ComparePartUri() public static method

public static ComparePartUri ( Uri firstPartUri, Uri secondPartUri ) : int
firstPartUri System.Uri
secondPartUri System.Uri
return int
Exemplo n.º 1
            //  Private Methods

            #region Private Methods

            // IsRelationshipPartUri method returns a boolean indicating whether the
            // Uri given is a relationship part Uri or no.
            private bool IsRelationshipUri()
                bool result = false;

                //exit early if the partUri does not end with the relationship extension
                if (!NormalizedPartUriString.EndsWith(s_relationshipPartUpperCaseExtension, StringComparison.Ordinal))

                // if uri is /_rels/.rels then we return true
                if (PackUriHelper.ComparePartUri(s_containerRelationshipNormalizedPartUri, this) == 0)

                // Look for pattern that matches: "XXX/_rels/YYY.rels" where XXX is zero or more part name characters and
                // YYY is any legal part name characters.
                // We can assume that the string is a valid URI because it would have been rejected by the Uri parsing
                // code in the Uri constructor if it wasn't.
                // Uri's are case insensitive so we can compare them by upper-casing them
                // Essentially, we will just look for the existence of a "folder" called _rels and the trailing extension
                // of .rels.  The folder must also be the last "folder".
                // Comparing using the normalized string to reduce the number of ToUpperInvariant operations
                // required for case-insensitive comparison
                string[] segments = NormalizedPartUriString.Split(s_forwardSlashCharArray); //new Uri(_defaultUri, this).Segments; //partUri.Segments cannot be called on a relative Uri;

                // String.Split, will always return an empty string as the
                // first member in the array as the string starts with a "/"

                Debug.Assert(segments.Length > 0 && segments[0] == string.Empty);

                //If the extension was not equal to .rels, we would have exited early.
                Debug.Assert(string.CompareOrdinal((Path.GetExtension(segments[segments.Length - 1])), s_relationshipPartUpperCaseExtension) == 0);

                // must be at least two segments and the last one must end with .RELs
                // and the length of the segment should be greater than just the extension.
                if ((segments.Length >= 3) &&
                    (segments[segments.Length - 1].Length > s_relationshipPartExtensionName.Length))
                    // look for "_RELS" segment which must be second last segment
                    result = (string.CompareOrdinal(segments[segments.Length - 2], s_relationshipPartUpperCaseSegmentName) == 0);

                // In addition we need to make sure that the relationship is not created by taking another relationship
                // as the source of this uri. So XXX/_rels/_rels/YYY.rels.rels would be invalid.
                if (segments.Length > 3 && result == true)
                    if ((segments[segments.Length - 1]).EndsWith(s_relsrelsUpperCaseExtension, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        // look for "_rels" segment in the third last segment
                        if (string.CompareOrdinal(segments[segments.Length - 3], s_relationshipPartUpperCaseSegmentName) == 0)
                            throw new ArgumentException(SR.NotAValidRelationshipPartUri);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a valid relationship Part Uri, this method returns the source Part Uri for
        /// this relationship Part Uri.
        /// If the relationship part name is for the Package Level relationships [/_rels/.rels],
        /// we return a relative Uri of the form "/" indicating that it has no part as the parent,
        /// but is at the package level
        /// Example Input - Relationship Uri  - /files/_rels/document.xaml.rels
        /// Returns -Source Part Uri - /files/document.xaml
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relationshipPartUri">relationship part Uri</param>
        /// <returns>A uri that is a valid source part Uri for the relationship Uri provided</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If relationshipPartUri parameter is null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If relationshipPartUri parameter is an absolute Uri</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If relationshipPartUri parameter does not conform to the valid partUri Syntax</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the relationshipPartUri is not a relationship part Uri itself</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the resultant Uri obtained is a relationship part Uri</exception>
        public static Uri GetSourcePartUriFromRelationshipPartUri(Uri relationshipPartUri)
            if (relationshipPartUri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(relationshipPartUri));

            // Verify -
            // 1. Validates that this part Uri is a valid part Uri
            relationshipPartUri = ValidatePartUri(relationshipPartUri);

            // 2. Checks that this part Uri is not a relationshipPart Uri
            if (!IsRelationshipPartUri(relationshipPartUri))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.RelationshipPartUriExpected);

            // _rels/.rels has no parent part
            if (PackUriHelper.ComparePartUri(PackageRelationship.ContainerRelationshipPartName, relationshipPartUri) == 0)
                //We should have a ValidatedPartUri by this time
                string path = ((ValidatedPartUri)relationshipPartUri).PartUriString;

                string partNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);

                Debug.Assert((path.Length - partNameWithoutExtension.Length - s_relationshipPartExtensionName.Length - 1) > 0,
                             "The partname may not be well-formed");

                //Get the part name without the last segment
                path = path.Substring(0, path.Length - partNameWithoutExtension.Length - s_relationshipPartExtensionName.Length - 1);

                Debug.Assert((path.Length - s_relationshipPartSegmentName.Length) > 0,
                             "The partname may not be well-formed");

                path = path.Substring(0, path.Length - s_relationshipPartSegmentName.Length); // Removing rels segment
                path = Path.Combine(path, partNameWithoutExtension);                          // Adding the last segment without ".rels" extension
                path = path.Replace(BackwardSlashChar, ForwardSlashChar);

                // convert to Uri - We could use PackUriHelper.Create, but since we know that this is a
                //valid Part Uri we can just call the Uri constructor.
                return(new ValidatedPartUri(path, isRelationshipUri: false));