Exemplo n.º 1
        // Override the key press event from Xsharp.
        protected override bool OnKeyPress(KeyName key,
                                           ModifierMask modifiers, String str)
            bool processed = false;

            if (sink != null)
                // Emit the "KeyDown" event.
                ToolkitKeys keyData = DrawingWindow.MapKey(key, modifiers);
                if (sink.ToolkitKeyDown(keyData))
                    processed = true;

                // Emit the "KeyChar" event if necessary.
                if (str != null)
                    foreach (char ch in str)
                        if (sink.ToolkitKeyChar(ch))
                            processed = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Move this window to below one of its siblings.
        void IToolkitWindow.MoveToBelow(IToolkitWindow sibling)
            DrawingWindow toWindow = sibling as DrawingWindow;

            MoveWindowTo(this, toWindow);
            // Make the same changes in win32.
            Win32.Api.SetWindowPos(hwnd, toWindow.hwnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, Win32.Api.SetWindowsPosFlags.SWP_NOMOVE | Win32.Api.SetWindowsPosFlags.SWP_NOSIZE | Win32.Api.SetWindowsPosFlags.SWP_NOACTIVATE);
            //Console.WriteLine("DrawingWindow.MoveToBelow, " + sink +", " + sibling);
Exemplo n.º 3
 internal virtual int MouseActivate(DrawingWindow activateWindow)
     //Console.WriteLine("DrawingWindow.MouseActivate, " + sink +"," + activateWindow.sink);
     if (activateWindow is DrawingPopupWindow)
Exemplo n.º 4
 // Set the child right next to the parent in the heirarchy sure the parent window is before the child.
 // Set the correct TopOfHierarchy for all the childwindows.
 protected internal void ReparentOwn(DrawingWindow parent)
     this.parent = parent;
     if (parent != null)
         MoveWindowTo(this, parent);
Exemplo n.º 5
 // Override the key release event from Xsharp.
 protected override bool OnKeyRelease(KeyName key, ModifierMask modifiers)
     if (sink != null)
         // Emit the "KeyUp" event.
         ToolkitKeys keyData = DrawingWindow.MapKey(key, modifiers);
Exemplo n.º 6
 // Add a new DrawingWindow and make room if necessary
 internal void AddWindow(DrawingWindow window, DrawingWindow parent)
     if (windows.Length == windowCount)
         DrawingWindow[] newWindows = new DrawingWindow[windows.Length * 2];
         windows.CopyTo(newWindows, 0);
         windows = newWindows;
     windows[windowCount++] = window;
Exemplo n.º 7
        internal void DoubleClick(int msg, int wParam, int lParam)
            int           x, y;
            DrawingWindow found = FindDeepestChild(lParam, out x, out y);

            if (found != null)
                found.sink.ToolkitMouseDown(MapToToolkitMouseButtons(wParam), MapMouseToToolkitKeys(wParam), 2, x, y, 0);
                //Console.WriteLine("DrawingWindow.DoubleClick " + found.sink + ",[" + x + "," + y + "], key:" + MapMouseToToolkitKeys(wParam) + ", button:" + MapToToolkitMouseButtons(wParam));
Exemplo n.º 8
 // Override the pointer motion event from Xsharp.
 protected override void OnPointerMotion
     (int x, int y, ModifierMask modifiers)
     if (sink != null)
             DrawingWindow.MapKey(KeyName.XK_VoidSymbol, modifiers),
             0, x, y, 0);
Exemplo n.º 9
 // Override the button double click event from Xsharp.
 protected override void OnButtonDoubleClick
     (int x, int y, ButtonName button, ModifierMask modifiers)
     if (sink != null)
             DrawingWindow.MapKey(KeyName.XK_VoidSymbol, modifiers),
             2, x, y, 0);
Exemplo n.º 10
 // Override the button release event from Xsharp.
 protected override void OnButtonRelease(int x, int y, ButtonName button,
                                         ModifierMask modifiers)
     if (sink != null)
             DrawingWindow.MapKey(KeyName.XK_VoidSymbol, modifiers),
             1, x, y, 0);
Exemplo n.º 11
 // Returns whether a DrawingWindow is the parent of this window or is the window
 protected bool IsParentOf(DrawingWindow window)
     for (DrawingWindow w = window; w != null; w = w.parent)
         if (w == this)
Exemplo n.º 12
 internal DrawingWindow DrawingWindow(IntPtr hwnd)
     for (int i = 0; i < windowCount; i++)
         DrawingWindow window = windows[i];
         if (window.hwnd == hwnd)
Exemplo n.º 13
        // Called when windows receives WM_MOUSEWHEEL
        internal void MouseWheel(int msg, int wParam, int lParam)
            int           wheelDelta = (wParam >> 16) / 120;
            int           x, y;
            DrawingWindow found = FindDeepestChild(lParam, out x, out y);

            if (found != null)
                found.sink.ToolkitMouseWheel(ToolkitMouseButtons.None, MapMouseToToolkitKeys(wParam), 0, x, y, wheelDelta);
                //Console.WriteLine("DrawingWindow.MouseWheel " + found.sink + " [" + x + "," + y + "], key:" + MapMouseToToolkitKeys(wParam) + ", wheel:" + wheelDelta);
Exemplo n.º 14
 // Handle a paint event from Xsharp.
 protected override void OnPaint(Xsharp.Graphics graphics)
     if (sink != null)
         System.Drawing.Region clip = DrawingWindow.RegionToDrawingRegion
         DrawingGraphics g = new DrawingGraphics(toolkit, graphics);
         using (System.Drawing.Graphics gr =
                    ToolkitManager.CreateGraphics(g, clip))
Exemplo n.º 15
        // Move this window underneath the last window with the same parent.
        void IToolkitWindow.Lower()
            // Find the last window with the same parent as this.
            DrawingWindow toWindow = null;

            for (int to = toolkit.windowCount - 1; to >= 0; to--)
                toWindow = toolkit.windows[to];
                if (parent.IsParentOf(toWindow))
            (this as IToolkitWindow).MoveToBelow(toWindow as IToolkitWindow);
            //Console.WriteLine("DrawingWindow.Lower, " + sink);
Exemplo n.º 16
        protected virtual internal void ButtonDown(int msg, int wParam, int lParam)
            int x, y;

            DrawingWindow found = FindDeepestChild(lParam, out x, out y);

            if (found != null)
                found.sink.ToolkitMouseDown(MapToToolkitMouseButtons(wParam), MapMouseToToolkitKeys(wParam), 1, x, y, 0);
                //Console.WriteLine("DrawingWindow.ButtonDown " + found.sink + " [" + x + "," + y + "], key:" + MapMouseToToolkitKeys(wParam) + ", button:" + MapToToolkitMouseButtons(wParam));
Exemplo n.º 17
 // Set the capture to the top most parent of a window, or release the capture.
 private void CaptureTopLevel(DrawingWindow window)
     if (window == null)
         if (toolkit.capturedTopWindow != null)
             //Console.WriteLine("CaptureTopLevel, Releasing " + toolkit.capturedTopWindow);
             toolkit.capturedTopWindow = null;
     else if (toolkit.capturedTopWindow != window.topOfhierarchy)
         //Console.WriteLine("CaptureTopLevel, Switching " + toolkit.capturedTopWindow + " to " + window.topOfhierarchy);
         toolkit.capturedTopWindow = window.topOfhierarchy;
Exemplo n.º 18
 // Need to look at z-order so we can't do this ourselves yet..
 private DrawingWindow WindowFromPoint(int x, int y)
     for (int i = toolkit.windowCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         DrawingWindow         w   = toolkit.windows[i];
         DrawingTopLevelWindow top = w as DrawingTopLevelWindow;
         if (top != null)
             if (top.outsideDimensions.Contains(x, y))
         else if (w.DimensionsScreen.Contains(x, y))
	public DrawingControlWindow(DrawingToolkit toolkit, string name, DrawingWindow parent, int x, int y, int width, int height, IToolkitEventSink sink) : base (toolkit)
		this.sink = sink;
		this.parent = parent;
		dimensions = new Rectangle( x, y, width, height );
		//At the moment we create a unique class name for EVERY window. SWF does it for each window type
		className = "DrawingControlWindow" + createCount++;
		//Register the windows class
		windowsClass = new Win32.Api.WNDCLASS();
		windowsClass.style = Win32.Api.WindowClassStyle.CS_DBLCLKS;
		windowsClass.lpfnWndProc = new Win32.Api.WNDPROC(toolkit.WindowsLoop);
		windowsClass.hbrBackground = IntPtr.Zero; //(IntPtr)(Win32.Api.COLOR_WINDOW + 1);
		windowsClass.lpszClassName = className ;
		if (Win32.Api.RegisterClassA( ref windowsClass)==0) 
			throw new Exception("Failed to register Windows class " + className);
		//Set default windows settings
		style = Win32.Api.WindowStyle.WS_CHILD | Win32.Api.WindowStyle.WS_TABSTOP | Win32.Api.WindowStyle.WS_CLIPSIBLINGS;
		extendedStyle = 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public DrawingControlWindow(DrawingToolkit toolkit, string name, DrawingWindow parent, int x, int y, int width, int height, IToolkitEventSink sink) : base(toolkit)
     this.sink = sink;
     this.parent = parent;
     dimensions  = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
     //At the moment we create a unique class name for EVERY window. SWF does it for each window type
     className = "DrawingControlWindow" + createCount++;
     //Register the windows class
     windowsClass               = new Win32.Api.WNDCLASS();
     windowsClass.style         = Win32.Api.WindowClassStyle.CS_DBLCLKS;
     windowsClass.lpfnWndProc   = new Win32.Api.WNDPROC(toolkit.WindowsLoop);
     windowsClass.hbrBackground = IntPtr.Zero;     //(IntPtr)(Win32.Api.COLOR_WINDOW + 1);
     windowsClass.lpszClassName = className;
     if (Win32.Api.RegisterClassA(ref windowsClass) == 0)
         throw new Exception("Failed to register Windows class " + className);
     //Set default windows settings
     style         = Win32.Api.WindowStyle.WS_CHILD | Win32.Api.WindowStyle.WS_TABSTOP | Win32.Api.WindowStyle.WS_CLIPSIBLINGS;
     extendedStyle = 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
        protected void SetTopOfHierarchy()
            // Find all children windows and set their new top of hierarchy
            DrawingWindow newTopOfhierarchy;

            if (parent == null)
                newTopOfhierarchy = this;
                newTopOfhierarchy = (parent as DrawingWindow).topOfhierarchy;
            for (int i = 0; i < toolkit.windowCount; i++)
                DrawingWindow w = toolkit.windows[i];
                if (this.IsParentOf(w))
                    w.topOfhierarchy = newTopOfhierarchy;
	internal override int MouseActivate(DrawingWindow activateWindow)
		return (int)Win32.Api.WM_MOUSEACTIVATEReturn.MA_NOACTIVATE;
Exemplo n.º 23
        // Post Mouse Move to the window that needs it. Handle Mouse Enter and Leave
        protected internal virtual void MouseMove(int msg, int wParam, int lParam)
            ToolkitMouseButtons buttons = MapToToolkitMouseButtons(wParam);
            ToolkitKeys         keys = MapMouseToToolkitKeys(wParam);
            int x, y;

            DrawingWindow actual;
            DrawingWindow found = FindDeepestChild(lParam, out x, out y, out actual);

            // Do Leave and Entered events.
            if (toolkit.enteredWindow != actual)
                if (toolkit.enteredWindow != null)
                    //Console.WriteLine("DrawingWindow.MouseLeave, " + toolkit.enteredWindow.sink);
                    toolkit.enteredWindow = null;
                if (actual != null)
                    //Console.WriteLine("DrawingWindow.MouseEnter, " + actual.sink);
                    toolkit.enteredWindow = actual;

            // If there are no child windows to receive the captured input then give it to the window doing the capturing
            if (toolkit.capturedWindow != null && found == null)
                found = toolkit.capturedWindow;

            // If this is the first time over a window, set the capture and try again
            if (toolkit.capturedTopWindow == null)
                if (toolkit.capturedWindow == null)
                    MouseMove(msg, wParam, lParam);

            Win32.Api.POINT mouse;
            mouse.x = MouseX(lParam) + DimensionsScreen.X;
            mouse.y = MouseY(lParam) + DimensionsScreen.Y;
            DrawingWindow actualWindow = toolkit.DrawingWindow(Win32.Api.WindowFromPoint(mouse));

            if (actualWindow != null && actualWindow.topOfhierarchy == toolkit.capturedTopWindow)
                // On the window decorations.
                if (found == null)
                    // Send the message to the client window
                    found.sink.ToolkitMouseMove(buttons, keys, 0, x, y, 0);
                //Console.WriteLine("DrawingWindow.MouseMove, " + (actual==null?"null":actual.sink.ToString()) +", (" + x +", " + y +"), " + buttons +"," + keys );
                if (toolkit.capturedWindow == null)
                    found.sink.ToolkitMouseMove(buttons, keys, 0, x, y, 0);
                // ?Send the last mouse move beyond the window (Win NT+ behaviour)
		public DrawingWindowBuffer(IToolkitWindow windowToBuffer)
			window = windowToBuffer as DrawingWindow;
Exemplo n.º 25
	// Returns whether a DrawingWindow is the parent of this window or is the window
	protected bool IsParentOf(DrawingWindow window)
		for (DrawingWindow w = window; w != null; w = w.parent)
			if (w == this)
				return true;
		return false;
Exemplo n.º 26
	// Move the window at position from to position to
	// Also move all the children in the from windows hierarchy
	protected void MoveWindowTo(DrawingWindow fromWindow, DrawingWindow toWindow)
		// Find the from position.
		int from;
		for (from = 0; from < toolkit.windowCount; from++)
			if (toolkit.windows[from] == fromWindow)
		// Find the to position.
		int to;
		for (to = 0; to < toolkit.windowCount; to++)
			if (toolkit.windows[to] == toWindow)
		if(to == toolkit.windowCount)

		if (from == to + 1 || from == to)
		DrawingWindow[] move = new DrawingWindow[16];
		int nextMove = 0;
		int toPosition = to;
		// Move all children of "win" into the move array.
		// Mark the children with null if they have been moved.
		for (int i = from; i < toolkit.windowCount; i++)
			DrawingWindow current = toolkit.windows[i];
			if (fromWindow.IsParentOf(current) || current == fromWindow)
				if (nextMove == move.Length)
					DrawingWindow[] newMove = new DrawingWindow[move.Length * 2];
					move.CopyTo(newMove, 0);
					move = newMove;
				toolkit.windows[i] = null;
				move[nextMove++] = current;
				if (i <= toPosition)

		// Fill in the null "holes".
		int nonNullItem = from;
		for(int i = from; i < toolkit.windowCount - nextMove; i++)
			DrawingWindow window = toolkit.windows[i];
			// Make sure we fill it with the next non null window.
			for(;; nonNullItem++)
				if (toolkit.windows[nonNullItem] != null)
					toolkit.windows[i] = toolkit.windows[nonNullItem++];

		// Make room for the new windows.
		Array.Copy(toolkit.windows,to + 1, toolkit.windows, to + 1 + nextMove, toolkit.windowCount - 1 - to - nextMove);
		// Copy the move entries after the to location.
		Array.Copy(move, 0, toolkit.windows , to + 1, nextMove);
Exemplo n.º 27
 public DrawingWindowBuffer(IToolkitWindow windowToBuffer)
     window = windowToBuffer as DrawingWindow;
Exemplo n.º 28
 // Set the cursor.  The toolkit may ignore "frame" if it already
 // has a system-defined association for "cursorType".  Setting
 // "cursorType" to "ToolkitCursorType.InheritParent" will reset
 // the cursor to be the same as the parent window's.
 void IToolkitWindow.SetCursor(ToolkitCursorType cursorType, Frame frame)
     DrawingWindow.ModifyCursor(this, cursorType, frame);
Exemplo n.º 29
        // Returns the bottom child window that is underneath x, y and that has a top level window of capturedTopWindow or capturedWindow (if some window has captured the mouse). The window must be visible and toplevelwindows decorations are excluded. Returns x and y relative to the found windows coordinates.
        private DrawingWindow FindDeepestChild(int lParam, out int x, out int y, out DrawingWindow actualFound)
            // Convert the mouse to screen coordinates
            Point pt = DimensionsScreen.Location;

            x = MouseX(lParam) + pt.X;
            y = MouseY(lParam) + pt.Y;

            DrawingWindow found = null;

            // Child windows lower down the hierarchy will always be last in the windows list
            for (int i = toolkit.windowCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                DrawingWindow w = toolkit.windows[i];
                if (!w.visible || !w.Visible)
                if (toolkit.capturedWindow == null)
                    if (toolkit.capturedTopWindow == w.topOfhierarchy)
                        // This will occur when the mouse is over the titlebar of a toplevel window.
                        if (w.DimensionsScreen.Contains(x, y))
                            found = w;
                        else if (w is DrawingTopLevelWindow && w.outsideDimensions.Contains(x, y))
                            actualFound = null;
                    if (toolkit.capturedWindow.IsParentOf(w) && w.DimensionsScreen.Contains(x, y))
                        found = w;

            actualFound = found;
            // If there are no child windows to receive the captured input then give it to the window doing the capturing
            if (toolkit.capturedWindow != null && found == null)
                found = toolkit.capturedWindow;

            if (found != null)
                // Adjust the coordinates relative to the "found" window.
                Rectangle child = found.DimensionsScreen;
                x -= child.X;
                y -= child.Y;
Exemplo n.º 30
	internal virtual int MouseActivate(DrawingWindow activateWindow)
		//Console.WriteLine("DrawingWindow.MouseActivate, " + sink +"," + activateWindow.sink);
		if (activateWindow is DrawingPopupWindow)
			return (int)Win32.Api.WM_MOUSEACTIVATEReturn.MA_NOACTIVATE;
		return (int)Win32.Api.WM_MOUSEACTIVATEReturn.MA_ACTIVATE;
Exemplo n.º 31
	// Set the capture to the top most parent of a window, or release the capture.
	private void CaptureTopLevel(DrawingWindow window)
			if (window == null)
				if (toolkit.capturedTopWindow != null)
					//Console.WriteLine("CaptureTopLevel, Releasing " + toolkit.capturedTopWindow);
					toolkit.capturedTopWindow = null;
			else if (toolkit.capturedTopWindow != window.topOfhierarchy)
				//Console.WriteLine("CaptureTopLevel, Switching " + toolkit.capturedTopWindow + " to " + window.topOfhierarchy);
				toolkit.capturedTopWindow = window.topOfhierarchy;
Exemplo n.º 32
	// Returns the bottom child window that is underneath x, y and that has a top level window of capturedTopWindow or capturedWindow (if some window has captured the mouse). The window must be visible and toplevelwindows decorations are excluded. Returns x and y relative to the found windows coordinates.
	private DrawingWindow FindDeepestChild(int lParam, out int x, out int y, out DrawingWindow actualFound)
		// Convert the mouse to screen coordinates
		Point pt = DimensionsScreen.Location;
		x = MouseX(lParam) + pt.X;
		y = MouseY(lParam) + pt.Y;

		DrawingWindow found = null;

		// Child windows lower down the hierarchy will always be last in the windows list
		for (int i = toolkit.windowCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
			DrawingWindow w = toolkit.windows[i];
			if (!w.visible || !w.Visible)
			if (toolkit.capturedWindow == null)
				if (toolkit.capturedTopWindow == w.topOfhierarchy)
					// This will occur when the mouse is over the titlebar of a toplevel window.
					if (w.DimensionsScreen.Contains(x, y))
						found = w;
					else if (w is DrawingTopLevelWindow && w.outsideDimensions.Contains(x,y))
						actualFound = null;
						return null;
				if (toolkit.capturedWindow.IsParentOf(w) && w.DimensionsScreen.Contains(x,y))
					found = w;

		actualFound = found;
		// If there are no child windows to receive the captured input then give it to the window doing the capturing
		if (toolkit.capturedWindow != null && found == null)
			found = toolkit.capturedWindow;
		if (found != null)
			// Adjust the coordinates relative to the "found" window.
			Rectangle child = found.DimensionsScreen;
			x -= child.X;
			y -= child.Y;
		return found;
Exemplo n.º 33
        // Move the window at position from to position to
        // Also move all the children in the from windows hierarchy
        protected void MoveWindowTo(DrawingWindow fromWindow, DrawingWindow toWindow)
            // Find the from position.
            int from;

            for (from = 0; from < toolkit.windowCount; from++)
                if (toolkit.windows[from] == fromWindow)
            // Find the to position.
            int to;

            for (to = 0; to < toolkit.windowCount; to++)
                if (toolkit.windows[to] == toWindow)
            if (to == toolkit.windowCount)

            if (from == to + 1 || from == to)
            DrawingWindow[] move       = new DrawingWindow[16];
            int             nextMove   = 0;
            int             toPosition = to;

            // Move all children of "win" into the move array.
            // Mark the children with null if they have been moved.
            for (int i = from; i < toolkit.windowCount; i++)
                DrawingWindow current = toolkit.windows[i];
                if (fromWindow.IsParentOf(current) || current == fromWindow)
                    if (nextMove == move.Length)
                        DrawingWindow[] newMove = new DrawingWindow[move.Length * 2];
                        move.CopyTo(newMove, 0);
                        move = newMove;
                    toolkit.windows[i] = null;
                    move[nextMove++]   = current;
                    if (i <= toPosition)

            // Fill in the null "holes".
            int nonNullItem = from;

            for (int i = from; i < toolkit.windowCount - nextMove; i++)
                DrawingWindow window = toolkit.windows[i];
                // Make sure we fill it with the next non null window.
                for (;; nonNullItem++)
                    if (toolkit.windows[nonNullItem] != null)
                        toolkit.windows[i] = toolkit.windows[nonNullItem++];

            // Make room for the new windows.
            Array.Copy(toolkit.windows, to + 1, toolkit.windows, to + 1 + nextMove, toolkit.windowCount - 1 - to - nextMove);
            // Copy the move entries after the to location.
            Array.Copy(move, 0, toolkit.windows, to + 1, nextMove);
Exemplo n.º 34
	// Set the child right next to the parent in the heirarchy sure the parent window is before the child.
	// Set the correct TopOfHierarchy for all the childwindows.
	protected internal void ReparentOwn(DrawingWindow parent)
		this.parent = parent;
		if (parent != null)
			MoveWindowTo(this, parent);
Exemplo n.º 35
 internal override int MouseActivate(DrawingWindow activateWindow)
Exemplo n.º 36
	// Add a new DrawingWindow and make room if necessary
	internal void AddWindow(DrawingWindow window, DrawingWindow parent)
		if (windows.Length == windowCount)
			DrawingWindow[] newWindows = new DrawingWindow[windows.Length * 2];
			windows.CopyTo(newWindows, 0);
			windows = newWindows;
		windows[windowCount++] = window;