Exemplo n.º 1
        } // GenerateNewPathsWithGlobLeaf

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the child names in the specified path by using the provider
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dir">
        /// The path of the directory to get the child names from. If this is an Msh Path,
        /// dirIsProviderPath must be false, If this is a provider-internal path,
        /// dirIsProviderPath must be true.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="leafElement">
        /// The element that we are ultimately looking for. Used to set filters on the context
        /// if desired.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="getAllContainers">
        /// Determines if the GetChildNames call should get all containers even if they don't
        /// match the filter.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="context">
        /// The context to be used for the command. The context is copied to a new context, the
        /// results are accumulated and then returned.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dirIsProviderPath">
        /// Specifies whether the dir parameter is a provider-internal path (true) or Msh Path (false).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="drive">
        /// The drive to use to qualify the Msh path if dirIsProviderPath is false.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="provider">
        /// The provider to use to get the child names.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="modifiedDirPath">
        /// Returns the modified dir path. If dirIsProviderPath is true, this is the unescaped dir path.
        /// If dirIsProviderPath is false, this is the unescaped resolved provider path.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A collection of PSObjects whose BaseObject is a string that contains the name of the child.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// If <paramref name="dir"/> or <paramref name="drive"/> is null.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ProviderNotFoundException">
        /// If the path is a provider-qualified path for a provider that is
        /// not loaded into the system.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="DriveNotFoundException">
        /// If the <paramref name="path"/> refers to a drive that could not be found.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ProviderInvocationException">
        /// If the provider used to build the path threw an exception.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">
        /// If the provider that the <paramref name="path"/> represents is not a NavigationCmdletProvider
        /// or ContainerCmdletProvider.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">
        /// If the <paramref name="path"/> starts with "~" and the home location is not set for 
        /// the provider.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ProviderInvocationException">
        /// If the provider associated with the <paramref name="path"/> threw an
        /// exception when its GetParentPath or MakePath was called while
        /// processing the <paramref name="path"/>.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="PipelineStoppedException">
        /// If <paramref name="context"/> has been signaled for
        /// StopProcessing.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception>
        /// Any exception can be thrown by the provider that is called to build
        /// the provider path.
        /// </exception>
        private Collection<PSObject> GetChildNamesInDir(
            string dir,
            string leafElement,
            bool getAllContainers,
            CmdletProviderContext context,
            bool dirIsProviderPath,
            PSDriveInfo drive,
            ContainerCmdletProvider provider,
            out string modifiedDirPath)
            // See if the provider wants to convert the path and filter
            string convertedPath = null;
            string convertedFilter = null;
            string originalFilter = context.Filter;
            bool changedPathOrFilter = provider.ConvertPath(leafElement, context.Filter, ref convertedPath, ref convertedFilter, context);

            if (changedPathOrFilter)
                if (s_tracer.IsEnabled)
                    s_tracer.WriteLine("Provider converted path and filter.");
                    s_tracer.WriteLine("Original path: {0}", leafElement);
                    s_tracer.WriteLine("Converted path: {0}", convertedPath);
                    s_tracer.WriteLine("Original filter: {0}", context.Filter);
                    s_tracer.WriteLine("Converted filter: {0}", convertedFilter);

                leafElement = convertedPath;
                context.Filter = convertedFilter;

            ReturnContainers returnContainers = ReturnContainers.ReturnAllContainers;
            if (!getAllContainers)
                returnContainers = ReturnContainers.ReturnMatchingContainers;

            CmdletProviderContext getChildNamesContext =
                new CmdletProviderContext(context);

            // Remove the include/exclude filters from the new context
                new Collection<string>(),
                new Collection<string>(),

                // Use the provider to get the children
                string unescapedDir = null;
                modifiedDirPath = null;

                if (dirIsProviderPath)
                    modifiedDirPath = unescapedDir = context.SuppressWildcardExpansion ? dir : RemoveGlobEscaping(dir);
                        drive != null,
                        "Caller should verify that drive is not null when dirIsProviderPath is false");

                    // If the directory is an MSH path we must resolve it before calling GetChildNames()
                    // -- If the path is passed in by LiteralPath (context.SuppressWildcardExpansion == false), we surely should use 'dir' unchanged.
                    // -- If the path is passed in by Path (context.SuppressWildcardExpansion == true), we still should use 'dir' unchanged, in case that the special character
                    //    in 'dir' is escaped
                    modifiedDirPath = GetMshQualifiedPath(dir, drive);

                    ProviderInfo providerIgnored = null;
                    CmdletProvider providerInstanceIgnored = null;
                    Collection<string> resolvedPaths =
                            out providerIgnored,
                            out providerInstanceIgnored);

                    // After resolving the path, we unescape the modifiedDirPath if necessary.
                    modifiedDirPath = context.SuppressWildcardExpansion
                                          ? modifiedDirPath
                                          : RemoveGlobEscaping(modifiedDirPath);
                    if (resolvedPaths.Count > 0)
                        unescapedDir = resolvedPaths[0];
                        // If there were no results from globbing but no
                        // exception was thrown, that means there was filtering.
                        // So return an empty collection and let the caller deal
                        // with it.

                        if (changedPathOrFilter)
                            context.Filter = originalFilter;

                        return new Collection<PSObject>();

                if (provider.HasChildItems(unescapedDir, getChildNamesContext))

                // First check to see if there were any errors, and write them
                // to the real context if there are.

                if (getChildNamesContext.HasErrors())
                    Collection<ErrorRecord> errors = getChildNamesContext.GetAccumulatedErrorObjects();

                    if (errors != null &&
                        errors.Count > 0)
                        foreach (ErrorRecord errorRecord in errors)

                Collection<PSObject> childNamesObjectArray = getChildNamesContext.GetAccumulatedObjects();

                if (changedPathOrFilter)
                    context.Filter = originalFilter;

                return childNamesObjectArray;
        } // GetChildNamesInDir
Exemplo n.º 2
 private Collection<PSObject> GetChildNamesInDir(string dir, string leafElement, bool getAllContainers, CmdletProviderContext context, bool dirIsProviderPath, PSDriveInfo drive, ContainerCmdletProvider provider, out string modifiedDirPath)
     string updatedPath = null;
     string updatedFilter = null;
     Collection<PSObject> collection4;
     string filter = context.Filter;
     bool flag = provider.ConvertPath(leafElement, context.Filter, ref updatedPath, ref updatedFilter, context);
     if (flag)
         tracer.WriteLine("Provider converted path and filter.", new object[0]);
         tracer.WriteLine("Original path: " + leafElement, new object[0]);
         tracer.WriteLine("Converted path: " + updatedPath, new object[0]);
         tracer.WriteLine("Original filter: " + context.Filter, new object[0]);
         tracer.WriteLine("Converted filter: " + updatedFilter, new object[0]);
         leafElement = updatedPath;
         context.Filter = updatedFilter;
     ReturnContainers returnAllContainers = ReturnContainers.ReturnAllContainers;
     if (!getAllContainers)
         returnAllContainers = ReturnContainers.ReturnMatchingContainers;
     CmdletProviderContext context2 = new CmdletProviderContext(context);
     context2.SetFilters(new Collection<string>(), new Collection<string>(), context.Filter);
         string path = null;
         modifiedDirPath = null;
         if (dirIsProviderPath)
             modifiedDirPath = path = context.SuppressWildcardExpansion ? dir : RemoveGlobEscaping(dir);
             modifiedDirPath = GetMshQualifiedPath(dir, drive);
             ProviderInfo info = null;
             CmdletProvider providerInstance = null;
             Collection<string> collection = this.GetGlobbedProviderPathsFromMonadPath(modifiedDirPath, false, context2, out info, out providerInstance);
             modifiedDirPath = context.SuppressWildcardExpansion ? modifiedDirPath : RemoveGlobEscaping(modifiedDirPath);
             if (collection.Count > 0)
                 path = collection[0];
                 if (flag)
                     context.Filter = filter;
                 return new Collection<PSObject>();
         if (provider.HasChildItems(path, context2))
             provider.GetChildNames(path, returnAllContainers, context2);
         if (context2.HasErrors())
             Collection<ErrorRecord> accumulatedErrorObjects = context2.GetAccumulatedErrorObjects();
             if ((accumulatedErrorObjects != null) && (accumulatedErrorObjects.Count > 0))
                 foreach (ErrorRecord record in accumulatedErrorObjects)
         Collection<PSObject> accumulatedObjects = context2.GetAccumulatedObjects();
         if (flag)
             context.Filter = filter;
         collection4 = accumulatedObjects;
     return collection4;
 internal List<string> GetValidChildNames(ContainerCmdletProvider provider, string providerPath, ReturnContainers returnContainers, ProviderRuntime runtime)
     var subRuntime = new ProviderRuntime(runtime);
     subRuntime.PassThru = false; // so we can catch the results
     provider.GetChildNames(providerPath, returnContainers, subRuntime);
     var results = subRuntime.ThrowFirstErrorOrReturnResults();
     return (from c in results
         where c.BaseObject is string
         select ((string)c.BaseObject)).ToList();