Exemplo n.º 1
        public static PhpCallable BindToPhpCallable(MethodBase[] targets)
            Debug.Assert(targets.All(t => t.IsStatic), "Only static methods can be bound to PhpCallable delegate.");

            // (Context ctx, PhpValue[] arguments)
            var ps = new ParameterExpression[] { Expression.Parameter(typeof(Context), "ctx"), Expression.Parameter(typeof(PhpValue[]), "argv") };

            // invoke targets
            var invocation = OverloadBinder.BindOverloadCall(typeof(PhpValue), null, targets, ps[0], ps[1]);
            Debug.Assert(invocation.Type == typeof(PhpValue));

            // compile & create delegate
            var lambda = Expression.Lambda<PhpCallable>(invocation, targets[0].Name + "#" + targets.Length, true, ps);
            return lambda.Compile();