The Dimension class encapsulates the width and height of a component (in int precision) in a single object.
The class is associated with certain properties of components. Several methods defined by the Component class and the LayoutManager interface return a Dimension object.

Normally the values of width and height are non-negative ints. The constructors that allow you to create a dimension do not prevent you from setting a negative value for these properties. If the value of width or height is negative, the behavior of some methods defined by other objects is undefined.

Inheritance: System.Drawing.Dimension2D
 public ASPCDimNaturalizer(Server ASServer, Database ASDatabase, Dimension PCDimension, int ActionLevel)
         srv = ASServer;
         db = ASDatabase;
         dim = PCDimension;
         txtNewView = ((EnhancedColumnBinding)dim.KeyAttribute.KeyColumns[0].Source).Table.ExtendedProperties["DbSchemaName"] + ".[DimNaturalized_" +
                 ((EnhancedColumnBinding)dim.KeyAttribute.KeyColumns[0].Source).Table.ExtendedProperties["DbTableName"] + "]";
         ASNaturalizationActionLevel = ActionLevel;
     catch (Exception e)
         UpdateStatus("Error initializing naturalizer:\r\n" + e.ToString());
         throw e;
 public ASPCDimNaturalizer(string ASServer, string ASDatabase, string PCDimension, int ActionLevel)
         srv = new Server();
         srv.Connect("Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=" + ASServer);
         db = srv.Databases.GetByName(ASDatabase);
         dim = db.Dimensions.GetByName(PCDimension);
         if (((EnhancedColumnBinding)dim.KeyAttribute.KeyColumns[0].Source).Table.ExtendedProperties["DbSchemaName"] != null)
             txtNewView = ((EnhancedColumnBinding)dim.KeyAttribute.KeyColumns[0].Source).Table.ExtendedProperties["DbSchemaName"] + ".[DimNaturalized_" +
                 ((EnhancedColumnBinding)dim.KeyAttribute.KeyColumns[0].Source).Table.ExtendedProperties["DbTableName"] + "]";
             txtNewView = "[DimNaturalized_" +
                 ((EnhancedColumnBinding)dim.KeyAttribute.KeyColumns[0].Source).Table.TableName + "]";
         ASNaturalizationActionLevel = ActionLevel;
     catch (Exception e)
         UpdateStatus("Error initializing naturalizer:\r\n" + e.ToString());
         throw e;
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of <code>Dimension</code> whose width 
 /// and height are the same as for the specified dimension. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="d">
 /// the specified dimension for the 
 /// <code>width</code> and 
 /// <code>height</code> values.
 /// </param>
 public Dimension(Dimension d)
     : this(d.width, d.height)
        private Dimension MaterializeSingleNonPCUserHierarchyAttribute(Dimension Dim, DataTable tblNew, DimensionAttribute attr)
            Dimension dimNew = Dim;
            if (attr.Usage == AttributeUsage.Regular)
                DimensionAttribute attrNew = CloneAttributeSkeleton(attr, attr.Name);
                for (int k = 0; k < attr.KeyColumns.Count; k++)
                    string ColName = "CurrentMember_" + ((EnhancedColumnBinding)attr.KeyColumns[k].Source).ColumnName.Trim('[').Trim(']');
                    attrNew.KeyColumns.Add(new DataItem(txtNewView, ColName,
                if (attr.NameColumn != null)
                    string ColName = "CurrentMember_" + ((EnhancedColumnBinding)attr.NameColumn.Source).ColumnName.Trim('[').Trim(']');
                    attrNew.NameColumn = new DataItem(txtNewView, ColName,
                        OleDbType.WChar,  // Name must always be string even though source column has in some customer cases not been...
                if (attr.ValueColumn != null)
                    string ColName = "CurrentMember_" + ((EnhancedColumnBinding)attr.ValueColumn.Source).ColumnName.Trim('[').Trim(']');
                    attrNew.ValueColumn = new DataItem(txtNewView, ColName,

            return dimNew;
        private Dimension MaterializeNonPCUserHierarchyAttributes(Dimension Dim, DataTable tblNew)
            Dimension dimNew = Dim;

            foreach (DimensionAttribute attr in dim.Attributes)
                if (NonPCHierarchiesToInclude.Contains(attr.Name))
                    dimNew = MaterializeSingleNonPCUserHierarchyAttribute(dimNew, tblNew, attr);

            return dimNew;
        private Dimension MaterializeNaturalizedDimensionAttributes(Dimension Dim, DataTable tblNew)
            Dimension dimNew = Dim;
            foreach (DimensionAttribute attrOrig in dim.Attributes)
                DimensionAttribute attr = null;
                string strNewAttribName = null;
                for (int j = 2; j <= MinimumLevelCount + 1; j++)
                    if (PCAttributesToInclude.Contains(attrOrig.Name) || attrOrig.Usage == AttributeUsage.Key)
                        if (attrOrig.Usage != AttributeUsage.Parent)
                            if (attrOrig.Usage == AttributeUsage.Key)
                                if (j == 2)
                                    attr = MaterializeAttributeColumns(attrOrig, tblNew, dim.KeyAttribute.Name);
                                    attr.Usage = AttributeUsage.Key;
                                    attr.AttributeHierarchyVisible = false;
                                strNewAttribName = GetNaturalizedLevelName(j);
                                strNewAttribName = GetNaturalizedLevelName(j) + "_" + attrOrig.Name;
                            attr = MaterializeAttributeColumns(attrOrig, tblNew, strNewAttribName);

                            attr.Usage = AttributeUsage.Regular;

                            // Do not create PC attribute hierarchy unless another attribute requires it to relate to key.
                            // Non PC attribute hierarchies can be (and are by default) created side-by-side with PC hierarchy by selecting them in options dialog.
                            if (attrOrig.Usage == AttributeUsage.Regular)
                                bool AttrRelatesOtherAttrToKey = false;
                                foreach (DimensionAttribute attrTestRelated in dim.Attributes)
                                    if (IsAttributeRelated(attrTestRelated, attrOrig))
                                        AttrRelatesOtherAttrToKey = true;
                                if (!AttrRelatesOtherAttrToKey)
                                    attr.AttributeHierarchyEnabled = false;
                                    attr.AttributeHierarchyVisible = false;

            return dimNew;
        private Dimension MaterializeNaturalizedAttributeRelationships(Dimension Dim, DataTable tblNew)
            Dimension dimNew = Dim;
            // Prepare for headache...
                // For each attribute in the original dimension
                foreach (DimensionAttribute attRelOwner in dim.Attributes)
                    // Skip it if it is the special parent attribute of PC dimension since that is not in the naturalized dimension
                    if (attRelOwner.Usage != AttributeUsage.Parent)
                        // Then loop through each attribute in the original dimension again to see if it is related to the first attribute
                        foreach (DimensionAttribute attRelated in dim.Attributes)
                            if (attRelOwner.AttributeRelationships.Contains(attRelated.ID) && attRelated.Usage != AttributeUsage.Parent)
                                // If the source and destination are both attributes selected for inclusion in the dimension and both are related to the dimension key directly or indirectly
                                if ((PCAttributesToInclude.Contains(attRelOwner.Name) || attRelOwner.Usage == AttributeUsage.Key)
                                    && PCAttributesToInclude.Contains(attRelated.Name)
                                    && IsAttributeRelated(attRelated, dim.KeyAttribute))
                                    // Then loop through the levels to add a relationship for each level member corresponding to the original PC attribute
                                    for (int k = 2; k <= MinimumLevelCount + 1; k++)
                                        // If it was related to the PC key, relate directly to level name in naturalized version, otherwise relate to the corresponding related attribute for the level...
                                        if (attRelOwner.Usage == AttributeUsage.Key)
                                                new AttributeRelationship(GetNaturalizedLevelName(k) + "_" + attRelated.Name));
                                            dimNew.Attributes[GetNaturalizedLevelName(k) + "_" + attRelOwner.Name].AttributeRelationships.Add(
                                                    new AttributeRelationship(GetNaturalizedLevelName(k) + "_" + attRelated.Name));
                                // Finally if attribute exists as part of non-PC hierarchy, it will have a name without "LevelX" in front, so we need to add relationship for that
                                if (dimNew.Attributes.Contains(attRelated.Name) && attRelOwner.Usage != AttributeUsage.Key)
                                                new AttributeRelationship(attRelated.Name));

                // Relate each level of the naturalized hierarchy to the one below it to optimize hierarchy navigation
                for (int i = 3; i <= MinimumLevelCount + 1; i++)
                    dimNew.Attributes[GetNaturalizedLevelName(i)].AttributeRelationships.Add(new AttributeRelationship(GetNaturalizedLevelName(i - 1)));

                //relate the lowest level to the key
                dimNew.KeyAttribute.AttributeRelationships.Add(new AttributeRelationship(GetNaturalizedLevelName(MinimumLevelCount + 1)));

                //any attributes which aren't related directly or indirectly to the key, add that attribute relationship
                foreach (DimensionAttribute attr in dimNew.Attributes)
                    if (attr.ID != dimNew.KeyAttribute.ID && !IsAttributeRelated(attr, dimNew.KeyAttribute))
                        dimNew.KeyAttribute.AttributeRelationships.Add(new AttributeRelationship(attr.ID));

                return dimNew;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
        private Dimension MaterializeHierarchies(Dimension Dim, DataTable tblNew)
            Dimension dimNew = Dim;
            Hierarchy hierNew = null;
            DimensionAttribute atParent = null;

            // Build naturalized PC hierarchy
            foreach (DimensionAttribute da in dim.Attributes)
                if (da.Usage == AttributeUsage.Parent)
                    atParent = da;

            hierNew = dimNew.Hierarchies.Add(atParent.Name);
            hierNew.MemberKeysUnique = MemberKeysUnique.Unique;
            for (int i = 2; i <= MinimumLevelCount + 1; i++)
                Level lvlNew = new Level(GetNaturalizedLevelName(i));
                lvlNew.SourceAttribute = dimNew.Attributes[lvlNew.Name];
                lvlNew.HideMemberIf = HideIfValue.ParentName;

            // Migrate existing user hierarchies from PC dimension...
            foreach (Hierarchy hier in dim.Hierarchies)
                if (NonPCHierarchiesToInclude.Contains(hier.Name))
                    if (dimNew.Attributes.ContainsName(hier.Name))
                        hierNew = dimNew.Hierarchies.Add(hier.Name + "Hierarchy");
                        hierNew = dimNew.Hierarchies.Add(hier.Name);
                    for (int j = 0; j < hier.Levels.Count; j++)
                        hierNew.Levels.Add(new Level(hier.Levels[j].Name));
                        if (hier.Levels[j].SourceAttribute.Usage == AttributeUsage.Regular)
                            hierNew.Levels[j].SourceAttribute = dimNew.Attributes[hier.Levels[j].SourceAttribute.Name];
                            hierNew.Levels[j].SourceAttribute = dimNew.Attributes[dim.KeyAttribute.Name];
                        hierNew.Levels[j].HideMemberIf = hier.Levels[j].HideMemberIf;

            return dimNew;
        void AddDimToCubes(Dimension Dim)
            foreach (Cube cub in db.Cubes)
                if (cub.Dimensions.Contains(dim.ID))

                foreach (MeasureGroup mg in cub.MeasureGroups)
                    if (mg.Dimensions.Contains(dim.ID))
                        RegularMeasureGroupDimension rmgd = mg.Dimensions.Add(Dim.ID);
                        MeasureGroupAttribute mga = rmgd.Attributes.Add(Dim.KeyAttribute.ID);
                        mga.Type = MeasureGroupAttributeType.Granularity;
                        foreach (DataItem keyCol in ((RegularMeasureGroupDimension)mg.Dimensions[dim.ID]).Attributes[dim.KeyAttribute.ID].KeyColumns)
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void SwitchDimension(Dimension newDim)
            overworldToolStripMenuItem.Checked = dim == Dimension.Overworld;
            netherToolStripMenuItem.Checked = dim == Dimension.Nether;
            endToolStripMenuItem.Checked = dim == Dimension.End;

            if (world == null)
            if (!SaveIfNecessary())
            if (newDim == dim)


            dim = newDim;
            overworldToolStripMenuItem.Checked = dim == Dimension.Overworld;
            netherToolStripMenuItem.Checked = dim == Dimension.Nether;
            endToolStripMenuItem.Checked = dim == Dimension.End;

            String[] regions = world.GetRegionPaths(dim);
            foreach (String r in regions)
Exemplo n.º 11
 private void ResetControls()
     lastSelectedRegionIndex = -1;
     trackMagnification.Value = 1;
     lblMagnification.Text = "Magnification: 1x";
     region = null;
     dim = Dimension.Overworld;
     overworldToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true;
     netherToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false;
     endToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false;
     if (history != null)
     history = new HistoryManager(HistoryChange);
     history.RecordSelectionState(imgRegion.Layers[SELECTIONLAYER].Image, "Initial State");
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void scaleImage()
                this.statusStrip1.Visible = this.WindowState != FormWindowState.Maximized;

                if (pictureBox1.Width > 0)
                    Dimension frame = new Dimension(pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height);

                    int desiredWidth = ImageScaler.getDesiredWidth(item.Dimensions, frame);

                    ImageScaler scaler = new ImageScaler(desiredWidth);

                    MemoryStream streamIn = new MemoryStream(item.Image);

                    MemoryStream streamOut = new MemoryStream();

                    scaler.scaleImage(streamIn, streamOut, ImageFormat.Bmp);

                    Image bitmap = Image.FromStream(streamOut);

                    pictureBox1.Image = bitmap;
            catch (System.Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static bool GetDimByName(Feature inFeature, string inName, out Dimension outDim)
            bool ret = false;

            outDim = null;

            var swDispDim = (DisplayDimension)inFeature.GetFirstDisplayDimension();

            while (swDispDim != null)
                outDim = (Dimension)swDispDim.GetDimension();

                if (outDim.Name.ToLower() == inName.ToLower())
                    ret = true;
                swDispDim = (DisplayDimension)inFeature.GetNextDisplayDimension(swDispDim);
            return ret;
Exemplo n.º 14
        private static List<string> GetRelatedTables(Dimension dMG, MeasureGroup mgOuter)
            List<string> list = new List<string>();
            foreach (Relationship relOuter in dMG.Relationships)
                bool bFound = false;
                MeasureGroup mgFrom = dMG.Parent.Cubes[0].MeasureGroups[relOuter.FromRelationshipEnd.DimensionID];
                Dimension dTo = dMG.Parent.Dimensions[relOuter.ToRelationshipEnd.DimensionID];
                CubeDimension dToCube = dMG.Parent.Cubes[0].Dimensions[relOuter.ToRelationshipEnd.DimensionID];
                foreach (MeasureGroupDimension mgdOuter in mgFrom.Dimensions)
                    ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension rmgdOuter = mgdOuter as ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension;
                    if (rmgdOuter != null && rmgdOuter.Materialization == ReferenceDimensionMaterialization.Regular && rmgdOuter.RelationshipID == relOuter.ID)
                        //active relationships have a materialized reference relationship
                        bFound = true;
                if (!bFound)
                    continue; //don't show inactive relationships 

                list.AddRange(GetRelatedTables(dTo, mgOuter));

            return list;
        /// <summary>
        /// Resize the selected shapes according to the set dimension type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedShapes"></param>
        /// <param name="dimension"></param>
        private void ResizeVisualShapes(PowerPoint.ShapeRange selectedShapes, Dimension dimension)
                var referenceHeight = GetReferenceHeight(selectedShapes);
                var referenceWidth = GetReferenceWidth(selectedShapes);

                if (!IsMoreThanOneShape(selectedShapes, Equalize_MinNoOfShapesRequired, true, Equalize_ErrorParameters) 
                    || (referenceHeight < 0) || (referenceWidth < 0))

                for (int i = 1; i <= selectedShapes.Count; i++)
                    var shape = new PPShape(selectedShapes[i]);
                    var anchorPoint = GetVisualAnchorPoint(shape);

                    if ((dimension == Dimension.Height) || (dimension == Dimension.HeightAndWidth))
                        shape.AbsoluteHeight = referenceHeight;

                    if ((dimension == Dimension.Width) || (dimension == Dimension.HeightAndWidth))
                        shape.AbsoluteWidth = referenceWidth;

                    AlignVisualShape(shape, anchorPoint);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.LogException(e, "ResizeVisualShapes");
Exemplo n.º 16
 private void InitializeMCFrames()
     Dimension luma = new Dimension(dec.format.width, dec.format.height);
     Dimension chro = new Dimension(dec.format.width >> dec.format.ChromaHShift(),
                        dec.format.height >> dec.format.ChromaVShift());
     mc_frame = new Block[3];
     mc_frame[0] = new Block(luma);
     mc_frame[1] = new Block(chro);
     mc_frame[2] = new Block(chro);