public Authorization Authenticate(string challenge, NetworkCredential credential, object sessionCookie, string spn, ChannelBinding channelBindingToken)
     Authorization authorization;
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "Authenticate", (string) null);
         lock (this.sessions)
             NTAuthentication clientContext = this.sessions[sessionCookie] as NTAuthentication;
             if (clientContext == null)
                 if (credential == null)
                     return null;
                 this.sessions[sessionCookie] = clientContext = new NTAuthentication(false, "Negotiate", credential, spn, ContextFlags.AcceptStream | ContextFlags.Connection, channelBindingToken);
             string token = null;
             if (!clientContext.IsCompleted)
                 SecurityStatus status;
                 byte[] incomingBlob = null;
                 if (challenge != null)
                     incomingBlob = Convert.FromBase64String(challenge);
                 byte[] inArray = clientContext.GetOutgoingBlob(incomingBlob, false, out status);
                 if (clientContext.IsCompleted && (inArray == null))
                     token = "\r\n";
                 if (inArray != null)
                     token = Convert.ToBase64String(inArray);
                 token = this.GetSecurityLayerOutgoingBlob(challenge, clientContext);
             authorization = new Authorization(token, clientContext.IsCompleted);
         if (Logging.On)
             Logging.Exit(Logging.Web, this, "Authenticate", (string) null);
     return authorization;
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void OnCreateDependencies()
            // create a user
            var userResponse = Client.Post("/user", new { login = "******", password = NewUserPassword, role = 1, status = 0 }, auth: Admin);
            Assert.That(userResponse.Status, Is.EqualTo(ExpectedCreatedStatus));
            var userId = (int)userResponse.Json["id"];
            User = new Authorization("User", "_ut", NewUserPassword, userId);
            RegisterForDeletion("/user/" + userId);

            // create a client
            var clientResponse = Client.Post("/oauth/client", new { name = "_ut", oauthId = "_ut_", domain = "", redirectUri = "", subnet = "" }, auth: Admin);
            Assert.That(clientResponse.Status, Is.EqualTo(ExpectedCreatedStatus));
            ClientID = (int)clientResponse.Json["id"];
            ClientSecret = (string)clientResponse.Json["oauthSecret"];
            RegisterForDeletion("/oauth/client/" + ClientID);
 internal static void BindModule(Uri uri, Authorization response, IAuthenticationModule module)
     if (response.ProtectionRealm != null)
         string[] protectionRealm = response.ProtectionRealm;
         for (int i = 0; i < protectionRealm.Length; i++)
             s_ModuleBinding.Add(protectionRealm[i], module.AuthenticationType);
         string prefix = generalize(uri);
         s_ModuleBinding.Add(prefix, module.AuthenticationType);
 public Authorization Authenticate(string challenge, NetworkCredential credential, object sessionCookie, string spn, ChannelBinding channelBindingToken)
     Authorization authorization;
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "Authenticate", (string) null);
         lock (this.sessions)
             NetworkCredential credential2 = this.sessions[sessionCookie] as NetworkCredential;
             if (credential2 == null)
                 if ((credential == null) || (credential is SystemNetworkCredential))
                     return null;
                 this.sessions[sessionCookie] = credential;
                 string userName = credential.UserName;
                 string domain = credential.Domain;
                 if ((domain != null) && (domain.Length > 0))
                     userName = domain + @"\" + userName;
                 return new Authorization(Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userName)), false);
             authorization = new Authorization(Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(credential2.Password)), true);
         if (Logging.On)
             Logging.Exit(Logging.Web, this, "Authenticate", (string) null);
     return authorization;
Exemplo n.º 5
        // CONSIDER V.NEXT
        // creating a static hashtable for server nonces and keep track of nonce count
        internal static Authorization Authenticate(HttpDigestChallenge digestChallenge, NetworkCredential NC, string spn, ChannelBinding binding) {

            string username = NC.InternalGetUserName();
            if (ValidationHelper.IsBlankString(username)) {
                return null;
            string password = NC.InternalGetPassword();

            bool upgraded = IsUpgraded(digestChallenge.Nonce, binding);
            if (upgraded)
                digestChallenge.ServiceName = spn;
                digestChallenge.ChannelBinding = hashChannelBinding(binding, digestChallenge.MD5provider);

            if (digestChallenge.QopPresent) {
                if (digestChallenge.ClientNonce==null || digestChallenge.Stale) {
                    GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() QopPresent:True, need new nonce. digestChallenge.ClientNonce:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(digestChallenge.ClientNonce) + " digestChallenge.Stale:" + digestChallenge.Stale.ToString());

                    if (upgraded)
                        digestChallenge.ClientNonce = createUpgradedNonce(digestChallenge);
                        digestChallenge.ClientNonce = createNonce(32);

                    digestChallenge.NonceCount = 1;
                else {
                    GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() QopPresent:True, reusing nonce. digestChallenge.NonceCount:" + digestChallenge.NonceCount.ToString());

            StringBuilder authorization = new StringBuilder();

            // look at username & password, if it's not ASCII we need to attempt some
            // kind of encoding because we need to calculate the hash on byte[]
            Charset usernameCharset = DetectCharset(username);
            if (!digestChallenge.UTF8Charset && usernameCharset==Charset.UTF8) {
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() can't authenticate with UNICODE username. failing auth.");
                return null;
            Charset passwordCharset = DetectCharset(password);
            if (!digestChallenge.UTF8Charset && passwordCharset==Charset.UTF8) {
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() can't authenticate with UNICODE password. failing auth.");
                return null;
            if (digestChallenge.UTF8Charset) {
                // on the wire always use UTF8 when the server supports it
                authorization.Append(pair(DA_charset, "utf-8", false));
                if (usernameCharset==Charset.UTF8) {
                    username = CharsetEncode(username, Charset.UTF8);
                    authorization.Append(pair(DA_username, username, true));
                else {
                    authorization.Append(pair(DA_username, CharsetEncode(username, Charset.UTF8), true));
                    username = CharsetEncode(username, usernameCharset);
            else {
                // otherwise UTF8 is not required
                username = CharsetEncode(username, usernameCharset);
                authorization.Append(pair(DA_username, username, true));

            password = CharsetEncode(password, passwordCharset);

            // no special encoding for the realm since we're just going to echo it back (encoding must have happened on the server).
            authorization.Append(pair(DA_realm, digestChallenge.Realm, true));
            authorization.Append(pair(DA_nonce, digestChallenge.Nonce, true));
            authorization.Append(pair(DA_uri, digestChallenge.Uri, true));

            if (digestChallenge.QopPresent) {
                if (digestChallenge.Algorithm!=null) {
                    // consider: should we default to "MD5" here? IE does
                    authorization.Append(pair(DA_algorithm, digestChallenge.Algorithm, true)); // IE sends quotes - IIS needs them
                authorization.Append(pair(DA_cnonce, digestChallenge.ClientNonce, true));
                authorization.Append(pair(DA_nc, digestChallenge.NonceCount.ToString("x8", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), false));
                // RAID#47397
                // send only the QualityOfProtection we're using
                // since we support only "auth" that's what we will send out
                authorization.Append(pair(DA_qop, SupportedQuality, true)); // IE sends quotes - IIS needs them

                if (upgraded)
                    authorization.Append(pair(DA_hasheddirs, HashedDirs, true));
                    authorization.Append(pair(DA_servicename, digestChallenge.ServiceName, true));
                    authorization.Append(pair(DA_channelbinding, digestChallenge.ChannelBinding, true));

            // warning: this must be computed here
            string responseValue = HttpDigest.responseValue(digestChallenge, username, password);
            if (responseValue==null) {
                return null;

            authorization.Append(pair(DA_response, responseValue, true)); // IE sends quotes - IIS needs them

            if (digestChallenge.Opaque!=null) {
                authorization.Append(pair(DA_opaque, digestChallenge.Opaque, true));

            GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() digestChallenge.Stale:" + digestChallenge.Stale.ToString());

            // completion is decided in Update()
            Authorization finalAuthorization = new Authorization(DigestClient.AuthType + " " + authorization.ToString(), false);

            return finalAuthorization;
Exemplo n.º 6
        // On Windows XP and up, WDigest.dll supports the Digest authentication scheme (in addition to
        // support for HTTP client sides, it also supports HTTP server side and SASL) through SSPI.

        private Authorization XPDoAuthenticate(string challenge, HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest, ICredentials credentials, bool preAuthenticate) {
            GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::XPDoAuthenticate() challenge:[" + ValidationHelper.ToString(challenge) + "] httpWebRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpWebRequest) + " credentials#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(credentials) + " preAuthenticate:" + preAuthenticate.ToString());

            NTAuthentication authSession = null;
            string incoming = null;
            int index;

            if (!preAuthenticate) {
                index = AuthenticationManager.FindSubstringNotInQuotes(challenge, Signature);
                if (index < 0) {
                    return null;
                authSession = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.GetSecurityContext(this);
                GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::XPDoAuthenticate() key:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState) + " retrieved authSession:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(authSession));
                incoming = RefineDigestChallenge(challenge, index);
            else {
                GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::XPDoAuthenticate() looking up digestChallenge for prefix:" + httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.AbsoluteUri);
                authSession = challengeCache.Lookup(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.AbsoluteUri) as NTAuthentication;
                if (authSession==null) {
                    return null;
                GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::XPDoAuthenticate() looking up digestChallenge for prefix:" + httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.AbsoluteUri);
                HttpDigestChallenge digestChallenge = challengeCache.Lookup(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.AbsoluteUri) as HttpDigestChallenge;
                if (digestChallenge==null) {
                    return null;

                GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::XPDoAuthenticate() retrieved digestChallenge#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(digestChallenge) + " digestChallenge for prefix:" + httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.AbsoluteUri);
                digestChallenge = digestChallenge.CopyAndIncrementNonce();
                incoming = digestChallenge.ToBlob();

            UriComponents uriParts = 0;
            Uri remoteUri = httpWebRequest.GetRemoteResourceUri();
            if (httpWebRequest.CurrentMethod.ConnectRequest) {
                uriParts = UriComponents.HostAndPort;
                // Use the orriginal request Uri, not the proxy Uri
                remoteUri = httpWebRequest.RequestUri;
            else {
                uriParts = UriComponents.PathAndQuery;
            // here we use Address instead of ChallengedUri. This is because the
            // Digest hash is generated using the uri as it is present on the wire
            string rawUri = remoteUri.GetParts(uriParts, UriFormat.UriEscaped);
            GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::XPDoAuthenticate() rawUri:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(rawUri));

            if (authSession==null) {
                NetworkCredential NC = credentials.GetCredential(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri, Signature);
                GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::XPDoAuthenticate() GetCredential() returns:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(NC));

                if (NC == null || (!(NC is SystemNetworkCredential) && NC.InternalGetUserName().Length == 0))
                    return null;

                ICredentialPolicy policy = AuthenticationManager.CredentialPolicy;
                if (policy != null && !policy.ShouldSendCredential(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri, httpWebRequest, NC, this))
                    return null;

                SpnToken spn = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.GetComputeSpn(httpWebRequest);
                GlobalLog.Print("NtlmClient::Authenticate() ChallengedSpn:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(spn));

                ChannelBinding binding = null;
                if (httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.TransportContext != null)
                    binding = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.TransportContext.GetChannelBinding(ChannelBindingKind.Endpoint);

                authSession =
                    new NTAuthentication(

                GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::XPDoAuthenticate() setting SecurityContext for:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState) + " to authSession:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(authSession));
                httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.SetSecurityContext(authSession, this);

            SecurityStatus statusCode;
            string clientResponse;

            GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::XPDoAuthenticate() incoming:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(incoming));

            clientResponse = authSession.GetOutgoingDigestBlob(incoming, httpWebRequest.CurrentMethod.Name, rawUri, null, preAuthenticate, true, out statusCode);
            clientResponse = authSession.GetOutgoingDigestBlob(incoming, httpWebRequest.CurrentMethod.Name, rawUri, null, false, false, out statusCode);
            if (clientResponse == null)
                return null;

            GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::XPDoAuthenticate() GetOutgoingDigestBlob(" + incoming + ") returns:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(clientResponse));

            Authorization digestResponse = new Authorization(AuthType + " " + clientResponse, authSession.IsCompleted, string.Empty, authSession.IsMutualAuthFlag);

            if (!preAuthenticate && httpWebRequest.PreAuthenticate) {
                // add this to the cache of challenges so we can preauthenticate
                // use this DCR when avaialble to do this without calling HttpDigest.Interpret():
                // 762115   3   WDigest should allow an application to retrieve the parsed domain directive
                HttpDigestChallenge digestChallenge = HttpDigest.Interpret(incoming, -1, httpWebRequest);

                string[] prefixes = digestChallenge.Domain==null ?
                        new string[]{httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.GetParts(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.UriEscaped)}
                        : digestChallenge.Domain.Split(singleSpaceArray);

                // If Domain property is not set we associate Digest only with the server Uri namespace (used to do with whole server)
                digestResponse.ProtectionRealm = digestChallenge.Domain==null ? null: prefixes;

                for (int i=0; i<prefixes.Length; i++) {
                    GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::XPDoAuthenticate() adding authSession#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(authSession) + " for prefix:" + prefixes[i]);
                    challengeCache.Add(prefixes[i], authSession);
                    challengeCache.Add(prefixes[i], digestChallenge);
            return digestResponse;
 internal AuthenticateCallbackContext(SmtpConnection thisPtr, ISmtpAuthenticationModule module, NetworkCredential credential, string spn, ChannelBinding Token)
     this.thisPtr = thisPtr;
     this.module = module;
     this.credential = credential;
     this.spn = spn;
     this.token = Token;
     this.result = null;
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>
 ///       Binds an authentication response to a request for pre-authentication.
 ///    </para>
 /// </devdoc>
 // Create binding between an authorization response and the module
 // generating that response
 // This association is used for deciding which module to invoke
 // for preauthentication purposes
 public abstract void BindModule(Uri uri, Authorization response, IAuthenticationModule module);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public Authorization Authenticate(string challenge, WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials)
            GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::Authenticate(): " + challenge);

            if (ComNetOS.IsPostWin2K)
                return(XPDigestClient.Authenticate(challenge, webRequest, credentials));
#endif // #if XP_WDIGEST

            GlobalLog.Assert(credentials != null, "DigestClient::Authenticate() credentials==null", "");
            if (credentials == null || credentials is SystemNetworkCredential)

            HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = webRequest as HttpWebRequest;

            GlobalLog.Assert(httpWebRequest != null, "DigestClient::Authenticate() httpWebRequest==null", "");
            if (httpWebRequest == null || httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri == null)
                // there has been no challenge:
                // 1) the request never went on the wire
                // 2) somebody other than us is calling into AuthenticationManager

            int index = AuthenticationManager.FindSubstringNotInQuotes(challenge.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Signature);
            if (index < 0)

            string[] prefixes = null;
            string   rootPath = httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.Scheme + "://" + httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.Host;

            HttpDigestChallenge digestChallenge = HttpDigest.Interpret(challenge, index, httpWebRequest);
            if (digestChallenge == null)

            if (digestChallenge.Domain == null)
                challengeCache.Add(rootPath, digestChallenge);
                prefixes = digestChallenge.Domain.Split(" ".ToCharArray());
                for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.Length; i++)
                    challengeCache.Add(prefixes[i], digestChallenge);

            Authorization digestResponse = HttpDigest.Authenticate(digestChallenge, credentials);
            if (digestResponse != null)
                if (prefixes == null)
                    digestResponse.ProtectionRealm    = new string[1];
                    digestResponse.ProtectionRealm[0] = rootPath;
                    digestResponse.ProtectionRealm = prefixes;

 private Authorization XPDoAuthenticate(string challenge, HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest, ICredentials credentials, bool preAuthenticate)
     NTAuthentication securityContext = null;
     string incomingBlob = null;
     SecurityStatus status;
     if (!preAuthenticate)
         int index = AuthenticationManager.FindSubstringNotInQuotes(challenge, Signature);
         if (index < 0)
             return null;
         securityContext = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.GetSecurityContext(this);
         incomingBlob = RefineDigestChallenge(challenge, index);
         HttpDigestChallenge challenge2 = challengeCache.Lookup(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.AbsoluteUri) as HttpDigestChallenge;
         if (challenge2 == null)
             return null;
         challenge2 = challenge2.CopyAndIncrementNonce();
         incomingBlob = challenge2.ToBlob();
     UriComponents uriParts = 0;
     if (httpWebRequest.CurrentMethod.ConnectRequest)
         uriParts = UriComponents.HostAndPort;
     else if (httpWebRequest.UsesProxySemantics)
         uriParts = UriComponents.HttpRequestUrl;
         uriParts = UriComponents.PathAndQuery;
     string parts = httpWebRequest.GetRemoteResourceUri().GetParts(uriParts, UriFormat.UriEscaped);
     if (securityContext == null)
         NetworkCredential credential = credentials.GetCredential(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri, Signature);
         if ((credential == null) || (!(credential is SystemNetworkCredential) && (credential.InternalGetUserName().Length == 0)))
             return null;
         ICredentialPolicy credentialPolicy = AuthenticationManager.CredentialPolicy;
         if ((credentialPolicy != null) && !credentialPolicy.ShouldSendCredential(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri, httpWebRequest, credential, this))
             return null;
         string computeSpn = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.GetComputeSpn(httpWebRequest);
         ChannelBinding channelBinding = null;
         if (httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.TransportContext != null)
             channelBinding = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.TransportContext.GetChannelBinding(ChannelBindingKind.Endpoint);
         securityContext = new NTAuthentication("WDigest", credential, computeSpn, httpWebRequest, channelBinding);
         httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.SetSecurityContext(securityContext, this);
     string str4 = securityContext.GetOutgoingDigestBlob(incomingBlob, httpWebRequest.CurrentMethod.Name, parts, null, false, false, out status);
     if (str4 == null)
         return null;
     Authorization authorization = new Authorization("Digest " + str4, securityContext.IsCompleted, string.Empty, securityContext.IsMutualAuthFlag);
     if (!preAuthenticate && httpWebRequest.PreAuthenticate)
         HttpDigestChallenge challenge3 = HttpDigest.Interpret(incomingBlob, -1, httpWebRequest);
         string[] strArray = (challenge3.Domain == null) ? new string[] { httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.GetParts(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.UriEscaped) } : challenge3.Domain.Split(singleSpaceArray);
         authorization.ProtectionRealm = (challenge3.Domain == null) ? null : strArray;
         for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++)
             challengeCache.Add(strArray[i], challenge3);
     return authorization;
Exemplo n.º 11
        // Create binding between an authorization response and the module
        // generating that response
        // This association is used for deciding which module to invoke
        // for preauthentication purposes
        private static void createModuleBinding(WebRequest request, Authorization response, IAuthenticationModule module) {
            if (!module.CanPreAuthenticate) {

            if (response.ProtectionRealm!=null) {
                // The authentication module specified which Uri prefixes
                // will be preauthenticated
                string[] prefix = response.ProtectionRealm;

                for (int k=0; k<prefix.Length; k++) {
                    // PrefixLookup is thread-safe
                    s_ModuleBinding.Add(prefix[k], module.AuthenticationType);
            else {
                // Otherwise use the default policy for "fabricating"
                // some protection realm generalizing the particular Uri
                // Consider: should this be ChallengedUri?
                string prefix = generalize(request.RequestUri);
                // PrefixLookup is thread-safe
                s_ModuleBinding.Add(prefix, module.AuthenticationType);

 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>
 ///       Binds an authentication response to a request for pre-authentication.
 ///    </para>
 /// </devdoc>
 // Create binding between an authorization response and the module
 // generating that response
 // This association is used for deciding which module to invoke
 // for preauthentication purposes
 internal static void BindModule(Uri uri, Authorization response, IAuthenticationModule module)
     Instance.BindModule(uri, response, module);
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>
 ///       Binds an authentication response to a request for pre-authentication.
 ///    </para>
 /// </devdoc>
 // Create binding between an authorization response and the module
 // generating that response
 // This association is used for deciding which module to invoke
 // for preauthentication purposes
 public abstract void BindModule(Uri uri, Authorization response, IAuthenticationModule module);
Exemplo n.º 14
        bool CreateTunnel(HttpWebRequest request, Stream stream, out byte [] buffer)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("CONNECT ");
            sb.Append(" HTTP/");
            if (request.ServicePoint.ProtocolVersion == HttpVersion.Version11)

            sb.Append("\r\nHost: ");
            string challenge = Data.Challenge;

            Data.Challenge = null;
            bool have_auth = (request.Headers ["Proxy-Authorization"] != null);

            if (have_auth)
                sb.Append("\r\nProxy-Authorization: ");
                sb.Append(request.Headers ["Proxy-Authorization"]);
            else if (challenge != null && Data.StatusCode == 407)
                have_auth = true;
                ICredentials  creds = request.Proxy.Credentials;
                Authorization auth  = AuthenticationManager.Authenticate(challenge, request, creds);
                if (auth != null)
                    sb.Append("\r\nProxy-Authorization: ");

            Data.StatusCode = 0;
            byte [] connectBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(sb.ToString());
            stream.Write(connectBytes, 0, connectBytes.Length);

            int status;
            WebHeaderCollection result = ReadHeaders(request, stream, out buffer, out status);

            if (!have_auth && result != null && status == 407)               // Needs proxy auth
                Data.StatusCode = status;
                Data.Challenge  = result ["Proxy-Authenticate"];
            else if (status != 200)
                string msg = String.Format("The remote server returned a {0} status code.", status);
                HandleError(WebExceptionStatus.SecureChannelFailure, null, msg);

            return(result != null);
Exemplo n.º 15
        private Authorization DoAuthenticate(string challenge, WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials, bool preAuthenticate)
            HttpDigestChallenge challenge2;

            if (credentials == null)
            HttpWebRequest    httpWebRequest = webRequest as HttpWebRequest;
            NetworkCredential credential     = credentials.GetCredential(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri, Signature);

            if (credential is SystemNetworkCredential)
                if (WDigestAvailable)
                    return(this.XPDoAuthenticate(challenge, httpWebRequest, credentials, preAuthenticate));
            if (!preAuthenticate)
                int startingPoint = AuthenticationManager.FindSubstringNotInQuotes(challenge, Signature);
                if (startingPoint < 0)
                challenge2 = HttpDigest.Interpret(challenge, startingPoint, httpWebRequest);
                challenge2 = challengeCache.Lookup(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.AbsoluteUri) as HttpDigestChallenge;
            if (challenge2 == null)
            if (!CheckQOP(challenge2))
                if (Logging.On)
                    Logging.PrintError(Logging.Web, SR.GetString("net_log_digest_qop_not_supported", new object[] { challenge2.QualityOfProtection }));
            if (preAuthenticate)
                challenge2 = challenge2.CopyAndIncrementNonce();
            if (credential == null)
            ICredentialPolicy credentialPolicy = AuthenticationManager.CredentialPolicy;

            if ((credentialPolicy != null) && !credentialPolicy.ShouldSendCredential(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri, httpWebRequest, credential, this))
            string         computeSpn     = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.GetComputeSpn(httpWebRequest);
            ChannelBinding channelBinding = null;

            if (httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.TransportContext != null)
                channelBinding = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.TransportContext.GetChannelBinding(ChannelBindingKind.Endpoint);
            Authorization authorization = HttpDigest.Authenticate(challenge2, credential, computeSpn, channelBinding);

            if ((!preAuthenticate && webRequest.PreAuthenticate) && (authorization != null))
                string[] strArray = (challenge2.Domain == null) ? new string[] { httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.GetParts(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.UriEscaped) } : challenge2.Domain.Split(singleSpaceArray);
                authorization.ProtectionRealm = (challenge2.Domain == null) ? null : strArray;
                for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++)
                    challengeCache.Add(strArray[i], challenge2);
        /// <summary>
        /// Authenticate the web request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Current web request.</param>
        /// <param name="credentials">OAuthCredentials object.</param>
        /// <returns>Populated Authorization object.</returns>
        static Authorization Auth(WebRequest request, ICredentials credentials)
            OAuthCredentialsStandard cred = credentials as OAuthCredentialsStandard;
            if (cred != null)
                NameValueCollection postArgs = new NameValueCollection();
                string realm = OAuthUtility.Realm(request.RequestUri);
                string authstr = "OAuth realm=\"" + realm + "\", " + OAuthClient.GetAuthParameters(request.RequestUri, cred.Token, cred.Arguments, cred.Consumer.ConsumerKey, cred.Consumer.ConsumerSecret, cred.RsaCertificate, AuthenticationMethod.Header, request.Method, cred.Consumer.SignatureType);
                Trace.WriteLine(authstr, "Credentials");
                Authorization auth = new Authorization(authstr);
                return auth;

            OAuthCredentialsTwoLegged tcred = credentials as OAuthCredentialsTwoLegged;
            if (tcred != null)
                string realm = OAuthUtility.Realm(request.RequestUri);
                string authstr = "OAuth realm=\"" + realm + "\", " + OAuthClient.GetAuthParameters(request.RequestUri, tcred.RequestorId, tcred.Arguments, tcred.Consumer.ConsumerKey, tcred.Consumer.ConsumerSecret, tcred.RsaCertificate, AuthenticationMethod.Header, request.Method, tcred.Consumer.SignatureType);
                Trace.WriteLine(authstr, "Credentials");
                Authorization auth = new Authorization(authstr);
                return auth;

            return null;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static Authorization Authenticate(string challenge, WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials)
            GlobalLog.Print("XPDigestClient::Authenticate(): " + challenge);

            GlobalLog.Assert(credentials != null, "XPDigestClient::Authenticate() credentials==null", "");
            if (credentials == null)

            HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = webRequest as HttpWebRequest;

            GlobalLog.Assert(httpWebRequest != null, "XPDigestClient::Authenticate() httpWebRequest==null", "");
            if (httpWebRequest == null || httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri == null)
                // there has been no challenge:
                // 1) the request never went on the wire
                // 2) somebody other than us is calling into AuthenticationManager

            int index = AuthenticationManager.FindSubstringNotInQuotes(challenge.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), DigestClient.Signature);

            if (index < 0)

            int    blobBegin = index + DigestClient.SignatureSize;
            string incoming  = null;

            // there may be multiple challenges. If the next character after the
            // package name is not a comma then it is challenge data
            if (challenge.Length > blobBegin && challenge[blobBegin] != ',')
                index = -1;
            if (index >= 0 && challenge.Length > blobBegin)
                incoming = challenge.Substring(blobBegin);

            NTAuthentication authSession = sessions[httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState] as NTAuthentication;

            GlobalLog.Print("XPDigestClient::Authenticate() key:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState) + " retrieved authSession:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(authSession));

            if (authSession == null)
                NetworkCredential NC = credentials.GetCredential(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri, DigestClient.Signature);
                GlobalLog.Print("XPDigestClient::Authenticate() GetCredential() returns:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(NC));

                if (NC == null)
                string username = NC.UserName;
                if (username == null || (username.Length == 0 && !(NC is SystemNetworkCredential)))
                authSession =
                    new NTAuthentication(

                GlobalLog.Print("XPDigestClient::Authenticate() adding authSession:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(authSession) + " for:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState));
                sessions.Add(httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState, authSession);

            bool   handshakeComplete;
            string clientResponse = authSession.GetOutgoingDigestBlob(incoming, httpWebRequest.CurrentMethod, out handshakeComplete);

            GlobalLog.Print("XPDigestClient::Authenticate() GetOutgoingDigestBlob(" + incoming + ") returns:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(clientResponse));

            GlobalLog.Assert(handshakeComplete, "XPDigestClient::Authenticate() handshakeComplete==false", "");
            if (!handshakeComplete)

            // completion is decided in Update()
            Authorization finalAuthorization = new Authorization(DigestClient.AuthType + " " + clientResponse, false);

Exemplo n.º 18
        // CONSIDER V.NEXT
        // creating a static hashtable for server nonces and keep track of nonce count
        public static Authorization Authenticate(HttpDigestChallenge digestChallenge, ICredentials credentials)
            NetworkCredential NC = credentials.GetCredential(digestChallenge.ChallengedUri, DigestClient.Signature);

            GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() GetCredential() returns:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(NC));

            if (NC == null)
            string username = NC.UserName;

            if (ValidationHelper.IsBlankString(username))
            string password = NC.Password;

            if (digestChallenge.QopPresent)
                if (digestChallenge.ClientNonce == null || digestChallenge.Stale)
                    GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() QopPresent:True, need new nonce. digestChallenge.ClientNonce:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(digestChallenge.ClientNonce) + " digestChallenge.Stale:" + digestChallenge.Stale.ToString());
                    digestChallenge.ClientNonce = createNonce(32);
                    digestChallenge.NonceCount  = 1;
                    GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() QopPresent:True, reusing nonce. digestChallenge.NonceCount:" + digestChallenge.NonceCount.ToString());

            StringBuilder authorization = new StringBuilder();

            // look at username & password, if it's not ASCII we need to attempt some
            // kind of encoding because we need to calculate the hash on byte[]
            Charset usernameCharset = DetectCharset(username);

            if (!digestChallenge.UTF8Charset && usernameCharset == Charset.UTF8)
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() can't authenticate with UNICODE username. failing auth.");
            Charset passwordCharset = DetectCharset(password);

            if (!digestChallenge.UTF8Charset && passwordCharset == Charset.UTF8)
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() can't authenticate with UNICODE password. failing auth.");
            if (digestChallenge.UTF8Charset)
                // on the wire always use UTF8 when the server supports it
                authorization.Append(pair(DA_charset, "utf-8", false));
                if (usernameCharset == Charset.UTF8)
                    username = CharsetEncode(username, Charset.UTF8);
                    authorization.Append(pair(DA_username, username, true));
                    authorization.Append(pair(DA_username, CharsetEncode(username, Charset.UTF8), true));
                    username = CharsetEncode(username, usernameCharset);
                // otherwise UTF8 is not required
                username = CharsetEncode(username, usernameCharset);
                authorization.Append(pair(DA_username, username, true));

            password = CharsetEncode(password, passwordCharset);

            // no special encoding for the realm since we're just going to echo it back (encoding must have happened on the server).
            authorization.Append(pair(DA_realm, digestChallenge.Realm, true));
            authorization.Append(pair(DA_nonce, digestChallenge.Nonce, true));
            authorization.Append(pair(DA_uri, digestChallenge.Uri, true));

            if (digestChallenge.QopPresent)
                // RAID#47397
                // send only the QualityOfProtection we're using
                // since we support only "auth" that's what we will send out
                if (digestChallenge.Algorithm != null)
                    // consider: should we default to "MD5" here? IE does
                    authorization.Append(pair(DA_algorithm, digestChallenge.Algorithm, true)); // IE sends quotes - IIS needs them
                authorization.Append(pair(DA_cnonce, digestChallenge.ClientNonce, true));
                authorization.Append(pair(DA_nc, digestChallenge.NonceCount.ToString("x8"), false));
                authorization.Append(pair(DA_qop, SupportedQuality, true)); // IE sends quotes - IIS needs them

            // warning: this must be computed here
            string responseValue = HttpDigest.responseValue(digestChallenge, username, password);

            if (responseValue == null)

            authorization.Append(pair(DA_response, responseValue, true)); // IE sends quotes - IIS needs them

            if (digestChallenge.Opaque != null)
                authorization.Append(pair(DA_opaque, digestChallenge.Opaque, true));

            GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() digestChallenge.Stale:" + digestChallenge.Stale.ToString());

            // completion is decided in Update()
            Authorization finalAuthorization = new Authorization(DigestClient.AuthType + " " + authorization.ToString(), false);

Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>
        ///       Binds an authentication response to a request for pre-authentication.
        ///    </para>
        /// </devdoc>
        // Create binding between an authorization response and the module
        // generating that response
        // This association is used for deciding which module to invoke
        // for preauthentication purposes
        public override void BindModule(Uri uri, Authorization response, IAuthenticationModule module)
                "AuthenticationManager::BindModule()|module.CanPreAuthenticate == false");

            if (response.ProtectionRealm != null)
                // The authentication module specified which Uri prefixes
                // will be preauthenticated
                string[] prefix = response.ProtectionRealm;

                for (int k = 0; k < prefix.Length; k++)
                    // PrefixLookup is thread-safe
                    moduleBinding.Add(prefix[k], module.AuthenticationType.ToUpperInvariant());
                // Otherwise use the default policy for "fabricating"
                // some protection realm generalizing the particular Uri
                string prefix = generalize(uri);
                // PrefixLookup is thread-safe
                moduleBinding.Add(prefix, module.AuthenticationType);
Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <include file='doc\AuthenticationManager.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="AuthenticationManager.BindModule"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>
 ///       Binds an authentication response to a request for pre-authentication.
 ///    </para>
 /// </devdoc>
 internal static void BindModule(WebRequest request, Authorization response) {
     createModuleBinding(request, response, response.Module);
Exemplo n.º 21
 internal void ClearAuthReq(HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest) {
     // if we are authenticating and we're being redirected to
     // another authentication space then remove the current
     // authentication header
     GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ClearAuthReq() httpWebRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpWebRequest) + " " + AuthorizationHeader.ToString() + ": " + ValidationHelper.ToString(httpWebRequest.Headers[AuthorizationHeader]));
     TriedPreAuth = false;
     Authorization = null;
     UniqueGroupId = null;
Exemplo n.º 22
        private Authorization XPDoAuthenticate(string challenge, HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest, ICredentials credentials, bool preAuthenticate)
            NTAuthentication securityContext = null;
            string           incomingBlob    = null;
            SecurityStatus   status;

            if (!preAuthenticate)
                int index = AuthenticationManager.FindSubstringNotInQuotes(challenge, Signature);
                if (index < 0)
                securityContext = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.GetSecurityContext(this);
                incomingBlob    = RefineDigestChallenge(challenge, index);
                HttpDigestChallenge challenge2 = challengeCache.Lookup(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.AbsoluteUri) as HttpDigestChallenge;
                if (challenge2 == null)
                challenge2 = challenge2.CopyAndIncrementNonce();
                incomingBlob = challenge2.ToBlob();
            UriComponents uriParts = 0;

            if (httpWebRequest.CurrentMethod.ConnectRequest)
                uriParts = UriComponents.HostAndPort;
            else if (httpWebRequest.UsesProxySemantics)
                uriParts = UriComponents.HttpRequestUrl;
                uriParts = UriComponents.PathAndQuery;
            string parts = httpWebRequest.GetRemoteResourceUri().GetParts(uriParts, UriFormat.UriEscaped);

            if (securityContext == null)
                NetworkCredential credential = credentials.GetCredential(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri, Signature);
                if ((credential == null) || (!(credential is SystemNetworkCredential) && (credential.InternalGetUserName().Length == 0)))
                ICredentialPolicy credentialPolicy = AuthenticationManager.CredentialPolicy;
                if ((credentialPolicy != null) && !credentialPolicy.ShouldSendCredential(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri, httpWebRequest, credential, this))
                string         computeSpn     = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.GetComputeSpn(httpWebRequest);
                ChannelBinding channelBinding = null;
                if (httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.TransportContext != null)
                    channelBinding = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.TransportContext.GetChannelBinding(ChannelBindingKind.Endpoint);
                securityContext = new NTAuthentication("WDigest", credential, computeSpn, httpWebRequest, channelBinding);
                httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.SetSecurityContext(securityContext, this);
            string str4 = securityContext.GetOutgoingDigestBlob(incomingBlob, httpWebRequest.CurrentMethod.Name, parts, null, false, false, out status);

            if (str4 == null)
            Authorization authorization = new Authorization("Digest " + str4, securityContext.IsCompleted, string.Empty, securityContext.IsMutualAuthFlag);

            if (!preAuthenticate && httpWebRequest.PreAuthenticate)
                HttpDigestChallenge challenge3 = HttpDigest.Interpret(incomingBlob, -1, httpWebRequest);
                string[]            strArray   = (challenge3.Domain == null) ? new string[] { httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.GetParts(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.UriEscaped) } : challenge3.Domain.Split(singleSpaceArray);
                authorization.ProtectionRealm = (challenge3.Domain == null) ? null : strArray;
                for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++)
                    challengeCache.Add(strArray[i], challenge3);
        // attempts to authenticate the request:
        // returns true only if it succesfully called into the AuthenticationManager
        // and got back a valid Authorization and succesfully set the appropriate auth headers
        internal bool AttemptAuthenticate(HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest, ICredentials authInfo) {
            // Check for previous authentication attempts or the presence of credentials
            GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() httpWebRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpWebRequest) + " AuthorizationHeader:" + AuthorizationHeader.ToString());

            if (Authorization!=null && Authorization.Complete) {
                GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() Authorization!=null Authorization.Complete:" + Authorization.Complete.ToString());
                if (IsProxyAuth) {
                    GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() ProxyAuth cleaning up auth status");
                return false;

            if (authInfo==null) {
                GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() authInfo==null Authorization#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(Authorization));
                return false;

            string challenge = httpWebRequest.AuthHeader(AuthenticateHeader);

            if (challenge==null) {
                // the server sent no challenge, but this might be the case
                // in which we're succeeding an authorization handshake to
                // a proxy while a handshake with the server is still in progress.
                // if the handshake with the proxy is complete and we actually have
                // a handshake with the server in progress we can send the authorization header for the server as well.
                if (!IsProxyAuth && Authorization!=null && httpWebRequest.ProxyAuthenticationState.Authorization!=null) {
                    httpWebRequest.Headers.Set(AuthorizationHeader, Authorization.Message);
                GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() challenge==null Authorization#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(Authorization));
                return false;

            // if the AuthenticationManager throws on Authenticate,
            // bubble up that Exception to the user
            GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() challenge:" + challenge);

            try {
                Authorization = AuthenticationManager.Authenticate(challenge, httpWebRequest, authInfo);
            catch (Exception exception) {
                Authorization = null;
                GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::PreAuthIfNeeded() PreAuthenticate() returned exception:" + exception.Message);
            catch {
                Authorization = null;
                GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::PreAuthIfNeeded() PreAuthenticate() returned exception: Non-CLS Compliant Exception");

            if (Authorization==null) {
                GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() Authorization==null");
                return false;
            if (Authorization.Message==null) {
                GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() Authorization.Message==null");
                Authorization = null;
                return false;

            UniqueGroupId = Authorization.ConnectionGroupId;
            GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() AuthorizationHeader:" + AuthorizationHeader + " blob: " + Authorization.Message.Length + "bytes Complete:" + Authorization.Complete.ToString());

            try {
                // a "bad" module could try sending bad characters in the HTTP headers.
                // catch the exception from WebHeaderCollection.CheckBadChars()
                // fail the auth process
                // and return the exception to the user as InnerException
                httpWebRequest.Headers.Set(AuthorizationHeader, Authorization.Message);
            catch {
                Authorization = null;

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 24
        // attempts to authenticate the request:
        // returns true only if it succesfully called into the AuthenticationManager
        // and got back a valid Authorization and succesfully set the appropriate auth headers
        internal bool AttemptAuthenticate(HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest, ICredentials authInfo) {
            // Check for previous authentication attempts or the presence of credentials
            GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() httpWebRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpWebRequest) + " AuthorizationHeader:" + AuthorizationHeader.ToString());

            if (Authorization!=null && Authorization.Complete) {
                // here the design gets "dirty".
                // if this is proxy auth, we might have been challenged by an external
                // server as well. in this case we will have to clear our previous proxy
                // auth state before we go any further. this will be broken if the handshake
                // requires more than one dropped connection (which NTLM is a border case for,
                // since it droppes the connection on the 1st challenge but not on the second)
                GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() Authorization!=null Authorization.Complete:" + Authorization.Complete.ToString());
                if (IsProxyAuth) {
                    // so, we got passed a 407 but now we got a 401, the proxy probably
                    // dropped the connection on us so we need to reset our proxy handshake
                    // Consider: this should have been taken care by Update()
                    GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() ProxyAuth cleaning up auth status");
                return false;

            if (authInfo==null) {
                GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() authInfo==null Authorization#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(Authorization));
                return false;

            string challenge = httpWebRequest.AuthHeader(AuthenticateHeader);

            if (challenge==null) {
                // the server sent no challenge, but this might be the case
                // in which we're succeeding an authorization handshake to
                // a proxy while a handshake with the server is still in progress.
                // if the handshake with the proxy is complete and we actually have
                // a handshake with the server in progress we can send the authorization header for the server as well.
                if (!IsProxyAuth && Authorization!=null && httpWebRequest.ProxyAuthenticationState.Authorization!=null) {
                    httpWebRequest.Headers.Set(AuthorizationHeader, Authorization.Message);
                GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() challenge==null Authorization#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(Authorization));
                return false;

            // if the AuthenticationManager throws on Authenticate,
            // bubble up that Exception to the user
            GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() challenge:" + challenge);

            try {
                Authorization = AuthenticationManager.Authenticate(challenge, httpWebRequest, authInfo);
            catch (Exception exception) {
                Authorization = null;
                GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::PreAuthIfNeeded() PreAuthenticate() returned exception:" + exception.Message);

            if (Authorization==null) {
                GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() Authorization==null");
                return false;
            if (Authorization.Message==null) {
                GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() Authorization.Message==null");
                Authorization = null;
                return false;

            UniqueGroupId = Authorization.ConnectionGroupId;
            GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationState#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::AttemptAuthenticate() AuthorizationHeader:" + AuthorizationHeader + " blob: " + Authorization.Message.Length + "bytes Complete:" + Authorization.Complete.ToString());

            try {
                // a "bad" module could try sending bad characters in the HTTP headers.
                // catch the exception from WebHeaderCollection.CheckBadChars()
                // fail the auth process
                // and return the exception to the user as InnerException
                httpWebRequest.Headers.Set(AuthorizationHeader, Authorization.Message);
            catch {
                Authorization = null;

            return true;
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>Call each registered authentication module to determine the first module that
        ///       can respond to the authentication request.</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public static Authorization Authenticate(string challenge, WebRequest request, ICredentials credentials)
            // parameter validation
            if (request == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("request");
            if (credentials == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("credentials");
            if (challenge == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("challenge");

            GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationManager::Authenticate() challenge:[" + challenge + "]");

            Authorization response = null;

            HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = request as HttpWebRequest;

            if (httpWebRequest != null && httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.Module != null)
                response = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.Module.Authenticate(challenge, request, credentials);
                // This is the case where we would try to find the module on the first server challenge
                lock (s_ModuleBinding) {
                    // fastest way of iterating on the ArryList
                    for (int i = 0; i < ModuleList.Count; i++)
                        IAuthenticationModule authenticationModule = (IAuthenticationModule)ModuleList[i];
                        // the AuthenticationModule will
                        // 1) return a valid string on success
                        // 2) return null if it knows it cannot respond
                        // 3) throw if it could have responded but unexpectedly failed to do so
                        if (httpWebRequest != null)
                            httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.Module = authenticationModule;
                        response = authenticationModule.Authenticate(challenge, request, credentials);

                        if (response != null)
                            // found the Authentication Module, return it
                            GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationManager::Authenticate() found IAuthenticationModule:[" + authenticationModule.AuthenticationType + "]");

 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>
 ///       Binds an authentication response to a request for pre-authentication.
 ///    </para>
 /// </devdoc>
 // Create binding between an authorization response and the module
 // generating that response
 // This association is used for deciding which module to invoke
 // for preauthentication purposes
 internal static void BindModule(Uri uri, Authorization response, IAuthenticationModule module) 
     Instance.BindModule(uri, response, module);
Exemplo n.º 27
 /// <include file='doc\AuthenticationManager.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="AuthenticationManager.BindModule"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>
 ///       Binds an authentication response to a request for pre-authentication.
 ///    </para>
 /// </devdoc>
 internal static void BindModule(WebRequest request, Authorization response)
     createModuleBinding(request, response, response.Module);