Exemplo n.º 1
        kevent[] CreateChangeList(ref List <int> FdList)
            if (FdList.Count == 0)

            var changes = new List <kevent> ();

            foreach (int fd in FdList)
                var change = new kevent {
                    ident  = (UIntPtr)fd,
                    filter = EventFilter.Vnode,
                    flags  = EventFlags.Add | EventFlags.Enable | EventFlags.Clear,
                    fflags = FilterFlags.VNodeDelete | FilterFlags.VNodeExtend |
                             FilterFlags.VNodeRename | FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib |
                             FilterFlags.VNodeLink | FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke |
                    data  = IntPtr.Zero,
                    udata = IntPtr.Zero


Exemplo n.º 2
		void Setup ()
			var initialFds = new List<int> ();

			// fsw.FullPath may end in '/', see https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5747
			if (fsw.FullPath != "/" && fsw.FullPath.EndsWith ("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
				fullPathNoLastSlash = fsw.FullPath.Substring (0, fsw.FullPath.Length - 1);
				fullPathNoLastSlash = fsw.FullPath;
			// GetFilenameFromFd() returns the *realpath* which can be different than fsw.FullPath because symlinks.
			// If so, introduce a fixup step.
			int fd = open (fullPathNoLastSlash, O_EVTONLY, 0);
			var resolvedFullPath = GetFilenameFromFd (fd);
			close (fd);

			if (resolvedFullPath != fullPathNoLastSlash)
				fixupPath = resolvedFullPath;
				fixupPath = null;

			Scan (fullPathNoLastSlash, false, ref initialFds);

			var immediate_timeout = new timespec { tv_sec = (IntPtr)0, tv_usec = (IntPtr)0 };
			var eventBuffer = new kevent[0]; // we don't want to take any events from the queue at this point
			var changes = CreateChangeList (ref initialFds);

			int numEvents = kevent (conn, changes, changes.Length, eventBuffer, eventBuffer.Length, ref immediate_timeout);

			if (numEvents == -1) {
				var errMsg = String.Format ("kevent() error at initial event registration, error code = '{0}'", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ());
				throw new IOException (errMsg);
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void Monitor()
     while (!KeventWatcher.stop)
         kevent ev = default(kevent);
         ev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
         kevent kevent = default(kevent);
         kevent.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
         timespec timespec = default(timespec);
         timespec.tv_sec  = 0;
         timespec.tv_usec = 0;
         int num;
         lock (this)
             num = KeventWatcher.kevent(KeventWatcher.conn, ref kevent, 0, ref ev, 1, ref timespec);
         if (num > 0)
             KeventData data = (KeventData)KeventWatcher.requests[ev.ident];
     lock (this)
         KeventWatcher.thread = null;
         KeventWatcher.stop   = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
        void Monitor()
            while (!stop)
                kevent ev = new kevent();
                ev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
                kevent nullev = new kevent();
                nullev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
                timespec ts = new timespec();
                ts.tv_sec  = 0;
                ts.tv_usec = 0;
                int haveEvents;
                lock (this) {
                    haveEvents = kevent(conn, ref nullev, 0, ref ev, 1, ref ts);

                if (haveEvents > 0)
                    // Restart monitoring
                    KeventData data = (KeventData)requests [ev.ident];

            lock (this) {
                thread = null;
                stop   = false;
Exemplo n.º 5
 private void Monitor()
     while (!stop)
         kevent evtlist = default(kevent);
         evtlist.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
         kevent ev = default(kevent);
         ev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
         timespec ts = default(timespec);
         ts.tv_sec  = 0;
         ts.tv_usec = 0;
         int num;
         lock (this)
             num = kevent(conn, ref ev, 0, ref evtlist, 1, ref ts);
         if (num > 0)
             KeventData data = (KeventData)requests[evtlist.ident];
     lock (this)
         thread = null;
         stop   = false;
Exemplo n.º 6
        void Setup()
            var initialFds = new List <int> ();

            // fsw.FullPath may end in '/', see https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5747
            if (fsw.FullPath != "/" && fsw.FullPath.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                fullPathNoLastSlash = fsw.FullPath.Substring(0, fsw.FullPath.Length - 1);
                fullPathNoLastSlash = fsw.FullPath;

            // realpath() returns the *realpath* which can be different than fsw.FullPath because symlinks.
            // If so, introduce a fixup step.
            var sb = new StringBuilder(__DARWIN_MAXPATHLEN);

            if (realpath(fsw.FullPath, sb) == IntPtr.Zero)
                var errMsg = String.Format("realpath({0}) failed, error code = '{1}'", fsw.FullPath, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
                throw new IOException(errMsg);
            var resolvedFullPath = sb.ToString();

            if (resolvedFullPath != fullPathNoLastSlash)
                fixupPath = resolvedFullPath;
                fixupPath = null;

            Scan(fullPathNoLastSlash, false, ref initialFds);

            var immediate_timeout = new timespec {
                tv_sec = (IntPtr)0, tv_nsec = (IntPtr)0
            var eventBuffer = new kevent[0];             // we don't want to take any events from the queue at this point
            var changes     = CreateChangeList(ref initialFds);

            int numEvents;
            int errno = 0;

                numEvents = kevent(conn, changes, changes.Length, eventBuffer, eventBuffer.Length, ref immediate_timeout);
                if (numEvents == -1)
                    errno = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
            } while (numEvents == -1 && errno == EINTR);

            if (numEvents == -1)
                var errMsg = String.Format("kevent() error at initial event registration, error code = '{0}'", errno);
                throw new IOException(errMsg);
Exemplo n.º 7
        static void StartMonitoringDirectory(KeventData data)
            DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(data.Directory);

            if (data.DirEntries == null)
                data.DirEntries = new Hashtable();
                foreach (FileSystemInfo fsi in dir.GetFileSystemInfos())
                    data.DirEntries.Add(fsi.FullName, new KeventFileData(fsi, fsi.LastAccessTime, fsi.LastWriteTime));

            int    fd = open(data.Directory, 0, 0);
            kevent ev = new kevent();

            ev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
            timespec nullts = new timespec();

            nullts.tv_sec  = 0;
            nullts.tv_usec = 0;
            if (fd > 0)
                ev.ident  = fd;
                ev.filter = EventFilter.Vnode;
                ev.flags  = EventFlags.Add | EventFlags.Enable | EventFlags.OneShot;
                ev.fflags =                 // 20 | 2 | 1 | 8;
                            FilterFlags.VNodeDelete |
                            FilterFlags.VNodeWrite |
                            FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib |
                            // The following two values are the equivalent of the original value "20", but we suspect the original author meant
                            // 0x20, we will review later with some test cases
                            FilterFlags.VNodeLink |
                ev.data  = 0;
                ev.udata = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto(data.Directory);
                kevent outev = new kevent();
                outev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
                kevent(conn, ref ev, 1, ref outev, 0, ref nullts);
                data.ev       = ev;
                requests [fd] = data;

            if (!data.IncludeSubdirs)
Exemplo n.º 8
        static void StartMonitoringDirectory(KeventData data)
            DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(data.Directory);

            if (data.DirEntries == null)
                data.DirEntries = new Hashtable();
                foreach (FileSystemInfo fsi in dir.GetFileSystemInfos())
                    data.DirEntries.Add(fsi.FullName, new KeventFileData(fsi, fsi.LastAccessTime, fsi.LastWriteTime));

            int    fd = open(data.Directory, 0, 0);
            kevent ev = new kevent();

            ev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
            timespec nullts = new timespec();

            nullts.tv_sec  = 0;
            nullts.tv_usec = 0;
            if (fd > 0)
                ev.ident  = fd;
                ev.filter = -4;
                ev.flags  = 1 | 4 | 20;
                ev.fflags = 20 | 2 | 1 | 8;
                ev.data   = 0;
                ev.udata  = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto(data.Directory);
                kevent outev = new kevent();
                outev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
                kevent(conn, ref ev, 1, ref outev, 0, ref nullts);
                data.ev       = ev;
                requests [fd] = data;

            if (!data.IncludeSubdirs)
Exemplo n.º 9
        private static void StartMonitoringDirectory(KeventData data)
            DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(data.Directory);

            if (data.DirEntries == null)
                data.DirEntries = new Hashtable();
                FileSystemInfo[] fileSystemInfos = directoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos();
                foreach (FileSystemInfo fileSystemInfo in fileSystemInfos)
                    data.DirEntries.Add(fileSystemInfo.FullName, new KeventFileData(fileSystemInfo, fileSystemInfo.LastAccessTime, fileSystemInfo.LastWriteTime));
            int    num = open(data.Directory, 0, 0);
            kevent ev  = default(kevent);

            ev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
            timespec ts = default(timespec);

            ts.tv_sec  = 0;
            ts.tv_usec = 0;
            if (num > 0)
                ev.ident  = num;
                ev.filter = -4;
                ev.flags  = 21;
                ev.fflags = 31u;
                ev.data   = 0;
                ev.udata  = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto(data.Directory);
                kevent evtlist = default(kevent);
                evtlist.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
                kevent(conn, ref ev, 1, ref evtlist, 0, ref ts);
                data.ev       = ev;
                requests[num] = data;
            if (data.IncludeSubdirs)
Exemplo n.º 10
        void Setup()
            var initialFds = new List <int> ();

            // GetFilenameFromFd() returns the *realpath* which can be different than fsw.FullPath because symlinks.
            // If so, introduce a fixup step.
            int fd = open(fsw.FullPath, O_EVTONLY, 0);
            var resolvedFullPath = GetFilenameFromFd(fd);


            if (resolvedFullPath != fsw.FullPath)
                fixupPath = resolvedFullPath;
                fixupPath = null;

            Scan(fsw.FullPath, false, ref initialFds);

            var immediate_timeout = new timespec {
                tv_sec = (IntPtr)0, tv_usec = (IntPtr)0
            var eventBuffer = new kevent[0];             // we don't want to take any events from the queue at this point
            var changes     = CreateChangeList(ref initialFds);

            int numEvents = kevent(conn, changes, changes.Length, eventBuffer, eventBuffer.Length, ref immediate_timeout);

            if (numEvents == -1)
                var errMsg = String.Format("kevent() error at initial event registration, error code = '{0}'", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
                throw new IOException(errMsg);
Exemplo n.º 11
		static void StartMonitoringDirectory (KeventData data)
			DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo (data.Directory);
			if(data.DirEntries == null) {
				data.DirEntries = new Hashtable();
				foreach (FileSystemInfo fsi in dir.GetFileSystemInfos() ) 
					data.DirEntries.Add(fsi.FullName, new KeventFileData(fsi, fsi.LastAccessTime, fsi.LastWriteTime));

			int fd = open(data.Directory, 0, 0);
			kevent ev = new kevent();
			ev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
			timespec nullts = new timespec();
			nullts.tv_sec = 0;
			nullts.tv_usec = 0;
			if (fd > 0) {
				ev.ident = fd;
				ev.filter = -4;
				ev.flags = 1 | 4 | 20;
				ev.fflags = 20 | 2 | 1 | 8;
				ev.data = 0;
				ev.udata = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto (data.Directory);
				kevent outev = new kevent();
				outev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
				kevent (conn, ref ev, 1, ref outev, 0, ref nullts);
				data.ev = ev;
				requests [fd] = data;
			if (!data.IncludeSubdirs)

Exemplo n.º 12
        void Monitor()
            var timeout = new timespec {
                tv_sec = (IntPtr)0, tv_usec = (IntPtr)500000000
            var             eventBuffer = new kevent[32];
            var             newFds      = new List <int> ();
            List <PathData> removeQueue = new List <PathData> ();
            List <string>   rescanQueue = new List <string> ();

            while (!requestStop)
                var changes = CreateChangeList(ref newFds);

                int numEvents = kevent(conn, changes, changes.Length, eventBuffer, eventBuffer.Length, ref timeout);

                if (numEvents == -1)
                    var errMsg = String.Format("kevent() error, error code = '{0}'", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
                    fsw.OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(new IOException(errMsg)));

                if (numEvents == 0)

                for (var i = 0; i < numEvents; i++)
                    var kevt     = eventBuffer [i];
                    var pathData = fdsDict [(int)kevt.ident];

                    if ((kevt.flags & EventFlags.Error) == EventFlags.Error)
                        var errMsg = String.Format("kevent() error watching path '{0}', error code = '{1}'", pathData.Path, kevt.data);
                        fsw.OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(new IOException(errMsg)));

                    if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeDelete) == FilterFlags.VNodeDelete || (kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke) == FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke)

                    else if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeWrite) == FilterFlags.VNodeWrite)
                        if (pathData.IsDirectory)
                            PostEvent(FileAction.Modified, pathData.Path);

                    else if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeRename) == FilterFlags.VNodeRename)
                        var newFilename = GetFilenameFromFd(pathData.Fd);

                        if (newFilename.StartsWith(fsw.FullPath))
                            Rename(pathData, newFilename);
                        else                         //moved outside of our watched dir so stop watching

                    else if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib) == FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib || (kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeExtend) == FilterFlags.VNodeExtend)
                        PostEvent(FileAction.Modified, pathData.Path);


                rescanQueue.ForEach(path => {
                    Scan(path, true, ref newFds);
Exemplo n.º 13
		void Monitor ()
			var eventBuffer = new kevent[32];
			var newFds = new List<int> ();
			List<PathData> removeQueue = new List<PathData> ();
			List<string> rescanQueue = new List<string> ();

			int retries = 0; 

			while (!requestStop) {
				var changes = CreateChangeList (ref newFds);

				// We are calling an icall, so have to marshal manually
				// Marshal in
				int ksize = Marshal.SizeOf<kevent> ();
				var changesNative = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (ksize * changes.Length);
				for (int i = 0; i < changes.Length; ++i)
					Marshal.StructureToPtr (changes [i], changesNative + (i * ksize), false);
				var eventBufferNative = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (ksize * eventBuffer.Length);

				int numEvents = kevent_notimeout (ref conn, changesNative, changes.Length, eventBufferNative, eventBuffer.Length);

				// Marshal out
				Marshal.FreeHGlobal (changesNative);
				for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; ++i)
					eventBuffer [i] = Marshal.PtrToStructure<kevent> (eventBufferNative + (i * ksize));
				Marshal.FreeHGlobal (eventBufferNative);

				if (numEvents == -1) {
					// Stop () signals us to stop by closing the connection
					if (requestStop)
					if (++retries == 3)
						throw new IOException (String.Format (
							"persistent kevent() error, error code = '{0}'", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ()));

				retries = 0;

				for (var i = 0; i < numEvents; i++) {
					var kevt = eventBuffer [i];

					if (!fdsDict.ContainsKey ((int)kevt.ident))
						// The event is for a file that was removed

					var pathData = fdsDict [(int)kevt.ident];

					if ((kevt.flags & EventFlags.Error) == EventFlags.Error) {
						var errMsg = String.Format ("kevent() error watching path '{0}', error code = '{1}'", pathData.Path, kevt.data);
						fsw.DispatchErrorEvents (new ErrorEventArgs (new IOException (errMsg)));
					if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeDelete) == FilterFlags.VNodeDelete || (kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke) == FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke) {
						if (pathData.Path == fullPathNoLastSlash)
							// The root path is deleted; exit silently
						removeQueue.Add (pathData);

					if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeRename) == FilterFlags.VNodeRename) {
							UpdatePath (pathData);

					if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeWrite) == FilterFlags.VNodeWrite) {
						if (pathData.IsDirectory) //TODO: Check if dirs trigger Changed events on .NET
							rescanQueue.Add (pathData.Path);
							PostEvent (FileAction.Modified, pathData.Path);
					if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib) == FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib || (kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeExtend) == FilterFlags.VNodeExtend)
						PostEvent (FileAction.Modified, pathData.Path);

				removeQueue.ForEach (Remove);
				removeQueue.Clear ();

				rescanQueue.ForEach (path => {
					Scan (path, true, ref newFds);
				rescanQueue.Clear ();
Exemplo n.º 14
		kevent[] CreateChangeList (ref List<int> FdList)
			if (FdList.Count == 0)
				return emptyEventList;

			var changes = new List<kevent> ();
			foreach (int fd in FdList) {
				var change = new kevent {

					ident = (UIntPtr)fd,
					filter = EventFilter.Vnode,
					flags = EventFlags.Add | EventFlags.Enable | EventFlags.Clear,
					fflags = FilterFlags.VNodeDelete | FilterFlags.VNodeExtend |
						FilterFlags.VNodeRename | FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib |
						FilterFlags.VNodeLink | FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke |
					data = IntPtr.Zero,
					udata = IntPtr.Zero

				changes.Add (change);
			FdList.Clear ();

			return changes.ToArray ();
Exemplo n.º 15
		void Setup ()
			var initialFds = new List<int> ();

			// fsw.FullPath may end in '/', see https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5747
			if (fsw.FullPath != "/" && fsw.FullPath.EndsWith ("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
				fullPathNoLastSlash = fsw.FullPath.Substring (0, fsw.FullPath.Length - 1);
				fullPathNoLastSlash = fsw.FullPath;
			// GetFilenameFromFd() returns the *realpath* which can be different than fsw.FullPath because symlinks.
			// If so, introduce a fixup step.
			int fd = open (fullPathNoLastSlash, O_EVTONLY, 0);
			var resolvedFullPath = GetFilenameFromFd (fd);
			close (fd);

			if (resolvedFullPath != fullPathNoLastSlash)
				fixupPath = resolvedFullPath;
				fixupPath = null;

			Scan (fullPathNoLastSlash, false, ref initialFds);

			var immediate_timeout = new timespec { tv_sec = (IntPtr)0, tv_nsec = (IntPtr)0 };
			var eventBuffer = new kevent[0]; // we don't want to take any events from the queue at this point
			var changes = CreateChangeList (ref initialFds);

			int numEvents = kevent (conn, changes, changes.Length, eventBuffer, eventBuffer.Length, ref immediate_timeout);

			if (numEvents == -1) {
				var errMsg = String.Format ("kevent() error at initial event registration, error code = '{0}'", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ());
				throw new IOException (errMsg);
Exemplo n.º 16
		void Monitor ()
			var timeout = new timespec { tv_sec = (IntPtr)0, tv_usec = (IntPtr)500000000 };
			var eventBuffer = new kevent[32];
			var newFds = new List<int> ();
			List<PathData> removeQueue = new List<PathData> ();
			List<string> rescanQueue = new List<string> ();

			int retries = 0; 

			while (!requestStop) {
				var changes = CreateChangeList (ref newFds);

				int numEvents = kevent (conn, changes, changes.Length, eventBuffer, eventBuffer.Length, ref timeout);

				if (numEvents == -1) {
					if (++retries == 3)
						throw new IOException (String.Format (
							"persistent kevent() error, error code = '{0}'", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ()));


				retries = 0;

				for (var i = 0; i < numEvents; i++) {
					var kevt = eventBuffer [i];
					var pathData = fdsDict [(int)kevt.ident];

					if ((kevt.flags & EventFlags.Error) == EventFlags.Error) {
						var errMsg = String.Format ("kevent() error watching path '{0}', error code = '{1}'", pathData.Path, kevt.data);
						fsw.DispatchErrorEvents (new ErrorEventArgs (new IOException (errMsg)));
					if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeDelete) == FilterFlags.VNodeDelete || (kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke) == FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke) {
						removeQueue.Add (pathData);

					if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeRename) == FilterFlags.VNodeRename) {
							UpdatePath (pathData);

					if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeWrite) == FilterFlags.VNodeWrite) {
						if (pathData.IsDirectory) //TODO: Check if dirs trigger Changed events on .NET
							rescanQueue.Add (pathData.Path);
							PostEvent (FileAction.Modified, pathData.Path);
					if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib) == FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib || (kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeExtend) == FilterFlags.VNodeExtend)
						PostEvent (FileAction.Modified, pathData.Path);

				removeQueue.ForEach (Remove);
				removeQueue.Clear ();

				rescanQueue.ForEach (path => {
					Scan (path, true, ref newFds);
				rescanQueue.Clear ();
Exemplo n.º 17
        void Monitor()
            var timeout = new timespec {
                tv_sec = (IntPtr)0, tv_usec = (IntPtr)500000000
            var             eventBuffer = new kevent[32];
            var             newFds      = new List <int> ();
            List <PathData> removeQueue = new List <PathData> ();
            List <string>   rescanQueue = new List <string> ();

            int retries = 0;

            while (!requestStop)
                var changes = CreateChangeList(ref newFds);

                int numEvents = kevent(conn, changes, changes.Length, eventBuffer, eventBuffer.Length, ref timeout);

                if (numEvents == -1)
                    if (++retries == 3)
                        throw new IOException(String.Format(
                                                  "persistent kevent() error, error code = '{0}'", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));


                retries = 0;

                for (var i = 0; i < numEvents; i++)
                    var kevt     = eventBuffer [i];
                    var pathData = fdsDict [(int)kevt.ident];

                    if ((kevt.flags & EventFlags.Error) == EventFlags.Error)
                        var errMsg = String.Format("kevent() error watching path '{0}', error code = '{1}'", pathData.Path, kevt.data);
                        fsw.DispatchErrorEvents(new ErrorEventArgs(new IOException(errMsg)));

                    if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeDelete) == FilterFlags.VNodeDelete || (kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke) == FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke)

                    if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeRename) == FilterFlags.VNodeRename)

                    if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeWrite) == FilterFlags.VNodeWrite)
                        if (pathData.IsDirectory)                         //TODO: Check if dirs trigger Changed events on .NET
                            PostEvent(FileAction.Modified, pathData.Path);

                    if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib) == FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib || (kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeExtend) == FilterFlags.VNodeExtend)
                        PostEvent(FileAction.Modified, pathData.Path);


                rescanQueue.ForEach(path => {
                    Scan(path, true, ref newFds);
Exemplo n.º 18
 private void ProcessEvent(kevent ev)
     lock (this)
         KeventData keventData = (KeventData)KeventWatcher.requests[ev.ident];
         if (keventData.Enabled)
             string            text          = string.Empty;
             FileSystemWatcher fsw           = keventData.FSW;
             DirectoryInfo     directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(keventData.Directory);
             FileSystemInfo    changedFsi    = null;
                 foreach (FileSystemInfo fileSystemInfo in directoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos())
                     if (keventData.DirEntries.ContainsKey(fileSystemInfo.FullName) && fileSystemInfo is FileInfo)
                         KeventFileData keventFileData = (KeventFileData)keventData.DirEntries[fileSystemInfo.FullName];
                         if (keventFileData.LastWriteTime != fileSystemInfo.LastWriteTime)
                             text = fileSystemInfo.Name;
                             FileAction fa = FileAction.Modified;
                             keventData.DirEntries[fileSystemInfo.FullName] = new KeventFileData(fileSystemInfo, fileSystemInfo.LastAccessTime, fileSystemInfo.LastWriteTime);
                             if (fsw.IncludeSubdirectories && fileSystemInfo is DirectoryInfo)
                                 keventData.Directory             = text;
                                 KeventWatcher.requests[ev.ident] = keventData;
                             this.PostEvent(text, fsw, fa, changedFsi);
             catch (Exception)
                 bool flag = true;
                 while (flag)
                     foreach (object obj in keventData.DirEntries.Values)
                         KeventFileData keventFileData2 = (KeventFileData)obj;
                         if (!File.Exists(keventFileData2.fsi.FullName) && !Directory.Exists(keventFileData2.fsi.FullName))
                             text = keventFileData2.fsi.Name;
                             FileAction fa = FileAction.Removed;
                             this.PostEvent(text, fsw, fa, changedFsi);
                     flag = false;
             catch (Exception)
                 foreach (FileSystemInfo fileSystemInfo2 in directoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos())
                     if (!keventData.DirEntries.ContainsKey(fileSystemInfo2.FullName))
                         changedFsi = fileSystemInfo2;
                         text       = fileSystemInfo2.Name;
                         FileAction fa = FileAction.Added;
                         keventData.DirEntries[fileSystemInfo2.FullName] = new KeventFileData(fileSystemInfo2, fileSystemInfo2.LastAccessTime, fileSystemInfo2.LastWriteTime);
                         this.PostEvent(text, fsw, fa, changedFsi);
             catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 19
        void ProcessEvent(kevent ev)
            lock (this)
                KeventData data = (KeventData)requests [ev.ident];
                if (!data.Enabled)

                FileSystemWatcher fsw;
                string            filename = "";

                fsw = data.FSW;
                FileAction     fa         = 0;
                DirectoryInfo  dir        = new DirectoryInfo(data.Directory);
                FileSystemInfo changedFsi = null;

                    foreach (FileSystemInfo fsi in dir.GetFileSystemInfos())
                        if (data.DirEntries.ContainsKey(fsi.FullName) && (fsi is FileInfo))
                            KeventFileData entry = (KeventFileData)data.DirEntries [fsi.FullName];
                            if (entry.LastWriteTime != fsi.LastWriteTime)
                                filename = fsi.Name;
                                fa       = FileAction.Modified;
                                data.DirEntries [fsi.FullName] = new KeventFileData(fsi, fsi.LastAccessTime, fsi.LastWriteTime);
                                if (fsw.IncludeSubdirectories && fsi is DirectoryInfo)
                                    data.Directory      = filename;
                                    requests [ev.ident] = data;
                                PostEvent(filename, fsw, fa, changedFsi);
                catch (Exception)
                    // The file system infos were changed while we processed them
                // Deleted
                    bool deleteMatched = true;
                    while (deleteMatched)
                        foreach (KeventFileData entry in data.DirEntries.Values)
                            if (!File.Exists(entry.fsi.FullName) && !Directory.Exists(entry.fsi.FullName))
                                filename = entry.fsi.Name;
                                fa       = FileAction.Removed;
                                PostEvent(filename, fsw, fa, changedFsi);
                        deleteMatched = false;
                catch (Exception)
                    // The file system infos were changed while we processed them
                // Added
                    foreach (FileSystemInfo fsi in dir.GetFileSystemInfos())
                        if (!data.DirEntries.ContainsKey(fsi.FullName))
                            changedFsi = fsi;
                            filename   = fsi.Name;
                            fa         = FileAction.Added;
                            data.DirEntries [fsi.FullName] = new KeventFileData(fsi, fsi.LastAccessTime, fsi.LastWriteTime);
                            PostEvent(filename, fsw, fa, changedFsi);
                catch (Exception)
                    // The file system infos were changed while we processed them
Exemplo n.º 20
		extern static int kevent(int kqueue, ref kevent ev, int nchanges, ref kevent evtlist,  int nevents, ref timespec ts);
Exemplo n.º 21
		void Monitor ()
			while (!stop) {
				kevent ev = new kevent();
				ev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
				kevent nullev = new kevent();
				nullev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
				timespec ts = new timespec();
				ts.tv_sec = 0;
				ts.tv_usec = 0;
				int haveEvents;
				lock (this) {
					haveEvents = kevent (conn, ref nullev, 0, ref ev, 1, ref ts);

				if (haveEvents > 0) {
					// Restart monitoring
					KeventData data = (KeventData) requests [ev.ident];
					StopMonitoringDirectory (data);
					StartMonitoringDirectory (data);
					ProcessEvent (ev);
				} else {
					System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (500);

			lock (this) {
				thread = null;
				stop = false;
Exemplo n.º 22
		static void StartMonitoringDirectory (KeventData data)
			DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo (data.Directory);
			if(data.DirEntries == null) {
				data.DirEntries = new Hashtable();
				foreach (FileSystemInfo fsi in dir.GetFileSystemInfos() ) 
					data.DirEntries.Add(fsi.FullName, new KeventFileData(fsi, fsi.LastAccessTime, fsi.LastWriteTime));

			int fd = open(data.Directory, 0, 0);
			kevent ev = new kevent();
			ev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
			timespec nullts = new timespec();
			nullts.tv_sec = 0;
			nullts.tv_usec = 0;
			if (fd > 0) {
				ev.ident = fd;
				ev.filter = EventFilter.Vnode;
				ev.flags = EventFlags.Add | EventFlags.Enable | EventFlags.OneShot;
				ev.fflags = // 20 | 2 | 1 | 8;
					FilterFlags.VNodeDelete |
					FilterFlags.VNodeWrite |
					FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib |
					// The following two values are the equivalent of the original value "20", but we suspect the original author meant
					// 0x20, we will review later with some test cases
					FilterFlags.VNodeLink |
				ev.data = 0;
				ev.udata = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto (data.Directory);
				kevent outev = new kevent();
				outev.udata = IntPtr.Zero;
				kevent (conn, ref ev, 1, ref outev, 0, ref nullts);
				data.ev = ev;
				requests [fd] = data;
			if (!data.IncludeSubdirs)

Exemplo n.º 23
 static int kevent(int kqueue, ref kevent ev, int nchanges, ref kevent evtlist, int nevents, ref timespec ts)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 24
 private void ProcessEvent(kevent ev)
     lock (this)
         KeventData keventData = (KeventData)requests[ev.ident];
         if (keventData.Enabled)
             string            empty         = string.Empty;
             FileSystemWatcher fSW           = keventData.FSW;
             FileAction        fileAction    = (FileAction)0;
             DirectoryInfo     directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(keventData.Directory);
             FileSystemInfo    changedFsi    = null;
                 FileSystemInfo[] fileSystemInfos = directoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos();
                 foreach (FileSystemInfo fileSystemInfo in fileSystemInfos)
                     if (keventData.DirEntries.ContainsKey(fileSystemInfo.FullName) && fileSystemInfo is FileInfo)
                         KeventFileData keventFileData = (KeventFileData)keventData.DirEntries[fileSystemInfo.FullName];
                         if (keventFileData.LastWriteTime != fileSystemInfo.LastWriteTime)
                             empty      = fileSystemInfo.Name;
                             fileAction = FileAction.Modified;
                             keventData.DirEntries[fileSystemInfo.FullName] = new KeventFileData(fileSystemInfo, fileSystemInfo.LastAccessTime, fileSystemInfo.LastWriteTime);
                             if (fSW.IncludeSubdirectories && fileSystemInfo is DirectoryInfo)
                                 keventData.Directory = empty;
                                 requests[ev.ident]   = keventData;
                             PostEvent(empty, fSW, fileAction, changedFsi);
             catch (Exception)
                 bool flag = true;
                 while (flag)
                     foreach (KeventFileData value in keventData.DirEntries.Values)
                         if (!File.Exists(value.fsi.FullName) && !Directory.Exists(value.fsi.FullName))
                             empty      = value.fsi.Name;
                             fileAction = FileAction.Removed;
                             PostEvent(empty, fSW, fileAction, changedFsi);
                     flag = false;
             catch (Exception)
                 FileSystemInfo[] fileSystemInfos2 = directoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos();
                 foreach (FileSystemInfo fileSystemInfo2 in fileSystemInfos2)
                     if (!keventData.DirEntries.ContainsKey(fileSystemInfo2.FullName))
                         changedFsi = fileSystemInfo2;
                         empty      = fileSystemInfo2.Name;
                         fileAction = FileAction.Added;
                         keventData.DirEntries[fileSystemInfo2.FullName] = new KeventFileData(fileSystemInfo2, fileSystemInfo2.LastAccessTime, fileSystemInfo2.LastWriteTime);
                         PostEvent(empty, fSW, fileAction, changedFsi);
             catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 25
		void ProcessEvent (kevent ev)
			lock (this) {
				KeventData data = (KeventData) requests [ev.ident];
				if (!data.Enabled)

				FileSystemWatcher fsw;
				string filename = "";

				fsw = data.FSW;
				FileAction fa = 0;
				DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo (data.Directory);
				FileSystemInfo changedFsi = null;

				try {
					foreach (FileSystemInfo fsi in dir.GetFileSystemInfos() )
						if (data.DirEntries.ContainsKey (fsi.FullName) && (fsi is FileInfo)) {
							KeventFileData entry = (KeventFileData) data.DirEntries [fsi.FullName];
							if (entry.LastWriteTime != fsi.LastWriteTime) {
								filename = fsi.Name;
								fa = FileAction.Modified;
								data.DirEntries [fsi.FullName] = new KeventFileData(fsi, fsi.LastAccessTime, fsi.LastWriteTime);
								if (fsw.IncludeSubdirectories && fsi is DirectoryInfo) {
									data.Directory = filename;
									requests [ev.ident] = data;
								PostEvent(filename, fsw, fa, changedFsi);
				} catch (Exception) {
					// The file system infos were changed while we processed them
				// Deleted
				try {
					bool deleteMatched = true;
					while(deleteMatched) {
						foreach (KeventFileData entry in data.DirEntries.Values) { 
							if (!File.Exists (entry.fsi.FullName) && !Directory.Exists (entry.fsi.FullName)) {
								filename = entry.fsi.Name;
								fa = FileAction.Removed;
								data.DirEntries.Remove (entry.fsi.FullName);
								PostEvent(filename, fsw, fa, changedFsi);
						deleteMatched = false;
				} catch (Exception) {
					// The file system infos were changed while we processed them
				// Added
				try {
					foreach (FileSystemInfo fsi in dir.GetFileSystemInfos()) 
						if (!data.DirEntries.ContainsKey (fsi.FullName)) {
							changedFsi = fsi;
							filename = fsi.Name;
							fa = FileAction.Added;
							data.DirEntries [fsi.FullName] = new KeventFileData(fsi, fsi.LastAccessTime, fsi.LastWriteTime);
							PostEvent(filename, fsw, fa, changedFsi);
				} catch (Exception) {
					// The file system infos were changed while we processed them

Exemplo n.º 26
        void Monitor()
            var             eventBuffer = new kevent[32];
            var             newFds      = new List <int> ();
            List <PathData> removeQueue = new List <PathData> ();
            List <string>   rescanQueue = new List <string> ();

            int retries = 0;

            while (!requestStop)
                var changes = CreateChangeList(ref newFds);

                // We are calling an icall, so have to marshal manually
                // Marshal in
                int ksize         = Marshal.SizeOf <kevent> ();
                var changesNative = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(ksize * changes.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < changes.Length; ++i)
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(changes [i], changesNative + (i * ksize), false);
                var eventBufferNative = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(ksize * eventBuffer.Length);

                int numEvents = kevent_notimeout(ref conn, changesNative, changes.Length, eventBufferNative, eventBuffer.Length);

                // Marshal out
                for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; ++i)
                    eventBuffer [i] = Marshal.PtrToStructure <kevent> (eventBufferNative + (i * ksize));

                if (numEvents == -1)
                    // Stop () signals us to stop by closing the connection
                    if (requestStop)
                    int errno = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                    if (errno != EINTR && ++retries == 3)
                        throw new IOException(String.Format(
                                                  "persistent kevent() error, error code = '{0}'", errno));

                retries = 0;

                for (var i = 0; i < numEvents; i++)
                    var kevt = eventBuffer [i];

                    if (!fdsDict.ContainsKey((int)kevt.ident))
                        // The event is for a file that was removed

                    var pathData = fdsDict [(int)kevt.ident];

                    if ((kevt.flags & EventFlags.Error) == EventFlags.Error)
                        var errMsg = String.Format("kevent() error watching path '{0}', error code = '{1}'", pathData.Path, kevt.data);
                        fsw.DispatchErrorEvents(new ErrorEventArgs(new IOException(errMsg)));

                    if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeDelete) == FilterFlags.VNodeDelete || (kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke) == FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke)
                        if (pathData.Path == fullPathNoLastSlash)
                            // The root path is deleted; exit silently


                    if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeRename) == FilterFlags.VNodeRename)

                    if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeWrite) == FilterFlags.VNodeWrite)
                        if (pathData.IsDirectory)                         //TODO: Check if dirs trigger Changed events on .NET
                            PostEvent(FileAction.Modified, pathData.Path);

                    if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib) == FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib || (kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeExtend) == FilterFlags.VNodeExtend)
                        PostEvent(FileAction.Modified, pathData.Path);


                rescanQueue.ForEach(path => {
                    Scan(path, true, ref newFds);
Exemplo n.º 27
		void Setup ()
			var initialFds = new List<int> ();

			// fsw.FullPath may end in '/', see https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5747
			if (fsw.FullPath != "/" && fsw.FullPath.EndsWith ("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
				fullPathNoLastSlash = fsw.FullPath.Substring (0, fsw.FullPath.Length - 1);
				fullPathNoLastSlash = fsw.FullPath;
			// realpath() returns the *realpath* which can be different than fsw.FullPath because symlinks.
			// If so, introduce a fixup step.
			var sb = new StringBuilder (__DARWIN_MAXPATHLEN);
			if (realpath(fsw.FullPath, sb) == IntPtr.Zero) {
				var errMsg = String.Format ("realpath({0}) failed, error code = '{1}'", fsw.FullPath, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ());
				throw new IOException (errMsg);
			var resolvedFullPath = sb.ToString();

			if (resolvedFullPath != fullPathNoLastSlash)
				fixupPath = resolvedFullPath;
				fixupPath = null;

			Scan (fullPathNoLastSlash, false, ref initialFds);

			var immediate_timeout = new timespec { tv_sec = (IntPtr)0, tv_nsec = (IntPtr)0 };
			var eventBuffer = new kevent[0]; // we don't want to take any events from the queue at this point
			var changes = CreateChangeList (ref initialFds);

			int numEvents;
			int errno = 0;
			do {
				numEvents = kevent (conn, changes, changes.Length, eventBuffer, eventBuffer.Length, ref immediate_timeout);
				if (numEvents == -1) {
					errno = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ();
			} while (numEvents == -1 && errno == EINTR);

			if (numEvents == -1) {
				var errMsg = String.Format ("kevent() error at initial event registration, error code = '{0}'", errno);
				throw new IOException (errMsg);
Exemplo n.º 28
		void Setup ()
			var initialFds = new List<int> ();

			// GetFilenameFromFd() returns the *realpath* which can be different than fsw.FullPath because symlinks.
			// If so, introduce a fixup step.
			int fd = open (fsw.FullPath, O_EVTONLY, 0);
			var resolvedFullPath = GetFilenameFromFd (fd);
			close (fd);

			if (resolvedFullPath != fsw.FullPath)
				fixupPath = resolvedFullPath;
				fixupPath = null;

			Scan (fsw.FullPath, false, ref initialFds);

			var immediate_timeout = new timespec { tv_sec = (IntPtr)0, tv_usec = (IntPtr)0 };
			var eventBuffer = new kevent[0]; // we don't want to take any events from the queue at this point
			var changes = CreateChangeList (ref initialFds);

			int numEvents = kevent (conn, changes, changes.Length, eventBuffer, eventBuffer.Length, ref immediate_timeout);

			if (numEvents == -1) {
				var errMsg = String.Format ("kevent() error at initial event registration, error code = '{0}'", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ());
				throw new IOException (errMsg);
Exemplo n.º 29
 extern static int kevent(int kqueue, ref kevent ev, int nchanges, ref kevent evtlist, int nevents, ref timespec ts);
Exemplo n.º 30
		void Monitor ()
			var timeout = new timespec { tv_sec = (IntPtr)0, tv_usec = (IntPtr)500000000 };
			var eventBuffer = new kevent[32];
			var newFds = new List<int> ();
			List<PathData> removeQueue = new List<PathData> ();
			List<string> rescanQueue = new List<string> ();

			while (!requestStop) {
				var changes = CreateChangeList (ref newFds);

				int numEvents = kevent (conn, changes, changes.Length, eventBuffer, eventBuffer.Length, ref timeout);

				if (numEvents == -1) {
					var errMsg = String.Format ("kevent() error, error code = '{0}'", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ());
					fsw.OnError (new ErrorEventArgs (new IOException (errMsg)));

				if (numEvents == 0)

				for (var i = 0; i < numEvents; i++) {
					var kevt = eventBuffer [i];
					var pathData = fdsDict [(int)kevt.ident];

					if ((kevt.flags & EventFlags.Error) == EventFlags.Error) {
						var errMsg = String.Format ("kevent() error watching path '{0}', error code = '{1}'", pathData.Path, kevt.data);
						fsw.OnError (new ErrorEventArgs (new IOException (errMsg)));

					if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeDelete) == FilterFlags.VNodeDelete || (kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke) == FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke)
						removeQueue.Add (pathData);

					else if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeWrite) == FilterFlags.VNodeWrite) {
						if (pathData.IsDirectory)
							rescanQueue.Add (pathData.Path);
							PostEvent (FileAction.Modified, pathData.Path);

					else if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeRename) == FilterFlags.VNodeRename) {
						var newFilename = GetFilenameFromFd (pathData.Fd);

						if (newFilename.StartsWith (fsw.FullPath))
							Rename (pathData, newFilename);
						else //moved outside of our watched dir so stop watching
								RemoveTree (pathData);

					else if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib) == FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib || (kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeExtend) == FilterFlags.VNodeExtend)
						PostEvent (FileAction.Modified, pathData.Path);

				removeQueue.ForEach (Remove);
				removeQueue.Clear ();

				rescanQueue.ForEach (path => {
					Scan (path, true, ref newFds);
				rescanQueue.Clear ();
Exemplo n.º 31
        void Monitor()
            var             eventBuffer = new kevent[32];
            var             newFds      = new List <int> ();
            List <PathData> removeQueue = new List <PathData> ();
            List <string>   rescanQueue = new List <string> ();

            int retries = 0;

            while (!requestStop)
                var changes = CreateChangeList(ref newFds);

                int numEvents = kevent_notimeout(conn, changes, changes.Length, eventBuffer, eventBuffer.Length, IntPtr.Zero);

                if (numEvents == -1)
                    // Stop () signals us to stop by closing the connection
                    if (requestStop)
                    if (++retries == 3)
                        throw new IOException(String.Format(
                                                  "persistent kevent() error, error code = '{0}'", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));


                retries = 0;

                for (var i = 0; i < numEvents; i++)
                    var kevt = eventBuffer [i];

                    if (!fdsDict.ContainsKey((int)kevt.ident))
                        // The event is for a file that was removed

                    var pathData = fdsDict [(int)kevt.ident];

                    if ((kevt.flags & EventFlags.Error) == EventFlags.Error)
                        var errMsg = String.Format("kevent() error watching path '{0}', error code = '{1}'", pathData.Path, kevt.data);
                        fsw.DispatchErrorEvents(new ErrorEventArgs(new IOException(errMsg)));

                    if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeDelete) == FilterFlags.VNodeDelete || (kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke) == FilterFlags.VNodeRevoke)
                        if (pathData.Path == fullPathNoLastSlash)
                            // The root path is deleted; exit silently


                    if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeRename) == FilterFlags.VNodeRename)

                    if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeWrite) == FilterFlags.VNodeWrite)
                        if (pathData.IsDirectory)                         //TODO: Check if dirs trigger Changed events on .NET
                            PostEvent(FileAction.Modified, pathData.Path);

                    if ((kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib) == FilterFlags.VNodeAttrib || (kevt.fflags & FilterFlags.VNodeExtend) == FilterFlags.VNodeExtend)
                        PostEvent(FileAction.Modified, pathData.Path);


                rescanQueue.ForEach(path => {
                    Scan(path, true, ref newFds);
		static int kevent(int kqueue, ref kevent ev, int nchanges, ref kevent evtlist,  int nevents, ref timespec ts)
			throw new System.NotImplementedException();