Exemplo n.º 1
        // internal for testing
        internal static unsafe ImmutableArray<byte> DecodeEmbeddedPortablePdbDebugDirectoryData(AbstractMemoryBlock block)
            byte[] decompressed;
            const int headerSize = 2 * sizeof(int);

            var headerReader = new BlobReader(block.Pointer, headerSize);

            if (headerReader.ReadUInt32() != PortablePdbVersions.DebugDirectoryEmbeddedSignature)
                throw new BadImageFormatException(SR.UnexpectedEmbeddedPortablePdbDataSignature);

            int decompressedSize = headerReader.ReadInt32();

                decompressed = new byte[decompressedSize];
                throw new BadImageFormatException(SR.DataTooBig);

            var compressed = new ReadOnlyUnmanagedMemoryStream(block.Pointer + headerSize, block.Size - headerSize);
            var deflate = new DeflateStream(compressed, CompressionMode.Decompress, leaveOpen: true);

            if (decompressedSize > 0)
                int actualLength;

                    actualLength = deflate.TryReadAll(decompressed, 0, decompressed.Length);
                catch (InvalidDataException e)
                    throw new BadImageFormatException(e.Message, e.InnerException);

                if (actualLength != decompressed.Length)
                    throw new BadImageFormatException(SR.SizeMismatch);

            // Check that there is no more compressed data left, 
            // in case the decompressed size specified in the header is smaller 
            // than the actual decompressed size of the data.
            if (deflate.ReadByte() != -1)
                throw new BadImageFormatException(SR.SizeMismatch);

            return ImmutableByteArrayInterop.DangerousCreateFromUnderlyingArray(ref decompressed);