Exemplo n.º 1
        public override MySqlSchemaCollection GetDatabases(string[] restrictions)
            string[] keys = new string[1];
            keys[0] = "SCHEMA_NAME";
            MySqlSchemaCollection dt = Query("SCHEMATA", "", keys, restrictions);

            dt.Columns[1].Name = "database_name";
            dt.Name            = "Databases";
Exemplo n.º 2
        private MySqlSchemaCollection GetViews(string[] restrictions)
            string[] keys = new string[3];
            keys[0] = "TABLE_CATALOG";
            keys[1] = "TABLE_SCHEMA";
            keys[2] = "TABLE_NAME";
            MySqlSchemaCollection dt = Query("VIEWS", null, keys, restrictions);

            dt.Name = "Views";
Exemplo n.º 3
        private MySqlSchemaCollection GetProceduresWithParameters(string[] restrictions)
            MySqlSchemaCollection dt = GetProcedures(restrictions);

            dt.AddColumn("ParameterList", typeof(string));

            foreach (MySqlSchemaRow row in dt.Rows)
                row["ParameterList"] = GetProcedureParameterLine(row);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private MySqlSchemaCollection GetTriggers(string[] restrictions)
            string[] keys = new string[4];
            keys[0] = "TRIGGER_CATALOG";
            keys[1] = "TRIGGER_SCHEMA";
            keys[2] = "EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE";
            keys[3] = "TRIGGER_NAME";
            MySqlSchemaCollection dt = Query("TRIGGERS", null, keys, restrictions);

            dt.Name = "Triggers";
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override MySqlSchemaCollection GetTables(string[] restrictions)
            string[] keys = new string[4];
            keys[0] = "TABLE_CATALOG";
            keys[1] = "TABLE_SCHEMA";
            keys[2] = "TABLE_NAME";
            keys[3] = "TABLE_TYPE";
            MySqlSchemaCollection dt = Query("TABLES", "TABLE_TYPE != 'VIEW'", keys, restrictions);

            dt.Name = "Tables";
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns schema information for the data source of this <see cref="DbConnection"/>
        /// using the specified string for the schema name and the specified string array
        /// for the restriction values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collectionName">Specifies the name of the schema to return.</param>
        /// <param name="restrictionValues">Specifies a set of restriction values for the requested schema.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="DataTable"/> that contains schema information.</returns>
        public override DataTable GetSchema(string collectionName, string[] restrictionValues)
            if (collectionName == null)
                collectionName = SchemaProvider.MetaCollection;

            string[] restrictions   = schemaProvider.CleanRestrictions(restrictionValues);
            MySqlSchemaCollection c = schemaProvider.GetSchema(collectionName, restrictions);

Exemplo n.º 7
        public MySqlSchemaCollection GetSchemaCollection(string collectionName, string[] restrictionValues)
            if (collectionName == null)
                collectionName = SchemaProvider.MetaCollection;

            string[] restrictions   = schemaProvider.CleanRestrictions(restrictionValues);
            MySqlSchemaCollection c = schemaProvider.GetSchema(collectionName, restrictions);

Exemplo n.º 8
        public override MySqlSchemaCollection GetColumns(string[] restrictions)
            string[] keys = new string[4];
            keys[0] = "TABLE_CATALOG";
            keys[1] = "TABLE_SCHEMA";
            keys[2] = "TABLE_NAME";
            keys[3] = "COLUMN_NAME";
            MySqlSchemaCollection dt = Query("COLUMNS", null, keys, restrictions);

            dt.Name = "Columns";
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected override MySqlSchemaCollection GetCollections()
            MySqlSchemaCollection dt = base.GetCollections();

            object[][] collections = new object[][]
                new object[] { "Views", 2, 3 },
                new object[] { "ViewColumns", 3, 4 },
                new object[] { "Procedure Parameters", 5, 1 },
                new object[] { "Procedures", 4, 3 },
                new object[] { "Triggers", 2, 4 }

            FillTable(dt, collections);
Exemplo n.º 10
        internal void GetParametersFromShowCreate(MySqlSchemaCollection parametersTable,
                                                  string[] restrictions, MySqlSchemaCollection routines)
            // this allows us to pass in a pre-populated routines table
            // and avoid the querying for them again.
            // we use this when calling a procedure or function
            if (routines == null)
                routines = GetSchema("procedures", restrictions);

            MySqlCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand();

            foreach (MySqlSchemaRow routine in routines.Rows)
                string showCreateSql = String.Format("SHOW CREATE {0} `{1}`.`{2}`",
                                                     routine["ROUTINE_TYPE"], routine["ROUTINE_SCHEMA"],
                cmd.CommandText = showCreateSql;
                    string nameToRestrict = null;
                    if (restrictions != null && restrictions.Length == 5 &&
                        restrictions[4] != null)
                        nameToRestrict = restrictions[4];
                    using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        string body = reader.GetString(2);
                        ParseProcedureBody(parametersTable, body, routine, nameToRestrict);
#if RT
                catch (MySqlNullValueException snex)
                catch (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNullValueException snex)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              String.Format(MySqlResources.UnableToRetrieveParameters, routine["ROUTINE_NAME"]), snex);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private MySqlSchemaCollection GetViewColumns(string[] restrictions)
            StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(
                "SELECT C.* FROM information_schema.columns C");

            sql.Append(" JOIN information_schema.views V ");
            sql.Append("ON C.table_schema=V.table_schema AND C.table_name=V.table_name ");
            if (restrictions != null && restrictions.Length >= 2 &&
                restrictions[1] != null)
                where.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "C.table_schema='{0}' ", restrictions[1]);
            if (restrictions != null && restrictions.Length >= 3 &&
                restrictions[2] != null)
                if (where.Length > 0)
                    where.Append("AND ");
                where.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "C.table_name='{0}' ", restrictions[2]);
            if (restrictions != null && restrictions.Length == 4 &&
                restrictions[3] != null)
                if (where.Length > 0)
                    where.Append("AND ");
                where.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "C.column_name='{0}' ", restrictions[3]);
            if (where.Length > 0)
                sql.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " WHERE {0}", where);
            MySqlSchemaCollection dt = GetTable(sql.ToString());

            dt.Name            = "ViewColumns";
            dt.Columns[0].Name = "VIEW_CATALOG";
            dt.Columns[1].Name = "VIEW_SCHEMA";
            dt.Columns[2].Name = "VIEW_NAME";
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static ProcedureCacheEntry GetProcData(MySqlConnection connection, string spName)
            string schema = String.Empty;
            string name   = spName;

            int dotIndex = spName.IndexOf(".");

            if (dotIndex != -1)
                schema = spName.Substring(0, dotIndex);
                name   = spName.Substring(dotIndex + 1, spName.Length - dotIndex - 1);

            string[] restrictions = new string[4];
            restrictions[1] = schema.Length > 0 ? schema : connection.CurrentDatabase();
            restrictions[2] = name;
            MySqlSchemaCollection proc = connection.GetSchemaCollection("procedures", restrictions);

            if (proc.Rows.Count > 1)
                throw new MySqlException(MySqlResources.ProcAndFuncSameName);
            if (proc.Rows.Count == 0)
                throw new MySqlException(String.Format(MySqlResources.InvalidProcName, name, schema));

            ProcedureCacheEntry entry = new ProcedureCacheEntry();

            entry.procedure = proc;

            // we don't use GetSchema here because that would cause another
            // query of procedures and we don't need that since we already
            // know the procedure we care about.
            ISSchemaProvider isp = new ISSchemaProvider(connection);

            string[] rest = isp.CleanRestrictions(restrictions);
            MySqlSchemaCollection parameters = isp.GetProcedureParameters(rest, proc);

            entry.parameters = parameters;

Exemplo n.º 13
        internal MySqlSchemaCollection CreateParametersTable()
            MySqlSchemaCollection dt = new MySqlSchemaCollection("Procedure Parameters");

            dt.AddColumn("SPECIFIC_CATALOG", typeof(string));
            dt.AddColumn("SPECIFIC_SCHEMA", typeof(string));
            dt.AddColumn("SPECIFIC_NAME", typeof(string));
            dt.AddColumn("ORDINAL_POSITION", typeof(Int32));
            dt.AddColumn("PARAMETER_MODE", typeof(string));
            dt.AddColumn("PARAMETER_NAME", typeof(string));
            dt.AddColumn("DATA_TYPE", typeof(string));
            dt.AddColumn("CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH", typeof(Int32));
            dt.AddColumn("CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH", typeof(Int32));
            dt.AddColumn("NUMERIC_PRECISION", typeof(byte));
            dt.AddColumn("NUMERIC_SCALE", typeof(Int32));
            dt.AddColumn("CHARACTER_SET_NAME", typeof(string));
            dt.AddColumn("COLLATION_NAME", typeof(string));
            dt.AddColumn("DTD_IDENTIFIER", typeof(string));
            dt.AddColumn("ROUTINE_TYPE", typeof(string));
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Return schema information about parameters for procedures and functions
        /// Restrictions supported are:
        /// schema, name, type, parameter name
        /// </summary>
        public virtual MySqlSchemaCollection GetProcedureParameters(string[] restrictions,
                                                                    MySqlSchemaCollection routines)
            bool is55 = connection.driver.Version.isAtLeast(5, 5, 3);

                // we want to avoid using IS if  we can as it is painfully slow
                MySqlSchemaCollection dt = CreateParametersTable();
                GetParametersFromShowCreate(dt, restrictions, routines);
            catch (Exception)
                if (!is55)

                // we get here by not having access and we are on 5.5 or later so just use IS
                return(GetParametersFromIS(restrictions, routines));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public MySqlSchemaRow(MySqlSchemaCollection c)
     Collection = c;
Exemplo n.º 16
        private void ParseProcedureBody(MySqlSchemaCollection parametersTable, string body,
                                        MySqlSchemaRow row, string nameToRestrict)
            List <string> modes = new List <string>(new string[3] {
                "IN", "OUT", "INOUT"

            string sqlMode = row["SQL_MODE"].ToString();

            int            pos       = 1;
            MySqlTokenizer tokenizer = new MySqlTokenizer(body);

            tokenizer.AnsiQuotes       = sqlMode.IndexOf("ANSI_QUOTES") != -1;
            tokenizer.BackslashEscapes = sqlMode.IndexOf("NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES") == -1;
            tokenizer.ReturnComments   = false;
            string token = tokenizer.NextToken();

            // this block will scan for the opening paren while also determining
            // if this routine is a function.  If so, then we need to add a
            // parameter row for the return parameter since it is ordinal position
            // 0 and should appear first.
            while (token != "(")
                if (String.Compare(token, "FUNCTION", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 &&
                    nameToRestrict == null)
                    InitParameterRow(row, parametersTable.Rows[0]);
                token = tokenizer.NextToken();
            token = tokenizer.NextToken(); // now move to the next token past the (

            while (token != ")")
                MySqlSchemaRow parmRow = parametersTable.NewRow();
                InitParameterRow(row, parmRow);
                parmRow["ORDINAL_POSITION"] = pos++;

                // handle mode and name for the parameter
                string mode = StringUtility.ToUpperInvariant(token);
                if (!tokenizer.Quoted && modes.Contains(mode))
                    parmRow["PARAMETER_MODE"] = mode;
                    token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                if (tokenizer.Quoted)
                    token = token.Substring(1, token.Length - 2);
                parmRow["PARAMETER_NAME"] = token;

                // now parse data type
                token = ParseDataType(parmRow, tokenizer);
                if (token == ",")
                    token = tokenizer.NextToken();

                // now determine if we should include this row after all
                // we need to parse it before this check so we are correctly
                // positioned for the next parameter
                if (nameToRestrict == null ||
                    String.Compare(parmRow["PARAMETER_NAME"].ToString(), nameToRestrict, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)

            // now parse out the return parameter if there is one.
            token = StringUtility.ToUpperInvariant(tokenizer.NextToken());
            if (String.Compare(token, "RETURNS", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                MySqlSchemaRow parameterRow = parametersTable.Rows[0];
                parameterRow["PARAMETER_NAME"] = "RETURN_VALUE";
                ParseDataType(parameterRow, tokenizer);