl");
            if (bashInfo == null)
                return oldChannelInfo;

            String urlToBash = bashInfo[0];
            String replacementUrl = bashInfo[1];

            ChannelInfo newChInfo = new ChannelInfo();
            newChInfo.ChannelData = new Object[oldChannelData.Length];
            for (int co = 0; co < oldChannelData.Length; co++)
                newChInfo.ChannelData[co] = oldChannelData[co];

                ChannelDataStore channelDataStore = newChInfo.ChannelData[co] as ChannelDataStore;
                if (channelDataStore != null)
                    String[] urls = channelDataStore.ChannelUris;
                    if ((urls != null) && (urls.Length == 1) && urls[0].Equals(urlToBash))
                        ChannelDataStore newChannelDataStore = channelDataStore.InternalShallowCopy();
                        newChannelDataStore.ChannelUris = new String[1];
                        newChannelDataStore.ChannelUris[0] = replacementUrl;

                        newChInfo.ChannelData[co] = newChannelDataStore;

            return newChInfo;
        } // GetChannelInfoHelper