Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void VerifyError(Func <AstoriaResponse, bool, string> responseParser, AstoriaResponse response, string expectedErrorString, ComparisonFlag comparison)
            bool inStream = InStreamErrorExpected(response);

            // actual error returned
            string actualErrorString = responseParser(response, inStream);

            // expected error string (from service op in service)
            AstoriaTestLog.TraceInfo("Actual Error String --> " + actualErrorString);
            AstoriaTestLog.TraceInfo("Expected Error String --> " + expectedErrorString);
            ResourceUtil.VerifyMessage(actualErrorString, expectedErrorString, comparison);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public AstoriaResponse SendAndVerify(object expectedPayload, params string[] headers)
            // Set auxiliary header values, if any (like ETag).
            for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i += 2)
                base.Headers[headers[i]] = headers[i + 1];

            // Determine lowest possible protocol versions.
            string requestVersion  = "1.0";
            string responseVersion = "1.0";

            if (base.ExpectedStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                if (base.URI.Contains("$select="))
                    requestVersion  = "2.0";
                    responseVersion = "1.0";
                if (base.URI.Contains("$inlinecount="))
                    requestVersion  = "2.0";
                    responseVersion = "2.0";
                if (base.URI.Contains("/$count"))
                    requestVersion  = "2.0";
                    responseVersion = "2.0";

            // Set request version headers semi-randomly.
            switch (base.URI.GetHashCode() & 3)
            case 0: base.DataServiceVersion = requestVersion; break;

            case 1: base.DataServiceVersion = null; break;
            switch ((base.URI.GetHashCode() >> 2) & 3)
            case 0: base.MaxDataServiceVersion = requestVersion; break;

            case 1: base.MaxDataServiceVersion = Versioning.Server.DataServiceVersion; break;

            // Send request to server.
            AstoriaResponse response = GetResponse();

            // Update last seen MLE or MR ETags.
            if (response.ETagHeaderFound)
                if (base.URI.Contains("$value"))
                    ETagMRR = response.ETagHeader;
                    ETagMLE = response.ETagHeader;

            if ((AstoriaTestProperties.DataLayerProviderKinds.Contains(DataLayerProviderKind.NonClr)) && (AstoriaTestProperties.UseOpenTypes))
                //  This section of code is handling the DSV values returned from server changes
                bool not_3_0 = response.DataServiceVersion.StartsWith("1.0");
                not_3_0 = response.DataServiceVersion.StartsWith("2.0") | not_3_0;
                AstoriaTestLog.Compare(not_3_0, "DataServiceVersion response header was returned with " + response.DataServiceVersion);
                AstoriaTestLog.TraceInfo("Returned DSV was " + response.DataServiceVersion);
                // Verify response version header.
                                       "DataServiceVersion response header must be " + responseVersion + " but was " + response.DataServiceVersion);

            // Verify content type: xml for Atom, json for JSON.
            if (!base.Batched && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Payload))
                if (base.Format == SerializationFormatKind.Atom && !response.ContentType.Contains("xml") ||
                    (base.Format == SerializationFormatKind.JSON && !response.ContentType.Contains("json")))
                    AstoriaTestLog.WriteLine(string.Format("Wrong Content-Type {0} in response to {1} request: ", response.ContentType, base.Format));
                    AstoriaTestLog.FailAndThrow(response.Payload ?? "{null}");

            // Verify MLE (BlobsPayload) or MR response payload.
            if (expectedPayload is BlobsPayload)
                // Compare MLE payloads.
                BlobsPayload actualPayload = (expectedPayload as BlobsPayload);
                if (actualPayload.ToString() != expectedPayload.ToString())
                        "MLE received:" + TestLog.NewLine + actualPayload + TestLog.NewLine +
                        "MLE expected:" + TestLog.NewLine + expectedPayload);

                // Temporarily morph MLE into normal entity and call Verify().
                string originalPayload = response.Payload;
                response.Payload = actualPayload.AdjustedForVerify();
                response.Payload = originalPayload;
                // Compare MR payloads.
                string actualPayload = response.Payload;
                if (expectedPayload != null && actualPayload != expectedPayload as string)
                        "MR received:" + TestLog.NewLine + actualPayload + TestLog.NewLine +
                        "MR expected:" + TestLog.NewLine + expectedPayload);


            // Remove auxiliary headers, if any.
            for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i += 2)

Exemplo n.º 3
        internal bool CompareSimpleType(PayloadSimpleProperty payloadProperty, object element, bool isEntity)
            Object expectedResult, actualResult = null;

            // Verify property data
            string propertyName = payloadProperty.Name;

            if (isEntity)
#if !ClientSKUFramework
                if (element is RowEntityType)
                    expectedResult = ((RowEntityType)element).Properties[propertyName];

                else if (element is RowComplexType)
                    expectedResult = ((RowComplexType)element).Properties[propertyName];


                    PropertyInfo propertyInfo = element.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);

                    if (propertyInfo == null)
                        AstoriaTestLog.TraceInfo(String.Format("Couldn't find property {0}", propertyName));

                    expectedResult = propertyInfo.GetValue(element, null);
                expectedResult = element;

            if (expectedResult is System.Byte[])
                int    actualInt32Result;
                object newExpectedResult;

                // If prop value is int, then it just contains the length, not the acutally binary data so compare that
                if (Int32.TryParse(payloadProperty.Value, out actualInt32Result))
                    actualResult      = actualInt32Result;
                    newExpectedResult = ((byte[])expectedResult).Length;
                    actualResult      = payloadProperty.Value;
                    newExpectedResult = System.Convert.ToBase64String((System.Byte[])expectedResult);

                return(this.InternalEquals(actualResult, newExpectedResult));
                if (expectedResult == null)
                    actualResult = payloadProperty.Value;
                else if (expectedResult is System.DateTime)
                    switch (((DateTime)expectedResult).Kind)
                    case DateTimeKind.Local:
                        expectedResult = ((DateTime)expectedResult).ToUniversalTime();

                    case DateTimeKind.Unspecified:
                        expectedResult = new DateTime(((DateTime)expectedResult).Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc);

                    case DateTimeKind.Utc:
                    actualResult = this.ParseDate(payloadProperty.Value);
                else if (expectedResult is System.Guid)
                    expectedResult = ((Guid)expectedResult).ToString();
                    actualResult   = payloadProperty.Value;
#if !ClientSKUFramework
                else if (expectedResult is System.Data.Linq.Binary || expectedResult is System.Xml.Linq.XElement)
                    actualResult   = StripQuotes(payloadProperty.Value);
                    expectedResult = StripQuotes(expectedResult.ToString());
                    if (payloadProperty.Value == null)
                        actualResult = null;
#if !ClientSKUFramework
                        actualResult = AstoriaUnitTests.Data.TypeData.ObjectFromXmlValue(payloadProperty.Value, expectedResult.GetType());

                return(this.InternalEquals(actualResult, expectedResult));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void CompareMetadata(IEdmModel expectedItems, IEdmModel actualItems, bool isReflectionBasedProvider, string defaultEntityContainerName, ServiceContainer serviceContainer)
            //  Verify the metadata version is correct, the number of entity containers is 1, the entity
            //  container names match, and the number of entity types are the same
            AstoriaTestLog.AreEqual(1.1, actualItems.GetEdmVersion(), "The metadata version was not correct");
            AstoriaTestLog.AreEqual(serviceContainer.Workspace.ContextTypeName, actualItems.EntityContainer.Name, "Entity Container names do not match");
            if (!isReflectionBasedProvider)
                AstoriaTestLog.AreEqual(expectedItems.SchemaElements.OfType <IEdmEntityType>().Count(), actualItems.SchemaElements.OfType <IEdmEntityType>().Count(), "Entity Type Counts do not match");

            foreach (IEdmOperationImport metadataExposedFunction in actualItems.EntityContainer.OperationImports())
                AstoriaTestLog.TraceInfo("--> " + metadataExposedFunction.Name);

            //  For each entity type exposed through the metadata endpoint, verify the following
            //      1.  Verify it has an equivalent definition in the resource container
            //      2.  Verify the entity type name is correct
            //      3.  Verify that no navigation property is exposed in the entity type
            //      4.  Verify that the property count in the entity type
            IEnumerable <ComplexType> rtTypeCollection = serviceContainer.AllTypes.Where(a => a.GetType().Name.Equals("ResourceType"));


            foreach (IEdmEntityType metadataExposedEntityType in actualItems.SchemaElements.OfType <IEdmEntityType>())
                ResourceType resourceContainerEntityType = serviceContainer.AllTypes.Where(b => b.GetType().Name.Equals("ResourceType") & (b.FullName.Equals(metadataExposedEntityType.FullName()))).FirstOrDefault() as ResourceType;
                if (resourceContainerEntityType == null)

                AstoriaTestLog.IsNotNull(resourceContainerEntityType, "Did not find entity type in resource container");
                AstoriaTestLog.AreEqual(resourceContainerEntityType.FullName, metadataExposedEntityType.FullName(), "Entity Type name mismatch");

                //  Verify the name, type, and nullable attribute values
                ResourceContainer rc = serviceContainer.ResourceContainers.Where(a => a.BaseType.Name.Equals(metadataExposedEntityType.Name)).FirstOrDefault();
                if (rc == null)
                int navCount = rc.BaseType.Properties.Cast <NodeProperty>().Cast <ResourceProperty>().Where(a => a.IsNavigation).Count();

                AstoriaTestLog.AreEqual(resourceContainerEntityType.Properties.Count - navCount, metadataExposedEntityType.Properties().Count(), "Edm Property count mismatch");
                foreach (IEdmProperty metadataExposedProperty in metadataExposedEntityType.Properties())
                    string errorStringEntityTypeProperty = metadataExposedEntityType.FullName() + " : " + metadataExposedProperty.Name;

                    NodeProperty resourceContainerProperty = resourceContainerEntityType.Properties.Where(a => a.Name.Equals(metadataExposedProperty.Name)).FirstOrDefault();
                    AstoriaTestLog.IsNotNull(resourceContainerProperty, "Did not find property -->" + errorStringEntityTypeProperty + "<-- in resource container");
                    if (resourceContainerProperty == null)

                    if (metadataExposedProperty.Type.IsBinary())
                        if (AstoriaTestProperties.DataLayerProviderKinds.Contains(DataLayerProviderKind.LinqToSql))
                            AstoriaTestLog.AreEqual("System.Data.Linq.Binary", resourceContainerProperty.Type.ClrType.FullName, errorStringEntityTypeProperty + " type is incorrect");
                            AstoriaTestLog.AreEqual("System.Byte[]", resourceContainerProperty.Type.ClrType.FullName, errorStringEntityTypeProperty + " type is incorrect");
                        AstoriaTestLog.AreEqual(metadataExposedProperty.Type.FullName(), resourceContainerProperty.Type.FullName, errorStringEntityTypeProperty + " type is incorrect");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void VerifyException(Exception e, ResourceIdentifier identifier, params Object[] args)
            if (identifier == null)
                throw new TestFailedException("VerifyException: an exception was expected, but ResourceIdentifier is null");

            //Exception not thrown, and should have
            if (e == null)
                throw new TestFailedException("VerifyException: an exception was expected, but not thrown Id='" + identifier.CompleteIdInfo + "'");

            if (identifier.ExpectedExceptionType == null)
                throw new TestFailedException("VerifyException: ResourceIdentifier doesn't contain a ExpectedException");

            while (e is TargetInvocationException && e.InnerException != null && identifier.ExpectedExceptionType != typeof(TargetInvocationException))
                e = e.InnerException;

            //Test Exceptions (never expected)
            if (e is TestException)
                throw e;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(identifier.Id))
                if (e != null)
                    throw new TestFailedException("VerifyException: an exception was thrown, incorrect Identifier");

            //Verify the type
            if (identifier.ExpectedExceptionType != null && e.GetType() != identifier.ExpectedExceptionType)
                throw new TestFailedException("Verify exception type", e.GetType(), identifier.ExpectedExceptionType, e);

            if (e.Source == null || e.Source == String.Empty)
                throw new TestFailedException("Exception is thrown, but the Source property of the exception is not set.");

            //Exception not thrown, and should have
            if (e == null && identifier.Id != null)
                throw new TestFailedException("VerifyException: an exception was expected, but not thrown Id='" + identifier.Id + "'");

            AstoriaTestLog.TraceInfo("VerifyException: " + identifier.CompleteIdInfo + " - " + e.GetType().Name);

            string expectedMessage = GetLocalizedResourceString(identifier);

            VerifyMessage(e.Message, expectedMessage, identifier.ComparisonFlag);