protected override DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject)
     return new OleDbConnectionInternal((OleDbConnectionString) options, (OleDbConnection) owningObject);
Exemplo n.º 2
 abstract protected DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection);
 override protected DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection) {
     return CreateConnection(options, poolKey, poolGroupProviderInfo, pool, owningConnection, userOptions: null);
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal void MakePooledConnection(DbConnectionPool connectionPool) {
            // Used by DbConnectionFactory to indicate that this object IS part of
            // a connection pool.

            _createTime = DateTime.UtcNow; // WebData 111116

            _connectionPool = connectionPool;
            _performanceCounters = connectionPool.PerformanceCounters;
Exemplo n.º 5
        internal DbConnectionInternal CreatePooledConnection(DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, DbConnectionOptions userOptions)
            Debug.Assert(null != pool, "null pool?");
            DbConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo poolGroupProviderInfo = pool.PoolGroup.ProviderInfo;

            DbConnectionInternal newConnection = CreateConnection(options, poolKey, poolGroupProviderInfo, pool, owningObject, userOptions);
            if (null != newConnection)
            return newConnection;
Exemplo n.º 6
        internal void MakePooledConnection(DbConnectionPool connectionPool)
            // Used by DbConnectionFactory to indicate that this object IS part of
            // a connection pool.
            _createTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            _connectionPool = connectionPool;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public virtual void Dispose()
            _connectionPool = null;
            _performanceCounters = null;
            _connectionIsDoomed = true;
            _enlistedTransactionOriginal = null; // should not be disposed

            // Dispose of the _enlistedTransaction since it is a clone
            // of the original reference.
            // VSDD 780271 - _enlistedTransaction can be changed by another thread (TX end event)
            SysTx.Transaction enlistedTransaction = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _enlistedTransaction, null);
            if (enlistedTransaction != null)
Exemplo n.º 8
        internal bool Prune()
            // must only call from DbConnectionFactory.PruneConnectionPoolGroups on background timer thread
            // must lock(DbConnectionFactory._connectionPoolGroups.SyncRoot) before calling ReadyToRemove
            //     to avoid conflict with DbConnectionFactory.CreateConnectionPoolGroup replacing pool entry
            lock (this)
                if (_poolCollection.Count > 0)
                    var newPoolCollection = new ConcurrentDictionary <DbConnectionPoolIdentity, DbConnectionPool>();

                    foreach (var entry in _poolCollection)
                        DbConnectionPool pool = entry.Value;
                        if (pool != null)
                            //  Pruning a pool while a connection is currently attempting to connect
                            //  will cause the pool to be prematurely abandoned. The only known effect so
                            //  far is that the errorWait throttling will be reset when this occurs.
                            //  We should be able to avoid this situation by not pruning the pool if
                            //  it's _waitCount is non-zero (i.e. no connections *in* the pool, but also
                            //  no connections attempting to be created for the pool).

                            // Actually prune the pool if there are no connections in the pool and no errors occurred.
                            // Empty pool during pruning indicates zero or low activity, but
                            //  an error state indicates the pool needs to stay around to
                            //  throttle new connection attempts.
                            if ((!pool.ErrorOccurred) && (0 == pool.Count))
                                // Order is important here.  First we remove the pool
                                // from the collection of pools so no one will try
                                // to use it while we're processing and finally we put the
                                // pool into a list of pools to be released when they
                                // are completely empty.
                                DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory = pool.ConnectionFactory;

                                connectionFactory.QueuePoolForRelease(pool, false);
                                newPoolCollection.TryAdd(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                    _poolCollection = newPoolCollection;

                // must be pruning thread to change state and no connections
                // otherwise pruning thread risks making entry disabled soon after user calls ClearPool
                if (0 == _poolCollection.Count)
                    if (PoolGroupStateActive == _state)
                        _state = PoolGroupStateIdle;
                    else if (PoolGroupStateIdle == _state)
                        _state = PoolGroupStateDisabled;
                return(PoolGroupStateDisabled == _state);
        internal DbConnectionInternal CreatePooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnectionOptions options)
            DbConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo providerInfo = pool.PoolGroup.ProviderInfo;
            DbConnectionInternal internal2 = this.CreateConnection(options, providerInfo, pool, owningConnection);

            if (internal2 != null)
            Bid.Trace("<prov.DbConnectionFactory.CreatePooledConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Pooled database connection created.\n", this.ObjectID);
Exemplo n.º 10
        internal virtual void CloseConnection(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
            // The implementation here is the implementation required for the
            // "open" internal connections, since our own private "closed"
            // singleton internal connection objects override this method to
            // prevent anything funny from happening (like disposing themselves
            // or putting them into a connection pool)
            // Derived class should override DbConnectionInternal.Deactivate and DbConnectionInternal.Dispose
            // for cleaning up after DbConnection.Close
            //     protected override void Deactivate() { // override DbConnectionInternal.Close
            //         // do derived class connection deactivation for both pooled & non-pooled connections
            //     }
            //     public override void Dispose() { // override DbConnectionInternal.Close
            //         // do derived class cleanup
            //         base.Dispose();
            //     }
            // overriding DbConnection.Close is also possible, but must provider for their own synchronization
            //     public override void Close() { // override DbConnection.Close
            //         base.Close();
            //         // do derived class outer connection for both pooled & non-pooled connections
            //         // user must do their own synchronization here
            //     }
            //     if the DbConnectionInternal derived class needs to close the connection it should
            //     delegate to the DbConnection if one exists or directly call dispose
            //         DbConnection owningObject = (DbConnection)Owner;
            //         if (null != owningObject) {
            //             owningObject.Close(); // force the closed state on the outer object.
            //         }
            //         else {
            //             Dispose();
            //         }
            Debug.Assert(null != owningObject, "null owningObject");
            Debug.Assert(null != connectionFactory, "null connectionFactory");

            // if an exception occurs after the state change but before the try block
            // the connection will be stuck in OpenBusy state.  The commented out try-catch
            // block doesn't really help because a ThreadAbort during the finally block
            // would just revert the connection to a bad state.
            // Open->Closed: guarantee internal connection is returned to correct pool
            if (connectionFactory.SetInnerConnectionFrom(owningObject, DbConnectionOpenBusy.SingletonInstance, this))
                // Lock to prevent race condition with cancellation
                lock (this)
                    object lockToken = ObtainAdditionalLocksForClose();

                        DbConnectionPool connectionPool = Pool;

                        // The singleton closed classes won't have owners and
                        // connection pools, and we won't want to put them back
                        // into the pool.
                        if (null != connectionPool)
                            connectionPool.PutObject(this, owningObject);   // PutObject calls Deactivate for us...
                                                                            // NOTE: Before we leave the PutObject call, another
                                                                            // thread may have already popped the connection from
                                                                            // the pool, so don't expect to be able to verify it.
                            Deactivate();   // ensure we de-activate non-pooled connections, or the data readers and transactions may not get cleaned up...

                            // To prevent an endless recursion, we need to clear
                            // the owning object before we call dispose so that
                            // we can't get here a second time... Ordinarily, I
                            // would call setting the owner to null a hack, but
                            // this is safe since we're about to dispose the
                            // object and it won't have an owner after that for
                            // certain.
                            _owningObject.Target = null;

                        // if a ThreadAbort puts us here then its possible the outer connection will not reference
                        // this and this will be orphaned, not reclaimed by object pool until outer connection goes out of scope.
                        connectionFactory.SetInnerConnectionEvent(owningObject, DbConnectionClosedPreviouslyOpened.SingletonInstance);
Exemplo n.º 11
        internal DbConnectionPool?GetConnectionPool(DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
            // When this method returns null it indicates that the connection
            // factory should not use pooling.

            // We don't support connection pooling on Win9x; it lacks too
            // many of the APIs we require.
            // PoolGroupOptions will only be null when we're not supposed to pool
            // connections.
            DbConnectionPool?pool = null;

            if (null != _poolGroupOptions)
                Debug.Assert(ADP.IsWindowsNT, "should not be pooling on Win9x");

                DbConnectionPoolIdentity?currentIdentity = DbConnectionPoolIdentity.NoIdentity;
                if (_poolGroupOptions.PoolByIdentity)
                    // if we're pooling by identity (because integrated security is
                    // being used for these connections) then we need to go out and
                    // search for the connectionPool that matches the current identity.

                    currentIdentity = DbConnectionPoolIdentity.GetCurrent();

                    // If the current token is restricted in some way, then we must
                    // not attempt to pool these connections.
                    if (currentIdentity.IsRestricted)
                        currentIdentity = null;

                if (null != currentIdentity)
                    if (!_poolCollection.TryGetValue(currentIdentity, out pool))
                    { // find the pool
                        lock (this)
                            // Did someone already add it to the list?
                            if (!_poolCollection.TryGetValue(currentIdentity, out pool))
                                DbConnectionPool newPool = new DbConnectionPool(connectionFactory, this, currentIdentity);

                                if (MarkPoolGroupAsActive())
                                    // If we get here, we know for certain that we there isn't
                                    // a pool that matches the current identity, so we have to
                                    // add the optimistically created one
                                    newPool.Startup(); // must start pool before usage
                                    bool addResult = _poolCollection.TryAdd(currentIdentity, newPool);
                                    Debug.Assert(addResult, "No other pool with current identity should exist at this point");
                                    pool = newPool;
                                    // else pool entry has been disabled so don't create new pools
                                    Debug.Assert(PoolGroupStateDisabled == _state, "state should be disabled");

                                    // don't need to call connectionFactory.QueuePoolForRelease(newPool) because
                                    // pool callbacks were delayed and no risk of connections being created
                                // else found an existing pool to use instead
                                Debug.Assert(PoolGroupStateActive == _state, "state should be active since a pool exists and lock holds");
                    // the found pool could be in any state

            if (null == pool)
                lock (this)
                    // keep the pool entry state active when not pooling
Exemplo n.º 12
 virtual protected DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionOptions userOptions)
     return(CreateConnection(options, poolKey, poolGroupProviderInfo, pool, owningConnection));
 internal void QueuePoolForRelease(DbConnectionPool pool, bool clearing)
     lock (this._poolsToRelease)
         if (clearing)
 internal DbConnectionInternal CreatePooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnectionOptions options)
     DbConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo providerInfo = pool.PoolGroup.ProviderInfo;
     DbConnectionInternal internal2 = this.CreateConnection(options, providerInfo, pool, owningConnection);
     if (internal2 != null)
     Bid.Trace("<prov.DbConnectionFactory.CreatePooledConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Pooled database connection created.\n", this.ObjectID);
     return internal2;
        internal DbConnectionPool GetConnectionPool(DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
            // When this method returns null it indicates that the connection
            // factory should not use pooling.

            // We don't support connection pooling on Win9x; it lacks too
            // many of the APIs we require.
            // PoolGroupOptions will only be null when we're not supposed to pool
            // connections.
            DbConnectionPool pool = null;
            if (null != _poolGroupOptions) {
                Debug.Assert(ADP.IsWindowsNT, "should not be pooling on Win9x");

                DbConnectionPoolIdentity currentIdentity = DbConnectionPoolIdentity.NoIdentity;
                if (_poolGroupOptions.PoolByIdentity) {
                    // if we're pooling by identity (because integrated security is
                    // being used for these connections) then we need to go out and
                    // search for the connectionPool that matches the current identity.

                    currentIdentity = DbConnectionPoolIdentity.GetCurrent();

                    // If the current token is restricted in some way, then we must
                    // not attempt to pool these connections.
                    if (currentIdentity.IsRestricted) {
                        currentIdentity = null;
                if (null != currentIdentity) {
                    if (!_poolCollection.TryGetValue(currentIdentity, out pool)) { // find the pool
                        DbConnectionPoolProviderInfo connectionPoolProviderInfo = connectionFactory.CreateConnectionPoolProviderInfo(this.ConnectionOptions);

                        // optimistically create pool, but its callbacks are delayed until after actual add
                        DbConnectionPool newPool = new DbConnectionPool(connectionFactory, this, currentIdentity, connectionPoolProviderInfo);

                        lock (this) {
                            // Did someone already add it to the list?
                            if (!_poolCollection.TryGetValue(currentIdentity, out pool)) {
                                if (MarkPoolGroupAsActive()) {
                                    // If we get here, we know for certain that we there isn't
                                    // a pool that matches the current identity, so we have to
                                    // add the optimistically created one
                                    newPool.Startup(); // must start pool before usage
                                    bool addResult = _poolCollection.TryAdd(currentIdentity, newPool);
                                    Debug.Assert(addResult, "No other pool with current identity should exist at this point");
                                    pool = newPool;
                                    newPool = null;
                                else {
                                    // else pool entry has been disabled so don't create new pools
                                    Debug.Assert(PoolGroupStateDisabled == _state, "state should be disabled");
                            else {
                                // else found an existing pool to use instead
                                Debug.Assert(PoolGroupStateActive == _state, "state should be active since a pool exists and lock holds");

                        if (null != newPool) {
                            // don't need to call connectionFactory.QueuePoolForRelease(newPool) because
                            // pool callbacks were delayed and no risk of connections being created
                    // the found pool could be in any state

            if (null == pool) {
                lock(this) {
                    // keep the pool entry state active when not pooling
            return pool;
 protected abstract DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public virtual void Dispose()
     _connectionPool = null;
     _connectionIsDoomed = true;
 internal DbConnectionPool GetConnectionPool(DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
     object obj2 = null;
     if (this._poolGroupOptions != null)
         DbConnectionPoolIdentity noIdentity = DbConnectionPoolIdentity.NoIdentity;
         if (this._poolGroupOptions.PoolByIdentity)
             noIdentity = DbConnectionPoolIdentity.GetCurrent();
             if (noIdentity.IsRestricted)
                 noIdentity = null;
         if (noIdentity != null)
             obj2 = this._poolCollection[noIdentity];
             if (obj2 == null)
                 DbConnectionPoolProviderInfo connectionPoolProviderInfo = connectionFactory.CreateConnectionPoolProviderInfo(this.ConnectionOptions);
                 DbConnectionPool pool = new DbConnectionPool(connectionFactory, this, noIdentity, connectionPoolProviderInfo);
                 lock (this)
                     HybridDictionary dictionary = this._poolCollection;
                     obj2 = dictionary[noIdentity];
                     if ((obj2 == null) && this.MarkPoolGroupAsActive())
                         HybridDictionary dictionary2 = new HybridDictionary(1 + dictionary.Count, false);
                         foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dictionary)
                             dictionary2.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                         dictionary2.Add(noIdentity, pool);
                         this._poolCollection = dictionary2;
                         this._poolCount = dictionary2.Count;
                         obj2 = pool;
                         pool = null;
                 if (pool != null)
     if (obj2 == null)
         lock (this)
     return (DbConnectionPool) obj2;
Exemplo n.º 19
 protected override System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(System.Data.Common.DbConnectionOptions options, object poolGroupProviderInfo, System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject)
     return(new OracleInternalConnection(options as OracleConnectionString));
Exemplo n.º 20
 override protected DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject) {
     DbConnectionInternal result = new OleDbConnectionInternal((OleDbConnectionString)options, (OleDbConnection)owningObject);
     return result;
Exemplo n.º 21
        internal void MakeNonPooledObject(object owningObject, DbConnectionPoolCounters performanceCounters) {
            // Used by DbConnectionFactory to indicate that this object IS NOT part of
            // a connection pool.

            _connectionPool = null;
            _performanceCounters = performanceCounters;
            _owningObject.Target = owningObject;
            _pooledCount = -1;
        internal DbConnectionInternal CreatePooledConnection(DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, DbConnectionOptions userOptions) {
            Debug.Assert(null != pool, "null pool?");
            DbConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo poolGroupProviderInfo = pool.PoolGroup.ProviderInfo;

            DbConnectionInternal newConnection = CreateConnection(options, poolKey, poolGroupProviderInfo, pool, owningObject, userOptions);
            if (null != newConnection) {
            Bid.Trace("<prov.DbConnectionFactory.CreatePooledConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Pooled database connection created.\n", ObjectID);
            return newConnection;
Exemplo n.º 23
 override protected DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject) {
     DbConnectionInternal result = new OdbcConnectionOpen(owningObject as OdbcConnection, options as OdbcConnectionString);
     return result;
 public virtual void Dispose()
     this._connectionPool = null;
     this._performanceCounters = null;
     this._connectionIsDoomed = true;
     this._enlistedTransactionOriginal = null;
     Transaction transaction = Interlocked.Exchange<Transaction>(ref this._enlistedTransaction, null);
     if (transaction != null)
Exemplo n.º 25
        internal void QueuePoolForRelease(DbConnectionPool pool, bool clearing)
            // Queue the pool up for release -- we'll clear it out and dispose
            // of it as the last part of the pruning timer callback so we don't
            // do it with the pool entry or the pool collection locked.
            Debug.Assert(null != pool, "null pool?");

            // set the pool to the shutdown state to force all active
            // connections to be automatically disposed when they
            // are returned to the pool

            lock (_poolsToRelease)
                if (clearing)
 internal void MakeNonPooledObject(object owningObject, DbConnectionPoolCounters performanceCounters)
     this._connectionPool = null;
     this._performanceCounters = performanceCounters;
     this._owningObject.Target = owningObject;
     this._pooledCount = -1;
        // although the new password is generally not used it must be passed to the c'tor
        // the new Login7 packet will always write out the new password (or a length of zero and no bytes if not present)
        internal SqlInternalConnectionTds(
                DbConnectionPoolIdentity    identity, 
                SqlConnectionString         connectionOptions,
                SqlCredential               credential,
                object                      providerInfo, 
                string                      newPassword,
                SecureString                newSecurePassword,
                bool                        redirectedUserInstance,
                SqlConnectionString         userConnectionOptions = null, // NOTE: userConnectionOptions may be different to connectionOptions if the connection string has been expanded (see SqlConnectionString.Expand)
                SessionData                 reconnectSessionData = null,
                DbConnectionPool            pool = null,
                string                      accessToken = null,
                bool applyTransientFaultHandling = false
                ) : base(connectionOptions) {

            if (reconnectSessionData != null) {
                reconnectSessionData._debugReconnectDataApplied = true;
            try { // use this to help validate this object is only created after the following permission has been previously demanded in the current codepath
                if (userConnectionOptions != null) {
                    // As mentioned above, userConnectionOptions may be different to connectionOptions, so we need to demand on the correct connection string
                else {
            catch(System.Security.SecurityException) {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "unexpected SecurityException for current codepath");
            Debug.Assert(reconnectSessionData == null || connectionOptions.ConnectRetryCount > 0, "Reconnect data supplied with CR turned off");

            _dbConnectionPool = pool;
            if (connectionOptions.ConnectRetryCount > 0) {
                _recoverySessionData = reconnectSessionData;          
                if (reconnectSessionData == null) {
                    _currentSessionData = new SessionData();
                else {
                    _currentSessionData = new SessionData(_recoverySessionData);
                    _originalDatabase = _recoverySessionData._initialDatabase;
                    _originalLanguage = _recoverySessionData._initialLanguage;
            if (connectionOptions.UserInstance && InOutOfProcHelper.InProc) {
                throw SQL.UserInstanceNotAvailableInProc();

            if (accessToken != null) {
                _accessTokenInBytes = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(accessToken);

            _identity = identity;
            Debug.Assert(newSecurePassword != null || newPassword != null, "cannot have both new secure change password and string based change password to be null");
            Debug.Assert(credential == null || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionOptions.UserID) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionOptions.Password)), "cannot mix the new secure password system and the connection string based password");

            Debug.Assert(credential == null || !connectionOptions.IntegratedSecurity, "Cannot use SqlCredential and Integrated Security");
            Debug.Assert(credential == null || !connectionOptions.ContextConnection, "Cannot use SqlCredential with context connection");

            _poolGroupProviderInfo = (SqlConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo)providerInfo;
            _fResetConnection = connectionOptions.ConnectionReset;
            if (_fResetConnection && _recoverySessionData == null) {
                _originalDatabase = connectionOptions.InitialCatalog;
                _originalLanguage = connectionOptions.CurrentLanguage;

            timeoutErrorInternal = new SqlConnectionTimeoutErrorInternal();
            _credential = credential;

            ThreadHasParserLockForClose = true;   // In case of error, let ourselves know that we already own the parser lock
            try {
                TdsParser.ReliabilitySection tdsReliabilitySection = new TdsParser.ReliabilitySection();

                try {
#endif //DEBUG
                    _timeout = TimeoutTimer.StartSecondsTimeout(connectionOptions.ConnectTimeout);

                    // If transient fault handling is enabled then we can retry the login upto the ConnectRetryCount.
                    int connectionEstablishCount = applyTransientFaultHandling ? connectionOptions.ConnectRetryCount + 1 : 1;
                    int transientRetryIntervalInMilliSeconds = connectionOptions.ConnectRetryInterval * 1000; // Max value of transientRetryInterval is 60*1000 ms. The max value allowed for ConnectRetryInterval is 60
                    for (int i = 0; i < connectionEstablishCount; i++)
                            OpenLoginEnlist(_timeout, connectionOptions, credential, newPassword, newSecurePassword, redirectedUserInstance);
                        catch (SqlException sqlex)
                            if (i + 1 == connectionEstablishCount 
                                || !applyTransientFaultHandling
                                || _timeout.IsExpired
                                || _timeout.MillisecondsRemaining < transientRetryIntervalInMilliSeconds
                                || !IsTransientError(sqlex))
                                throw sqlex;
                finally {
#endif //DEBUG
            catch (System.OutOfMemoryException) {
            catch (System.StackOverflowException) {
            catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) {
            finally {
                ThreadHasParserLockForClose = false;
            if (Bid.AdvancedOn) {
                Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnectionTds.ctor|ADV> %d#, constructed new TDS internal connection\n", ObjectID);
 internal void MakePooledConnection(DbConnectionPool connectionPool)
     this._createTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
     this._connectionPool = connectionPool;
     this._performanceCounters = connectionPool.PerformanceCounters;
        override protected DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionOptions userOptions) {
            SqlConnectionString opt = (SqlConnectionString)options;
            SqlConnectionPoolKey key = (SqlConnectionPoolKey) poolKey;
            SqlInternalConnection result = null;
            SessionData recoverySessionData = null;

            SqlConnectionString userOpt = null;
            if (userOptions != null) {
                userOpt = (SqlConnectionString)userOptions;
            else if (owningConnection != null) {
                userOpt = (SqlConnectionString)(((SqlConnection)owningConnection).UserConnectionOptions);                

            if (owningConnection != null) {
                recoverySessionData = ((SqlConnection)owningConnection)._recoverySessionData;

            if (opt.ContextConnection) {
                result = GetContextConnection(opt, poolGroupProviderInfo);
            else {
                bool redirectedUserInstance       = false;
                DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity = null;

                // Pass DbConnectionPoolIdentity to SqlInternalConnectionTds if using integrated security.
                // Used by notifications.
                if (opt.IntegratedSecurity) {
                    if (pool != null) {
                        identity = pool.Identity;
                    else {
                        identity = DbConnectionPoolIdentity.GetCurrent();

                // If "user instance=true" is in the connection string, we're using SSE user instances
                if (opt.UserInstance) {
                    // opt.DataSource is used to create the SSE connection
                    redirectedUserInstance = true;
                    string instanceName;

                    if ( (null == pool) || 
                         (null != pool && pool.Count <= 0) ) { // Non-pooled or pooled and no connections in the pool.

                        SqlInternalConnectionTds sseConnection = null;
                        try {
                            // What about a failure - throw?  YES!

                            SqlConnectionString sseopt = new SqlConnectionString(opt, opt.DataSource, true /* user instance=true */, false /* set Enlist = false */);
                            sseConnection = new SqlInternalConnectionTds(identity, sseopt, key.Credential, null, "", null, false);
                            // NOTE: Retrieve <UserInstanceName> here. This user instance name will be used below to connect to the Sql Express User Instance.
                            instanceName = sseConnection.InstanceName;

                            if (!instanceName.StartsWith("\\\\.\\", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                                throw SQL.NonLocalSSEInstance();

                            if (null != pool) { // Pooled connection - cache result
                                SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo providerInfo = (SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo) pool.ProviderInfo;
                                // No lock since we are already in creation mutex
                                providerInfo.InstanceName = instanceName;
                        finally {
                            if (null != sseConnection) {
                    else { // Cached info from pool.
                        SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo providerInfo = (SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo) pool.ProviderInfo;
                        // No lock since we are already in creation mutex
                        instanceName = providerInfo.InstanceName;

                    // NOTE: Here connection option opt is cloned to set 'instanceName=<UserInstanceName>' that was
                    //       retrieved from the previous SSE connection. For this UserInstance connection 'Enlist=True'.
                    // options immutable - stored in global hash - don't modify
                    opt = new SqlConnectionString(opt, instanceName, false /* user instance=false */, null /* do not modify the Enlist value */);
                    poolGroupProviderInfo = null; // null so we do not pass to constructor below...
                result = new SqlInternalConnectionTds(identity, opt, key.Credential, poolGroupProviderInfo, "", null, redirectedUserInstance, userOpt, recoverySessionData);            
            return result;
 protected override DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject)
     return new OdbcConnectionOpen(owningObject as OdbcConnection, options as OdbcConnectionString);